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#407 I'm Invisible and Not Heard - The Antidote

Anxiety to Confidence - The Personal Development Unplugged Podcast

Release Date: 09/07/2024

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Anxiety to Confidence - The Personal Development Unplugged Podcast

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Anxiety to Confidence - The Personal Development Unplugged Podcast

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Anxiety to Confidence - The Personal Development Unplugged Podcast

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Anxiety to Confidence - The Personal Development Unplugged Podcast

I'm Invisible and not heard - The Antidote Be Seen, Be Heard: Overcoming Invisibility Ever felt invisible, overlooked, or unheard? This episode is your antidote. Discover how to break free from the feelings of invisibility and be noticed for who you truly are. I'll dive deep into the power of self-awareness and the importance of recognizing your own value. We'll explore: The impact of negative self-talk and how it shapes your reality. Why writing down your positive traits and intentions is crucial. How to shift from negative affirmations to empowering statements of fact. Practical steps...

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Anxiety to Confidence - The Personal Development Unplugged Podcast

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Anxiety to Confidence - The Personal Development Unplugged Podcast

Creating Great Relationships Building Great Relationships: A Recipe for Connection Wouldn't it be wonderful to have great relationships and connections in all areas of your life? Whether you're feeling lonely, struggling with a relationship, or seeking to improve relationships at work, socially, or that special one-to-one connection, this episode is for you. Join us as we form a recipe for great relationships. We'll cover: The importance of identifying the type of relationship you want. How to learn from past relationships—good, bad, and everything in between. Creating a personalized...

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Anxiety to Confidence - The Personal Development Unplugged Podcast

 See Hear and Feel The World Differently A 5 second process to bring you straight into the now, the present. In this world of noise and distractions we need this to bring us back into ourselves and the world. You'll close your eyes so no driving or if you need your attention to be safe, you can always come back. So any time, from standing in line, waiting in a busy room,maybe that stuck feeling creating and even in boredom this will make you see, hear and feel your world right now. Please share this little gem:   And as always now the video: Shine brightly Paul Please remember you...

More Episodes

I'm Invisible and not heard - The Antidote

Be Seen, Be Heard: Overcoming Invisibility

Ever felt invisible, overlooked, or unheard? This episode is your antidote. Discover how to break free from the feelings of invisibility and be noticed for who you truly are. I'll dive deep into the power of self-awareness and the importance of recognizing your own value.

We'll explore:

  • The impact of negative self-talk and how it shapes your reality.
  • Why writing down your positive traits and intentions is crucial.
  • How to shift from negative affirmations to empowering statements of fact.
  • Practical steps to reinforce your self-belief and project your true self to the world.

You'll learn:

  • How to identify and articulate your skills, kindness, and positive attributes.
  • The importance of acting “as if” to reinforce your new self-image.
  • Ways to practice and make these positive changes permanent.

By the end of this episode, you will have the tools to be seen and heard, to shine brightly and confidently in all areas of your life. Ready to transform your sense of self?

Please share:



Shine brightly


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And the transcript WARNING if you're a lover of the written word this may make you frustrated, or angry - you have been warned - is it an 'ism


Hey, this longer podcast, what it's all about, have you ever felt invisible? Have you ever felt overlooked? Have you ever felt, if you can feel it, that you're not being listened to? Well, here is the antidote. And it's so easy, so simple, just takes a little bit of effort. Okay, have a listen after this.


Have you ever experienced times when you think no one's taken notice


Hey, here's a question for you. Oh, by the way, welcome, welcome, welcome back. Or welcome newly. But anyway, here's a question. Have you ever experienced times when you think, no one's taken any notice of me? Yeah. Or sometimes, and I've had this myself sometimes you think, I must be bloody invisible, I'm being overlooked, not being seen, so no one's taking any notice. I'm not being heard. And it doesn't matter what I say. It's as if no one is listening to me. No one at all. At times m like that because they're bloody bad, aren't they? They are bad. And we can fall into this, this pattern of negative emotions around that, and then we'll come up with this wonderful effect, and, it's called cause and effect, and we're going to come up with the effect of, well, it's all their fault. It's all their fault. Not me, because they're not listening. They're not seeing me. Hey, wakey, wakey. It's not their fault because when we put reasons and excuses out there, that's like playing the poor me syndrome. And I don't know if that's an actual thing, by the way, the poor, I might make that one up. The poor. Maybe it's just me. Oh, dear. But you see, there's always one person taking notice of you. There's only one person who's always seeing you. There's only one person who is really taking notice. Do you know who that is? Yeah. You do, don't you? One person. You see, Deepak Chopra, have I got his name right wrote once. Your unconscious mind is always ear dropping on you. What you're saying, what you're thinking, and you see, that means you. You are. And, if there was only one person that listens to you, that sees you, that takes notice of you, it's you. You know, sometimes consciously, that internal voice of yours, we speak, and, sometimes we speak out loud. And again, we might be talking about myself because I will talk out loud about things that are happening. Am I totally. What is happening? Why is this why is that? I might think it, inside, I might make some pictures up. But from those words and those pictures, I always get that negative feeling that I'm not being taken notice of, I'm not being listened to. But I bloody am. Because I am. M the person who's listening, who's taking notice, who's seeing me. And then when you put it all together, we come up with a belief. A belief like, well, I'm invisible. That's a great one. Worked with that before clients with who really had that. I'm invisible so much, and we got rid of that. But we get beliefs of things like, I'm not good enough. I'm unworthy, I don't belong here. And all of that is b's, isn't it?



Your unconscious mind and conscious mind are trying to keep you invisible


And I'll ask you. I'll ask you the question. When you think like that, when you make those pitches in your mind, when you speak out loud, you speak inside with that inner voice, you get those beliefs, those feelings. How is it bloody working for you? I, know how it's working for me. And that is. It bloody ain't, is it? Ah, it ain't working. It's not working at all. I know he's trying to do something for me. I know my unconscious mind and my conscious mind, you know, trying to. Trying to make an excuse sometimes. Or trying to save me and keep me safe from doing something. To keep me invisible. Sometimes the positive intention of keeping me invisible is to save me from any hurt, embarrassment. Doing things and not doing them right, that can stem from something way back then. We can get that. But you see, however you do all of that, and this is where the, complete clash comes from. Whatever you think you are, you're right. Whatever you think you are, you're right. Think about that. Because if you're. When, we say what you think you are, what you say you are, you're right. Because if you start saying to yourself, oh, I'm lazy. Yeah, you'll be lazy, oh, I'm fat. This is not fat shaming. Because we're talking to ourselves, I'm fat. I've got tumour. Then you will be. I, can't do this. Then you won't. No one loves me. You're not lovable because you're telling yourself and they're your thoughts, and your unconscious mind goes, okay, well, that's what it is. I'll protect you from that. I won't let you do anything. Because you're right. Whatever you think you are, you're right. And the solution to that. Oh, that's pretty down, isn't it? Cloughy, that is down. But no, no, there's a solution to all of this and the solutions. Hiding in plain bloody sight. It always is, by the way. You got that direct conflict that trying to help you and it's not working. You know, if you're trying to be protected by your best friend, your unconscious mind, it don't feel good, doesn't it? It doesn't feel good at all. Now, what is this solution that's hiding in plain bloody sight? Well, part of this solution is going to be, and I'm going to say some words that, I'm sure the majority of the four of you listening, because, yeah, we've, we've got an extra listener now, up to four. Those words are, write this sucker down. Write the sucker down. And I know. Oh, Paul, I just want to think about it. I just want it to. I want you to let the words come in and then I'll make. It doesn't do it, does it? Because you forget it and you can't work on it. And if your unconscious mind is always listening, let's give it some clarity to listen to. And clarity, you see, when you write things down, it means you're thinking and you can think properly and, positively. So let's give it something really to listen to and, write things down. Now, what we're going to write how you want to be, not what you don't want. That's what everyone always tells me when they come to me as a client. Oh. I don't want to feel anxious anymore. I don't want to feel unconfident. I don't want to feel frightened. I don't want to feel scared. Well, what do you want? Well, I just told you, Paul, I don't want to feel frightened. Scared. You keep reinforcing listening. But how do you want to be? And you see some people, if you took invisible, for example, the opposite to invisible is not to be seen. Really, Clavy? Are you sure? Yeah. Because if you think about it, everyone can see you. You're not physically invisible. Not possible. Everyone can see you. But the opposite to the invisible for you may be something like, how do you want to be noticed? Oh, that's different, isn't it? How do I want to be noticed? Maybe it's for your skills. Maybe it's for things like being kind, your kindness. Maybe it's just that pleasant personality of yours with that lovely smile. Maybe it's your actions, the, things that you actually do, your behaviours. Maybe it's that vibration that you give off because you're feeling so good about yourself and you're projecting it out there. Because we all know when I. People come in who feel all that rubbish I've been talking about. Not the rubbish I've been talking about, the things that we used to say to ourselves, that is rubbish. We know when they come into a room, they bring the whole room down. Well, if you can come into that room to be noticed for your skills, your kindness, your happy disposition, your smile, your actions, your beliefs, you begin to light up the room. So we need to be specific. I say we write that sucker down. Why?



You need to write down what you want to be noticed for


And I'll repeat it. Why? We want to write it. Because what writing does is make you think first, because you have to think of what you want. You have to visualize it. And when you visualize it, guess what happens? You get to feel the bloody thing that you want, and then you have to describe it in words. And then those words have to come out onto the page. And, when you do that, you look at those words and you go, yeah, that's the way I feel. And I want to be seen. I want to be heard. And, the thing is, it's not just because you've written it down, it's not cast in stone, but it will always be there for you to come and reflect on. Whereas if you just think it, oh, I'd like to be this, this and that. Next thing, something comes along, distracts you, and guess what happens? Yeah, you forget all about it. And the thing is, these aren't, affirmations of what you're not, you know, I'm happy, I'm happy, I'm happy, I'm happy. Every day is getting better and better and better and better. Because they're not necessarily the truth, are they? And your unconscious mind knows, you know, if you're not feeling, I'm being seen every day, I'm being. You're not if you don't feel you're being seen, if you feel you're invisible or I'm being listened to, and if you don't feel you're being listened to or heard, then again, there's another clash, isn't there? A direct conflict from what you're saying to what you feel? And your unconscious mind goes, make up your bloody mind, because what you're saying doesn't have that real truth behind it. But if you go and say, this is who I am, and this is what I want to be noticed for, because I have these skills and, I'm going to get better at them. Now I can. A lovely affirmation is I'm striving to better these skills. I'm striving to be kinder, but I have kindness in me. I have this lovely disposition and I have a lovely smile. I have great actions, great behaviours, but you have to describe them. They're not just actions. I do this, I do that, I show kindness in this particular way. These are the skills I've learned and I bring to the table. And they are what you are. So they're not phony affirmations. These are statements of facts. So you. Well, you need to read them. Now, I'm going to suggest you go through this. You make them into really succinct, powerful notes or maybe just a small card that you can put in your. Your wallet, you can put in your pocket, you can put in your purse, your handbag, or whatever you have. And you read them every time or as many times as you can, because how long is it going to take you to read a card of how you want to be noticed, how you want to be heard, your skills, your emotions, your demeanour and your actions and your beliefs? How long? 30 seconds. But when you read it, you'll get that feeling again and you'll keep doing it every time you think, you've got a moment or two. Let's get that card out. Yeah. That's what I am. That's who I am. Now, when you start to say, this is who I am, it becomes a belief about your identity. And you're noticing your skills and you're rejoicing in them in some ways because it feels so bloody good. And your unconscious mind is going to say, well, damn, this is good. If we had these, we'd be a lot safer out there. And, ah, we have got these skills, we have got these beliefs, we have got these emotions. Let's use them. And the thing is, it's not just I want to be noticed, because, again, that's so general, isn't it so? And it's not I want to be noticed. I will be noticed. I will be noticed for my skills, my kindness, my disposition, my accent, my actions, my beliefs. Or I am being noticed because you will be when you do it. You will be noticed for your skills, your kindness, your happy disposition, your smile, your actions, your behaviours, your beliefs, those wonderful emotions. I have a friendly smile because you have. I have these skills and all you do is rinse and repeat that's what I always say, rinse and repeat. Just keep reading it. And the more you read it, you can then begin to act as if, and you're acting as if you are who you are, who you am. And then you can practise getting better at it. And there's a five minute quicker, there's more than one, I'm sure, on practice not being perfect, but making things permanent. And if you can make things permanent and even better than that of how you want to be and appear in the world, be the change you want to see in others, be the change you want to see in yourself. And you see, it's a natural process to say those first things. I used to say that, you know, talking to yourself, but now we're talking to ourself in a positive way. So really it's just a natural phenomenon that works and we've just tweaked it into a more positive way that's going to protect you even more. And the thing is, some people say, yeah, well, you know, am I allowed to think of myself as who I am? That's not bullshit, by the way, not b's to think of who you are, who you really are. And when you think it, you know it, you don't bullshit yourself. Maybe you have to improve, we all have to improve our skills. Get better at what we're at life. Because that's what makes life better, just making it better, richer for ourselves, people around us. A little old planet earth, I hope you feel. Yes, that's me. Not the first bit, the second bit. I am. And list your skills. List all the positive things about yourself. It's like my qualities and my qualities. If you ever want to go to there, I've got at least one longer podcast on my qualities and a hypnosis track on, accessing all the wonderful qualities that you have and getting your unconscious mind to find even more. Where'd you get that from? You go to paulcliffonline.com podcast, get your link and look for that one out of the 60 odd. Download it, it's yours forever, my compliments. And you'll find those wonderful qualities. Then you can start saying, well, in this context, these are my qualities that are really going to shine because that's who I am. And you'll be noticed for who you am, who you're going to be even better, and how rich you're going to make life for yourself and others. Because that's what it's all about. Because I know you're more than whatever you think you are and whatever you think you are, you're even more than that. And if you wanted to be invisible, as I do, sometimes you can choose to be invisible because that's what you want to do, because it's a choice of sometimes I'm a little introvert and I like to sit in the background, but on, other days, different contexts, I'll come and voice myself, I'll be seen, I'll be heard, because I'll do it with a wonderful intention, because I know who I am and what I'm contributing and so will you. So wakey, wakey, to the world of who you really am.



When you get positive beliefs about your identity, everything else changes in your life


I love that thing, that sentence, who you really am, your identity. And when you really start to get those positive beliefs about your identity, everything else changes in your life. Your emotions become more positive. You begin to access the skills because you're confident now in those skills. And you start behaving in a way that uses those skills because, again, you're confident in yourself, confident and competent because you believe who you am. And you have wonderful beliefs and values because it's important to you to be who you am. I think I've said that enough, haven't I? I hope in some way, in this random way I've been talking, that I've made some sense, that I've got you to think of who you really am, said it again. And that you enjoyed just making life richer for yourself, finding joy in who you are and bringing joy to the world. Because remember, whatever you think you are, you're more than that. Please enjoy. Please share this with anybody else who you don't think is being seen is being overlooked, who's not being heard. Because let's get everyone to be seen. Let's get everyone to be looked at in a nice way and to be listened to in a nice way. Let's wake the world up. Please do that. Please. If you haven't done and you're new here, you know, maybe you'll be the fifth person to subscribe to this podcast. It'd be great if you did. Let's get these subscriptions rocketing into double figures. And please enjoy those hypnosis tracks. I do. Those with as much love and intention that I can bring to them, and they're yours with my compliments. So enjoy every heartbeat and go out there and be noticed for who you am. Time to fly, my friend. See you soon. Oh, oh, oh. Just before you fly to. I think it's so important that you do get access to the hypnosis track. So here's a quick 90 seconds, it's only 90 seconds long of telling you all about those hypnosis tracks. And, then you can fly, really fly. So the, 90 seconds of hypnosis tracks. Why have I put hypnosis tracks on a separate website? Well, it's so simple, really. I wanted you to have them all in one place so you can look through them all. You can find the particular one you want. I've even made them downloadable so you can put them on any of your playing devices that you prefer. You don't need Wi Fi, you don't need the itunes or whatever, you can put them anywhere you like. You can even burn them onto disks if you want. Where do you get them? Well, there you go. I told you. It's paulcluffonline.com podcast, if you want, about your email address, please don't be. Because they stay totally safe with me. I only use them to send you out that email and give you access. Simple as that. I send you a link, a special link, so you and only you can access those hypnosis tracks, because I want them just for you. And the other thing about this is you've taken responsibility. I don't want to make these open to everyone, just random. You have taken responsibility to listen and be part of this community of personal development. And I want to help you. I want to help you personally to get your dreams, your goals, and therefore, I'm m giving you these tools, these protocols, these paradigms, whatever you want to call them, but in deep hypnosis. So just enjoy, have more fun than you can stand with. Hypnosis. Warning. You are now leaving the unplugged mind of Paul clough. It's time to fly on your own. Be brave, my friend. Personal development unplugged.

Personal development [self improvement] [self development] [NLP] [Hypnosis]