Listen to this if you’re bored with your life - The 8 Step battle plan to live an AWESOME life
Listen to this if you’re bored with your life - The 8 Step battle plan to live an AWESOME life
So many people are bored with their life. Life feels the same. Life feels flat. Life feels like it's just not moving in the way you want it to. You might even be feeling really stuck, and have no idea where to start. This is the journey of the Awesome Human. You are a human, and we must evolve, we must grow, we must follow our hearts in all that we do. We live in a world where most people are leading with logic and their brain, wrapped in the expectations of their parents, friends, and the world at large. This leads to unhappiness over time, because we are not connected to our truth. We are not honouring WHO we are. In this show I get deep, fast, and you need to be ready to challenge everything you know to be true. Otherwise you will never set yourself free. But I’ll end by giving you an 8 step battle plan on how to reignite the fire in all areas of your life. The 8 Step battle plan: Get rid of any negative or unsupportive people in your life, or at least learn how to distance yourself from them so their impact in minimal Start to spend more time in silence, without the noise of social media, of podcasts, of external education. It's time to start to develop yourself from the inside out, not from the outside in, you can only listen to your truth, by listening to it. Watch less TV. Drive in silence more. Go on walks without your phone. Spend time meditating. Start to truly connect to yourself. Get all of your physiological baselines catered for, which was the theme of my last show. Make sure you are sleeping well, eating well and moving well so you can set yourself to feeling good. Remove anything that you rely on as a crutch. Remove alcohol. Remove drugs. Reduce your caffeine intake if you know it's excessive. Remove porn. Anything you lean on for self-care, we need to spend time without it to really lean into the uncomfort, and start to deal with it, rather than papering over it. Write down what you dislike in your life right now, and be brave and honest. That might be your job, it might even be your partner. Honour that feeling, then write next to it the action that would lead to the solution. This stuff is going to need you to be brave, develop some long term strategies, and start to take action. Write down a list of all the things that you love and bring you job, and how you can do more of these things / what's getting in the way of you doing more of these things Get into breathwork, this is the single best thing I have done in the last 18 months. Go find a wim hof ½ day fundamentals course, learn about it, and start to invest in the power of the breath and intentions you have in your life. And over time learn how to be heart led, not head led, and really feel the transformative power of the breath. Find your new tribe. What group or coach or friend can aid you on this path, and work together to achieve your vision. I have friends and coaches and mentors that all help me with this stuff, this isn’t a solo journey, don’t think you have to walk it alone. Links Website: Download The Awesome Human Blueprint: