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Why Synthetic Diamonds are the Biggest Scam

Talking Jewelry's podcast

Release Date: 08/27/2019

Why Synthetic Diamonds are the Biggest Scam? Really Bad Idea!

Synthetic Diamonds - Man Made Diamonds - Lab Diamonds

How are Synthetic Diamonds are made?

HPHT - High Pressure + High Temperature


Diamond Seed, graphic and molten metal, extreme pressure and temperature. Not purest. Not 100% carbon.

CVD - Chemical Vapor Deposition


Diamond Sliver, sand it down, Hydrogen and methane gas, 1000s degrees right pressure, gasses form a plasma which rains onto the disks and causes them to grow.

Chemically identical

Cost of Synthetic Diamonds

Mining Journal - https://www.mining-journal.com/precious-stones/news/1331263/lab-created-diamond-prices-on-the-wane

1 Carat Diamond Prices

2017 - Natural 5,850 - Lab $4,850 - 17%
2018 - Natural $6,150 - Lab $4350 - 29%

Are Diamond a Scam?

Yes, If you're buying diamonds as an investment. 99% of DIAMONDS ARE NOT AN INVESTMENT!

Blue Diamonds, D IF Golkanda Type IIA,

The resale value of maybe 50% - 60%. If the diamond is high quality you can usually get 70-80%.

Jewelry loses 70% as soon as you walk out the door.

6 years -> 2.35 $16,000 and bought it back $11,000. Old European Cut Diamond. Only lost 30%.

Car loses 10% when driven off the lot, 20% in 12 months, and 40% in 5 years.

Buying a diamond ring has now become a part of our culture. If you choose to buy into a diamond

Synthetic Diamonds are a Scam

The resale value is at 0%. No one wants to touch it. Some companies will buy back their own lab diamonds, but otherwise, there is no market for lab diamonds.

Punch-line: Buy nothing. If you Better buy Mossiniate or CZ vs. real diamond!
