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The Power Of Rhetorical Questions

The Cutting Edge Japan Business Show By Dale Carnegie Training Tokyo Japan

Release Date: 09/08/2024

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The Cutting Edge Japan Business Show By Dale Carnegie Training Tokyo Japan

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The Cutting Edge Japan Business Show By Dale Carnegie Training Tokyo Japan

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The Cutting Edge Japan Business Show By Dale Carnegie Training Tokyo Japan

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The Cutting Edge Japan Business Show By Dale Carnegie Training Tokyo Japan

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Questions in general are powerful tools for speakers.  They bring focus to key points we want to get across.  They are particularly useful in getting our audience engaged.  They also have danger within them.  Knowing when to use questions and what types of questions to use are things which must be worked out in the planning of the presentation and shouldn’t be done on the fly.  If you want to get yourself into trouble then ask the wrong question, at the wrong time, in the wrong way and brace yourself for the reaction.

There is a cadence to any talk or presentation and in the planning phase we can break the delivery down to five minute blocks.  It doesn’t have to be five, it could be four or six, but five minutes is a long enough time to go deep with a thought, idea or imparting some information without losing the concentration of the audience.

Actually, audience concentration spans are a nightmare today.  They have become so short and everyone has become addicted to multitasking.  Even if they are enjoying the presentation, they are scrolling through their screens right in front of you anyway, without any hint of shame.   This is the new normal folks.  We will face this problem forever and we are never going back to the good old days of people politely listening to us right through our presentations.

This is why we need to be switching up the presentation every five minutes or so, to keep the audience intrigued with what we are presenting.  This is where great information or insights really help.  The audience access to something new or valuable will pry them away from their phone screens for a few minutes longer.  We will need to be using the full range of our vocal delivery skills to keep them with us.  Any hint of a monotone delivery and the hand held screens will light up and be blazing throughout the room.

Questions are an additional assist to break through the competing focus for audience attention.  By simply asking a well constructed question we can grab audience attention.  Even a simple question can work.  If I suddenly asked you, “What month were you born in?”, you will return your attention to me from wherever you were straying.  In our talk, we may have been waffling along taking about some pressing issue or downloading some precious data, losing our listeners in the process.  However, when we lob in a question, we magically get all eyes back on us.  We have now gotten the audience thinking about the point we have raised.

The downside with asking questions though is people in the audience want to answer them.  They see the question as a great opportunity for them to intervene in the proceedings.  They may have a counterview and enjoy the chance to debate with us.  They may have their own personal agenda and this break in the traffic is perfect for them to weigh in with what they think.  They may even get into debates amongst themselves and exclude us entirely.  Within no time at all, the proceedings have been hijacked and we are no longer in control of the agenda. 

This is where rhetorical questions are so handy.  They give us the ability to capture the mental attention of our audience on the topic we are discussing, get them engaged, but we maintain control.  A rhetorical question and a real question are identical.  The audience cannot distinguish one from the other.  This is good, because we can keep them guessing.  What we want them thinking about is whether this is a question they have to answer and are they ready to do that or is this a rhetorical question and all they have to do is listen?  The difference between the two is the timing of the break before our next contribution.  If we stop there and invite answers then they know it is time to speak up.  If we leave a pregnant pause, but then answer the question or add to it, then they know they are not being required to contribute.

The key point here is to design the questions into the talk at the start. In those five minute blocks we need to have little attractions to keep interest.  They might be powerful visuals, great storytelling, vocal range for effect or rhetorical questions.  The key is to have variety planned from the start.  In a 40 minute speech, apart from the opening and the closings, there are going to be 5-6 chances to grab strong attention.  At the start we can use vocal range and visuals but as we get to the middle and toward the end, we need to bring in the bigger guns as people’s concentration begins to fade out. 

We can’t flog the audience with a series of rhetorical questions and wear them down.  We can maybe get in two or maximum three in a forty minute presentation.  Any activity we repeat with our audience gets boring very fast.  Anything that smacks of manipulation absolutely gets the wrong response.

There is a fine line to be walked here. We do want to control the agenda, the debate, the timing, the attention of the listeners, without appearing controlling.  Sprinkling a couple of well constructed rhetorical questions into our presentation will help us to maintain interest. We need to defeat our screen based, social media and internet addictive attention rivals.  Get used to this, because this is the future for all of us as presenters and we have to lift our game to make sure we are in a position to have a powerful influence with our audiences.  The alternative is speaker oblivion.