Talking Jewelry's podcast
Learn everything that you need to know in regards to the difference between platinum and gold. Tune in to hear Ay and Ben breakdown one of the most important engagement ring topics!
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Antique is older than 100 years. Vintage is older than 20 years old. Bracelet from the 1960s is vintage but not antique. Bracelet from 1880 is both vintage and antique.
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Synthetic Diamonds - Man Made Diamonds - Lab Diamonds
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Here are our ideas for the worst wedding proposal ideas ever.
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Here's the thing: I'm a fan of SI3! In my opinion, the market needs to continue growing! And the sooner everyone knows about it, the sooner the jewelers will have no choice but to catch up!
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WELCOME to Talking Jewelry. I'm Ay, and together with Ben, we're really excited to start this Podcast.
info_outlineSeason 1 Episode 3
Here are our ideas for the worst wedding proposal ideas ever.
10. Precarious Locations. Over the New York City Grates. At the beach. From high location.
Last year Olive Garden in Times Square. NYPD. 2007 losing the ring at the beach.
Here's the video that we did together with How Ridiculous: Bowling Ball vs Diamond.
9. Inappropriate locations.
Library. Place of Worship. Airplane
8. Live TV and Massive Public Venues. Sports Stadium. jumbotrons, game signs. That awkwardness that comes from the second-hand embarrassment is dripping off the screen.
What should she do? Take the ring and dump him later or just say no?
7. At someone else's big moment. Someone Else’s Wedding, someone else’s engagement party or proposal.
6. Life and Death Moments. At a Funeral, Hospital, During High pressure or after life-endangering moments?
The plot of so many Movies, but a bad idea in real life!
5. Flash Mobs
4. Ring in Food. Hiding in cake, soup, ring in the champagne
3. Tattooing Proposal Message. Tattooing names before marriage. Tattooing ever. Temporary tattoos
2. During her big moment
1. Faking Death
Russian Businessman. Car Crash, Fake Blood, an Ambulance, a camera. Walked out with flowers and an engagement ring.
"I wanted her to realize how empty her life would be without me and how life would have no meaning without me", Bykov said. "I think it worked - but I promise it's the last time."
Jumping from Roof proposal. Had someone throw the ring and then missed and fell off roof:
Motorcycle Crash Proposal. Faked death and then proposes.
Here's our article for the 67 Marriage Proposal Ideas.