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When Science Fiction Becomes Reality – a Look into the Future with Ramez Naam

How to Live to 200 Podcast

Release Date: 10/17/2018

The Other 22 Hours show art The Other 22 Hours

How to Live to 200 Podcast

Today’s guest is an Emmy-nominated writer and the co-author of Waterman 2.0, The 17 Hour Fast, Game Changer, and Unplugged. Besides being an all around great person, Phil’s work has been a staple of modern athletes and fitness experts. Beginning with Unplugged, he’s helped a new generation re-engage with nature by spending less time indoors and more time outside.

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How to Live to 200 Podcast

Our guest today is Dr. Will Cole, a functional medicine expert and the author of the book Ketotarian, a book about the secrets of Vegan and fat adapted dieting. In addition to writing a ground-breaking book, Dr. Cole specializes in investigating underlying factors and creating tailored health programs for chronic conditions such as thyroid issues, autoimmune, hormonal dysfunctions, digestive disorders, diabetes, heart disease and fibromyalgia.

Optimizing the Human OS show art Optimizing the Human OS

How to Live to 200 Podcast

In this episode, we talk about the API Bob’s built for his personal data, the underlying software architecture, his tracking strategy, and some of the data analysis tools he uses to make sense of the massage amounts of data he’s collecting. If you love to geek-out on apps and tools as much as we do, Bob has you covered. He gives us an inside look at exactly what he uses, how he uses it, and why it’s important.

How to Build the Body from the Inside Out show art How to Build the Body from the Inside Out

How to Live to 200 Podcast

In today’s podcast, we learn about Wade’s journey to bodybuilding and the near-encyclopedic knowledge he’s accumulated for enzymes, amino acids, digestion, and physical and mental performance. We really cover a lot of ground in this episode. We spend a while diving into the details of his meditation practice, learning about the machine he uses to customize his water intake, and much more.

Cat Poop and the Secrets of the Microbiome show art Cat Poop and the Secrets of the Microbiome

How to Live to 200 Podcast

Today’s guest is Ivan Liachko. Ivan is Co-Founder and CEO of a fascinating University of Washington spinout, Phase Genomics. With 20 years of experience and a Ph.D. in Genetics, Ivan is a leading expert in genetic/genomic research. In this episode, we learn all about Lil Bub and how the internet famous cat’s poop helped Ivan discover entirely new organisms. In addition to some incredible discussions about the microbiome, we discuss parabiosis, genomic sequencing, and interesting future-facing technologi

“Uncle Fat” and What You Can Do to Prevent Overeating show art “Uncle Fat” and What You Can Do to Prevent Overeating

How to Live to 200 Podcast

Our guest today is Stephan Guyenet, Ph.D. Stephan has spent a long time in the neuroscience research world studying neurodegenerative disease and the neuroscience of body fatness. In other words, he knows why it’s so hard to stick to your New Year’s resolution. He’s the author of The Hungry Brain, a book detailing the complex relationship between hormones, habits, and overeating.

“Uncle Fat” and What You Can Do to Prevent Overeating show art “Uncle Fat” and What You Can Do to Prevent Overeating

How to Live to 200 Podcast

Our guest today is Stephan Guyenet, Ph.D. Stephan has spent a long time in the neuroscience research world studying neurodegenerative disease and the neuroscience of body fatness. In other words, he knows why it’s so hard to stick to your New Year’s resolution. He’s the author of The Hungry Brain, a book detailing the complex relationship between hormones, habits, and overeating.

Sex, Diet, and Mindfulness: Transforming Women’s Health with Dr. Maggie Ney show art Sex, Diet, and Mindfulness: Transforming Women’s Health with Dr. Maggie Ney

How to Live to 200 Podcast

Today’s episode is a long overdue discussion on a topic that takes a backseat far too often - women’s health. To help us understand and explore this topic, we enlisted naturopathic doctor and co-director of the Women’s Clinic at Akasha, Dr. Maggie Ney. In our conversation with Dr. Ney, we cover a lot of really interesting topics ranging from recommendations for pregnant women to why she thinks hormone replacement therapy is critical after menopause and the what latest treatments for women’s sexual h

Unlocking the Longevity Secrets of Man’s Best Friend show art Unlocking the Longevity Secrets of Man’s Best Friend

How to Live to 200 Podcast

Our guest today is Matt Kaeberlein, Ph.D., a globally recognized researcher and expert in the biology of aging. Dr. Kaeberlein’s research is based around the premise that understanding the molecular mechanisms of aging will lead to interventions that slow the onset and progression of age-related chronic conditions, such as cancer, diabetes, kidney disease, heart disease, Alzheimer’s and others.

Leading the Anti-Aging Revolution show art Leading the Anti-Aging Revolution

How to Live to 200 Podcast

Our guest today needs no introduction. It is the one and only Aubrey de Grey, a leading biomedical gerontologist, computer scientist, author, and entrepreneur whose work in longevity research is widely known and regularly referenced by many in the industry. He is the Chief Science Officer of the SENS Research Foundation and VP of New Technology Discovery at AgeX Therapeutics, Inc. In many respects, Aubrey is one of the most prominent, if not provocative figures in longevity science.

More Episodes

Ramez (Mez) Naam – Author and Futurist

Today’s guest is the famed author, entrepreneur, and futurist, Ramez (Mez) Naam. As an ex-Microsoft software engineering leader, Mez brings a unique perspective to the growing intersection between technology and wellness. After leaving Microsoft, Mez tried the more traditional technologist path and dove headfirst into building a startup. After spending a few years in the startup world, he decided to take some time away from building software to write his first book, More than Human. In many ways, that was just the beginning for Mez, as he soon found himself down the rabbit hole, exploring the science and technology at the thin line between science and fiction. Since then, he’s transitioned his passion for the bold ideas found in science fiction and the head-pounding adrenaline rush from the latest cutting-edge technologies, into an incredible career as an award-winning author and futurist. Today, Mez continues to write, speak, and play an influential role in the technology work, currently serving as a leader at the infamous Singularity University, where he focuses on energy exponential technologies.

In today’s episode, we run through some really interesting topics, touching on a mix of Mez’s vision for the future and the most recent hard science that fuels his writing. He also shares his process for finding, evaluating, and dissecting critical science and technology information. Below are a few of the highlights from our in-depth conversation:

  • Where Mez looks for inspiration for futuristic technologies
  • What technologies interest him most
  • How digital health in the developing world will change in the next 10 years
  • The dangers of self-hacking
  • Why Mez thinks of the genome as spaghetti code
  • Where and how human augmentation technologies will be applied in the near future
  • Why certain countries are poised for genetic enhancement breakthroughs
  • How rats are living to the human equivalent 200
  • When can we really expect designer babies to be the standard
  • Why Mez believes in a 3-minute workout

This podcast was incredibly energizing and eye-opening for our team, so we hope you enjoy it as much as we did.

About Ramez

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