Elsie's Yoga Class
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It’s episode 100 of Elsie’s Yoga Class!...
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I just wrote a post called , which was the basis for this episode....
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Oh what a story do I have to tell in this episode! At least you know what’s it’s going to be all about looking at the artwork for this post....
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When was the last time you invested in yourself?...
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Guess what I did???...
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How Are You…Really?...
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This yoga class is simple...
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Discover The Eve Of Your Breath...
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I've been at home A LOT lately....
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Come see me at the New Media Expo in January!
Tenacious Gratitude
I can tell you mine.
Tenacious didn’t quite feel “right” with me.
I felt that being tenacious was not something I aspired to be.
It’s too rough.
Too hard.
Too pushy.
Too manly.
I imagined the quintessential football player, the one that just stampedes over the competition regardless of anything else, bulldozing through pain, through obstacles, through physical harm - Raaaaaaaaaaah!!!!
I’m not that.
In fact, it kinda repulsed me.
I didn’t want to be known as tenacious.
And then I was introduced to Adeline Arjad from Chocbite by my awesome-sauce business powerhouse Erika Lyremark. Arlene said:
“Tenaciousness + Gratitude = Success”
And then it made sense.
This larger than life word that I had chosen not to align with at all, became more than my subjective cultural upbringing and life experience.
I let the word be.
Tenacious: not easily stopped or pulled apart. Firm. Strong. Seeking something valued or desired. Continuing for a LONG time.
Synonyms - devoted, faithful, relentless.
I recognized that I pushed away tenaciousness because I was afraid to commit and follow through.
Tenacious requires a deep, unwavering commitment to the things that you value and dream and I wasn’t willing to go that far.
I wanted an out. I wanted excuses. I didn’t want to do the work, not fully.
What if it didn’t work out?
What if what I stood behind or for changed?
What if I had to defend publicly what I stood for?
What if… …..I failed?
I’m ready - NOW - because of the magic of gratitude.
You simply cannot be tenacioustenacioustenacious. It’s unsustainable.
With gratitude thrown in the mix you’ve got a recipe for unwavering magic making.
Gratitude refuels and replenishes.
OMG this was perhaps the biggest lesson that I’ve learned.
Gratitude is like doing a personal and spiritual detox. It’s like drinking and eating your greens. It’s the fastest way to clear out the cruft left by the fire of tenacity.
I’m ready to embody tenacity. I’m ready to fuel it with the nectar of gratitude.
Do you want to join me?
How about practicing along and letting me know how tenacity mixed with gratitude felt in your body? Yeay or nay?