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The Book of Job

My Life in Show Business

Release Date: 05/15/2020

John Allen argues with what is all by himself. So what else is new?

1: Don’t fucking lose your job

12: Book of job

14: What the fuck is going on?

17:01 Argument with what is?

17:44 Everything should turn into a should

23:09  I Gots nothing to lose

25: Copyright

25:50 How can you say the Emperor has no clothes when the Emperor  is paying you?

29:40 Joe Biden six  points up in florida

30 They aint going to war. You are.

31:35 You look like you are in a cesspool of hell

32:30 I’ve tried to be a good boy and I am sick of it.

35:40 In the basement now

38:09 I am pretty sure I am going down

42:00 getting you through the pandemic