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149 The Hero in Your Business Story

Strategic Storytelling

Release Date: 07/18/2024

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In this podcast episode we are going to look at casting the characters in your story.

We’ve already talked about the villain. The other characters are the hero, the guide and the cheerleaders.


Who is the hero of your story?


The hero has a problem. Often it’s a serious problem. Sometimes it's trivial, like a leaky faucet. You have a more dramatic story when the hero has a serious problem that requires steps to solve.


You are the guide who solves that problem. We will talk about the guide's role in the next podcast.

Here's what we cover and what you will learn. 

-- There are 3 kinds of heros - you, your client, or an imaginary person. 

-- There are 3 qualities the hero possesses - these will surprise you. The hero can’t be a loser even though the hero brings you a problem. 

People don’t want to identify with losers: so who do they choose? 

What about the hero who’s the client of a lawyer or tax preparer? The hero doesn’t do a lot of work, but the hero can’t be totally passive.

-- Finally, what happens to the hero?  You don't wave a wand but your client -- the hero -- does come away as a different person.

The hero sells your story. The hero is the client. The prospect turns to your story and sees the hero as a mirror.  That’s the essence of a selling story. 

Other podcasts you may like:

The villain in your story - episode 148

You don’t have to be passionate to be a passionate advocate - episode 135

What is a persuasive story - episode 46

Cast the characters of your selling story --the workbook: A fill in the blanks guide to choosing the characters for your story. Click here for more.

How to tell a story that sells. Choosing characters is just one component.

If you'd like to work with me, learn about the Strategic Intensive coaching program.


Learn about the five archetypes of small business branding when you click here.