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148 The Villain In Your Business Story: With Guest Michelle Mazur

Strategic Storytelling

Release Date: 06/27/2024

155 Should Your Origin Story Make You Seem Lucky or Good? show art 155 Should Your Origin Story Make You Seem Lucky or Good?

Strategic Storytelling

A recent article in Inc magazine asked this question: What makes you look better? A story like, "I started with no talent or luck and worked my butt off;" Or, A story like, "I had lots of talent and I got lucky." Believe it or not, audiences valued luck and talent more.  This episode raises the question: "When do you tell a story of luck and when do you tell a story of hard work?" Most people can attribute their success to both. It's all in how you tell your story. This episode explains... ...3 reasons why an "I got lucky" story will make the storyteller look better than an "I worked I...

033 Bragging 101 Build Your Personal Brand With Strategic Storytelling show art 033 Bragging 101 Build Your Personal Brand With Strategic Storytelling

Strategic Storytelling

Many service business owners lose clients every day because they're held back by fears like ...

154 It's a numbers game: how to sell with numbers on sales pages and stories show art 154 It's a numbers game: how to sell with numbers on sales pages and stories

Strategic Storytelling

Numbers can be extremely powerful when you know how to use them -- and sooner or later you have to use them. You use numbers in your stories and also in your copywriting, especially on sales pages. The way you present your numbers can make your price seem small and your outcomes seem large. You can also seem to presenting honest results rather than made-up, imaginary numbers. In this short episode you will discover… …how to make prices seem small and results seem large …how your numbers can make an outcome seem more realistic (at least some people think so) ...the common numbers bias...

153 Business storytelling: 4 key reasons to share that story show art 153 Business storytelling: 4 key reasons to share that story

Strategic Storytelling

Lots of business owners have been advised, "Just tell a story. Any story." Or they're told, "Stories hold your audience's attention. Stories captivate your listeners." All that is true. Absolutely. But stories can do a lot more than entertain your audience. And when you tell a story as a solopreneur, you need a specific reason.  In this podcast. we first look at 4 key reasons to tell a story. You'll notice that any story you tell will brand your business. People remember you as "that woman who...'" or "that guy who..."  So buckle up and learn... ...4 reasons to tell a story; that is,...

152 4 Ways Your Business Story Will Make Your Marketing Easier show art 152 4 Ways Your Business Story Will Make Your Marketing Easier

Strategic Storytelling

Storytelling for service-based solopreneurs isn't just for fun. It's not a device to gain attention and draw in a crowd of people from your niche.  So what can a story do for your business? In this episode, you'lll learn how to use stories to make y.our marketing easier. You will learn... ... 4 ways you can use stories to complete marketing activities - with samples ...Why every story you tell is a branding story (whether you plan them this way or not) ...What’s different about a selling story ...3 guidelines for telling a business story (the second will be a surprise) Resources: FREE: ...

151 The Guide Character in Your Selling Story show art 151 The Guide Character in Your Selling Story

Strategic Storytelling

Episode 151 - The second-most important character in your selling story is—drumroll, please—the guide. That is you!  The guide is the person, spirit or animal who helps the hero solve their problem or problems. The way you write yourself into your story will have a huge impact on your audience. They’re considering hiring you as a guide and they want to know several things.  You want to convince people that your story is special and that you are unique. How do you do that? In this episode you will learn:  The 3 major roles the guide can play in solving the hero’s problem....

150 The Surprising Character in Your Business Story: The Cheerleader show art 150 The Surprising Character in Your Business Story: The Cheerleader

Strategic Storytelling

We've talked about the hero in your story. We had an episode about the villain. And today we're going to talk about the character nobody mentions: the cheerleader. You can't be with the hero all the time, no matter how good you are. The cheerleader helps the heroes achieve their goals by just being there. You as the guide can help the hero find supportive cheerleaders. Sometimes people have to pay for this support, but often that support is available if your client--the hero--knows where to look. Sometimes you show them why it's important. When you help the hero find a cheerleader, you gain...

149 The Hero in Your Business Story show art 149 The Hero in Your Business Story

Strategic Storytelling

    In this podcast episode we are going to look at casting the characters in your story. We’ve already talked about the villain. The other characters are the hero, the guide and the cheerleaders.   Who is the hero of your story?   The hero has a problem. Often it’s a serious problem. Sometimes it's trivial, like a leaky faucet. You have a more dramatic story when the hero has a serious problem that requires steps to solve.   You are the guide who solves that problem. We will talk about the guide's role in the next podcast. Here's what we cover and what you will...

090 How To Craft A Selling Story for Your Small Business show art 090 How To Craft A Selling Story for Your Small Business

Strategic Storytelling

Do you want to create a story that sells - a selling story?  In this episode of Strategic Storytelling, you'll see an example of the way we can transform a "good enough" story into a strong story that delivers sales.   The business owner (a financial executive - a corporate controller, to be exact) found a need for a product she could create. She needed a story to get prospective customers involved and motivated. Her first story was not bad...but you'll see what we did to make it even better. In less than ten minutes, you will learn ... ...how to make a good story great...

069 ENCORE Small Business Branding: Your Brand Is Not Your Beach Towel show art 069 ENCORE Small Business Branding: Your Brand Is Not Your Beach Towel

Strategic Storytelling

Are you having trouble with branding your business?  Maybe you've gotten tired of the whole process. You wonder if you need to bother with branding at all.  That's because you may be trying to "brand like the big guys."  As a small, service-based business, you can't use the same approach.  You'll learn... ...why big companies use brands like a beach towel (and solopreneurs can't) ...why your brand starts AFTER you drop the beach towel and go into the water. ...what you, as a small business, have to communicate when the brand is YOU My book on Amazon:  . FREE GUIDE to...

More Episodes

In this episode, I’m joined by Dr. Michelle Mazur, a message strategist and marketing consultant. Her slogain is, "Make marketing suck less."

Let's face it: Most of us didn't go into business to be marketers. But it's something we have to do. It will always suck for a lot of people...but she helps make marketing easier and more fun.

Storytelling is one of the ways to make marketing more fun. For Michelle, that's am unusual way. to deal with the client's pain. Instead of magnifying the pain, she suggests we name a villain that the client can fight.

You will learn:

  • Why having a villain in your story makes you a better marketer
  • Some especially evil villains in online marketing (including mine, Michelle's and some others)
  • Why you should give your villain a name (like "web slubs" or "overlord")
  • Why internal blocks cannot be true villains
  • Where storytelling has gone off track 

You can find Michelle at her website: Dr. Michelle Mazur

Resources mentioned:


Christina Hills - Website Creation Workshop

Course: A Story That Sells