Elsie's Yoga Class
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It’s episode 100 of Elsie’s Yoga Class!...
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I just wrote a post called , which was the basis for this episode....
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Oh what a story do I have to tell in this episode! At least you know what’s it’s going to be all about looking at the artwork for this post....
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When was the last time you invested in yourself?...
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Guess what I did???...
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How Are You…Really?...
info_outlineElsie's Yoga Class
This yoga class is simple...
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Discover The Eve Of Your Breath...
info_outlineElsie's Yoga Class
I've been at home A LOT lately....
info_outlineWho Is The Bully?
I've been doing a lot of meditation on worthlessness or the feeling of being unworthy.
Often times this feeling arises from the way the world speaks to us, perhaps in the form of bullies around us, family members, peers, bosses, etc. but what has really become clear is that it's not the world that is the root of this feeling, but ourselves.
The biggest bullies that we have in our world are not outside of ourselves but within ourselves.
In this class I went back to one of my favorite books, Christina Sell's Yoga from the inside out, as she speaks of this bullying within the book so very clearly. She inspired me to teach this class to get you to look at yourself honestly and recognize the bully within. See it and transform it.
Recognize how worthy and beautiful you are. Stop the bullying.
I know that I have been a bully to myself. I also know how that personal bully can break the heart much faster the outside ones.
Are you a bully to yourself? Practice along with us. Give yourself the time to rediscover your worth.
You won't regret it!