Episode 210: Gut Brain Connection
Curate Your Health with Dr Heather Hammerstedt
Release Date: 10/25/2022
Curate Your Health with Dr Heather Hammerstedt
Episode 234 of my Curate Your Health Podcast is out! Link below. Denise Schonwald is here today to talk about mental health. She was an ICU nurse who treated patients with their symptoms. She was noticing patterns in the patients and how the body manifested based on their mental health. A lot of the physical symptoms she would see were stomach issues and procrastination. She became a Mental Health Counselor because she was interested in treating the mind, so that people could have better physical health. Denise Schonwald, a dedicated registered nurse for over 30 years, has seamlessly...
info_outlineCurate Your Health with Dr Heather Hammerstedt
Episode 233 of my Curate Your Health Podcast is out! Link below. Susan Salenger is here to talk about how women need to advocate for themselves for health care. She interviewed women for a book she wrote, and she discovered that women, in many ways, put themselves last and this needs to change. Women need to put themselves first and go to the doctor when they don’t feel well. She found that many people are unprepared when going to the doctor. It is advisable to write a list of all of your symptoms and medications you take. Many people get anxious at doctor visits so if you have a...
info_outlineCurate Your Health with Dr Heather Hammerstedt
Episode 232 of my Curate Your Health Podcast is out! Link below. Dr. Prudence Hall is here to talk about the unique needs of women, specifically during menopause. How you manage your menopause and perimenopause will determine how you will feel for the remainder of your life. It is so important to be proactive in your health. Around the ages of 35-37 perimenopause usually begins. Some symptoms include: your periods coming closer together, not sleeping well, compulsive behavior, bloating, digestive issues, and mood changes. Around the ages of 44-49 menopause usually begins. It is...
info_outlineCurate Your Health with Dr Heather Hammerstedt
Episode 231 of my Curate Your Health Podcast is out! Link below. Udo Erasmus is here to talk about total health. He first started looking into healthy oils, digestion, and the importance of eating greens. However, he discovered that everything affects health, and in that insight, he started to look at all components of human nature. He says that if you want optimum health, there are eight parts. The first part is internal awareness, this is a stillness practice in a safe place. When you can deeply, quietly and gently breathe, you will notice a calmness, contentment there. He then...
info_outlineCurate Your Health with Dr Heather Hammerstedt
Episode 230 of my Curate Your Health Podcast is out! Link below. Udo Erasmus is here to talk about healthy oils. He describes our bodies as a major construction site. Some people say 98% of the time, the atoms in our bodies turn over and are removed and replaced every year. Our bodies need essential nutrients to be healthy. If you are not getting enough, your health will deteriorate, but you can reverse this. You need to be conscious of what you are bringing into your body. He became very interested in learning about how oils are made and discovered that the processing of oils was...
info_outlineCurate Your Health with Dr Heather Hammerstedt
Episode 229 of my Curate Your Health Podcast is out! Link below. Caroline Goodner is here today to talk about vaginal health. Her company OrganiCare makes products that help with vaginal infections. Femiclear has natural ingredients that have been proven to be efficient. Her products help with conditions such as: yeast infections, genital herpes, bacterial vaginosis and UTIs. Caroline Goodner is the co-founder and CEO of OrganiCare, a leader in transforming feminine healthcare by making highly effective, natural products that are science backed and available over the...
info_outlineCurate Your Health with Dr Heather Hammerstedt
Episode 228 of my Curate Your Health Podcast is out! Link below. Dr. Elsbeth Meuth & Freddy Zental Weaver are here to discuss how we can connect to our dreams and desires. They explain that tantric healing is about opening oneself up and being more intentional. This allows you to shift how you are living and feeling. You can become more aware of your sexual energy in this altered, intimate and vulnerable state. They help people by guiding their breath and energy to allow new possibilities. The more integrated you feel, the more whole you become. When you can come to peace with...
info_outlineCurate Your Health with Dr Heather Hammerstedt
Episode 227 of my Curate Your Health Podcast is out! Link below. Dr. Sheilagh Maguiness is here today to talk about skin care. As tweens enter puberty it is important that they know how to have healthy hygiene, with both body and skin care habits. There are big differences between girls' and boys' hygiene. It is important that we educate and show our tweens and teens how to care for themselves. Mental health and depression can be tied into low self esteem from skin issues. Acne can be a result of hormonal changes, genetic components, and how your immune system responds to bacteria. We...
info_outlineCurate Your Health with Dr Heather Hammerstedt
Episode 226 of my Curate Your Health Podcast is out! Link below. Karin Reiter is here today to discuss holistic health. She talks about looking at the root causes (the pillars of your health) in order to be healthy. The physical, mental, emotional, and trauma base pillars need to be addressed and she helps people with small steps to make these changes. One of her passions is working with children with ADHD and helping with their diet. In treating the causes, by fixing the gut health, then the behavioral, concentration symptoms will improve. She emphasizes how important it is to have...
info_outlineCurate Your Health with Dr Heather Hammerstedt
Episode 225 of my Curate Your Health Podcast is out! Link below. Tess Jewell-Larsen is here today to talk about how she empowers women from feeling exhausted to finding balance. It is so easy to get caught up in our thoughts. She focuses on where these women are lacking or overdoing something, and she tries to help them find one thing they can do for themselves to get to a balanced state. It is important to feel all emotions and allow them to be there, and not push them away. When we don’t process these emotions, it can cause unease. Processing can be done through many different avenues,...
info_outlineEpisode 210 of my Curate Your Health Podcast is out! Link below.
Hally Brooke is here today to discuss her journey with gut health and brain fog. She discovered by figuring out what foods worked for her, she was able to balance her emotions better and think straight. By being more thoughtful and mindful with the way food made her feel, she was able to heal her gut health. She mentions that by paying attention to what her body needed, she was able to feel better, and what helps one person, may not help another.
Hally Brooke is the Founder & CEO of Live Nourished, she is a Certified Functional Medicine Nutrition Counselor, Nationally Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach, Fox 21 Fitness & Nutrition Expert, and a fierce industry advocate. Her self-education in nutrition and exercise began in 2014 when she battled and overcame her own serious GI issues including IBS and SIBO. Through her own process of finding wholeness, health and healing for herself, as well as her education and experience with her clients, Hally has learned that living a nourished life takes more than just “eating healthy” or working out. Hally teaches that “true health” is a blend of not only physical health, but also mental, emotional & spiritual wellbeing. And that sometimes “health” looks like enjoying a burger instead of a salad, or taking a nap instead of going on a run. From that experience, she has built a thriving Functional Medicine Coaching practice that works with clients in ALL the key areas of wellness including movement, nutrition, mindset, resilience, relationships, and self-care. Her life mission is to encourage, empower and free women by teaching healing. Whether as clients, through speaking events, business coaching, or personally with the people she encounters, she lives and breathes this mission day in and day out.
She can be found on Instagram: www.instagram.com/livenourishedcoaching and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/livenourishedcoaching
You can also download the Gut Health cookbook and supplement guide here: https://live-nourished.com/live-talk-landing-page
Dr. Hammerstedt and her lifestyle coaching team can be found at www.wholisthealth.com and @wholisthealth on Facebook and Instagram as well as the Facebook group Curate Your Health. Wholist helps high performing women and men lose weight for the last time, with an innovative food and mindset coaching program to blueprint YOUR optimal body and mind, with real food, real work, real results...and no products or BS. Come curate YOUR sustainable health future, and personal and professional dynasty.
And remember, Who you choose to be Matters. You are valuable, You are worth this, You are your WholeYou.