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#393 Victory Speech and A View From The Balcony

Anxiety to Confidence - The Personal Development Unplugged Podcast

Release Date: 06/01/2024

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Anxiety to Confidence - The Personal Development Unplugged Podcast

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#393 Victory Speech and A View From The Balcony show art #393 Victory Speech and A View From The Balcony

Anxiety to Confidence - The Personal Development Unplugged Podcast

Victory Speech and A View From The Balcony This episode is about how to achieve success. Sometimes I hear something and go YES! Someone's using the thing I was also taught because it works. And this episode is developed from listening to master negotiator William Ure and how what he said could be used to create change at the belief, emotional and behavior levels . Writing out a victory speech can help you solve problems, and formulate how you are going to achieve success and looking out from the balcony gives you a different perspective on where you're aiming for. So I've taken these separate...

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Victory Speech and A View From The Balcony

This episode is about how to achieve success.

Sometimes I hear something and go YES! Someone's using the thing I was also taught because it works.

And this episode is developed from listening to master negotiator William Ure and how what he said could be used to create change at the belief, emotional and behavior levels


Writing out a victory speech can help you solve problems, and formulate how you are going to achieve success and looking out from the balcony gives you a different perspective on where you're aiming for.

So I've taken these separate thoughts and put them into one process which I thonk you will not only enjoy but find another way to achieve your goals and dreams.

I'd love your feed back

Please share



Shine brightly


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And the transcript WARNING if you're a lover of the written word this may make you frustrated, or angry - you have been warned - is it an 'ism

Hey, the longer podcast again. And what a weird title. A victory speech from the balcony. What the hell does that mean? Cloughie. That's what you're thinking. I know you are. Well, here's the thing. Did you ever listen to someone, hear what they say and, think, yes, yes, that's exactly it. I've been using that. It's like a validation of what you've been taught or what you've learned. And that's what I got. See, I was listening to this podcast, and it was by the guy, a button, or by a guy called get it right Cloughie. William Ure. I think that's how you pronounce his, surname. It's ure. So ure or ure, but William. And he's a chief negotiator, and he's negotiated in every different level you can think of. So political countries, all sorts of things going on at, really, really high levels. And he did this thing he was talking about, instead of trying to look at a problem, like negotiating between two parties and what's a problem? And all the steps that you're going to take to get to the solution, what you want. He said what he used to do was literally write out a victory speech. Now, what a wonderful way to solve a problem. You go to the end, having already got the solution, and you write it down. And why do we write it down? You know why we write it down? Because it goes into your brain in so many different ways. Those neural pathways are going to start firing together, wiring together, because you have to describe it in such a way. We call it vacog. What a weird thing. V a k o g in NLP terms. You describe it visually, you'll see it with your internal representation, your imagination in your mind. So you'll see it whether you see it in 2020, vision or just glimpses, it doesn't matter. You're aware, but you can describe it. You describe what you'll see having got the result you want. So this is your victory speech. You'll describe all the sights, maybe even the pictures in your mind, then the things you'll hear, the auditory side. How will the words sound? How will they resonate with not just yourself but with other people? Because that's the thing about a victory speech, isn't it? It's going to resonate with other people to get them to not only feel it in the words, but be able to see it. And the other thing is, okay, the kinesthetic is the feelings. What will it feel like making this victory speech, having achieved what you want achieved, solve the problem and have the result, the success. There may even be a smell and maybe a taste of success. We call it the taste of success, don't we? The sweet smell of success. And you write that thing out, and it doesn't have to be pages and pages, but you just to go through the process of writing out even bullet points to give you an idea what it would look like, sound like, feel like, smell and taste, having resolved that problem. And then from there, starting from that success is a bit like the end of a hero's journey, coming home, describing what that would be like, noticing all your victories, noticing all the hurdles that you got over, got round, got under, dismantled, negotiated. Because that's the thing. From here you get a glimpse of what you must have had to do to get there. And you see, this is all in the first person, isn't it? This is you looking through your own eyes, giving this victory speech. And that was one thing he said, this is how I teach a team to solve the problem. Let's go to the end. But he also said he likes to go to the balcony. See, when he was having real problems with either getting to that victory speech or looking and, understanding the problem and understanding maybe the views of the opposing fractious people or things in this problem, then he would go to what he would say, the balcony, as if he was looking down at the problem to get a better view. What are we doing? Well, in LLP terms, you're going to third person that metaview. You see when you look down at a problem from up here and you see yourself or, you see the different parties that have the issues, you get to see them with a dissociated view, which means you're unattached, detached, you're unemotional about it and you're seeing it sometimes for what it really is because you're not in it. Because when you're in it, you can't read the label. You're in the bottle, in the jar. You can't read the label. When you're out, though, you can see different things and you get a different perspective on the whole issue. So now you've got that view of the balcony. And maybe here, this is what I thought, maybe you could just see that victory speech from here, too. So you could just see that unemotionally to get another check on it, to get an idea what it's all about. And you might even from here, this dissociated view, this unemotional view, like a director of a movie from just on the outside, this meta view, you maybe ask yourself questions, well, how can I make it even better? Let's imagine what steps I must have made to get here, or what steps I need to make in order to achieve that victory speech. Because there will be like, that hero's journey. There will be things along the way that, are going to trip you up. Maybe some issues you may not have foreseen. Well, if you could see them from here, you mitigate them, you do something about them, or you just have a second 2nd path, maybe then I think that victory speech becomes so much more plausible, so much more firm in your, in your grasp. You can hold it, you can see it, you can feel it, which means you've done it. Then I thought to myself, you see, and I was thinking about this. What wonderful, this was a wonderful description of how to negotiate two frictions to, two sides in opposition. Yes, I know, really, when you've got two sides, you really need to find their intention, an intention they can agree, which is part of that success as well. But then, you see, I was thinking, how could we use this or these two? Because they're slightly detached in their own thing. They weren't one, then the other or this or that. It was just two different parts of a conversation where he's explaining different ways. I thought, how could we use this for change? I want to change the way I behave, feel, or do something, or I want to get better at it. Maybe I could use this so maybe I could create a victory speech for achieving what I want to achieve, my desired state, as it were, my success, my outcome, my dream. And, I can also do this as well by looking from a balcony at the journey, the success, or, the things that I need to mitigate, things that may come along. And I'd have some questions in my mind as I do this. And, what type of questions might there be, do you think? Well, I thought there's always a critical step, the one thing, like a tipping point. I wonder what that would be. What would be the one thing that has to happen? Because, you know, some things will be fluid. Maybe it could be this or that or this and that. But there's normally something that has to happen, just the one thing. Without it, it wouldn't work. Or you could ask yourself, while I'm doing this thought process, I wonder how I can make this success even better. You see, I've got this idea what I want, but could I make it even better? Let's get that childlike quality of creativity and really think what I really want, not what I'm prepared to accept.



Think of something that you'd like to achieve. What do you specifically want


What would I really want? There's another question. It's one like ecology. And does this help other people? Does it hinder them? Is it positive? Is it negative? It's got to be positive for me, obviously. But if it's an ecological solution and an ecological desire or dream, it really needs to be positive for other people in the world, your family, your friends, people, maybe colleagues, people around you. And could it be even more? Could it help them? Now you have to think, well, how could it help them? Maybe by your experience, or giving them the experience of showing. Showing them how. How it can be done, how it can be achieved. So you become that example, the example of what can be done, the example of how you want to be in the world. Then you can, you see, that's the ecological side of it. But there's another thing about this to consider. I think, when I achieve this, and then we're talking about that success, speech, you know, that victory speech. When I get that success, that dream, that achievement, that thing that I want to change, that thing I want to be, do or have, what new opportunities will come from this, what will allow me to do? That's even more. You see, when you notice what extra things are going to happen, what new opportunities, what new goals, what wonderful things can happen, because you achieve that wonderful success is going to make it even more motivating, isn't it? So just have those questions in mind. So here's the thing. Why don't we do this right now? I might make a, hypnosis track of this as well. I've got one or two in mind now, but maybe we just do a little process right now. Oh, something small. It could be big, but just something small to get your mind into this process. So when you come to do it again and again, because these are the type of things that you can do again and again, it becomes a program of success. So I want you to think if it's okay, by the way, if you want to close your eyes, you close your eyes. You don't have to. You might a little bit later, but in this process, but initially you don't have to. But just make sure you've got times to focus on this. Only going to be about five or ten minutes, that's all at, the most. So just making sure nothing's going to take your attention. Now, if you're going to do this fully, nothing will take your attention. You're not going to be driving or anything like that. Come on, you've got to get real about this. This is something for you. So take some time out for yourself. Give yourself permission to explore this, explore your dreams and achieving your dreams, your goals, the things you want to do. Okay, so let's do this. I want you to bring to mind, think of something that you'd like to achieve. It can be big, can be small, doesn't matter. Something you want to be able to do better. Maybe you have a dream, maybe you're going to meet somebody, maybe it's in your career. Just something, don't make it huge, huge, huge, because that's too general. You're going to be specific and just think about that, bring that to mind. What do you specifically want? What do you specifically want to have happen and achieve? And I want you to imagine if you were to float out into the future to a time and a place, when you've achieved it, you've achieved that desired state, you've achieved that desired outcome, you've achieved that desired goal, that belief, maybe some behavior, a skill, go right out into the future in your mind and straight into it. I'm here, I've got it right now. And when you've got it right now, just as if you were looking through your own eyes, just notice what you'll see because it'll be different. You'll be seeing the world differently, having gone through the process all the way to here to make this a success. So as you see the world through your own eyes differently now, things will appear differently because they always do. What are the things you're saying to yourself, your internal voice, having already achieved this goal? And how will you speak on the outside to your, to the people who it affects? Maybe you'll be encouraging or maybe you're just have more skills that you'll be able to talk in more detail, to share, to learn, to maybe teach in some way. And what will it feel like. Feel the feelings of having achieved a success. Maybe there's that smell and taste and then put it all together, how you will be with all your senses having achieved this. And just notice from here, just notice what new opportunities, maybe new goals that you have are here for you right now, having achieved this success. Now, I would ask you, but we're not going to at the moment, but I would have asked you to write some this down because now you've got it. So you'd open your eyes, just write these down, maybe close them and open them and just write a few bullet points of what it feels like, what you'll see, what you'll hear, what are these opportunities? But at the moment, we're just going to keep this consciously and unconsciously, because your unconscious mind is beginning to get it now and then I want you to imagine floating just away up here, a little bit higher, as if you were looking down at you in that successful, having already achieved that desire, that goal, that dream, the thing that you wanted to have happen. And you could see way back to the now. So you may not see all the steps in a row, but you've got. Your unconscious mind can now become aware there was a process that got you from the now into here, this new future now, where you've got that success. And, maybe as you look from this dissociated, you see the you down there going through all the different things, all the different things you had to do, the steps along the way, even if you can't see them clearly, you know they're there. You knew you would have to hold that big picture in mind, this, that success speech that we've already done. You'd have to hold that in mind to keep the motivation going, because occasionally there'll be some issues you need to resolve or mitigate. But just ask your unconscious mind, what was the critical step that made this successful so great? And have your unconscious mind just notice what were the criticals, the critical step, the one step that has to be achieved. And then ask your unconscious mind, if I could make this better, if I could make it quicker, better, brighter, more effective, more pleasurable, so I can enjoy the process. I wonder what I would have done from the now right up to the success down there. What could I have done differently to make it even better? And then maybe just think. And sometimes you'll get the answers, and sometimes you just know your unconscious mind is working on this. But just notice how you've affected other people along the way and how those opportunities of reaching the success will help others, too. And, then just notice down there that you having that feeling of success along every step of the way, you and your unconscious mind working on this change together, overcoming obstacles, having fun along the way. And then when you've done all that, just open your eyes. And, when you open your eyes now, you can look around the world, you can give a little pat on the back, do something that just changed your state for a moment. Maybe just spell your name backwards in your mind out loud, say hello to somebody, notice a little bit of beauty, notice something. And as you do that and you feel differently, I know you, you know, you've now come out of that stage. Just notice how you feel about going towards that success, how you feel about writing that success speech, how you feel about taking the next step, how you feel about working on this project, this new change, this dream, this desire of yours. Because I think you'll feel different. I think you're going to feel maybe more motivated, more encouraged, or just a different belief that this is so doable and it means so much more to you now. I don't know. That's what I think. I'd be really interested to know just on that little bit of a process, because it wasn't hypnosis. It was a little bit of, you know, imagery guided imagery. You might call it visualization, but I know it's gone inside in a good way.



Every process will do something for you, and this one does


So I'd love to know what you did. I'll say that again more clearly. I'd love to know how you felt about that little process and how you feel now about it. You can email me feedbackersonaldevelopmentunplugged, um.com, just to give me an idea. Because what I'd like to do, I'm thinking about it, is to do a, hypnotic or hypnosis track to guide you through that more deeply. But I need to know and, have some feedback. Maybe there's things that I miss, maybe there's things I can improve. Maybe there's things that really work well that I can make even better. So I'd love your feedback on that. I'd love you to share this because I think it's important that everybody gets to find different ways. Because sometimes this is going to resonate with you 100% and you're going to go Cloughie. Best thing since sliced bread. Maybe it's going to be, well, that's not really quite working for me because not every process is going to hit the mark. I do believe it's in your desired and your intention. When you have that full, I'm, prepared to do whatever it takes intention, and I know what I want and I'm going to get it. But see, every process will do something for you, and this is one of them. You'll solve problems without knowing they were problems. But if you share this with people, you give them the opportunity to do the same, but you also get to know it better. We talk about that. As you share things and you talk about it, you get to know a little deeper, about the process of what you want. Or you might just learn more about what you want and go, oh, no, actually I found something else I want to add to it. And the more you add to it, the richer it gets. And the more you do this, that feeling inside grows. And when it grows, your unconscious mind goes, I know what you want, now let's go there, let's get it. And if you say those immortal words, this or something better, well, guess what? Your unconscious mind goes, I think, anyway, hey, hang on, buckle up, let's get going because I'm going to show you, and you'll be surprised, I think, when you look back and go, wow, I'm doing all this, all this stuff, I'm achieving all this stuff, and it becomes a habit. Success becomes a habit. Having fun becomes a habit. Finding new things to do and achieve them becomes a habit. Synchronicity becomes a habit and slaps you on the face with good stuff. Suddenly you become lucky. I'll say that again, you become lucky, and luck becomes a habit because you are creating it. You're on the cause side, you're creating all of this.



Please share, please give me the feedback. I really hope you enjoyed this podcast


So there's loads more we're gonna be talking about, loads more we can use. But isn't it interesting? well, to me it's interesting that somebody can say something which was nothing to do with what we've just done, but it created something in my mind that now has created something in your mind. And the ripples of change go so far, we never know. I know William ur, if he, he didn't realize that he was going to be talking to y through a podcast, and I'd take two dissociating things, or unrelated things and put them together, but we did, and maybe this will inspire you to do other things too. So please share, please give me the feedback. It would be awesome if you did. I'd look forward to it. I really hope you enjoyed this. And if you want that hypnosis track, you want me to do something again, I need to know because I don't want to spend all my time having a wonderful time processing and doing all this stuff and no one listened to it. But if one person listens to it and one person changes, my job's done. I'm a happy bunny. I'm a happy Cloughie. So please let me know. Email address is always the same. Feedbackersonaldevelopmentunplug.com we've seen it in the past when other people, when people have listeners have asked for things, changed things and we've created stuff for them and it's made such a difference. I'm going to do maybe an episode one day of just the feedback I get and the results that people are getting. It's awesome.



Paul  says it's time to fly on your own


Anyway, till next time my friend. Have more fun in creating success than you can stand because it's time to fly.


Warning. You are now leaving the unplugged mind of Paul . Time to fly on your own. Be brave my friend.


Personal development unplugged.





William Ure: Writing out a victory speech can help you solve problems


Hey, the longer podcast again. And what a weird title. A victory speech from the balcony. What the hell does that mean? Cloughie. That's what you're thinking. I know you are. Well, here's the thing. Did you ever listen to someone, hear what they say and, think, yes, yes, that's exactly it. I've been using that. It's like a validation of what you've been taught or what you've learned. And that's what I got. See, I was listening to this podcast, and it was by the guy, a button, or by a guy called get it right Cloughie. William ure. I think that's how you pronounce his, surname. It's ur. So ur or ur, but William. And he's a chief negotiator, and he's negotiated in every different level you can think of. So political countries, all sorts of things going on at, really, really high levels. And he did this thing he was talking about, instead of trying to look at a problem, like negotiating between two parties and what's a problem? And all the steps that you're going to take to get to the solution, what you want. He said what he used to do was literally write out a victory speech. Now, what a wonderful way to solve a problem. You go to the end, having already got the solution, and you write it down. And why do we write it down? You know why we write it down? Because it goes into your brain in so many different ways. Those neural pathways are going to start firing together, wiring together, because you have to describe it in such a way. We call it vacog. What a weird thing. V a k o g in NLP terms. You describe it visually, you'll see it with your internal representation, your imagination in your mind. So you'll see it whether you see it in 2020, vision or just glimpses, it doesn't matter. You're aware, but you can describe it. You describe what you'll see having got the result you want. So this is your victory speech. You'll describe all the sights, maybe even the pictures in your mind, then the things you'll hear, the auditory side. How will the words sound? How will they resonate with not just yourself but with other people? Because that's the thing about a victory speech, isn't it? It's going to resonate with other people to get them to not only feel it in the words, but be able to see it. And the other thing is, okay, the kinesthetic is the feelings. What will it feel like making this victory speech, having achieved what you want achieved, solve the problem and have the result, the success. There may even be a smell and maybe a taste of success. We call it the taste of success, don't we? The sweet smell of success. And you write that thing out, and it doesn't have to be pages and pages, but you just to go through the process of writing out even bullet points to give you an idea what it would look like, sound like, feel like, smell and taste, having resolved that problem. And then from there, starting from that success is a bit like the end of a hero's journey, coming home, describing what that would be like, noticing all your victories, noticing all the hurdles that you got over, got round, got under, dismantled, negotiated. Because that's the thing. From here you get a glimpse of what you must have had to do to get there. And you see, this is all in the first person, isn't it? This is you looking through your own eyes, giving this victory speech. And that was one thing he said, this is how I teach a team to solve the problem. Let's go to the end. But he also said he likes to go to the balcony. See, when he was having real problems with either getting to that victory speech or looking and, understanding the problem and understanding maybe the views of the opposing fractious people or things in this problem, then he would go to what he would say, the balcony, as if he was looking down at the problem to get a better view. What are we doing? Well, in LLP terms, you're going to third person that metaview. You see when you look down at a problem from up here and you see yourself or, you see the different parties that have the issues, you get to see them with a dissociated view, which means you're unattached, detached, you're unemotional about it and you're seeing it sometimes for what it really is because you're not in it. Because when you're in it, you can't read the label. You're in the bottle, in the jar. You can't read the label. When you're out, though, you can see different things and you get a different perspective on the whole issue. So now you've got that view of the balcony. And maybe here, this is what I thought, maybe you could just see that victory speech from here, too. So you could just see that unemotionally to get another check on it, to get an idea what it's all about. And you might even from here, this dissociated view, this unemotional view, like a director of a movie from just on the outside, this meta view, you maybe ask yourself questions, well, how can I make it even better? Let's imagine what steps I must have made to get here, or what steps I need to make in order to achieve that victory speech. Because there will be like, that hero's journey. There will be things along the way that, are going to trip you up. Maybe some issues you may not have foreseen. Well, if you could see them from here, you mitigate them, you do something about them, or you just have a second 2nd path, maybe then I think that victory speech becomes so much more plausible, so much more firm in your, in your grasp. You can hold it, you can see it, you can feel it, which means you've done it. Then I thought to myself, you see, and I was thinking about this. What wonderful, this was a wonderful description of how to negotiate two frictions to, two sides in opposition. Yes, I know, really, when you've got two sides, you really need to find their intention, an intention they can agree, which is part of that success as well. But then, you see, I was thinking, how could we use this or these two? Because they're slightly detached in their own thing. They weren't one, then the other or this or that. It was just two different parts of a conversation where he's explaining different ways. I thought, how could we use this for change? I want to change the way I behave, feel, or do something, or I want to get better at it. Maybe I could use this so maybe I could create a victory speech for achieving what I want to achieve, my desired state, as it were, my success, my outcome, my dream. And, I can also do this as well by looking from a balcony at the journey, the success, or, the things that I need to mitigate, things that may come along. And I'd have some questions in my mind as I do this. And, what type of questions might there be, do you think? Well, I thought there's always a critical step, the one thing, like a tipping point. I wonder what that would be. What would be the one thing that has to happen? Because, you know, some things will be fluid. Maybe it could be this or that or this and that. But there's normally something that has to happen, just the one thing. Without it, it wouldn't work. Or you could ask yourself, while I'm doing this thought process, I wonder how I can make this success even better. You see, I've got this idea what I want, but could I make it even better? Let's get that childlike quality of creativity and really think what I really want, not what I'm prepared to accept.



Think of something that you'd like to achieve. What do you specifically want


What would I really want? There's another question. It's one like ecology. And does this help other people? Does it hinder them? Is it positive? Is it negative? It's got to be positive for me, obviously. But if it's an ecological solution and an ecological desire or dream, it really needs to be positive for other people in the world, your family, your friends, people, maybe colleagues, people around you. And could it be even more? Could it help them? Now you have to think, well, how could it help them? Maybe by your experience, or giving them the experience of showing. Showing them how. How it can be done, how it can be achieved. So you become that example, the example of what can be done, the example of how you want to be in the world. Then you can, you see, that's the ecological side of it. But there's another thing about this to consider. I think, when I achieve this, and then we're talking about that success, speech, you know, that victory speech. When I get that success, that dream, that achievement, that thing that I want to change, that thing I want to be, do or have, what new opportunities will come from this, what will allow me to do? That's even more. You see, when you notice what extra things are going to happen, what new opportunities, what new goals, what wonderful things can happen, because you achieve that wonderful success is going to make it even more motivating, isn't it? So just have those questions in mind. So here's the thing. Why don't we do this right now? I might make a, hypnosis track of this as well. I've got one or two in mind now, but maybe we just do a little process right now. Oh, something small. It could be big, but just something small to get your mind into this process. So when you come to do it again and again, because these are the type of things that you can do again and again, it becomes a program of success. So I want you to think if it's okay, by the way, if you want to close your eyes, you close your eyes. You don't have to. You might a little bit later, but in this process, but initially you don't have to. But just make sure you've got times to focus on this. Only going to be about five or ten minutes, that's all at, the most. So just making sure nothing's going to take your attention. Now, if you're going to do this fully, nothing will take your attention. You're not going to be driving or anything like that. Come on, you've got to get real about this. This is something for you. So take some time out for yourself. Give yourself permission to explore this, explore your dreams and achieving your dreams, your goals, the things you want to do. Okay, so let's do this. I want you to bring to mind, think of something that you'd like to achieve. It can be big, can be small, doesn't matter. Something you want to be able to do better. Maybe you have a dream, maybe you're going to meet somebody, maybe it's in your career. Just something, don't make it huge, huge, huge, because that's too general. You're going to be specific and just think about that, bring that to mind. What do you specifically want? What do you specifically want to have happen and achieve? And I want you to imagine if you were to float out into the future to a time and a place, when you've achieved it, you've achieved that desired state, you've achieved that desired outcome, you've achieved that desired goal, that belief, maybe some behavior, a skill, go right out into the future in your mind and straight into it. I'm here, I've got it right now. And when you've got it right now, just as if you were looking through your own eyes, just notice what you'll see because it'll be different. You'll be seeing the world differently, having gone through the process all the way to here to make this a success. So as you see the world through your own eyes differently now, things will appear differently because they always do. What are the things you're saying to yourself, your internal voice, having already achieved this goal? And how will you speak on the outside to your, to the people who it affects? Maybe you'll be encouraging or maybe you're just have more skills that you'll be able to talk in more detail, to share, to learn, to maybe teach in some way. And what will it feel like. Feel the feelings of having achieved a success. Maybe there's that smell and taste and then put it all together, how you will be with all your senses having achieved this. And just notice from here, just notice what new opportunities, maybe new goals that you have are here for you right now, having achieved this success. Now, I would ask you, but we're not going to at the moment, but I would have asked you to write some this down because now you've got it. So you'd open your eyes, just write these down, maybe close them and open them and just write a few bullet points of what it feels like, what you'll see, what you'll hear, what are these opportunities? But at the moment, we're just going to keep this consciously and unconsciously, because your unconscious mind is beginning to get it now and then I want you to imagine floating just away up here, a little bit higher, as if you were looking down at you in that successful, having already achieved that desire, that goal, that dream, the thing that you wanted to have happen. And you could see way back to the now. So you may not see all the steps in a row, but you've got. Your unconscious mind can now become aware there was a process that got you from the now into here, this new future now, where you've got that success. And, maybe as you look from this dissociated, you see the you down there going through all the different things, all the different things you had to do, the steps along the way, even if you can't see them clearly, you know they're there. You knew you would have to hold that big picture in mind, this, that success speech that we've already done. You'd have to hold that in mind to keep the motivation going, because occasionally there'll be some issues you need to resolve or mitigate. But just ask your unconscious mind, what was the critical step that made this successful so great? And have your unconscious mind just notice what were the criticals, the critical step, the one step that has to be achieved. And then ask your unconscious mind, if I could make this better, if I could make it quicker, better, brighter, more effective, more pleasurable, so I can enjoy the process. I wonder what I would have done from the now right up to the success down there. What could I have done differently to make it even better? And then maybe just think. And sometimes you'll get the answers, and sometimes you just know your unconscious mind is working on this. But just notice how you've affected other people along the way and how those opportunities of reaching the success will help others, too. And, then just notice down there that you having that feeling of success along every step of the way, you and your unconscious mind working on this change together, overcoming obstacles, having fun along the way. And then when you've done all that, just open your eyes. And, when you open your eyes now, you can look around the world, you can give a little pat on the back, do something that just changed your state for a moment. Maybe just spell your name backwards in your mind out loud, say hello to somebody, notice a little bit of beauty, notice something. And as you do that and you feel differently, I know you, you know, you've now come out of that stage. Just notice how you feel about going towards that success, how you feel about writing that success speech, how you feel about taking the next step, how you feel about working on this project, this new change, this dream, this desire of yours. Because I think you'll feel different. I think you're going to feel maybe more motivated, more encouraged, or just a different belief that this is so doable and it means so much more to you now. I don't know. That's what I think. I'd be really interested to know just on that little bit of a process, because it wasn't hypnosis. It was a little bit of, you know, imagery guided imagery. You might call it visualization, but I know it's gone inside in a good way.



Every process will do something for you, and this one does


So I'd love to know what you did. I'll say that again more clearly. I'd love to know how you felt about that little process and how you feel now about it. You can email me feedbackersonaldevelopmentunplugged, um.com, just to give me an idea. Because what I'd like to do, I'm thinking about it, is to do a, hypnotic or hypnosis track to guide you through that more deeply. But I need to know and, have some feedback. Maybe there's things that I miss, maybe there's things I can improve. Maybe there's things that really work well that I can make even better. So I'd love your feedback on that. I'd love you to share this because I think it's important that everybody gets to find different ways. Because sometimes this is going to resonate with you 100% and you're going to go Cloughie. Best thing since sliced bread. Maybe it's going to be, well, that's not really quite working for me because not every process is going to hit the mark. I do believe it's in your desired and your intention. When you have that full, I'm, prepared to do whatever it takes intention, and I know what I want and I'm going to get it. But see, every process will do something for you, and this is one of them. You'll solve problems without knowing they were problems. But if you share this with people, you give them the opportunity to do the same, but you also get to know it better. We talk about that. As you share things and you talk about it, you get to know a little deeper, about the process of what you want. Or you might just learn more about what you want and go, oh, no, actually I found something else I want to add to it. And the more you add to it, the richer it gets. And the more you do this, that feeling inside grows. And when it grows, your unconscious mind goes, I know what you want, now let's go there, let's get it. And if you say those immortal words, this or something better, well, guess what? Your unconscious mind goes, I think, anyway, hey, hang on, buckle up, let's get going because I'm going to show you, and you'll be surprised, I think, when you look back and go, wow, I'm doing all this, all this stuff, I'm achieving all this stuff, and it becomes a habit. Success becomes a habit. Having fun becomes a habit. Finding new things to do and achieve them becomes a habit. Synchronicity becomes a habit and slaps you on the face with good stuff. Suddenly you become lucky. I'll say that again, you become lucky, and luck becomes a habit because you are creating it. You're on the cause side, you're creating all of this.



Please share, please give me the feedback. I really hope you enjoyed this podcast


So there's loads more we're gonna be talking about, loads more we can use. But isn't it interesting? well, to me it's interesting that somebody can say something which was nothing to do with what we've just done, but it created something in my mind that now has created something in your mind. And the ripples of change go so far, we never know. I know William ur, if he, he didn't realize that he was going to be talking to y through a podcast, and I'd take two dissociating things, or unrelated things and put them together, but we did, and maybe this will inspire you to do other things too. So please share, please give me the feedback. It would be awesome if you did. I'd look forward to it. I really hope you enjoyed this. And if you want that hypnosis track, you want me to do something again, I need to know because I don't want to spend all my time having a wonderful time processing and doing all this stuff and no one listened to it. But if one person listens to it and one person changes, my job's done. I'm a happy bunny. I'm a happy Cloughie. So please let me know. Email address is always the same. Feedbackersonaldevelopmentunplug.com we've seen it in the past when other people, when people have listeners have asked for things, changed things and we've created stuff for them and it's made such a difference. I'm going to do maybe an episode one day of just the feedback I get and the results that people are getting. It's awesome.



Paul  says it's time to fly on your own


Anyway, till next time my friend. Have more fun in creating success than you can stand because it's time to fly.


Warning. You are now leaving the unplugged mind of Paul . Time to fly on your own. Be brave my friend.


Personal development unplugged.








Hey, the longer podcast again. And what a weird title. A victory speech from the balcony. What the hell does that mean? Cloughie. That's what you're thinking. I know you are. Well, here's the thing. Did you ever listen to someone, hear what they say and, think, yes, yes, that's exactly it. I've been using that. It's like a validation of what you've been taught or what you've learned. And that's what I got. See, I was listening to this podcast, and it was by the guy, a button, or by a guy called get it right Cloughie. William ure. I think that's how you pronounce his, surname. It's ur. So ur or ur, but William. And he's a chief negotiator, and he's negotiated in every different level you can think of. So political countries, all sorts of things going on at, really, really high levels. And he did this thing he was talking about, instead of trying to look at a problem, like negotiating between two parties and what's a problem? And all the steps that you're going to take to get to the solution, what you want. He said what he used to do was literally write out a victory speech. Now, what a wonderful way to solve a problem. You go to the end, having already got the solution, and you write it down. And why do we write it down? You know why we write it down? Because it goes into your brain in so many different ways. Those neural pathways are going to start firing together, wiring together, because you have to describe it in such a way. We call it vacog. What a weird thing. V a k o g in NLP terms. You describe it visually, you'll see it with your internal representation, your imagination in your mind. So you'll see it whether you see it in 2020, vision or just glimpses, it doesn't matter. You're aware, but you can describe it. You describe what you'll see having got the result you want. So this is your victory speech. You'll describe all the sights, maybe even the pictures in your mind, then the things you'll hear, the auditory side. How will the words sound? How will they resonate with not just yourself but with other people? Because that's the thing about a victory speech, isn't it? It's going to resonate with other people to get them to not only feel it in the words, but be able to see it. And the other thing is, okay, the kinesthetic is the feelings. What will it feel like making this victory speech, having achieved what you want achieved, solve the problem and have the result, the success. There may even be a smell and maybe a taste of success. We call it the taste of success, don't we? The sweet smell of success. And you write that thing out, and it doesn't have to be pages and pages, but you just to go through the process of writing out even bullet points to give you an idea what it would look like, sound like, feel like, smell and taste, having resolved that problem. And then from there, starting from that success is a bit like the end of a hero's journey, coming home, describing what that would be like, noticing all your victories, noticing all the hurdles that you got over, got round, got under, dismantled, negotiated. Because that's the thing. From here you get a glimpse of what you must have had to do to get there. And you see, this is all in the first person, isn't it? This is you looking through your own eyes, giving this victory speech. And that was one thing he said, this is how I teach a team to solve the problem. Let's go to the end. But he also said he likes to go to the balcony. See, when he was having real problems with either getting to that victory speech or looking and, understanding the problem and understanding maybe the views of the opposing fractious people or things in this problem, then he would go to what he would say, the balcony, as if he was looking down at the problem to get a better view. What are we doing? Well, in LLP terms, you're going to third person that metaview. You see when you look down at a problem from up here and you see yourself or, you see the different parties that have the issues, you get to see them with a dissociated view, which means you're unattached, detached, you're unemotional about it and you're seeing it sometimes for what it really is because you're not in it. Because when you're in it, you can't read the label. You're in the bottle, in the jar. You can't read the label. When you're out, though, you can see different things and you get a different perspective on the whole issue. So now you've got that view of the balcony. And maybe here, this is what I thought, maybe you could just see that victory speech from here, too. So you could just see that unemotionally to get another check on it, to get an idea what it's all about. And you might even from here, this dissociated view, this unemotional view, like a director of a movie from just on the outside, this meta view, you maybe ask yourself questions, well, how can I make it even better? Let's imagine what steps I must have made to get here, or what steps I need to make in order to achieve that victory speech. Because there will be like, that hero's journey. There will be things along the way that, are going to trip you up. Maybe some issues you may not have foreseen. Well, if you could see them from here, you mitigate them, you do something about them, or you just have a second 2nd path, maybe then I think that victory speech becomes so much more plausible, so much more firm in your, in your grasp. You can hold it, you can see it, you can feel it, which means you've done it. Then I thought to myself, you see, and I was thinking about this. What wonderful, this was a wonderful description of how to negotiate two frictions to, two sides in opposition. Yes, I know, really, when you've got two sides, you really need to find their intention, an intention they can agree, which is part of that success as well. But then, you see, I was thinking, how could we use this or these two? Because they're slightly detached in their own thing. They weren't one, then the other or this or that. It was just two different parts of a conversation where he's explaining different ways. I thought, how could we use this for change? I want to change the way I behave, feel, or do something, or I want to get better at it. Maybe I could use this so maybe I could create a victory speech for achieving what I want to achieve, my desired state, as it were, my success, my outcome, my dream. And, I can also do this as well by looking from a balcony at the journey, the success, or, the things that I need to mitigate, things that may come along. And I'd have some questions in my mind as I do this. And, what type of questions might there be, do you think? Well, I thought there's always a critical step, the one thing, like a tipping point. I wonder what that would be. What would be the one thing that has to happen? Because, you know, some things will be fluid. Maybe it could be this or that or this and that. But there's normally something that has to happen, just the one thing. Without it, it wouldn't work. Or you could ask yourself, while I'm doing this thought process, I wonder how I can make this success even better. You see, I've got this idea what I want, but could I make it even better? Let's get that childlike quality of creativity and really think what I really want, not what I'm prepared to accept.



Think of something that you'd like to achieve. What do you specifically want


What would I really want? There's another question. It's one like ecology. And does this help other people? Does it hinder them? Is it positive? Is it negative? It's got to be positive for me, obviously. But if it's an ecological solution and an ecological desire or dream, it really needs to be positive for other people in the world, your family, your friends, people, maybe colleagues, people around you. And could it be even more? Could it help them? Now you have to think, well, how could it help them? Maybe by your experience, or giving them the experience of showing. Showing them how. How it can be done, how it can be achieved. So you become that example, the example of what can be done, the example of how you want to be in the world. Then you can, you see, that's the ecological side of it. But there's another thing about this to consider. I think, when I achieve this, and then we're talking about that success, speech, you know, that victory speech. When I get that success, that dream, that achievement, that thing that I want to change, that thing I want to be, do or have, what new opportunities will come from this, what will allow me to do? That's even more. You see, when you notice what extra things are going to happen, what new opportunities, what new goals, what wonderful things can happen, because you achieve that wonderful success is going to make it even more motivating, isn't it? So just have those questions in mind. So here's the thing. Why don't we do this right now? I might make a, hypnosis track of this as well. I've got one or two in mind now, but maybe we just do a little process right now. Oh, something small. It could be big, but just something small to get your mind into this process. So when you come to do it again and again, because these are the type of things that you can do again and again, it becomes a program of success. So I want you to think if it's okay, by the way, if you want to close your eyes, you close your eyes. You don't have to. You might a little bit later, but in this process, but initially you don't have to. But just make sure you've got times to focus on this. Only going to be about five or ten minutes, that's all at, the most. So just making sure nothing's going to take your attention. Now, if you're going to do this fully, nothing will take your attention. You're not going to be driving or anything like that. Come on, you've got to get real about this. This is something for you. So take some time out for yourself. Give yourself permission to explore this, explore your dreams and achieving your dreams, your goals, the things you want to do. Okay, so let's do this. I want you to bring to mind, think of something that you'd like to achieve. It can be big, can be small, doesn't matter. Something you want to be able to do better. Maybe you have a dream, maybe you're going to meet somebody, maybe it's in your career. Just something, don't make it huge, huge, huge, because that's too general. You're going to be specific and just think about that, bring that to mind. What do you specifically want? What do you specifically want to have happen and achieve? And I want you to imagine if you were to float out into the future to a time and a place, when you've achieved it, you've achieved that desired state, you've achieved that desired outcome, you've achieved that desired goal, that belief, maybe some behavior, a skill, go right out into the future in your mind and straight into it. I'm here, I've got it right now. And when you've got it right now, just as if you were looking through your own eyes, just notice what you'll see because it'll be different. You'll be seeing the world differently, having gone through the process all the way to here to make this a success. So as you see the world through your own eyes differently now, things will appear differently because they always do. What are the things you're saying to yourself, your internal voice, having already achieved this goal? And how will you speak on the outside to your, to the people who it affects? Maybe you'll be encouraging or maybe you're just have more skills that you'll be able to talk in more detail, to share, to learn, to maybe teach in some way. And what will it feel like. Feel the feelings of having achieved a success. Maybe there's that smell and taste and then put it all together, how you will be with all your senses having achieved this. And just notice from here, just notice what new opportunities, maybe new goals that you have are here for you right now, having achieved this success. Now, I would ask you, but we're not going to at the moment, but I would have asked you to write some this down because now you've got it. So you'd open your eyes, just write these down, maybe close them and open them and just write a few bullet points of what it feels like, what you'll see, what you'll hear, what are these opportunities? But at the moment, we're just going to keep this consciously and unconsciously, because your unconscious mind is beginning to get it now and then I want you to imagine floating just away up here, a little bit higher, as if you were looking down at you in that successful, having already achieved that desire, that goal, that dream, the thing that you wanted to have happen. And you could see way back to the now. So you may not see all the steps in a row, but you've got. Your unconscious mind can now become aware there was a process that got you from the now into here, this new future now, where you've got that success. And, maybe as you look from this dissociated, you see the you down there going through all the different things, all the different things you had to do, the steps along the way, even if you can't see them clearly, you know they're there. You knew you would have to hold that big picture in mind, this, that success speech that we've already done. You'd have to hold that in mind to keep the motivation going, because occasionally there'll be some issues you need to resolve or mitigate. But just ask your unconscious mind, what was the critical step that made this successful so great? And have your unconscious mind just notice what were the criticals, the critical step, the one step that has to be achieved. And then ask your unconscious mind, if I could make this better, if I could make it quicker, better, brighter, more effective, more pleasurable, so I can enjoy the process. I wonder what I would have done from the now right up to the success down there. What could I have done differently to make it even better? And then maybe just think. And sometimes you'll get the answers, and sometimes you just know your unconscious mind is working on this. But just notice how you've affected other people along the way and how those opportunities of reaching the success will help others, too. And, then just notice down there that you having that feeling of success along every step of the way, you and your unconscious mind working on this change together, overcoming obstacles, having fun along the way. And then when you've done all that, just open your eyes. And, when you open your eyes now, you can look around the world, you can give a little pat on the back, do something that just changed your state for a moment. Maybe just spell your name backwards in your mind out loud, say hello to somebody, notice a little bit of beauty, notice something. And as you do that and you feel differently, I know you, you know, you've now come out of that stage. Just notice how you feel about going towards that success, how you feel about writing that success speech, how you feel about taking the next step, how you feel about working on this project, this new change, this dream, this desire of yours. Because I think you'll feel different. I think you're going to feel maybe more motivated, more encouraged, or just a different belief that this is so doable and it means so much more to you now. I don't know. That's what I think. I'd be really interested to know just on that little bit of a process, because it wasn't hypnosis. It was a little bit of, you know, imagery guided imagery. You might call it visualization, but I know it's gone inside in a good way.



Every process will do something for you, and this one does


So I'd love to know what you did. I'll say that again more clearly. I'd love to know how you felt about that little process and how you feel now about it. You can email me feedbackersonaldevelopmentunplugged, um.com, just to give me an idea. Because what I'd like to do, I'm thinking about it, is to do a, hypnotic or hypnosis track to guide you through that more deeply. But I need to know and, have some feedback. Maybe there's things that I miss, maybe there's things I can improve. Maybe there's things that really work well that I can make even better. So I'd love your feedback on that. I'd love you to share this because I think it's important that everybody gets to find different ways. Because sometimes this is going to resonate with you 100% and you're going to go Cloughie. Best thing since sliced bread. Maybe it's going to be, well, that's not really quite working for me because not every process is going to hit the mark. I do believe it's in your desired and your intention. When you have that full, I'm, prepared to do whatever it takes intention, and I know what I want and I'm going to get it. But see, every process will do something for you, and this is one of them. You'll solve problems without knowing they were problems. But if you share this with people, you give them the opportunity to do the same, but you also get to know it better. We talk about that. As you share things and you talk about it, you get to know a little deeper, about the process of what you want. Or you might just learn more about what you want and go, oh, no, actually I found something else I want to add to it. And the more you add to it, the richer it gets. And the more you do this, that feeling inside grows. And when it grows, your unconscious mind goes, I know what you want, now let's go there, let's get it. And if you say those immortal words, this or something better, well, guess what? Your unconscious mind goes, I think, anyway, hey, hang on, buckle up, let's get going because I'm going to show you, and you'll be surprised, I think, when you look back and go, wow, I'm doing all this, all this stuff, I'm achieving all this stuff, and it becomes a habit. Success becomes a habit. Having fun becomes a habit. Finding new things to do and achieve them becomes a habit. Synchronicity becomes a habit and slaps you on the face with good stuff. Suddenly you become lucky. I'll say that again, you become lucky, and luck becomes a habit because you are creating it. You're on the cause side, you're creating all of this.



Please share, please give me the feedback. I really hope you enjoyed this podcast


So there's loads more we're gonna be talking about, loads more we can use. But isn't it interesting? well, to me it's interesting that somebody can say something which was nothing to do with what we've just done, but it created something in my mind that now has created something in your mind. And the ripples of change go so far, we never know. I know William ur, if he, he didn't realize that he was going to be talking to y through a podcast, and I'd take two dissociating things, or unrelated things and put them together, but we did, and maybe this will inspire you to do other things too. So please share, please give me the feedback. It would be awesome if you did. I'd look forward to it. I really hope you enjoyed this. And if you want that hypnosis track, you want me to do something again, I need to know because I don't want to spend all my time having a wonderful time processing and doing all this stuff and no one listened to it. But if one person listens to it and one person changes, my job's done. I'm a happy bunny. I'm a happy Cloughie. So please let me know. Email address is always the same. Feedbackersonaldevelopmentunplug.com we've seen it in the past when other people, when people have listeners have asked for things, changed things and we've created stuff for them and it's made such a difference. I'm going to do maybe an episode one day of just the feedback I get and the results that people are getting. It's awesome.



Paul  says it's time to fly on your own


Anyway, till next time my friend. Have more fun in creating success than you can stand because it's time to fly.


Warning. You are now leaving the unplugged mind of Paul . Time to fly on your own. Be brave my friend.


Personal development unplugged

Personal development [self improvement] [self development] [NLP] [Hypnosis]