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How I finally got back to my goal weight after Covid

The Rhino Julie Show

Release Date: 12/05/2020

My Lesson from Stoneys Rocking Country Last Night and Made Up Dancing Rules show art My Lesson from Stoneys Rocking Country Last Night and Made Up Dancing Rules

The Rhino Julie Show

Last night I was at Stoneys Rockin’ Country. A nice cowboy guy asked me to dance. We were dancing…and he said ‘oops, I’m sorry, I messed up.’ I said ‘you can’t mess up dancing. You can’t do it wrong as long as you’re having fun!’ I don’t think he agreed lol. Back when I was first learning to two-step, I would have guys stop me in the middle of the dance floor and tell me I’m doing it wrong. They were obviously not good at living in the moment. I’m all for ‘hey, let’s try this, and if you turn this way when my hand goes here, then we can do this cool move and...

When life gives you lemons paint your walls yellow. show art When life gives you lemons paint your walls yellow.

The Rhino Julie Show

My life partner wants kids...I don't...how I handle our breakup. No, I don't actually talk about painting my walls yellow in the episode, but here is a picture of my Mom and I painting them just a few days after my breakup. Lol it WAS therapeutic.  

Successful business owners worried about 'failure' or 'quitting' show art Successful business owners worried about 'failure' or 'quitting'

The Rhino Julie Show

How to overcome the fear of failure or quitting... What if failure didn’t exist? What if the implications of failure are just something we made up as humans? What if we were put on earth to follow our hearts and our intuition and try lot’s and lot’s of different things? What if there was no failure, there was only learning and growing? On a coaching call yesterday, one of my Mastermind Members has finished what I call a season of purpose. (She was feeling like she had failed, but we reframed it together) She started a new business 3 ½ years ago, went hard, put everything she had into...

Cringy stories of unconfidence and where my newfound confidence came from... show art Cringy stories of unconfidence and where my newfound confidence came from...

The Rhino Julie Show

I decided to share stuff more openly on social media in 2020. I made a cringy video and edited my spaces and ums out. I didn’t keep up with it very well. But little by little it got easier and easier to do. This blog is about how to get more confidence and where it comes from. ***I would watch the video instead of read the blog…it’s more fun with some extra stuff…but some of you are readers and not watchers or listeners so I honor you with this written version that were just my notes for the video**** Yep, you guessed it, I’m about to share where I am now and then I’m going to...

The reason I don’t ask anyone’s opinion on anything…and the story about yesterdays elevator pitch crashing and burning. show art The reason I don’t ask anyone’s opinion on anything…and the story about yesterdays elevator pitch crashing and burning.

The Rhino Julie Show

The reason I don’t ask anyone’s opinion on anything…and the story about yesterdays elevator pitch crashing and burning. I built my new mastermind and I didn’t ask a single person what they thought about what I was doing. Because I realized something recently. If I’m not doing it from my heart, and if what I create isn’t coming fully from me, I’m not going to attract the most aligned members and I’m not going to enjoy myself nearly as much. I didn’t ask for advice on my personal brand colors (I LOVE them) I didn’t ask for advice on my landing page (I don’t love it right...

The best way to lose the weight, get the guy and build the business show art The best way to lose the weight, get the guy and build the business

The Rhino Julie Show

I wish I would have known this 1 year ago, 10 years ago, 20 years ago. We get a little crazy in this episode, but I think the info is important so I'm okay going out on a limb a little bit. Go to www.rhinojulie.com and join my email list to get the free gift I talk about in this episode.  I am not sure that I would have heard this before the last couple years. So I'm kind of struggling with sharing this on my YouTube channel and my podcast, because I'm just kind of thinking, like, I don't think past Julie, would've been in a position to hear this, but here's what made me decide to...

Ever feel like when you 'fix' one area of you life, another part falls apart? show art Ever feel like when you 'fix' one area of you life, another part falls apart?

The Rhino Julie Show

Hey, Hey, Hey Rhino Julie here, who is Rhino Julie? Well, Rhino Julie went from ridiculously broke, sad, overweight to owning a multi-location at gym business and being happy in every area of my life, except when I'm not happy in an area of my life. In which case  I fix it, move on and make that area of my life happy. And I wanna teach everyone else how to do the same. Okay. This podcast episode is about whenever we feel like we fix one area of our life and then all of the, like another area of our life just falls apart and it's like, ah, how can we juggle all the things? That's what this...

How I Went From Just Over $100 in My Bank Account and Debt to A Million Dollar a Year Business show art How I Went From Just Over $100 in My Bank Account and Debt to A Million Dollar a Year Business

The Rhino Julie Show

Welcome back to the rhino julie show. Those of you who are on YouTube. Hello. Just know you can also go to Spotify and iTunes if you want to listen in your car or while you're working out or something like that. Today's topic is not about how it's been like a year since I've done a podcast episode. No, it's not about that. Today is about starting fresh and talking about how in 2004, I started my business, which I have two crossFit boot camp nutrition, personal training gyms. And then I have a ninja warrior gym, and then I have a corporate team building and wellness program. And I have my...

What Is Holding You Back From Conquering Your World and Sitting on Your Throne of Bliss? show art What Is Holding You Back From Conquering Your World and Sitting on Your Throne of Bliss?

The Rhino Julie Show

I’ll tell you something I quit that has catapulted me into action and daily fun.

Rhino Julie Interviews Vikki Louise and Learns Why Failure Is Awesome show art Rhino Julie Interviews Vikki Louise and Learns Why Failure Is Awesome

The Rhino Julie Show

This episode is a must-listen. Packed with spunky tidbits of empowering info that will make you want to launch into your potential. If you go to her website, the first words you see are 'F*CK ANXIETY AND GET SH* DONE.'  She doesn't just preach it, she lives it.  Vikki is a reformed hustler turned time hacker. She coaches clients to achieve more in less time, with ease. She does this by removing time from the success equation. Her clients stop using time, and start optimizing it. This leaves them with more time off, more focused time on, and more results. She also hosts the F*CK...

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Covidblues and quaranpounds did not keep me down! I finally made it out, before January first!