The ISO Show
Greenwashing is a concern for both businesses and consumers. The proliferation of it in recent years has caused genuine green claims to be treated with an air of caution rather than being rightfully celebrated. It’s become clear that there is a need for transparent and substantiated green claims, both to help consumers and stakeholders to make informed decisions and to ensure that real steps towards sustainability are being taken. Is the upcoming EU Green Claims Directive the answer we’ve been looking for? In this episode Mel is joined by Charlie Martin, CEO and Founder of The...
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We are hitting a crunch point in regard to keeping to the 1.5°C limit as set out in the Paris Agreement. It’s going to take a collective effort to reduce the most catastrophic impacts of climate change, which is exactly why we’re seeing an increase in legislation and regulations that call for tangible evidence of sustainability efforts to combat the rise in greenwashing. If you’re looking for guidance on sustainability transparency, today’s guest has an initiative that can help. In this episode Mel is joined by Charlie Martin, CEO and Founder of The Anti-Greenwash Charter,...
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ISO Standards have been at the forefront of creating a unified approach to various aspects of sustainability, ensuring businesses have a robust framework to both manage and reduce their environmental impact. However, there are a lot of different sustainability Standards that cover specific areas of sustainability, or only apply to certain sectors. Each come with their own pros and cons, making it tricky to pick the best fit for you. In this episode Steph Churchman introduces four of the leading sustainability focused ISO Standards and explains the benefits and disadvantages of...
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If you’ve ever implemented an ISO Standard, then the term Management Review will be familiar to you. It’s a mandatory part of the implementation process, and a crucial tool for monitoring continual improvement. Somewhere down the line, it’s become a bit of a myth that a Management Review needs to be an annual meeting. That is simply not the case, while required by the Standard, it’s very flexible on how this could be achieved. In this episode Ian discusses the purpose of Management Review, including what you should be including and getting out of the review and breaks down...
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The importance of setting key objectives can’t be understated. They help drive continual improvement and reflect a business’s key metrics for success in various areas. They are also a key aspect of implementing an ISO Standard, with most specifying a dedicated Objectives clause. While most businesses will have objectives irrespective of any ISO certification, many may fall into the familiar trappings of having separate objectives for different departments, which only serves to fragment your measurement of success. In this episode Ian discusses the importance of setting key business...
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AI usage has skyrocketed in the past 2 years, with many commonplace apps and software now featuring an AI integration in some form. With the rapid development and possibilities unlocked with this powerful technology, it can be tempting to go full steam ahead with implementing AI use into your day-to-day business activities. However, new technologies come with new risks that need to be understood and mitigated before any potential incidents. In this episode Mark Philip, Information Security Manager at Cloud Direct, joins Ian to discuss emerging AI risks and how you can build AI...
info_outlineThe ISO Show
The uptick in greenwashing cases, and subsequent outing of these claims only serves to make stakeholders and consumers dubious of any businesses sustainability pledges. One key way to combat this is to have the information to back up your claims, something that is becoming a mandatory requirement for some depending on sector, location or company size. In this episode, Mel dives into the use of ISO 14064 and how verification to this internationally recognised Standard can help companies build trust and ensure their climate action claims are genuine and impactful. You’ll learn ...
info_outlineThe ISO Show
The rampant rise of greenwashing threatens to undermine genuine sustainability efforts and mislead consumers, with over 900 businesses in Europe being accused of the practice in 2024. Greenwashing can come in many different forms, and the tactics used aren’t always easy to spot. In this episode, Mel dives into the 7 shades of greenwashing and explains the common greenwashing tactics you should be on the lookout for. You’ll learn · What is Greencrowding? · What is Greenlighting? · What...
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In a world increasingly concerned about environmental impact, companies are under immense pressure to demonstrate their sustainability credentials. But how can businesses truly differentiate themselves from those simply paying lip service to green practices? Greenwashing is a term that you will likely be familiar with, as it’s one that’s been on the rise as consumer preference steers towards those who are seen to be doing the right thing. Alarmingly, high-severity cases, which involve companies that took a purposeful and systematic approach to concealing ESG violations, rise by more than...
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The end of another year has rolled around in the blink of an eye! We’ve managed to publish a whopping 42 episodes this year, pushing us over the 200 episode mark. We want to thank all our listeners, both old and new, for allowing us to continue to share both ISO tips and success stories from our wonderful clients. We hope you’ll follow along as we continue our podcasting journey in 2025. To close out the year, Ian Battersby and Steve Mason share some of their stories of misadventures during audits, from common mistakes, to broom battles and forklift mishaps, they really have seen...
info_outlineContinual Improvement is at the heart of every ISO Standard.
The cyclical nature of ISO Standards lends itself to regular review and update of your Management System, to ensure it’s working efficiently and to address any issues or opportunities that inevitably crop up.
However, Integrating these improvements can be challenging, even for mature systems.
Today Ian Battersby explains the concept of Improvement as defined in ISO Standards, how to find root cause for non-conformities and integrating improvement actions from multiple sources.
You’ll learn
· What is meant by ‘Improvement’ in ISO Standards?
· Common misconceptions about Improvement in ISO Standards
· How to address non-conformities in your Management System
· Finding the root cause of a non-conformity
· Integrating Improvement actions
In this episode, we talk about:
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[02:05] Episode summary: Ian Battersby will be explaining what Improvement means in relation to ISO Standards, how to address non-conformities and integrating the required Improvement actions.
[02:30] What is meant by ‘Improvement’ in ISO Standards? – One of the requirements of all Management System standards is to determine and select opportunities for improvement (Clause 10). This is the fundamental aim of Management Systems: to make things better
In the words of the standards, it is so that an organisation can:
“Implement any necessary actions to meet customer requirements and enhance customer satisfaction
These shall include:
a) improving products and services to meet requirements as well as to address future needs and expectations;
b) correcting, preventing or reducing undesired effects;
c) improving the performance and effectiveness of the management system.”
An organisation going through certification for the first time may never have had in place a system for planning improvements. Some organisations are dealing with improvements, but not necessarily through a single, consistent route.
While you can meet the requirements of the standards without a single route, the standard is not prescriptive in how you go about this.
[04:45] Common misconceptions about non-conformities – the standard does go on to cover nonconformity and corrective action (10.2); is it suggesting these as the main source of non-conformities (NC). It isn’t really explicit about other sources, other than specifically including customer complaints as a form of NC.
However, there’s a strong argument for consolidating data from different sources, so it’s worth considering how complaints data is handled. Other sources of non-conformities can include your Internal Audit findings, addressing where you may not be meeting client expectations, addressing failure to meet legal obligations ect.
As a reminder, ISO 9000 (Fundamentals and vocabulary) includes the definition of nonconformity: non-fulfilment of a requirement: need or expectation that is stated, generally implied or obligatory i.e. Legal / client expectation.
[10:00] Addressing non-conformities – You need to evaluate the need for action to eliminate the cause of the nonconformity, to ensure that the issues doesn’t recur, or pop-up elsewhere.
When a non-conformity does occur, you need to:
· Determine the causes
· Determining if similar nonconformities exist, or could potentially occur;
Any corrective actions should be appropriate to the effects of the nonconformities encountered.
So, you don’t need to commit a huge amount of resource to minor issues.
[11:40] Join the isologyhub and get access to limitless ISO resources – From as little as £99 a month, you can have unlimited access to hundreds of online training courses and achieve certification for completion of courses along the way, which will take you from learner to practitioner to leader in no time. Simply head on over to the isologyhub to sign-up or book a demo.
[13:40] Finding the cause of non-conformities – Without removing the cause, repetition may occur, and this is where integrating improvement data from multiple sources comes into its own.
The idea of Common cause is - a single cause may manifest itself in very different outcomes. For example, a lack of competence could lead to a process being delivered wrongly, leading to reducing level of quality in service or product, which would be picked up as an NC.
Competence is an area which can also lead to NC’s, through the result of a helath & safety incident or environmental incident if people aren’t trained to use equipment or follow set procedures.
It can also lead to a customer complaint where the failed process is apparent to a customer.
If a product NC isn’t spotted until after the product delivered/in service it could lead to a warranty claim
Or even a claim for damages should it lead to harm/loss to the customer
It could lead to regulatory breach or even enforcement or legal action
Some of these outcomes may not be apparent until they have impacted upon a customer or other interested party, so would not be recorded internally through a nonconformity system.
All this to say, finding the root cause will require looking in a lot of different places. Having a common methodology in place to address non-conformities, including considerations for different types of issues, makes life a lot easier.
[15:55] Integrating Improvements from multiple sources: There are many sources which can highlight opportunities for Improvement, including:
Internal Audit – This is a conformity assessment, so any gaps or issues identified will be NC’s that need addressing.
Surveillance Audit / Certification Audit – Your Certification Body will also be conducting a third-party conformity assessment, which may highlight something you’ve missed in your own internal audits.
Supply Chain Audit – Auditing your supply chain can also highlight NC’s that you can encourage them to address, both for your benefit and theirs.
Client Audit – You may be audited by clients, especially where there may be specific technical industry related issues.
Management Review – This is the perfect platform to identify Opportunities for Improvement. You can highlight NC trends from Internal Audits here and define if they need to be addressed separately. You will often have members of senior management present at a Management Review, so there is a greater chance for you to plan tangible actions to address issues, especially if they are business critical.
SWOT / PESTLE – This usually happens early on in the Implementation phase, but there’s no reason why you can’t repeat the exercise on an annual basis. This exercise directly identifies your risks and opportunities, both from internal and external sources. Getting input from all levels of staff as they may also shed light on potential NC’s and opportunities other departments may not even be aware of.
Accident reporting / Safety observations – Any incident should be viewed as an opportunity to improve. Some accidents are unavoidable, but many are a result of someone not following instructions, equipment being left unattended or in the wrongs location ect. Addressing these will help you to ensure a safer environment.
Site inspections – Just walking around your site can yield new insights. Ask other departments that may not visit your area to do a sweep and report any findings. Sometimes all you need is a fresh pair of eyes to highlight issues you’ve missed.
Complaint / Other customer feedback – Allow clients and stakeholders to have input.
Regulatory requirements – You may discover you are breaching a regulation, which needs to be addressed ASAP. Consider a legal register to keep track of all your legal and regulatory requirements.
Enforcement (HSE, EA, professional body) – You may have opportunities for improvement enforced by professional bodies such as the HSE or Environment Agency.
Management Action – Any management meetings should take opportunity suggestions from both management and the general workforce.
Product NC’s – If you’re in the manufacturing industry, you likely already have a system in place for monitoring any product related non-conformities. This process can be applied on a broader scale, as it embodies the same principles: Identify the problem, find the root cause, address the root cause, put preventative measures in place to stop recurrence.
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