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FMQ 444 Just One More Time Equals Success

Anxiety to Confidence - The Personal Development Unplugged Podcast

Release Date: 05/15/2024

FMQ450 Connecting With Your Unconscious Mind show art FMQ450 Connecting With Your Unconscious Mind

Anxiety to Confidence - The Personal Development Unplugged Podcast

Connecting With Your Unconscious Mind I'd love to share with you a few ways I've found to connect with your unconscious mind. I've been struggling with this because I just want to get closer to me. It all came to me when I realised I just wasn't listening and just as the universe/multiverse kept telling me and I was missing it. And then it came to me or I finally listened to me but listened in a different way and that's what I'm sharing with you, in this 5-minute Quickie, all that I heard, felt and saw. I hope you find this interesting and try out the different ways we can connect and learn....

#396 The Ikigai Of Stretch show art #396 The Ikigai Of Stretch

Anxiety to Confidence - The Personal Development Unplugged Podcast

The Ikigai of Stretch: A New Process for Change In this special, longer episode, we're diving into an extract from a Q&A Zoom call with my son, Joseph Clough. Joseph runs a program that helps people let go of their core issues like anxiety and negative beliefs. We each host two live Q&A calls a month, where we answer questions and introduce new concepts to the program. This particular session focuses on what I call the "Ikigai of Stretch." We explore the concept of Ikigai, which means finding your purpose, and how it can be adapted to help you change behaviors and emotions you don't...

fmq 449 Simply Being present show art fmq 449 Simply Being present

Anxiety to Confidence - The Personal Development Unplugged Podcast

Simply Being Present In balance, centered and connected. Get these three things together we can be truly present. And if you could get them all in one simple way how good would that be? This follows on from a FMQ of about 4 years ago 'Making Perfect Footprints In The Sand' and I'll share this again with a little bit more that put you perfectly in the moment. It takes less than a minute and you can just be. I find this is a way to get into a 'no mind State', the 'Void' and if you were to be in nature when you do this you will feel being connected to everything. I really hope you enjoy this and...

FMQ 448 Who Creates Your Reality show art FMQ 448 Who Creates Your Reality

Anxiety to Confidence - The Personal Development Unplugged Podcast

Who Creates Your Reality If it isn't you - Then who? We hear so often that we, YOU, create your reality but id that really the case? Can you really create your own reality? That's what this 5-minute quickie episode is about, a simple muse at first to consider all the possibilities and maybe a few suggestions. Then maybe a longer episode to find processes to be in control of the effects we see, hear and feel. So come with me and sit down for a SPELL  'O) Please share:  ‎ And if you want to join me on video: Shine brightly Paul Please remember you can leave a comment or email...

#395 How To deal With Being Attacked Part 2 show art #395 How To deal With Being Attacked Part 2

Anxiety to Confidence - The Personal Development Unplugged Podcast

How to Deal with Being Attacked: Part Two Welcome back to the second part of our series on handling verbal attacks. In this episode, we dive into a powerful yet simple process that can be done in minutes to help you respond to triggers more harmoniously. This technique, known as the Swish Pattern from NLP, will transform how you react to those triggering moments, making you calmer and more collected. In this episode, you'll learn:   How to identify the visual or auditory triggers that set you off. The steps to use the Swish Pattern to replace negative reactions with positive ones. ...

#394 How To Deal With Being Attacked - Part 1 show art #394 How To Deal With Being Attacked - Part 1

Anxiety to Confidence - The Personal Development Unplugged Podcast

How To Deal With Being Attacked Part 1 Protecting Yourself from Triggered Reactions In this episode, we dive into the mechanisms our unconscious mind uses to protect us from feeling hurt or guilty. Often, these protective reactions are triggered and lead to unnecessary conflict. I'll introduce two powerful processes to help you change these triggered reactions and respond more appropriately. This episode is split into two parts to give you time to practice the first process before moving on to the second. In part one, you’ll learn a method to reflect on past conflicts and discover better...

FMQ 447 Can You, Do You Keep A Secret? show art FMQ 447 Can You, Do You Keep A Secret?

Anxiety to Confidence - The Personal Development Unplugged Podcast

Can You? Do You Keep A Secret? I get very cross when I hear about various people in the Personal Development and hypnosis world that do not share what they have learned or created, in effect keeping it a secret from others. Yet what about us? when we find something interesting, new to us how often do we immediately find people to share it with? Maybe something you hear that creates an idea in your head do you share that with others too? Come with me for a few minutes and I'll share a simple metaphor that might make us all think differently about sharing. vAnd of course maybe you would share...

#393 Victory Speech and A View From The Balcony show art #393 Victory Speech and A View From The Balcony

Anxiety to Confidence - The Personal Development Unplugged Podcast

Victory Speech and A View From The Balcony This episode is about how to achieve success. Sometimes I hear something and go YES! Someone's using the thing I was also taught because it works. And this episode is developed from listening to master negotiator William Ure and how what he said could be used to create change at the belief, emotional and behavior levels . Writing out a victory speech can help you solve problems, and formulate how you are going to achieve success and looking out from the balcony gives you a different perspective on where you're aiming for. So I've taken these separate...

FMQ 446 If You're Struggling or Lost show art FMQ 446 If You're Struggling or Lost

Anxiety to Confidence - The Personal Development Unplugged Podcast

If You're Struggling or Lost I was reminded of something so important if you're struggling or feeling lost by my middle son Luke. I caught him on  a reel in Instagram sharing this message It won't last, this feeling will not last, just as those of the past didn't last. You will find a way you just need to reminded that you will and can. Come with me on this 5-miute muse and when you remember please share the message because, like you, they may keep these feelings hidden from the outside world and the people who care. Oh! By the way we CARE  :O)   And the video link to this FMQ:...

#392 Feel Good and Getting Better show art #392 Feel Good and Getting Better

Anxiety to Confidence - The Personal Development Unplugged Podcast

Feel Good and Getting Better it me or do we all want everything NOW! Instantaneously or even quicker.I think we've fallen into the trap that instant gratification is the thing. But if we get that then we want the next thing and the next thing and I feel we miss out. Why do we want everything instantaneously? It got me thinking how does this apply to our personal development? Our dreams and desires? Enjoying the adventure and not just the elusive prize. Then I got to thinking about therapy and how I like quick and comfortable change. Is that in conflict with the adventure of developing our true...

More Episodes

Just One More

Equals Success

Tony Robbins once asked "of the set of 10 press ups which one is the most beneficial?" the answer "The 11th" :O)

To be the best version of ourselves we know we need to stretch ourselves every day but, and I don't like buts, too much leads to overwhelm and giving up that's why 'JUST ONE MORE' works.

This is a short 5-minute muse to remind ourselves it's not how much but how consistent we are gets results that build on the last result and build exponentially.

Please share:


and maybe watch the video: https://youtu.be/Dl7dgtiY2Ig


Shine brightly


Please remember you can leave a comment or email me with questions, requests and feedback. 

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Remember for my specially designed programs for developing Supreme Inner Confidence, Free Your Life of Anxiety and specialize Hypnosis tracks go to PaulCloughOnline.com

  If you want to access my FREE HYPNOSIS tracks go to paulcloughonline.com/podcast Follow and inter-react on twitter @pcloughie

 I’m a therapist but not your therapist

The information with this website or online work, techniques and exercises provided within these free and paid products are for educational purposes only. Do not use the techniques or exercises contained within some of these free or paid products whilst driving or operating machinery, or if you suffer from epilepsy, clinical depression or any other nervous or psychiatric conditions. The information provided is not a substitute for proper medical advice. If in doubt, please consult your doctor or licensed medical practitioner. Any decision you make having received any of Paul Clough's free or paid products are your own and you remain wholly responsible for any decisions and actions you take.

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Music by Wataboi from Pixabay, Music by DreamHeaven from Pixabay, Music by ccjmusic from Pixabay, >, Music by freegroove pixabay seduction-jazz-112149 from Pixabay, Music by prazkhanal Pixaby ventura-117073 from Pixabay,

Personal development [self improvement] [self development] [NLP] [Hypnosis]