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168 | I Would Like to Slap Steve Jobs Around a Bit (Not Really)

Entrepreneur Like You

Release Date: 10/10/2018

168 | I Would Like to Slap Steve Jobs Around a Bit (Not Really) show art 168 | I Would Like to Slap Steve Jobs Around a Bit (Not Really)

Entrepreneur Like You

Hello! I'm Chance Reynolds - AKA - That LLC Guy. Here's How You Can Follow Me everywhere to see how I'm building my businesses!   📞 Schedule A Call With Me - ----- 🔈 Listen To My Podcast - ------ Join My FB GROUP:     Youtube: [] Oh Man, if Steve Jobs were still alive, I would punch him in the face right now because I'm having such trouble getting my Mac book to record the freaking audio through I'm movie, um, that it's caused me to spend like an hour recording, like a five minute podcasts. So sucky. So sorry if this one is a little short. I've already recorded the...

167 | (Weekly Wrap Up) ALL of My Excuses for Not Moving Forward show art 167 | (Weekly Wrap Up) ALL of My Excuses for Not Moving Forward

Entrepreneur Like You

Hello! I'm Chance Reynolds - AKA - That LLC Guy. Here's How You Can Follow Me everywhere to see how I'm building my businesses!   📞 Schedule A Call With Me - ----- 🔈 Listen To My Podcast - ------ Join My FB GROUP:     Youtube:   [] Alright guys, well it is Friday and so I guess the traditional work week is coming to an end. I was just talking to my wife about this yesterday actually because we were just talking about the weekend and kind of what's going to happen. Um, we were, I was just describing kind of how from here on out it's going to be very, very hard for...

166 | Steer Away From the Facebook Poison and Stay in The Saddle! show art 166 | Steer Away From the Facebook Poison and Stay in The Saddle!

Entrepreneur Like You

Hello! I'm Chance Reynolds - AKA - That LLC Guy. Here's How You Can Follow Me everywhere to see how I'm building my businesses!   📞 Schedule A Call With Me - ----- 🔈 Listen To My Podcast - ------ Join My FB GROUP:     Youtube:   [] I'm sitting here like the, the piece of equipment that I, a piece of software rather than I used to record these. I kind of do it weird. I don't use garage band. I'm a MAC person just because they're so much easier for me to use than a PC. But I'm on my Mac. I have obviously I have garage band and I also have my movie. I like to record...

165 | Can You Really Trust People Enough to Delegate? show art 165 | Can You Really Trust People Enough to Delegate?

Entrepreneur Like You

Hello! I'm Chance Reynolds - AKA - That LLC Guy. Here's How You Can Follow Me everywhere to see how I'm building my businesses!   📞 Schedule A Call With Me - ----- 🔈 Listen To My Podcast - ------ Join My FB GROUP:     Youtube:   [] One of the reasons I like being an entrepreneur so much is that when push comes to shove, I know that I can actually get things done like I've done in the past. I'll do it in the future. That's just the type of person that I am. If something needs to get done, whatever it takes, I'll do it, you know, and that's something that I didn't...

164 | Are You Willing To Start At The Bottom? show art 164 | Are You Willing To Start At The Bottom?

Entrepreneur Like You

Hello! I'm Chance Reynolds - AKA - That LLC Guy. Here's How You Can Follow Me everywhere to see how I'm building my businesses!   📞 Schedule A Call With Me - ----- 🔈 Listen To My Podcast - ------ Join My FB GROUP:     Youtube:   [] So last time we talked that it was on Friday and I had just had pretty successful day using text message marketing that didn't really carry over necessarily into the weekend. I was hoping it would still be dripping in over the weekend. The people who hadn't responded. So I think I sent it up to 60 or 70 people. I sent like a mass...

163 | How Text Message Marketing Gave Me My Best Day Yet show art 163 | How Text Message Marketing Gave Me My Best Day Yet

Entrepreneur Like You

Hello! I'm Chance Reynolds - AKA - That LLC Guy. Here's How You Can Follow Me everywhere to see how I'm building my businesses!   📞 Schedule A Call With Me - ----- 🔈 Listen To My Podcast - ------ Join My FB GROUP:     Youtube:   [] Hey guys, I'm trying to record this podcast every day of the week and I just started back on Wednesday and today's Friday and I already missed Thursday somehow. How the Hell I missed the second day yesterday I kept saying I'm about to do the podcast, I'm going to do the podcast, I'm going to do the podcast. And I never got around to it...

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Entrepreneur Like You

It has been a LONG time since I recorded a new podcast. But I am back, and I am stronger than ever!    My LLC business is steadily growing and I am STILL looking to break into real estate.    If you want to book a time with me go the llcfreedom.com/calendar

161 | Negotiating With As Many Sellers as Possible  show art 161 | Negotiating With As Many Sellers as Possible

Entrepreneur Like You

Hello! I'm Chance Reynolds - AKA - That LLC Guy. Here's How You Can Follow Me everywhere to see how I'm building my businesses!   📞 Schedule A Call With Me - ----- 🔈 Listen To My Podcast - ------ Join My FB GROUP:     Youtube:

160 | Negotiating My First REI Wholesale Opportunity  show art 160 | Negotiating My First REI Wholesale Opportunity

Entrepreneur Like You

Hello! I'm Chance Reynolds - AKA - That LLC Guy. Here's How You Can Follow Me everywhere to see how I'm building my businesses!   📞 Schedule A Call With Me - ----- 🔈 Listen To My Podcast - ------ Join My FB GROUP:     Youtube:

159 | Entrepreneurship Is Not a Place to Hide show art 159 | Entrepreneurship Is Not a Place to Hide

Entrepreneur Like You

Hello! I'm Chance Reynolds - AKA - That LLC Guy. Here's How You Can Follow Me everywhere to see how I'm building my businesses!   📞 Schedule A Call With Me - ----- 🔈 Listen To My Podcast - ------ Join My FB GROUP:     Youtube:

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Hello! I'm Chance Reynolds - AKA - That LLC Guy. Here's How You Can Follow Me everywhere to see how I'm building my businesses!


📞 Schedule A Call With Me - https://llcfreedom.com/calendar


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Join My FB GROUP: https://llcfreedom.com/group 


Youtube: https://llcfreedom.com/youtube

[00:02] Oh Man, if Steve Jobs were still alive, I would punch him in the face right now because I'm having such trouble getting my Mac book to record the freaking audio through I'm movie, um, that it's caused me to spend like an hour recording, like a five minute podcasts. So sucky. So sorry if this one is a little short. I've already recorded the whole thing and then it just didn't record which, uh, uh, complaining. Yes. Because it gets on my last nerve when I do an impromptu kind of, you know, defined to eight minute long podcast and none of it gets saved and then it's kind of contrived a little bit on the second and third tri potentially. Um, cause I like to keep it like off the top of my head. I didn't even think about really necessarily what I'm going to say before I start talking about it.

[00:53] But either way the show must go on. So. So as I had talked about before on the show last week, I'm going to break the seat's already like clunkier than it was last time. That's what's making me mad. So I'm, I'm going to try to talk about by LLC business, which is something that's already an established business already profitable. It's been operating for a little bit over a year now and it's turning a profit. So that's good. Um, when I first started this business, I met with some people that told me that there was no way I was going to make any money within the first three years. They're like, prepare for three years of about making money at all. I'm like losing money for three years. They were just like, can you do that? I was like, not really, like, um, so I was really, really discouraged after I've met with them, but it was a consultant and someone else had.

[01:47] It actually wasn't this business to be fair to them. It was a different tutoring business that I was doing for law school students at that time, which a given a little more time, I can actually, you know, they were, they were more correct on that. I, I worked on that one only like six months before I got this idea for this business and start running with this. So who knows, that would, maybe that would, would have taken three years. This one did not take three years though. It was profitable probably within about eight months, which uh, is good and I need to do some more prospecting. So last week. So, so one of the things I was talking about before the a podcast tried to record, it was moving from an actual office, like I had an office for probably at least six months, maybe eight months at an actual office building, you know, where I went in and had an office and we had the conference room at all that and it was nice.

[02:38] But then I started not really using all the amenities that were provided, like the conference room and I was just using my office, which is basically like a closet essentially for what I. But I didn't really need anything specifically big because I don't really entertain clients face to face. So, um, I was going to the office less and less. And then my wife and I bought House that had a, had like a converted garage, like have our garage converted into a room. And I guess some really, really sad persons lived in this part of the garage because there's, you're still isolated from the rest of the house, but it's a, would it be great to live out here unless maybe you're a teenager or something? It is great to have it as an office because it's separated from the house a little bit. Um, but which is good, you know, I've seen saving money on pointless office I can come to work without even like combing my hair or anything. Like I'm just, I'm at work, like whenever I want to be at work.

[03:36] And my son had just started kindergarten this year, so I was thinking like, you know, I don't really need an office as much as he's going to be at school five days a week, you know, during kind of like my peak business hours when I'm talking to clients and stuff like that. So it seemed like a great idea. It has worked out well, but there are ups and downs. It's not exactly. There are things I miss about the office. I'm like, how often I could go live and know that I'm going to be undisturbed here at the House on. I haven't really been going live. It's like a big problem. Realizing like how long it's been since I've gone live and this is one of the main ways I do by prospecting and haven't had to. I've been very lucky that my calendar's been full anyway, but it's starting to get a dip down so I need to figure out a way to. It's not necessarily confidence like to me it's about professionalism. I like to do my lives. I need to know that I'm going to be able to get all the way through them without being disturbed. I don't want any unknown elements to disturb my facebook blogs. Like the mailman comes. I have two dogs. They're boring. To me that's like really, really unprofessional. I don't want to deal with that, but I need to just get over it and just do it. Like whatever. Who cares really?

[04:43] So yeah. Yeah. That's, that's the biggest downside is that my prospecting is dipped down so my calendar hasn't dipped down yet, but it's, I see that it's going to in the future, um, you know, like towards the end of this week and next week. So I need to start doing some facebook lives, so to get some people on the phones to talk to them about llcs and some of you know, some of you don't know what I do on my facebook lives to reach out to other people. Maybe on average like 500 to a thousand people per alive when everything's said and done is I have a presentation that I built from talking to so many people in the real estate industry and in the online business niche. I've talked to them. I know what their questions are, I know what they're hanging up. Sorry about the LLC. So I created a presentation about that, answering those questions, which is obviously a great way to build trust because I do know what I'm talking about so I'm not faking it till I make it or anything like that. Which definitely helps when you actually know what you're talking about. So

[05:45] Albert presentation and I go lot to two groups that people had me to, if I and everybody has this problem where you get added to a ton of groups. I think facebook is maybe doing something a little bit different now where they're preventing that from happening any happening as easily. But before you would get added to like 20, 30, 40 groups. I mean this happened to me and I'm just like, if you're adding me to your group, I'm going to go live to your group. I don't go join a group specifically to go lot to a group, but um, I use a little piece of software called [inaudible] live.tv, um, that where you can kind of schedule a lot broadcast. And you know what? I just scheduled it like straight up in other people's groups that are added to a group. I'm going to go a lot to your group and it's going to be hard for you to ban me from your group, but if you want to go ahead, I don't care or delete my video or something like that because what I'm providing is actually valuable to your audience and if you don't want that to provide value to your audience, why do you have a facebook group?

[06:44] So it's hard. I've actually not been banned from our group, but I've called a lot, several dozen times to the same facebook groups that have like, you know, 50,000 people in them. But um, you don't do it to the groups where you're actually getting valued groups that you want to be in. You know what I mean? So you've got to be careful on what you do. Either way that's happening with Llcs, I need to go a lot more. I'm going to do at least one or two lives per week. Hopefully going forward, I'm just to stay fresh on real estate. I have some, some of the warmest leads I've ever had. I'm so for sale by owners right here in my neighborhood, which is awesome. I wasn't necessarily driving for dollars or anything. I just happened to see them when I was just walking in my neighborhood.

[07:26] So two houses for sale by owner that I'm, I'm working on working on, working on and hopefully something will come come of those, but if not, um, it's coming back around to about the month. It's been about a month since I had started cold calling. So those leads are ready to be called again. I'm gonna Start Recalling those same absentee owner leads. That's what's going on a real estate. Hope. Everybody's having a great week. I'm going to try to, you know, continue to pump these out. I don't think that's going to happen five, five days a week. It's just my mornings are too crammed. But, um, hopefully you know, on a, on a pretty regular basis. So reach out to me LLC, freedom.com/calendar. If you want to talk about llcs very specifically. And.