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Often, as a result of a life changing event, many people unwittingly become employers of care staff in their homes. A loved one had an accident or incident that results in a brain injury or trauma, spinal injury or multiple complex disabilities that changes their life - as well as all those around them; their families, their friends, even their work colleagues. Caregivers, support workers, rehabilitation assistants are employed to provide complex care for them, sometimes on a 24/7 basis. These people could be friends or relatives, or professional caregivers. Families or individuals are placed in a position of being an employer and meeting their legal obligations to their employees. Not meeting these obligations can mean costly claims to an employment tribunal. With over 20 years' experience complying with employment law, HR specialist, author of Employing Care Staff in Your Home, and advocate for people who employ care staff in their homes, working with case managers and deputies appointed by the Court of Protection, Cecily Lalloo is host of 'YOUR HOME. THEIR WORKPLACE.' In these episodes, Cecily shares tips and information with people who employ care staff in their homes so that they get to know what they don't know about employing people. Profile linkedin linkedin.com/in/cecilylalloo Newsletter https://www.linkedin.com/newsletters/employing-people-in-your-home-7062524266134548480

info_outline YOUR HOME. THEIR WORKPLACE. - Episode 6 - Take the headache out of record-keeping with Sam Milliken-Smith co-founder of Heba 01/01/2025
info_outline YOUR HOME. THEIR WORKPLACE. - Episode 5 – When you employ family and friends. 12/01/2024
info_outline YOUR HOME. THEIR WORKPLACE. - Episode 4 With Guest Dr Shabnam Berry Khan of Psychworks Associates on trauma, interdisciplinary wheel, value-based recruiting and more 10/31/2024
info_outline YOUR HOME. THEIR WORKPLACE.- Episode 3 with Marc Jones, employment law solicitor, on employment contracts 09/26/2024
info_outline YOUR HOME. THEIR WORKPLACE. - Episode 2 With Guest Rachel Wright. 08/29/2024
info_outline YOUR HOME. THEIR WORKPLACE. 07/05/2024
info_outline YOUR HOME. THEIR WORKPLACE. Trailer 07/05/2024