How To Profitably Launch And Scale A Natural Food Business In 2021 And Beyond, The Complete Retail Solved Blueprint. Industry Experts, CEOs, Founders, and Thought Leaders who candidly and openly share their brand-building and brand strategy advice to grow your food business.Be inspired by the healthy brands you see at the Natural Products Expo’s, Expo West, The Fancy Food shows, The Whole Foods Market, and other natural grocery stores. Want more sales? Tired of feeling like an ATM Machine? You’re not alone! Learn actionable tips and insights, as well as guerrilla marketing strategies your competitors don’t know or overlook to explode your sales and profits and maximize your trade marketing ROI. The Brand Secrets and Strategies podcast is an audio natural products accelerator/incubator for all food and beverage brands, real food brands, food startups, emerging brands, health-focused brands, and natural retailers. It teaches food entrepreneurs proven strategies to grow sales and profits that work across all categories and channels, including online, so that you can level the playing field with big brands and stand out on the crowded shelf. Your Brand Secrets And Strategies Retail Solved podcast host and brand strategist is Daniel Lohman. Hit subscribe and get ready to take your natural foods brand to the next level and beyond. Empowering Brands | Raising