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Episode 47: Moving countries - our story

The Mindful Business

Release Date: 09/25/2023

Episode 47: Moving countries - our story show art Episode 47: Moving countries - our story

The Mindful Business

In this episode I share more about why we decided to move across the world to Mauritius and how we’ve been settling into a new life here. I talk about it in and share some photos (look away if photos of the beach will turn you green!) I’d love to hear your thoughts on making a big, bold, scary move and if you’ve got any good tips for me! To find out more about my work or to connect with me and say hi, find me on and

Episode 46: 5 success strategies to help you manage anxiety show art Episode 46: 5 success strategies to help you manage anxiety

The Mindful Business

Find out 5 strategies that can support you through anxious times, when applied to your everyday life. From movement to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, I talk through some simple but powerful ways you can manage your anxiety and feel better even when going through a challenging time. Spoiler - mindfulness is at the root of all this and I talk about how mindfulness as a daily practice can be transformational, and HOW you can easily make it a part of your day. To find out more about my work or to connect with me and say hi, find me on and

Episode 45: 5 lessons I’ve learnt from dealing with anxiety show art Episode 45: 5 lessons I’ve learnt from dealing with anxiety

The Mindful Business

Anxiety can be a debilitating condition. Having experienced anxiety and supported hundreds of clients with their mental health, in this episode I’d like to share 5 lessons I’ve learned from dealing with anxiety, I hope these lessons can help you too. In this episode I talk about: How to recognise what anxiety is How talking can help How medication isn’t a dirty word Daily strategies that can help you   Have you experienced anxiety? How did you deal with it? I’d love to hear your experiences and tools - share in private or on socials.  As I talk about, sharing can...

Episode 44: When Good Stress Turns Bad - How to Cope - Part 2 show art Episode 44: When Good Stress Turns Bad - How to Cope - Part 2

The Mindful Business

Now you know what stress looks like for you, what can you do about it? In this episode I talk about: What your go-to coping strategy is and how to tell if it makes you feel good or if it’s good FOR you Why you need joy in your life whatever the stress How to tell if your stress bucket is full and how to empty it How do you cope when stress comes knocking at your door? Share your experiences and tips with me, I love hearing them! To find out more about my work or to connect with me and say hi, find me on and  

Episode 43: When Good Stress Turns Bad - part 1 show art Episode 43: When Good Stress Turns Bad - part 1

The Mindful Business

How can you tell when good stress gets too much and turns into the negative stress we all know too well? This episode explores: Recognising how stress impacts you How to identify the tipping point when good stress turns to bad How to manage your performance through stressful periods What are your stress signals that tell you you’re stressed? Share them with me! To find out more about my work or to connect with me and say hi, find me on  and

Episode 42: Finding focus in a world of distractions to be your most productive show art Episode 42: Finding focus in a world of distractions to be your most productive

The Mindful Business

We’re focusing on some serious strategies in this episode - looking at how you can keep your focus in a world full of distractions. Social media, emails, multiple comms channels, deliveries, demands of others…..how on earth do you get anything done with all that happening multiple times a day? Today I’m looking at: The impact distractions has on our workflow Starting your day the best way Creating an optimum environment to do your best work Managing your time like a boss Turning distractions into rewards If you struggle to stay focused and be truly efficient (and spend a lot of time...

Episode 41: Happiness is an inside job show art Episode 41: Happiness is an inside job

The Mindful Business

In this episode I am sharing my thoughts on what makes us happy and why it’s dangerous to use the phrase “I’ll be happy when…” This is a personal episode where I’m talking about a recent trip away and why I felt so differently going away this time than I did compared to a long trip I did last year. Same location, same me - very different happiness levels. I share my thoughts on: Where happiness comes from What happiness really is  Ways you can build happiness into your every day so that it comes from within, not from without. The episode I reference in this podcast is ...

Episode 40:  Taking time out for your wellbeing boosts your business success show art Episode 40: Taking time out for your wellbeing boosts your business success

The Mindful Business

You don’t have to be on your knees, on the edge of burnout to know that something needs to change in your life. But it’s definitely one way to force you to prioritise your wellbeing. Going through sudden loss, grief and a few years of working tirelessly in a pandemic gave Samme Allen the push to put her wellbeing at the top of her and her business’ agenda. Weaving wellbeing into the heart of her work has seen her life and her business fly so it was amazing to have her on the podcast to share her experiences and wisdom. We spoke about: What the catalyst to change can look like that...

Episode 39: 10 ways to improve your wellbeing in 2023 - Part 2 show art Episode 39: 10 ways to improve your wellbeing in 2023 - Part 2

The Mindful Business

This is part 2 of ‘How to make 2023 your year of wellbeing’ - where we explore 8 areas of life - all of which have a powerful impact on your wellbeing. They are part of my Mindful Balance Matrix and you can download the worksheet below that supports this episode. But the title says 10?? Sure it does- I’m offering 2 bonus areas that underpin all of the wellbeing in our life and are essential to helping you create the balance you want. Grab a pen and notebook, find a quiet spot and settle in to do one of the most powerful exercises I share with my coaching clients to help you focus on the...

Episode 38: Make 2023 your year of wellbeing - Part 1 show art Episode 38: Make 2023 your year of wellbeing - Part 1

The Mindful Business

At the start of 2023, every social media post and email was asking us What are your goals for 2023 What’s your word for the year? Overwhelming much?? I’m here to invite you to make 2023 your year of wellbeing- focusing on YOU, your health and your wellbeing wealth so you can show up every day feeling happier, calmer, brighter, cheerier and just goddamn great! So I’m asking you… How do you want to feeeeeeeel? No idea? Then listen in.  In Part One I’m sharing with you my mindful visualisation method - my tried and tested way of setting you up for success with intention and...

More Episodes

In this episode I share more about why we decided to move across the world to Mauritius and how we’ve been settling into a new life here.

I talk about it in my LinkedIn post and share some photos (look away if photos of the beach will turn you green!)

I’d love to hear your thoughts on making a big, bold, scary move and if you’ve got any good tips for me!

To find out more about my work or to connect with me and say hi, find me on LinkedIn and Instagram