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370: Savoring the Many Benefits of Being Single at Heart, my talk with author Dr. Bella DePaulo

The Simple Sophisticate - Intelligent Living Paired with Signature Style

Release Date: 12/06/2023

383: 11 Health & Beauty Secrets for a Better Second Half, as taught by Liz Earle show art 383: 11 Health & Beauty Secrets for a Better Second Half, as taught by Liz Earle

The Simple Sophisticate - Intelligent Living Paired with Signature Style

"My years working in wellbeing have taught me that it's about living life in a daily, achievable balance. The one thing that counts above all else? Consistency. It doesn't have to be much and it doesn't have to be hard, but it does have to be consistent." —Liz Earle, author of A Better Second Half With forty's arrival five years ago, I gradually began to see subtle, very subtle changes in my skin, hair and physical body; however, as someone who has always been curious at a young age about staying healthy regarding what I eat, how I care for my body and skin, etc., I wasn't necessarily...

382: Antique & Vintage Shopping in Barnard Castle, England + 5 Ways I Decorate with these Treasures show art 382: Antique & Vintage Shopping in Barnard Castle, England + 5 Ways I Decorate with these Treasures

The Simple Sophisticate - Intelligent Living Paired with Signature Style

You know you've found a quaint English town when the name of the town has a beloved nickname personifying it. Barnard Castle, or Barney, as the locals often call it, is a small town in County Durham, so in the northeastern portion of England, and the population rests just under 6,000. Now, when I began to make my plans to visit England for this particular trip, one of my top priorities centered around finding treasures for which had finally concluded, as I wanted to begin to add the polish, if you will. So antiquing and vintage decor shops were on my radar, and I could not have been more...

381: The Power of the Clarity of Our Intention AND Where We Direct Our Attention: Understanding Our Mind show art 381: The Power of the Clarity of Our Intention AND Where We Direct Our Attention: Understanding Our Mind

The Simple Sophisticate - Intelligent Living Paired with Signature Style

We each have an amazing super power within us that when we understand how it works, transforms the quality of our lives. Instead of living in fear, constantly worrying and doubting the goodness of our fellow human beings or that our dreams can come true, when we understand how the Salience Network works in our mind, we unwrap a priceless gift. The salience network is the cognitive system the brain uses to determine what is important, so if we don't understand the components of and how it functions, we can be at its mercy and ultimately relinquish the keys to what will open the door to living a...

380: How Rituals Enrich Our Lives IF We Choose and Engage with Intention show art 380: How Rituals Enrich Our Lives IF We Choose and Engage with Intention

The Simple Sophisticate - Intelligent Living Paired with Signature Style

Rituals, whether designed by us solely for ourselves, or legacy rituals, or relationship or group rituals that involve others, give us more than can be imagined to deepen the quality of our life than we thought possible prior to fully engaging and incorporating them into our lives. You may recognize Dr. Michael Norton's name, a professor of business administration at Harvard Business School, as he co-wrote a book I thoroughly enjoyed and often sited for over a decade on the effects of money and happiness with Elizabeth Dunn, (if you haven't read it, I highly recommend it, as their work has...

379: How (and Why) to Be Your Own Best Friend show art 379: How (and Why) to Be Your Own Best Friend

The Simple Sophisticate - Intelligent Living Paired with Signature Style

"We are not born with the secret of how to live [well], and too many of us never learn it. There is nothing cold-blooded or mechanical about it, but there are many things we have to learn to do . . . the first thing is to realize we've probably been looking in the wrong place. The source is not outside us; it is within." —Mildred Newman & Bernard Berkowitz, authors of Befriend yourself and you have a friend for life. This simple saying, often expressed, while true, is often not understood as to how it can be possible. But the most awesome news I want to share with you today is that you...

378: Choose to Compost Your Past: How the Arrival of the Spring Season is a Metaphor for Life show art 378: Choose to Compost Your Past: How the Arrival of the Spring Season is a Metaphor for Life

The Simple Sophisticate - Intelligent Living Paired with Signature Style

"Composting what was into what will be." Mother Nature and the cycle of seasons provide endless life lessons and nourishing guidance if we are wise enough to heed her teachings. More specifically, spring's arrival, the season as we all know that introduces itself after winter, the latter season of which for many of us can be frigid, keeping us more home-bound and bundled up far more often than we might prefer as well as to cause us to take stock of our home environment most directly and intimately. It was upon hearing the statement above in a recent yoga class that I immediately smiled. Why?...

377: The Slow Productivity Approach that will Elevate the Quality of Your Entire Life, as taught by Cal Newport show art 377: The Slow Productivity Approach that will Elevate the Quality of Your Entire Life, as taught by Cal Newport

The Simple Sophisticate - Intelligent Living Paired with Signature Style

Author and professor of computer science at Georgetown University Cal Newport's latest book details exactly how and where in our daily lives and throughout the year we can apply the Slow Productivity approach and why it works. In today's episode I will be sharing with you 10 takeaways that caught my eye as areas of interest that I thought would interest TSLL readers/podcast listeners, and if what you discover here speaks to you, I encourage you to pick up the book as far more detail and information is shared. Throughout the discussion today, I will be dovetailing the ideas Newport suggests...

376: Wise Investments: Understand the Difference between a Good Value and a Good Deal show art 376: Wise Investments: Understand the Difference between a Good Value and a Good Deal

The Simple Sophisticate - Intelligent Living Paired with Signature Style

The savviness of wise money management encompasses many factors, but one is an approach often overlooked or dismissed: Understanding the difference between a Good Value versus a Good Deal. Here in the states tax season is upon us, and so many of us may have money on the mind even more than we usually do; however, I often find myself at the beginning of the new year assessing my monthly budget, determining where I am gaining value or unnecessarily causing more tasks and draining money. Ultimately, whenever I sit down to assess my money, my goal is to do so less often, knowing I have invested...

375: How to Become a More Skilled Participant in the Living of Our Life show art 375: How to Become a More Skilled Participant in the Living of Our Life

The Simple Sophisticate - Intelligent Living Paired with Signature Style

The concluding note to readers that author, yoga and meditation instructor Deborah Adele shares in her book : includes the wish that they become more skilled participants in the living of their lives. And with the wisdom she shares in her book, she provides them with the tools to do just that. Having shared various insights here on the blog gained from her book, specifically in about , and as we conclude the two month-long series of 'new year, new life' as you continued along the way to making the change you set to bring to be as the new year began, I wanted to explore two simple, yet...

374: What I Have Learned in French Class, So Far - part sept (7) show art 374: What I Have Learned in French Class, So Far - part sept (7)

The Simple Sophisticate - Intelligent Living Paired with Signature Style

Bonjour à tous ! Just last week, I concluded FR 105 with Washington DC's Alliance de Français, a Zoom/online course that met twice a week, two hours each time since just after Thanksgiving. You may remember that Part Six of this series was shared during TSLL's Annual French Week which shared what I had learned through FR 104 and 103, and now it is time to share some progress! Thankfully, there has been progress and while I chose to take Everyday Situational French this fall due to my travel schedule, this once-a-week meeting provided me the opportunity to keep the French language on the tip...

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Joining me on the podcast today is a guest who has courageously chosen to share that she thoroughly and unapologetically savors living a single life. The leading expert on single living, Dr. Bella DePaulo dispels the myths that pervade modern-day (and historic) cultures around the world when it comes to being single by looking at the research that is often cherry-picked and misleading as it speaks to in what type of relationship status one finds the most happiness. But most importantly, in her new book that was just released yesterday December 5th (2023), Single at Heart: The Power, Freedom, and Heart-Filling Joy of Single Life, she focuses on an abundance of findings that reveal the many benefits of living single. From improved health and deeper life satisfaction as we age.

Thankfully, so much of what is portrayed in media - films, books, television, pretty much everywhere - is not an accurate depiction of where and how happiness is found. By no means is Single at Heart an anti-marriage or anti-couple book, but rather a book that reveals that those of us who have chosen to be single, who find it far more fulfilling than being in a traditional couple, need only trust our inner compass to continue to choose the life that brings us fulfillment. As she points out, the world would be far more peaceful and content if we would trust what we know to be true of ourselves - those who wish to be in a couple would find people who truly wanted to be in a couple, and those who savored their single life would not feel forced to choose a life that was not nourishing.

Tune in to today's conversation where we will talk about the priority and value of freedom as well as benefits of solitude for the Single at Heart, and also speak to how those who are widows/widowers, as well as divorcees, can step into a new chapter of revelation about where and how joy can be cultivated. Dr. DePaulo discusses the importance of nurturing The Ones rather than just The One and reminds us that courageously saying we love our single life is what is needed to change the view that the culture errantly holds on to.