Mommy Heroes
Announcement for Birthing Ourselves, Childbirth Preparation Groups on Zoom. We are born as parents in this time and the group includes broad ideas of transformation in addition to more standard need to know and do subjects. Give a listen and see if it is for you or a loved one. Then check it out after April 16, 2020 at
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How many of you feel like your productivity is too low as a mom? Where is that pressure coming from? How do you deal with it, work with it, or overcome it? Here is my experience.
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Tierra discusses healthcare and healing through the lens of femininity and all the qualities that can entail. She also shares many stories growing up and what qualities and values she wants to share with her daughter and all women.
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We talk with "The Super Busy Mommy Coach" on how she stays present, focused, and motivated running her business and raising her 4-year-old. She has some gems on how she creates, takes care of herself, and prioritizes parenting through it all.
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Tierra Owen discusses a real experience of domestic abuse in her life that set the stage for new beauty and growth to come. Yoda's saying comes to mind: "Do or do not. There is no Try."
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This is the first of several shorter summer episodes of me riffing on some Mommy Stories. In this episode, I share the story of my new book, 52 Ways to Love Yourself Postpartum, and how it came to be. This was just a quick idea that I had that a few people encourage me along and I learned the value of having great people around that lift you up and ultimately the whole community is lifted with you.
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Kerena weaves us through a journey of creating a delicious life where we live from our values and have a little time for self-reflection in order to draw back and envision what we want as mother's, women, and wives. She also stresses the importance of the "circle of support:" people who are safe and encourage our confidence and growth.
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Listen in as Paddy discusses the emerging new paradigm for moms to be the bridge for our children to live in more light as we leave the darkness behind
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Ellie Hamner shares her secrets on creating an authentic life through vulnerability. She is a master memory maker and prides herself on a domesticity that is intentional and delicious...especially through her food preparation and meal presentation. She loves connecting with her children regularly and allowing them the freedom to be who they are.
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Nurse and post-Crossfit athlete, Gina Scott, shares her mommy story that is full of surprises, laughter, tears, and sweetness. Her experience at the bedside is informed by her life and, as she works to advance her nursing degree, she shows us all how to build the habits that keep us strong.
info_outlineIn this episode, Kerena Saltzman, LCSW, and expert in Relational Intelligence shares:
- How her daughter’s birth helped her leap from 1 on 1 therapy to working with a team, presenting, and leading large groups
- Esalen Institute introduced her to Gestalt Therapy and got her around leaders like Sam Keen and Ram Dass
- Working with 20 somethings and the generational difference of the strength and ownership the younger women have around their education and sexuality
- How her career works with her husband and sharing home offices, chores, delegation and responsibility of family life
- Taking regular time weekly alone with her husband to stay connected and prioritize their relationship
- How her knowledge in her career plays out in her home
- About placing value on being together as a family, even if that being together is not pretty or comfortable and how she models that for her daughter
- How she toggles between high focus time and relaxed time within her day
- Self-reflection on operating from her values and adjusting accordingly
- The importance of her network of support: women’s groups and the mirror that they hold up for her to help her grow
- Having a little bit of space every day to see and feel what is calling out to her and not just “leaning out” to care for others without checking in with herself
- How space creates a leadership quality of Envisioning
- About the transformation of seeing her “thing” as important, not just her husband’s “thing” as important
- How other people gave her opportunities to step into her power which helped her build confidence
- Going through the pitfalls of where we get stuck vs. where we get supported
- Imposter’s syndrome and how that is so common for women
- Becoming a mother after coming growing up in a large family and how she wanted to do things differently
- How birth felt like a major accomplishment
- Once her daughter was born, it felt like learning a whole new job and “overwhelm” was a common feeling
- How some moms are optimized staying home, and other’s need their work; important to find what feels good to you as a mom
- How “SHOULDs” run in the background of being a mother and there is high social pressure
- Choosing to have a child comes with the full ride and how it was to take the ride that has so many surprises
- Motherhood is ultimately a GROWTH journey
- How easy it is to forget the intensity of early motherhood just like the intensity of birth
- Sometimes survival is what is happening with early motherhood and knowing it’s temporary
- Shifting to a mindset of acceptance in order to face some of the biggest stuff you are going to handle
- Identifying your version of success, not somebody else's
- How her mommy hero was her surgeon, Laura Esserman, who sang to her on the operating table and helped her know she was partnering with her medical team and engaged in her healing
Kerena's Esalen Retreat Sept. 2019