EYK 4: James Wvinner, How To Create Your Own Fitness DVD + Men and Yoga
Release Date: 02/23/2010
Elsie's Yoga Class
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It’s episode 100 of Elsie’s Yoga Class!...
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I just wrote a post called , which was the basis for this episode....
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Oh what a story do I have to tell in this episode! At least you know what’s it’s going to be all about looking at the artwork for this post....
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When was the last time you invested in yourself?...
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Guess what I did???...
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How Are You…Really?...
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This yoga class is simple...
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Discover The Eve Of Your Breath...
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I've been at home A LOT lately....
info_outlineThis is NOT a yoga class! Hello and welcome to episode number 4 of Elsie’s Yoga Kula the special series of Elsie’s Yoga Class: Live and Unplugged Podcast, that’s all about you and all sorts of extra exclusive information about yoga and culture. As always this podcast is brought to you by the Elsie’s Yoga Class Podcast App for the iPhone and iPod Touch available in the iTunes app store for $3.99. Why not have your yoga in your pocket!
Listen to the Podcast
I am sooooo excited about this episode! Two subjects people, two subjects that I get a ton of email and questions about. The first topic is aimed a bit more toward yoga/fitness/alternative health professionals. I am honored that a lot of you listen to the podcast and am glad that you reach out to me regarding how to grow and supplement your own practices and businesses via new media. I can help you regarding audio stuff, but my video making skills I’m afraid are not as pristine HA! I’m sure you’ve seen at least one of my videos where I cut off my head!
Cut off head videos:
- sun salutation
- headless pigeon
So given that, I had the privilege of interviewing someone that DOES have lots of expertise with a still camera and a video camera, plus even more know how as to how to create, yes, CREATE your own DVD (something I know NOTHING about). You guys will just LOVE this interview, seriously, tons of great conversation and sharing of insights! Which brings me to the next topic of the episode: Yoga and Men!!! I know that most of y’all listening right now are women. To those of you that practice consistently in a studio setting, I’m sure you’ve come to see that the majority of people that come to yoga class are women. That demographic is also true of the listeners to this podcast, BUT I do have some pretty strong and committed male listeners. I also have some wanna be committed male yogis that have stayed away because they are a bit afraid. I don’t blame them, the first time I walked into a yoga studio I also was a bit intimidated. I just happened to have had a bit more experience with dance/movement/bare feet/hard wood floors due to my life as a theater actor, but it was still a bit weird. I get it, especially for the guys, the images that you see out there of peeps in al those yoga shapes, can be a bit intimidating, so I asked my guest, who is also a yoga intructor! In fact, there was a time in his life that he taught yoga INSIDE PRISONS!
So who is this super man you ask? His name is James Wvinner, producer/director/photographer/yoga teacher/yogi extraordinaire. You ready to step into the conversation? Here we go! This was recorded at grandma’s house on a Saturday afternoon...
Listen to the Podcast!
Here are the links of all that James touched on:
- Desiree Rumbaugh DVDs
- Brian Kest
- Richard Freeman DVD
- Fit Soul Fit Body
- Desi Bartlett
Tell me that product doesn’t sound awesome? I know that I want it! So, I have a little surprise, for all of you lovely Kula members, you guys will get 10% off the product for the next month! So basically you guys have until March 23 to get 10% of the how to create your own exercise dvd! You just have to listen to the podcast to get the coupon code! I know how hard it is to gather up information and study and learn from so many different resources. I believe this is one of the most valuable products that I’ve seen come to market, plus it comes from such a genuine guy with so much talent I can’t even take it! Have you seen his photographs and his videos?
This has to be my all time favorite 30 second promos that I’ve EVER seen. When I saw this promo, I totally wanted to work with James. Seriously.
Click here to visit Make Your Own Exercise DVD.
Well, enough about that!
Yeay for Men and Yoga!!! A request for you guys
I wanna bring it back to the men. So what did you ‘guys’ think about what James had to say? I’m putting out a request for you men, those of you that listen to this podcast. Would you help out your fellow wanna be yogis that are a bit intimidated by this whole yoga thing and send an email or better yet call 310 651 6238 and leave a voice message to give some advice? perhaps share some of your favorite resources? That would be really really cool!
I don’t want to make this episode too long so I’m just gonna share a few emails with you, I’ll share more on the next one.
This is a comment regarding EYK Episode 3 Yoga App, Muscular Energy and The Best Yoga Mats
Hi Elsie, thanks for the podcast! So good to hear from you. I wanted to add my two cents worth of advice about the mats. I have always had a lot of problems slipping and sliding on my regular sticky mat especially in downward facing dog. I got a lovely grippy Jade yoga mat which helped but did not solve the problem. About 9 months ago I got a Yogitoes skidless towel. This towel goes on top of the regular sticky mat and there is no more slipping and sliding!! It has really made a huge difference in my practice, I cannot recommend it enough for anyone who is having problems with slipping due to sweaty palms. The only drawback is that it does not work on the Jade mat, you have to put in on the regular cheap kind of mat. On the other hand it is easy to wash, I just pop it in the washing machine and let it air dry, and it has held up really well. Hope this can help someone!
And here's a lovely little email :)
Hey Elsie,
I've been doing your level 2-3 yoga podcasts almost every morning for the past two months and I'm addicted! I've been going to yoga classes on and off for years, but for the first time I feel like someone is actually teachingme. And I can't even see you! I'm an acrobat and aerial artist so I do a lots of stretching and conditioning to stay in shape, but I have to say that after two months of doing your classes I'm more flexible than I've ever been in my life. You should see my backbends now...my shoulders are so much more open now because in one of your podcast you talked about hand placement. It was the tiny adjustment I needed to make to really round out my upper back and push my my chest forward. And also, splits are easier than ever now thanks finally doing to all of those high lunges correctly. I hope one day I can make it out to Pittsburgh and take a class in person. You rock!
Thank you for everything,
This is an event that I was asked to help promote from one of my ex students in LA. Please go to the FB event's page to find out all about it! If you live in LA and want something fun to do about checking out some dance?
Rune Dance Theatre, a community-based contemporary dance theatre company presents RADIO LUNA, a performance installation opening February 25, 26, and 27 at THE FOUNTAIN ROOM, 4903 Fountain Ave., Los Angeles, CA, 90029. Created by choreographer/artistic director, Diana Cummins in collaboration with video artist, Allison Stewart, RADIO LUNA draws upon myths, music and our continued fascination with the Moon, its powers and influence over our lives. The show begins at 8:00 pm. Tickets are $15 pre sale and $20 at the door. For reservation information, call 323-934-3336 or visit the PROJECT page at www.dianacummins.com and www.indiegogo.com/RadioLuna and www.allison-stewart.com 2 worthy causes are honored with this event: one is for www.unembraced.org and the other is for www.thesolisfoundation.org which helps women in Kenya start their own businesses
One of the cutest T-shirts ever ever ever from the Phyzz Yoga Blog! A little product that I just found soooo cute I can barely take it.
Thank you so much for those of you that have joined the Elsie’s Yoga Kula FB page, located at http://facebook.com/elsiesyogakula. It’s really rockin’ over there! I’m doing my best to post great content for you guys there, both personal and lots of great articles and information to supplement your practice. Whenever I do any sort of giveaways I’m gonna be doing it via the FB page, so come on and join up! There is a little section over there for Reviews, it would be so cool if you guys could review me there. It’s a really powerful tool for me as an indie business owner. It’s absolutely appreciated! I’ve also started a discussion asking you guys to share a bit about yourselves, and who you are so that you get a chance to get to know each other.
There are soooo many of you listening to the podcast. Let’s connect even more and help each other grow! Please leave me feedback on the FB page, email me at eyogaclass (at) gmail (dot)com call me at 310 651 6238 follow me on twitter at twitter.com/yogeek and if you have a moment, please review me! either in iTunes and the FB fan page! Love you guys tons! I’ve got sooo much more great content coming up!