Ep 83: 25 Minute Meditation- Finding Your Center In Difficult Situations
Release Date: 08/30/2010
Elsie's Yoga Class
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It’s episode 100 of Elsie’s Yoga Class!...
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I just wrote a post called , which was the basis for this episode....
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Oh what a story do I have to tell in this episode! At least you know what’s it’s going to be all about looking at the artwork for this post....
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When was the last time you invested in yourself?...
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Guess what I did???...
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How Are You…Really?...
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This yoga class is simple...
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Discover The Eve Of Your Breath...
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I've been at home A LOT lately....
info_outline25 minute meditation.
These past few months I nearly got overwhelmed by anxiety.
This hasn't happened to me in a LONG time.
I lost control of my rational thought process and simply dove into a feeling that was suffocating and terrifying. I can't say that I was in any way comfortable. The only thing that pulled me out of it was my toddler Hunter. She forced me to get out of myself and engage her. The moment that I disconnected from her off I went into a very uncomfortable sense of overwhelm.
I refused this.
Take Control of Your Anxiety and Fear
Instead of allowing myself to be pulled by this avalanche of anxiety and fear I chose to meet it, with softness and full consciousness. I looked at it straight in the eye. I used a technique that I heard in a podcast, and I sooooo wish that I remembered what episode and what this guy's name was because I would share it, believe me, but at this moment, finding the episode would take me YEARS, so that will wait. I may update this post to add the info
Anyway, the technique was to feel where the emotion was in my body, fully. You are to notice which was its winding, clock wise or counter clock wise, and slowly unwind the feeling the other way until it dissolves. At first just moving into that hard ball of tension in the middle of my diaphragm was enough...but as I practiced this technique I began to see that I could literally unravel the anxiety!
Unraveling- It's all about creating space, space to feel, to choose, to remember, and to find your ground. Most importantly, finding space helps you remember that you are part of something so much bigger. Anxiety is about disconnection and isolation. It's an emotion that rises when you absolutely become limited and small. As you unravel the feeling, you begin to get more spacious, there is literally more room in your body, your breath, your mind, your heart, and you can step back a bit and see things as if you are watching from a bird's eye view.
You are ok. You truly are. You are more than ok in fact :D
A couple of days ago I received and email from one of you requesting a more breathing centered practice. Although this simple audio meditation is not specifically about the breath, there is no way to escape the breath. Space is breath.
Every time choose to center myself and incorporate this very accessible and easy meditation practice, you get the opportunity to re-attune yourself to align with something more than anxiety and fear.
I want that!
Listen, practice and do this and tell me what happens! I'd love to hear if this works for you
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