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Autrement, c'est le rendez-vous des professionnels qui voient grand, qui veulent innover, mais qui doivent jongler avec les balises strictes de leur ordre professionnel. Je suis Lorianne Lacerte, une entepreneure du web et une professionnelle de la santé. Ici, je vais te partager tout ce que j’ai appris et intégrer dans les dernière année pour passer de clinicienne à entrepreneure accomplie. Je vais te jaser de marketing, gestion du temps, image de marque, mindset et leadership. Si tu veux plus de visibilité, plus de clients, et surtout, plus d'impact, tout ça, sans compromettre ton bien-être, t’es au bon endroit. Viens me jaser sur Instagram
Jade Adler has worked for wellness influencer Autumn Gandara for years, believing that they’re helping people feel healthier and making the world a better place. But when Autumn launches a new supplement powder without Jade’s input and customers report strange side effects, Jade’s belief in Autumn and their mission falters. The more she investigates, the stranger things become, pulling her into a dangerous and supernatural conspiracy where wellness has a price.
Who Killed Clive Peterson? Bass guitarist Paul Kingston is happy to take a last-minute job playing with Milwaukee’s greatest jazz band. But when the band’s leader is shot dead in the street, his widow asks Paul to find out why. The police say it was an accident, just another innocent bystander caught in gang war crossfire. But is that really what happened? Could it have been someone in the band? Even a member of the family? The more Paul investigates, the more he finds that things aren’t as they seem. Can he find and stop the killer before more lives are lost, including his own?
The AV for Planners Podcast discusses various topics related to AV production. The goal is to offer learning opportunities and refreshers to meeting planners in bite-size bits. Meeting planners are among the busiest people out there. We want you to be able to listen on your own terms, be it in the car or on a plane to your next event.
Hvordan er man en god forælder, når man har ondt og er træt? Hvad gør man, hvis man ikke kan holde til at arbejde? Hvad med sex og parforhold – og hvad med de skiture, der betød så meget? Et panel af mænd og kvinder deler deres tanker og erfaringer fra deres hverdag med gigt, og leder efter veje til at få overskud til det, der virkelig betyder noget.
The AV SuperFriends are AV and eLearning nerds who embrace the challenges that come with managing audiovisual systems and resources within a higher education environment. Most of us have had similar experiences and seek to find answers in an ever-changing audiovisual world. We engage the higher education audiovisual community through podcasts, videos, panel discussions, interviews, and social media to share ideas and solve problems. Our shared experiences and your own will lead to new and creative solutions. In summary, we are going to steal all your ideas and share them with everyone.