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Your Senses and Your Mental Health with Joanna Grace

The SENDcast

Release Date: 05/16/2024

Whole Life Mental Health Meanderings with Dr Helen Ross show art Whole Life Mental Health Meanderings with Dr Helen Ross

The SENDcast

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The SENDcast

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Your Senses and Your Mental Health with Joanna Grace show art Your Senses and Your Mental Health with Joanna Grace

The SENDcast

Did you know that there is a profound connection between our senses and mental health? Our senses can heighten the more stress we’re under, but they can also shut down as well. Smell alone can bring up strong feelings and emotions, for example, no one likes the smell of hospitals, but they love the smell of fresh bread. To explore this connection further, Dale invited Joanna Grace, Sensory Engagement and Inclusion Specialist, to join him to discuss ‘Your senses and your mental health’. Joanna highlights that when in a depressive mindset, you can withdraw from the world and restrict your...

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The SENDcast

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The SENDcast

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A Profound Separation with Joanna Grace show art A Profound Separation with Joanna Grace

The SENDcast

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The SENDcast

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The SENDcast

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GIRL UNMASKED – Autistic Masking, School and Mental Health with Emily Katy show art GIRL UNMASKED – Autistic Masking, School and Mental Health with Emily Katy

The SENDcast

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Standardised Approach to Exams with Dr Susie Nyman show art Standardised Approach to Exams with Dr Susie Nyman

The SENDcast

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More Episodes

Did you know that there is a profound connection between our senses and mental health?

Our senses can heighten the more stress we’re under, but they can also shut down as well. Smell alone can bring up strong feelings and emotions, for example, no one likes the smell of hospitals, but they love the smell of fresh bread.

To explore this connection further, Dale invited Joanna Grace, Sensory Engagement and Inclusion Specialist, to join him to discuss ‘Your senses and your mental health’.

Joanna highlights that when in a depressive mindset, you can withdraw from the world and restrict your access to sensation. As a result, our senses can become dulled, affecting our ability to fully enjoy activities like eating.

She also emphasises the importance of our interoceptive sense, which allows us to sense our internal world, such as hunger and thirst, and how this differs for neurodivergent people which can in turn impact their wellbeing.

Each individual's environment plays a significant role in shaping their sensory capacity, which in turn affects their ability to perceive and process emotions effectively. Listen to this thought-provoking perspective on the importance of curating environments that promote good mental health at a sensory level.


About Joanna Grace

Joanna Grace is a sensory engagement and inclusion specialist, doctoral researcher, author, trainer, TEDx speaker and Founder of The Sensory Projects. Joanna has worked with people with learning disabilities and neurodivergent conditions aged from 0-100 (well 1 day old – 87 years old to be precise) in a range of settings and context. Through all she does Joanna is seeking to contribute to a future where people are understood in spite of their differences.


Contact Joanna


[email protected]




Useful Links

Autism:behaviour or neurotype? session with Jo Grace 


·         B Squared Website – www.bsquared.co.uk 

·         Meeting with Dale to find out about B Squared - https://calendly.com/b-squared-team/overview-of-b-squared-sendcast 

·         Email Dale – [email protected] 

·         Subscribe to the SENDcast - https://www.thesendcast.com/subscribe


The SENDcast is powered by B Squared

We have been involved with Special Educational Needs for over 25 years, helping show the small steps of progress pupils with SEND make. B Squared has worked with thousands of schools, we understand the challenges professionals working in SEND face. We wanted a way to support these hardworking professionals - which is why we launched The SENDcast! Click the button below to find out more about how B Squared can help improve assessment for pupils with SEND in your school.