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388: Why Not . . . Become the CFO (Chief Financial Officer) of Your Own Life and Experience Financial Freedom for the Rest of Your Life? 14 Foundational Pieces

The Simple Sophisticate - Intelligent Living Paired with Signature Style

Release Date: 09/18/2024

388: Why Not . . .  Become the CFO (Chief Financial Officer) of Your Own Life and Experience Financial Freedom for the Rest of Your Life? 14 Foundational Pieces show art 388: Why Not . . . Become the CFO (Chief Financial Officer) of Your Own Life and Experience Financial Freedom for the Rest of Your Life? 14 Foundational Pieces

The Simple Sophisticate - Intelligent Living Paired with Signature Style

What I would like to share with you today are 14 foundational pieces that will establish and continue to grow your financial freedom. Whether you work for a boss or work for yourself, I will be sharing how to make your way to financial freedom and also remain financially free once you arrive without being stagnant. In other words, when we are financially free, we now have space, energy and opportunities that we didn't have before. Whether that is creatively because our mind is free to not worry about our finances because we have put into place systems that we trust and know work in our favor,...

387: The Importance of 'Hero' Pieces in Your Wardrobe and the 6 Core Components show art 387: The Importance of 'Hero' Pieces in Your Wardrobe and the 6 Core Components

The Simple Sophisticate - Intelligent Living Paired with Signature Style

When we think of the term hero in its typical circumstance, we think of someone saving the day, making everything better, and restoring the peace, security and joy to those or what had momentarily been in peril. Now fashion or our personal style is not a life or death situation, I will acknowledge this upfront, but for the purposes of today's conversation, the hero pieces in our wardrobe are, as defined b, "the ultimate item of clothing that completes any wardrobe. Hero pieces can be dressed up, dressed down and just become an ‘essential piece’’ that you can’t live without". ...

386: What I Have Learned So Far in French Class, Part Huit (8) show art 386: What I Have Learned So Far in French Class, Part Huit (8)

The Simple Sophisticate - Intelligent Living Paired with Signature Style

The learning continues, and the French language continues to become clearer and clearer with each word I hear. Granted, it is a slow journey of progress, but indeed progress has been made. As I sat watching both the Opening and Closing Ceremonies of the Jeux Paris, I found myself for the first time actually wishing there were no translations as I found I could understand most of what was being said in French (admittedly, I may have paused and rewound a time or two ;)). To recognize words that previously were absolutely babbel to me in years past found me celebrating seemingly small, but, to...

385: Talking Finances & Contentment with Jill Sirianni of the Frugal Friends podcast show art 385: Talking Finances & Contentment with Jill Sirianni of the Frugal Friends podcast

The Simple Sophisticate - Intelligent Living Paired with Signature Style

When it comes to finances, to solely focus on the numbers actually can hinder the success and outcomes we seek of not only financial freedom, but deep everyday contentment. Co-host of the established podcast , Jill Sirianni joins me to not only talk about the founding premise of their show which debuted back in 2018 and now has more than 400 episodes, and also to talk about her and her co-hosts' Jen Smith's new book that will be released in January 2025. Overlapping themes of how to live a life of contentment as well as find peace with our money management drew me to inviting Jill on The...

384: 6 Things We Gain By Honoring Our True Self show art 384: 6 Things We Gain By Honoring Our True Self

The Simple Sophisticate - Intelligent Living Paired with Signature Style

When we make the life changing decision to embrace our true selves, a change that we cannot see at the outset, we open up a world of seemingly magic opportunities, gifts and moments of awe. Over the years, beginning in 2018 and the post from which the excerpt above came, we've talked about honoring our true selves, what it entails, why it's important and how to stay the course. The choice to step onto the journey's path of who each of us is must be made consciously, an exercise in because we will be pushed and pulled off and over and even emotionally deflated along the way, and each instance...

383: 11 Health & Beauty Secrets for a Better Second Half, as taught by Liz Earle show art 383: 11 Health & Beauty Secrets for a Better Second Half, as taught by Liz Earle

The Simple Sophisticate - Intelligent Living Paired with Signature Style

"My years working in wellbeing have taught me that it's about living life in a daily, achievable balance. The one thing that counts above all else? Consistency. It doesn't have to be much and it doesn't have to be hard, but it does have to be consistent." —Liz Earle, author of A Better Second Half With forty's arrival five years ago, I gradually began to see subtle, very subtle changes in my skin, hair and physical body; however, as someone who has always been curious at a young age about staying healthy regarding what I eat, how I care for my body and skin, etc., I wasn't necessarily...

382: Antique & Vintage Shopping in Barnard Castle, England + 5 Ways I Decorate with these Treasures show art 382: Antique & Vintage Shopping in Barnard Castle, England + 5 Ways I Decorate with these Treasures

The Simple Sophisticate - Intelligent Living Paired with Signature Style

You know you've found a quaint English town when the name of the town has a beloved nickname personifying it. Barnard Castle, or Barney, as the locals often call it, is a small town in County Durham, so in the northeastern portion of England, and the population rests just under 6,000. Now, when I began to make my plans to visit England for this particular trip, one of my top priorities centered around finding treasures for which had finally concluded, as I wanted to begin to add the polish, if you will. So antiquing and vintage decor shops were on my radar, and I could not have been more...

381: The Power of the Clarity of Our Intention AND Where We Direct Our Attention: Understanding Our Mind show art 381: The Power of the Clarity of Our Intention AND Where We Direct Our Attention: Understanding Our Mind

The Simple Sophisticate - Intelligent Living Paired with Signature Style

We each have an amazing super power within us that when we understand how it works, transforms the quality of our lives. Instead of living in fear, constantly worrying and doubting the goodness of our fellow human beings or that our dreams can come true, when we understand how the Salience Network works in our mind, we unwrap a priceless gift. The salience network is the cognitive system the brain uses to determine what is important, so if we don't understand the components of and how it functions, we can be at its mercy and ultimately relinquish the keys to what will open the door to living a...

380: How Rituals Enrich Our Lives IF We Choose and Engage with Intention show art 380: How Rituals Enrich Our Lives IF We Choose and Engage with Intention

The Simple Sophisticate - Intelligent Living Paired with Signature Style

Rituals, whether designed by us solely for ourselves, or legacy rituals, or relationship or group rituals that involve others, give us more than can be imagined to deepen the quality of our life than we thought possible prior to fully engaging and incorporating them into our lives. You may recognize Dr. Michael Norton's name, a professor of business administration at Harvard Business School, as he co-wrote a book I thoroughly enjoyed and often sited for over a decade on the effects of money and happiness with Elizabeth Dunn, (if you haven't read it, I highly recommend it, as their work has...

379: How (and Why) to Be Your Own Best Friend show art 379: How (and Why) to Be Your Own Best Friend

The Simple Sophisticate - Intelligent Living Paired with Signature Style

"We are not born with the secret of how to live [well], and too many of us never learn it. There is nothing cold-blooded or mechanical about it, but there are many things we have to learn to do . . . the first thing is to realize we've probably been looking in the wrong place. The source is not outside us; it is within." —Mildred Newman & Bernard Berkowitz, authors of Befriend yourself and you have a friend for life. This simple saying, often expressed, while true, is often not understood as to how it can be possible. But the most awesome news I want to share with you today is that you...

More Episodes

What I would like to share with you today are 14 foundational pieces that will establish and continue to grow your financial freedom. Whether you work for a boss or work for yourself, I will be sharing how to make your way to financial freedom and also remain financially free once you arrive without being stagnant. In other words, when we are financially free, we now have space, energy and opportunities that we didn't have before. Whether that is creatively because our mind is free to not worry about our finances because we have put into place systems that we trust and know work in our favor, and because we have space mentally, we have more energy to expend on what we love to do instead of what we have to do which leads us to more opportunities crossing our paths because we our present and fully engaged with the moment, bravely being ourselves and dancing with life instead of surviving and just making it through.

Before we explore today's list, I will point out that this is not necessarily the typical list of save more, spend less - thrift, thrift, thrift! I will be sharing with you some examples from my own life that in hindsight demonstrate that playing it 'safe' isn't always a wise move if you want to make the gains (in any respect) that you desire. As well, while yes, we are talking about money, so much of the financial advice we read (but not all - i.e. Deepak Chopra and Kate Northrup along with others) focuses entirely on the logical and mathematical side of how to be financial free, and while that plays a powerful and necessary role - knowing how the monetary world works and basic math regarding interest, etc., there is also a part we cannot know entirely or with certainty and that is why knowing ourselves, living a life of true contentment and being brave enough to find and then embrace our dharma is crucial to remaining financially free.

Find the Show Notes on The Simply Luxurious Life blog - https://thesimplyluxuriouslife.com/podcast388