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Not Dead Yet

My Life in Show Business

Release Date: 05/22/2020

John Allen and what is.

0:30   I’ve been walking and talking. Everything is a groove

1:20 What the fuck is going on right now?

2:00 Not Suffering when you are falling off a cliff.

3:12 If we all believe the same story we can all get together and kill things

6:00 What are you going to do?

7;00 Fairy tales, fairy tales

8:40 If you are feeling bad then it’s because you think this moment should be different

9:15 Case study…Blah blah

10:50 Wanting can be fun and desire creates suffering. We’re fucked

11:45 this moment is exactly as it should be

13:02 Your mind makes up a lot of bullshit. That’s it job.

15:00 things appear and dissolve in us

15:45 I’ve been running from the cops for years but now glass cases

16:00 Did he just have a stroke?

17:30 All you can be sure of in this moment is I am and I am  right fucking now

21:00 It just doesn’t work out the way you thought it was going to

23:00 The creative space is a not knowing place and we don’t like it.

25:00 2 out of 15 is about right in terms of the covid

26:30 Viewer mail

28:00 let go of the anchor

30:00 God willing. Its just this

31:00 Mom Dad meet the folks

31:22 Dad stop blinking

32:00 This is fucking heaven and its all gone.