The Bark
Join us as we pull back the curtain on a little talked about segment of the food service industry; engineering. Wow...hold on tight, this ones a burner!
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It's #Throwback Thursday here at the Bark, and it's Perlick Week at RHI Solutions, so what better time to bring you a double header of Perlick related episodes.
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Only a few short decades ago, the world was on the cusp of a scientific revolution. We were all enjoying better Living through Chemistry, and in many cases; engineering and physics too! Nowhere as this more apparent than in the kitchen, where scientific breakthroughs were giving the world a brand new idea of what a meal could be, and how it could be prepared. Enter what would go on to become simultaneously the most prevalent and despised kitchen appliance of all time. The Microwave Oven.
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Awaken your mind's eye to the possibility of....mobility. Allow Perlick's Corrinne Walenda to guide you through new realms of libationary consciousness. Open your senses and journey through time and space to a world where cocktails may be crafted and served in any imaginable (or imaginary) location. Thanks to Corrinne Walenda of Find more information on Mobile Bars and other RHI offerings:
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Allow for a moment, a journey away from your mind house, though be gracious enough to keep open the doors of perception. For through this passageway, Knowledge shall flow. Information most vital to the future health of your kitchen and hospitality establishment. Join us in Welcoming our guest pathfinder, Roxanne Holt from Vulcan Equipment. Do allow her to guide you through a Range of Possibilities. Featuring Roxanne Holt of Vulcan Equipment
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Allow The Bark to transport you away from your daily minutiae, away from the worries and struggles of this Earthly plain. Allow the Bark to bring you a moment of Mediation with Jeffery Thomas and Cardinal Glassware. You may find this Riverside Relaxation is exactly what you need in this chaotic life we currently lead.
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The Bark takes a journey through history and beyond, following the road cannabis takes from farm to table. Special guests, music, and many side trips await you.
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Welcome to a very special episode of The Bark. No we aren't trying to warn you about drugs or strangers (we actually kind of like both of those things), instead we're just deviating from our normal content to bring you four stories, told by folks like you and me, who are dealing with this crazy world the best they can. We talk with a musician, a restaurant owner, a teacher and a nurse, each one doing their vest best in a changing and uncertain world.
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As the Food Service and Hospitality industries enter a new normal in a post Covid-19 world our ideas for proper cleaning and sanitation have to change. In this episode, the Bark speaks with experts in the fields of hospitality, cleaning, and sanitizing to see what changes are on the horizon and what ones have already been made. April's song of the month is 'Hill Walkin' by Michael Beauchamp and we also feature music by Frankum and Frankumjay
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It's amazing what humanity has accomplished over the past few thousands years, and yet the miracle of pizza may be the finest example of our species' near limitless ingenuity. In this month's Socially Distant episode, we take a deep dish dive into the history, and innovations in the world of pizza. Our guests include Travis Walker of Wood Stone Ovens, and Chef Jordan Lloyd. Original music by Nate Wey and Appalatin
info_outlineIt's Perlick week here at the Bark (and RHI Solutions), so we thought we'd give you an extra special treat for #ThrowbackThursday. It's two episodes of The Bark, for one low price!
As you know, here at The Bark sidetracks we sidetrack from our regular programing to occasionally bring you a couple of side series' titled 'RHI on the Industry,' and 'RHI Calm.' Today you'll get one of each, both featuring the Perlick Corporation.
In the first episode, originally published June 19th, 2018, Laura Creasy and Danny Sizemore drop by the studio to discuss the Tobin Ellis Cocktail Station built by Perlick.
And the second half of the double header is an episode of our Mock-Wellness series 'RHI Calm,' that finds Corrinne Walenda of the Perlick Corporation for higher Calmness discussing the mood altering benefits of Perlick's new line of mobile bars.
Thanks as always to our house band Appalatin. They can be found online here
Check out Perlick on the web right here