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How I Overcame the Imposter Syndrome | Nia Lewis - 035

Selling in Color

Release Date: 10/26/2021

Closing Out The Season | Donald Kelly - 052 show art Closing Out The Season | Donald Kelly - 052

Selling in Color

We’ve come to the end of another season of Selling in Color! In this season’s finale, Donald touches on some of the great episodes and looks forward to what’s coming next for the podcast. A look back on some great episodes: shared how she overcame her imposter syndrome. discussed the racial inequalities of sales teams in the U.K. told us how he builds diverse sales teams. shared her experience with high-ticket selling. explained how crucial it is for us to invest in ourselves. taught us great email tips and strategies. All of these folks gave their input, but what’s the main...

10 Things You Must Consider Before Leaving Your Sales Job | Donald Kelly - 051 show art 10 Things You Must Consider Before Leaving Your Sales Job | Donald Kelly - 051

Selling in Color

We’re in The Great Reshuffle - a time where many people leave their jobs in pursuit of another. While you might want to move on to your next adventure, are you sure you’ve done everything you should before leaving? Find out on today’s episode of Selling in Color the ten things you must consider before leaving your current job.  Don’t leave a job and make them regret hiring you in the first place. Who knows what life holds; you might want to rejoin that company again! When it comes to employment, don’t burn bridges.  If you’re working within the same industry, the word...

Changing The Email Game | Jason Bay - 050 show art Changing The Email Game | Jason Bay - 050

Selling in Color

Emails are critical for successful salespeople. In today’s episode of Selling in Color, Donald goes over his favorite email tips, tricks, and best practices with all-star guest Jason Bay, co-owner of . Changing the email game Engaging in the “murder by numbers approach” of sending 1,000 emails to land five appointments impacts the customer quality. To work with a specific group of customers, show them you’re their peer. Don’t be the spam-sending stranger, be the friendly (but informative) industry peer. You’ll send less mail with this account-based approach, but the return will be...

Three Simple Ways To Elevate An Underrepresented Seller This Month | Donald Kelly - 049 show art Three Simple Ways To Elevate An Underrepresented Seller This Month | Donald Kelly - 049

Selling in Color

As we enter Black History Month, it’s important we remember ways to encourage and elevate underrepresented sellers. Only 20% of sales professionals are people of color; this month is the perfect time to acknowledge that discrepancy and take steps to a more diverse sales community. So on today’s episode of Selling in Color, Donald details three simple ways to elevate underrepresented sellers. Utilize LinkedIn to highlight someone. A previous Selling in Color guest, DeJuan Brown (), used to make weekly LinkedIn posts highlighting others in his community. Hiring managers say they don’t...

Three Ways To Nurture Your LinkedIn Contacts | Donald Kelly - 048 show art Three Ways To Nurture Your LinkedIn Contacts | Donald Kelly - 048

Selling in Color

Like many sales professionals, you probably have a ton of contacts on LinkedIn. But how do you connect and build relationships with those people? Find out on today’s episode of Selling in Color! In this episode, Donald shares his insights (and his screen) to help you nurture your LinkedIn contacts. Visit The Sales Evangelist website page for this episode to follow along on Donald’s screen.

How Do I Grab Someone's Attention On LinkedIn If They Have Not Accepted My Request? | Donald Kelly - 047 show art How Do I Grab Someone's Attention On LinkedIn If They Have Not Accepted My Request? | Donald Kelly - 047

Selling in Color

While Donald was talking with another person of color in sales, he was lamenting over a lack of accepted connection requests on LinkedIn. (Hey, we’ve all been there.) So on today’s episode of Selling in Color, Donald shares his tips to grab someone’s attention on LinkedIn (whether or not they’ve accepted a connection request.)

Three Planning Tips To Double Your Sales In 2022 | Donald Kelly - 046 show art Three Planning Tips To Double Your Sales In 2022 | Donald Kelly - 046

Selling in Color

Do you want to double your sales deals in 2022? In today’s episode of Selling in Color, Donald shares his three planning tips for the new year.

Entrepreneurship: A Fancy Word for Sales | A.J. Vassar - 045 show art Entrepreneurship: A Fancy Word for Sales | A.J. Vassar - 045

Selling in Color

Working in sales isn’t hard if you work with the right mindset. In today’s episode of Selling in Color, Donald is joined by International Speaker and sales expert A.J. Vassar to learn why sales and entrepreneurship are B.S. (and by that, we mean a Belief System.)

Succeed In Sales By Investing In Yourself | Natasha Hemmingway - 044 show art Succeed In Sales By Investing In Yourself | Natasha Hemmingway - 044

Selling in Color

Reaching your professional goals is easy (well, at least more accessible) if you take time to invest in your success. In today’s episode of Selling in Color, Donald is joined by speaker, consultant, and business owner Natasha Hemmingway to discuss how she reached the success she has today and how you can do it too by investing in yourself.

Abundance Now: Amplify Your Life & Achieve Prosperity Today | Lisa Nichols - 043 show art Abundance Now: Amplify Your Life & Achieve Prosperity Today | Lisa Nichols - 043

Selling in Color

In this episode of Selling in Color, we’re pulling an episode from the vault of TSE that will greatly help you further your sales game. Sales professionals all desire success, but how exactly can you bring that desire to fruition? Lisa Nichols is a transformational coach who uses education, motivation, and inspiration to help her clients achieve prosperity.

More Episodes

Overcoming imposter syndrome is challenging enough, but navigating those feelings as a woman of color can be even worse. But, today’s guest Nia Lewis overcame those barriers and is now a thriving entrepreneur. As the host and founder of the Solopreneur Hustle Podcast, a show dedicated to helping solopreneurs build businesses designed for growth (rather than merely staying afloat), Nia explains how she overcame the imposter syndrome and how you can do the same.

Nia became an entrepreneur immediately after college.

  • She never worked a full-time job, decided to start a business immediately after graduating college. (She had nothing to lose. What better time to start?)
  • While gaining experience, Nia worked part-time jobs as a secretary, recruiter, and even a cosmetologist as a safety net to make ends meet.
  • Her business started as a consultancy, utilizing her degree in communications to help with marketing and communications work. 
  • She eventually shifted to a content-driven platform, using the knowledge and skills she developed to create a content-based business built around the Solopreneur Hustle Podcast.

Developing a client base as a new entrepreneur can be difficult.

  • At first, Nia perused job postings on LinkedIn, Indeed, and other job boards to find local businesses that needed what she wanted to do.
  • She viewed the skills and experience those jobs were looking for, and then she found opportunities and pro bono work to practice and develop those skills.
  • Once she had the experience and value that people would pay for, she used the stats and numbers from her past experiences to give her the confidence to get paid clients.

The Imposter Syndrome is real, but especially for a woman of color.

  • At networking events, she would often be the only woman or person of color there.
  • What helped was reminding herself of her value. Anytime she noticed a feeling of imposter syndrome, she remembered she deserved to be there.
  • People of color are wired to see ourselves as less than or not enough when walking into an event. 
  • Remember that, regardless of what people may feel about you, your work will speak for itself. 
  • People of color constantly deal with the belief and expectations of assimilation. But we don’t need to assimilate. We can carve our own path and be just as successful as anyone else.

Nia’s advice to someone breaking out of their imposter syndrome?

  • Write down what you want out of life. 
  • Come up with what experiences you need to get you down the path you want. What value do you need to bring to the table?
  • Once you develop that experience and the projects you need, your confidence increases. 
  • Surround yourself with people making money, reaching their goals, and doing the things you want to do.

To get in touch with Nia, message her at solopreneur hustle on Instagram and Facebook, and you can find her podcast (The Solopreneur Hustle) everywhere podcasts can be found. Check out her website for more resources and information about Nia!  For a free five-day, self-paced business boot camp, visit subscribepage.com/businessgrowthebook.

This episode is brought to you in part by Skipio.

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This course is brought to you in part by the TSE Sales Certified Training Program, designed to help new and struggling sellers master the fundamentals of sales and close more deals. Help elevate your sales game and sign up now to get the first two modules free! You can visit www.thesalesevangelist.com/closemoredeals or call (561) 570-5077 for more information. We value your opinion and always want to improve the quality of our show. Complete our two-minute survey here: thesalesevangelist.com/survey.

Audio provided by Free SFX and Bensound. Other songs used in the episodes are as follows: The Organ Grinder written by Bradley Jay Hill, performed by Bright Seed, and Produced by Brightseed and Hill.