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Access Your Intuition w/ Natalie Miles

The Uplifted Yoga Podcast

Release Date: 12/11/2024

Your Emotions Want to Move - 3 Ways to Let Them show art Your Emotions Want to Move - 3 Ways to Let Them

The Uplifted Yoga Podcast

If your emotions are not being expressed, they’re being repressed. And where do they go? Your body! You’re probably not even aware of all of the emotions buried in your fascia right now. This can lead to a multitude of physical issues. That’s why you want to move emotions through your body. We’ve all heard the phrase, “emotions are energy in motion.” But how do we deal with all of the feelings that arise throughout each day?  Listen and learn how to: 🔹Turn your yoga mat into a container for processing emotion 🔹The three ways to move energy in the body 🔹Move in a way...

Cracking the Code on Ancient Beauty Secrets with Esther Moux show art Cracking the Code on Ancient Beauty Secrets with Esther Moux

The Uplifted Yoga Podcast

It seems we’re all looking for the fountain of youth. Whether through the latest beauty products/treatments or botox and filler; techniques to maintain a youthful glow are increasingly popular. My guest today, Esther Moux, shares ancient beauty secrets rooted in Chinese Medicine. Esther gives us actionable tips for facial rejuvenation, emphasizing the interconnectedness of diet, lifestyle, and overall well-being. We also delve into the nuances of skincare, the importance of consistency in routines and the impact of genetics versus lifestyle on aging. Listen in to learn: 🔹Beauty secrets...

Unlocking the Secrets of Chakras: Upper Chakra Symbols Explained show art Unlocking the Secrets of Chakras: Upper Chakra Symbols Explained

The Uplifted Yoga Podcast

Get ready for part two of explaining the chakra yantras. If you didn’t listen to part one, go back a few episodes and listen to that first. I previously discussed the geometric shapes associated with chakras 1, 2, & 3. Today I’m going to talk about the shapes that correspond to chakras 4 through 7. Let’s go over the unique symbols, associated elements, and the energies represented in each. Visualize or draw your own yantra as you listen to: 🔹A breakdown of the upper chakra yantras 🔹How the heart chakra integrates the upper and lower energy centers 🔹Why visualizing yantras...

Redefining “Niche” with Carla Cline Thomas show art Redefining “Niche” with Carla Cline Thomas

The Uplifted Yoga Podcast

Today I have the pleasure of talking to boss babe, Uplifted alumni & trainer, Carla Cline Thomas. Carla is a brilliant business strategist and one of the few business coaches I recommend to everyone. I love picking her brain on what trends she’s seeing in the industry and the future of marketing; and today is no exception. Carla and I discuss what marketing yourself in the wellness industry will look like for 2025. SPOILER: It’s not posting everyday. Take notes as Carla and I talk about: 🔹Why you need to niche down even further 🔹How there is plenty of room in the marketplace for...

Are You Truly Grateful? Exploring Gratitude Through a Somatic Lens show art Are You Truly Grateful? Exploring Gratitude Through a Somatic Lens

The Uplifted Yoga Podcast

In honor of Heart Chakra Day(a.k.a. Valentine’s Day), I want to talk about gratitude. No matter where you’re at in your wellness journey I’m sure you’ve heard all about the benefits of a gratitude practice. But where did gratitude practices originate? Let’s look at how gratitude has shown up in texts like The Vedas and The Bhagavad Gita AND how you can approach your gratitude practice from a somatic lens. I’m going to answer questions like: 🔹How does a gratitude practice relate to your yoga practice? 🔹Is there more we can be doing than just writing things down? 🔹How can we...

Redefining Feminine Energy in Yoga & Ayurveda with Katie Silcox show art Redefining Feminine Energy in Yoga & Ayurveda with Katie Silcox

The Uplifted Yoga Podcast

One of my dearest friends, and founder of Shakti School, Katie Silcox is back!! Today Katie and I are talking all things feminine. What is feminine energy? How does it appear and how do we embody it in yoga and ayurveda? Get all of these questions answered and learn more about feminine form kundalini, feminine ayurveda, and somatic movement. We’re having a heart to heart about: 🔹Why we need to access our feminine energy 🔹Working with the current of manifestation as opposed to the current of liberation 🔹Honoring the feminine in order to clear pathways for prana to flow more freely...

Unlocking the Secrets of Chakras: Lower Chakra Symbols Explained show art Unlocking the Secrets of Chakras: Lower Chakra Symbols Explained

The Uplifted Yoga Podcast

You know the chakra colors, and probably what poses to do to activate them. But do you know each one’s yantra? Each chakra has a unique geometric symbol attached to it. Today I want to give you a detailed examination of the first three chakras yantras: the root chakra, sacral chakra, and solar plexus chakra and discuss their unique symbols, associated elements, and the energies they represent. Have some colorful pens and paper ready as we explore: 🔹The geometric shapes of chakras 1, 2, & 3 🔹Using mandalas as tools for meditation and self-exploration. 🔹The specific elements and...

Do a “Yoga Life Makeover” w/ Corinne Maples show art Do a “Yoga Life Makeover” w/ Corinne Maples

The Uplifted Yoga Podcast

Today I have the pleasure of talking to Uplifted alum Corinne Maples. Corinne has taken ALL of the Uplifted training programs, from 200-hour to Embodied Yoga Life Coaching, and uses the skills she learned not only with her clients but in her everyday life. Corinne and I explore how to live your yoga through “kriya yoga.” We debunk self-care myths and explain how frivolous fun can lead to a more balanced life.  Tune in as we discuss: 🔹The key to maintaining a positive mindset 🔹Healing the nervous system and setting boundaries 🔹How to focus on personal joy rather than societal...

7 Ways To Cultivate a Yoga Practice That Sticks show art 7 Ways To Cultivate a Yoga Practice That Sticks

The Uplifted Yoga Podcast

It’s a new year, and while making resolutions can be a great motivator to utilize this energy and create big shifts; it's easy to fall off the yoga bandwagon. I want to give you seven practical strategies to find a practice that you can rely on. Let's talk about the importance of not just lowering, but evolving expectations, embracing consistency over perfection, and finding personal anchor practices.  Listen and find out why you should…  🔹Evolve your expectations for what your yoga practice looks like. 🔹Start with pleasurable experiences to engage with your practice....

Overcoming The Witch Wound with Mia Magik show art Overcoming The Witch Wound with Mia Magik

The Uplifted Yoga Podcast

Today I chat with author, speaker, coach and modern ambassador for ancient magic, Mia Magik. Mia dives into the historical, cultural, and personal aspects of the witch wound, providing insights on how it affects expression, sexuality, creativity, and business. Mia also shares practical tips for overcoming the witch wound and embracing authenticity and leadership.   Tune in and learn: 🔹The witch wound refers to the historical and cultural suppression of women's wisdom, expression, and power 🔹Overcoming the witch wound involves embracing authenticity, vulnerability, and reclaiming...

More Episodes

Do you ever wonder how to discern your true intuitive voice from fear or habitual thoughts? 


Today I talk to psychic medium Natalie Miles, who emphasizes there is no right or wrong way to receive intuitive messages. We talk about how intuition is tapping into your own inner power and knowing, and it communicates through the physical, emotional, and spiritual body; and the role of trust and the need to take action on intuitive messages. Natalie and I deep dive into how to cultivate a relationship with your intuition, tools to help harness your intuition and how to cultivate trust within yourself.

Grab your oracle cards and get ready to nerd out with us on:

🔹The different ways intuition can show up, such as intuitive hits, downloads, and messages.

🔹The connection between intuition and fear/anxiety, and how fear can arise when intuition is asking us to do something big or outside of our comfort zone

🔹Where intuition resides in the body, with Natalie highlighting the heart as a significant center for intuition.


 ✨ Make your yoga practice 2x more potent in 1/2 the time with my Free Yoga Transformational Portal

 ✨ Get The Yoga Bundle: $6,000 of yoga programs and resources for only $50 => https://transactions.sendowl.com/stores/14221/263945 


GUEST EXPERT: Natalie Miles | https://natalie-miles.com/ 

Natalie, originally from the UK, is an acclaimed channel, psychic medium, writer and author of her best selling book “You Are Intuitive. Trust Your Truth.Take Back Your Power.” Her podcast “Things That Die” is here to break the taboo on the death and endings we face in our lives. Natalie is here to inspire you to deepen the connection with yourself and the world around you, so you can make aligned conscious choices in your life. She’s not here to give you the answers or tell you what to do. But instead, to inspire you to feel confident in making the present and future decisions in your own life. She shares insight and guidance so you can move forward with confidence, trusting your own intuition.


Get Natalie’s book: https://youareintuitive.com/ 

Natalie’s Podcast: https://natalie-miles.com/the-natalie-miles-show/ 

Find Us: @larkinyogatv and @iamnataliemiles


FREE Yoga Practice: Connect With Intuition: A Gentle Vinyasa Yoga For Intuition

Relevant Blog: The Mystic Archetype: Characteristics & Challenges


Relevant to Today’s Episode:

📖 Yoga Life Book 

🐍 Yoga for Self Mastery

💖 Uplifted Membership


🎧 Also Listen to:

#315 – How to Program Your Emotions & LEAP into Success with Dr. Micheline Nader

#324 – The Importance of Emotional Processing and Regulation: DENT Model Trauma


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