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How To Provide Great Customer Service

The Cutting Edge Japan Business Show By Dale Carnegie Training Tokyo Japan

Release Date: 08/04/2024

335 Servicing Your Buyers In Japan show art 335 Servicing Your Buyers In Japan

The Cutting Edge Japan Business Show By Dale Carnegie Training Tokyo Japan

Enterprise killers can include Customer Service. We know that all interfaces with the customer are designed by people.  It can be on-line conversations with AI robots or in-store interactions, but the driving force behind all of these activities are the people in our employ.  The way people think and act is a product of the culture of the organisation.  That culture is the accountability of senior management.  The common success point of organisations is to have the right culture in place, that best serves the customer.  The success of senior management in making all...

334 Those Vital Few Seconds When You Start Your Talk In Japan show art 334 Those Vital Few Seconds When You Start Your Talk In Japan

The Cutting Edge Japan Business Show By Dale Carnegie Training Tokyo Japan

Don’t let your speaker introduction be a disaster. Usually when we are speaking we are introduced twice.  Once at the very start by the MC when they kick off proceedings and then later just before our segment of the talk.  The MC’s role is quite simple.  It is to set the stage for the speaker, to bring something of their history, their achievements and various details that make them a credible presenter for this audience.  This can often be a problem though, depending on a few key factors. How big a risk taker are you? Are you relying on the MC to do the necessary...

Dealing With Ambush Speaking Requests show art Dealing With Ambush Speaking Requests

The Cutting Edge Japan Business Show By Dale Carnegie Training Tokyo Japan

Suddenly you hear your name being called upon and you are being requested to make a few remarks.  Uh oh.  No preparation, no warning and no escape.  What do you do?  Extemporaneous speaking is one of the most difficult tasks for a presenter.  It could be during an internal meeting, a session with the big bosses in attendance or at a public venue.  One moment you are nice and comfy, sitting there in your chair, taking a mild interest in the proceedings going on around you and next you are the main event. Usually the time between your name being called and you...

333 Real World Leadership show art 333 Real World Leadership

The Cutting Edge Japan Business Show By Dale Carnegie Training Tokyo Japan

Change is hard to create anywhere in the world. Getting things to change in Japan also has its own set of challenges. The typical expat leader, sent to Japan, notices some things that need changing. Usually the Japan part of the organisation is not really part of the organisation. It is sitting off to the side, like a distant moon orbiting the HQ back home. There are major differences around what is viewed as professional work. The things that are valued in Japan, like working loyally (i.e. long hours) even with low productivity, keeping quiet, not upsetting the applecart, not contributing in...

332 Presentation Visuals show art 332 Presentation Visuals

The Cutting Edge Japan Business Show By Dale Carnegie Training Tokyo Japan

Last week we talked about when presenting, you need to transfer your energy to the audience.   However don’t have your energy levels at the maximum volume all the time.  That just wears an audience out and wears you out too.  Instead, you need to have some variation.  Very strong and then sometimes very soft.  And I mean drop it right down.  Remember to have that in the voice range.  Sometimes say your point in an audible whisper.   I remember when I gave a presentation in Kobe.  It was at a university summer school for...

331 Ending Presentations Secrets show art 331 Ending Presentations Secrets

The Cutting Edge Japan Business Show By Dale Carnegie Training Tokyo Japan

This is a tricky part of designing and delivering our presentations.  Think back to the last few presentations you have attended and can you remember anything from the close of their speech?  Can you remember much about the speaker? This close should be the highlight of their talk, the piece that brings it all together, their rallying cry for the main message.  If you can’t recall it, or them, then what was the point of their giving the talk in the first place?  People give talks to make an impression, to promulgate their views, to win fans and converts, to impact the...

330 Common Sense Needed More show art 330 Common Sense Needed More

The Cutting Edge Japan Business Show By Dale Carnegie Training Tokyo Japan

As the leader we have to work on the presumption that people know what they are doing. It is impossible to micro manage every single person, every moment of the day. By the way, who would want to do that anyway? The issues arise when things deviate from the track we think they are on or expect that they are on. We find that a process has been finessed, but we don’t like the change. We find that some elements have been dropped completely, but we only find this out by accident or substantially after the fact. We are not happy in either case. Why does this happen? Training can cover the basics,...

329 Join The Buyer Conversation In Japan show art 329 Join The Buyer Conversation In Japan

The Cutting Edge Japan Business Show By Dale Carnegie Training Tokyo Japan

Life is busy, busy today.  Communications has sped up business to an extent unthinkable even ten years ago.  Every company is a publisher now, due to social media’s pervasiveness.  Content marketing is driving original content creation and release.  LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook are favouring live video, so we have to become television talents.  Voice is the next big thing, so podcasting requires us to be radio personalities.  If you are in business, your personal information is out there, easily searchable and found.  We check out the buyers and they...

328 Dealing with Questions When Presenting In Japan show art 328 Dealing with Questions When Presenting In Japan

The Cutting Edge Japan Business Show By Dale Carnegie Training Tokyo Japan

Having an audience interested enough in your topic to ask questions is a heartening occurrence.  Japan can be a bit tricky though because people are shy to ask questions.  Culturally the thinking is different to the West.  In most western countries we ask questions because we want to know more.  We don’t think that we are being disrespectful by implying that the speaker wasn’t clear enough, so that is why we need to ask our question.  We also never imagine we must be dumb and have to ask a question because we weren’t smart enough to get the speaker’s meaning...

327 Build Your Team In Japan show art 327 Build Your Team In Japan

The Cutting Edge Japan Business Show By Dale Carnegie Training Tokyo Japan

Teams are fluid. People move or leave and new people join. Targets go up every year. The compliance and regulatory requirements become more stringent, the market pivots and bites you, currency fluctuations take you from hero to zero in short order. Head office is always annoying. There are so many aspects of business which line up against having a strong sense of team. We can’t be complacent if we have built a strong team and we have to get to work, if we are in the process of team building. Sports teams are always high profile and successful sports coaches are lauded for their ability to...

More Episodes

Great service is so fleeting and  illusive. You encounter it and then like the morning mist, the next minute it is gone.  One company representative is so spectacularly helpful and then next one is seemingly possessed by evil spirits and demonic. As companies how do we get the angels inside our staff to engage with the clients, rather than having reputation destroying devils intrude.  Good service, consistently delivered, is no accident and so it has to be made to occur.  How can we do that?

Jan Carlzon many years ago published a tremendous guide to customer service.  He had the job of turning around SAS airlines and captured that experience in his book “Moments Of Truth”.  Carlson’s insights flooded back to me when I checked into a hotel in Singapore. 

By the way, the drive in from Changi Airport is a credit to the Singaporean Government, who spend millions every year to develop and maintain their landscaped, leafy, green, tropical thoroughfares.  This is smart.  You are already in a pleasant mood just getting into town.  While going through the check-in process at the hotel, a waiter from the adjoining restaurant approached me bearing an ice-cold glass of freshly squeezed juice.  Singapore is very humid and trust me, after a long flight, that ice cold beverage went down very well.  I thought this is really well thought through customer service by this Hotel.

One of Carlzon’s observations about customer service however was the importance of consistency of delivery.  For example, visualise the telephone receptionist answering your call in a pleasant, helpful manner and you are uplifted by your exposure to the brand.  The next staff member receiving the transferred call however, is grumpy, disinterested and unfriendly. Instantly,  your mood and positive impression plummet. You are suddenly irritated by this company, who have just damaged their brand by their lack of an ability to sustain good service across only two consecutive touch points with the customer.  How do you feel when you are given the run around from department to department?

So back to my story.  As I get to my room, in good spirits after unexpectedly receiving my ice-cold juice, I find out the television isn’t working.  After a forensic search for the cause, including a few harsh words with the television controller, I discover the power is not on.  There is a card slot next to the door that initiates the power supply to the room.  Actually, I discovered the same system in the elevator, when I unsuccessfully tried to select my floor.  Yes, I worked it all out eventually, but the thought occurred to me that the pleasant, busy young woman checking me into the hotel, failed to mention these two salient facts to me.  Sustainability of good service has to be the goal if you want to protect or grow your brand.

Let me mention a customer service breakdown I particularly dislike here in Japan.  When you call just about any organization here, you get a very flat voice answering the phone saying in Japanese ,“XYZ company here”.  You ask to speak with that very excellent and impressive member of staff, Ms. Suzuki whom you met recently. The flat uninterested voice tells you that she “is not at her desk right now” and then you are abandoned to stone cold motherless silence. 

The “may I take down your name and phone number so that she can call you back” bit is rarely offered.   Instead, you are left hanging on the phone. The inference of the silence is that if Ms. Suzuki is not around, that is your problem buddy and you should call back later, rather than expect a return call.  Again, to Carlzon’s point, these inconsistencies of customer service directly damage the brand.  In this example, when I had previously met Ms. Suzuki, I was impressed by her and consequently I had a good impression of the whole organisation.  I was projecting that positive vibe to the entire company. The person taking the call has just put that positive image of the brand to the sword.

When you are the leader of your company, you presume that everyone “gets it” about representing the brand and that the whole team delivers consistent levels of service.  You expect that your whole team is supporting the marketing department’s efforts to create an excellent image of the organization.  After all, you have been spending truckloads of money on that marketing effort, haven’t  you?

But are all the staff supporting the effort to build the brand?  Perhaps they have forgotten what you have said about consistent customer service in the past or they are a new hire or a part-timer who didn’t get properly briefed. 

I heard one of my recent hires in the sales team answering the phone with an unhelpful tone in his voice.  He actually sounded like he was angry.  He was in his fifties, so no boy, but obviously that had been his standard, ugly phone manner throughout his entire working life.  A perpetual brand killer, client alienating, reputation destroyer right there.  We have an open plan office, so I could hear this. If you are encased in the dark wood paneled corner executive crib with a tremendous view, then maybe you will never know what is going on in the engine room and therefore be unable to do anything about it.

Leaders, we should all sit down and draw the spider’s web of how customers interact with us and who they interact with.  We should expect that nobody on our team gets it about the preservation of the brand and determine that we have to tell them all again, again and again. 

So how about this for a starter for educating our staff to do a better job protecting and enhancing the brand:

  1. Answer the phone with a pleasant, happy voice. Be helpful and offer your name first, so the customer won’t be embarrassed that they didn’t recognise your voice.  It also gives the caller confidence that a real person is going to take care of their needs.
  2. If you take the call and the person they are calling isn’t there, proactively offer to ensure they get a call back as soon as possible and guarantee you will get their message through to them.
  3. End with thanking them for their call and again leave your name, in case there is anything further the caller may need.

First impressions count, but so do all the follow-up impressions, if we want to build a sustainable, consistent positive image with our customers.  Consistency of good experiences doesn’t happen automatically.  We have to look again at all of our touch points with our customers and ensure that everyone in the team understands their place in maintaining the excellent brand we have built up.

Action Steps

  1. Draw your spiders web of client touch points and identify who needs training, including non-regular staff.
  2. Design the experience you want the client to have and train everyone around the content.
  3. Look at your systems for moving or transitioning the client through the organization, to make sure the client experience is consistently good.
  4. Always check to see what you think is happening is actually the case.