Epic Insights from OG, Wayne Goldsmith plus Heavy Or Not clarifications, flashback and previews for #13
Epic Insights from OG, Wayne Goldsmith plus Heavy Or Not clarifications, flashback and previews for #13
We have a 13th episode. We were blessed and fortunate and made a trip to Equator and the Galapagos Islands – and our ship, the Isabella II, had no cabin #13. Stay tuned for some housekeeping on past and future content – after we hear some epic content from an O.G. – Wayne Goldsmith. The essence of coaching is an art and its roots are in changes. People of sports are change makers. The heavy part of sports and coaching is emphasizing that it's not just about the technical aspects like volume, intensity, and frequency. Sports and coaching is about inspiring athletes through emotional connections. Anyone can access workout content. The true difference between a good coach and an exceptional one lies in the intent behind the coaching. Let's focus on building relationships among athletes and people of sport. Leaders and coaches are great at inspiring people to make choices that elevate their performance. Let’s take a look at the first dozen jump cuts for Heavy Or Not. Allow a moment for clarification and housekeeping. I’m Mark Rauterkus, long-time journeyman coach, publisher and advocate in Pittsburgh, PA, USA. Jump Cuts are not SHOW episodes. The long-term destiny for Heavy Or Not is as a SHOW with a production team and broadcast quality episodes. The show treatment is published at U CAN Swim. Org / heavy-or-not. If those in Hollywood or at ESPN or Disney are interest – give me a call. These jump cuts are delivered with a number, more like a lap in our journey of life. Another aim of the jump cuts is to find our voice, use the tools and AI and engage with our aquatic community. Subscribe. Review. Refer to others. Heavy Or Not is now available on all podcast outlets. Do wade into the archives of these timeless and evergreen bits of wisdom. Jump Cut #01 covered the mindset for an athlete. #02 was more technical with swim drills and kicking #03 peeked into AI in sports #04 went hyper-local into aquatics in Pittsburgh Public Schools #05 covered Maglischo’s and Daylands intel gathering in Europe #06 made us think about mentors and work and play #07 asked about lifting and what ages to starting #08 was a recap from Steve’s Competitive Swimmer Magazine #09 peeked into the ebook, Readings from the Book of Coach Mark #10 was a beat down on the 20-minute film, A Swim Lesson. #11 introduced Barry Healey from BC – much more with him is upcoming. #12 covered supplements #13 – OG Wayne Goldsmith, always a source of wisdom. The next jump cut #14 presents a mind journey. A recent panel discussion from big-time coaches at the Eastern States Clinic is worth listening in a future LAP. Considering what Wayne Goldsmith preached as the technical aspects: Volume, Intensity and Frequency. These jump cuts for Heavy Or Not could strive for a daily frequency – but that would cause burnout. That’s a golden rule of mine – Don’t Burn Out. Live to fight another day. We have enough content to make this daily, but then nothing else would get done with those other looming, big projects. So, expect Heavy Or Not to drop two times a week, on Mondays and Thursday, moving into the future. We’ll also be turning up the intensity with IT solutions. Our digital world in swimming and sports is pretty wacked. I’m not happy with the tools we have throughout our shared landscape. We’re going to bring new solutions to the marketplace and we’ll talk about them here, within these jump cuts. You, your teams, your schools and your athletes are going to want to say in the loop. Just hours ago I got some great news from an O.G. that all of your you should know, Doctor Ernie Maglischo. He is a member of the ISCA Hall of Fame – and he has been one of our greatest authors. Well, he just re-wrote and delivered[to me a whole new section, fully updated on PROPULSION. Wow. We will bring that out as soon as possible. The next huge upcoming event is the release of a set of books from Sport Psychologist from Canada, John Hogg. His Mental Skills for Young Athletes is a universal book for all youngsters. Furthermore, he has specific books geared to those of different age groups for swimming. Have you seen or heard the other ISCA supported podcast from Summer Fink called Lane One? She talks with coach and dad, Joe Finke and another episode is with Mark Berandino. The interactive parts of Heavy Or Not are coming soon. Think about what you’d like to share. Clinics. The Eastern States Clinic in the Philly area, Central States Clinic in Chicago-land and the International Swimming Hall of Fame Clinics in Fort Lauderdale have had a change of ownership, again. Sue Davis, long time coach at Swarthmore, retired, was a cornerstone of those events for decades along with others – such as Peter Dayland. Mark Schubert has partial ownership – and recently, other fractional owners of Doug Fonder and Brad Glenn have departed and Coach Schubert has picked up ASCA, the American Swim Coaches Association as a partner. More on clinics and from clinics are sure to be woven into future jump cuts. A three part series for starting and coaching water polo, geared especially to swim coaches, is coming with the seminars of – World Aquatic Federation of Schools & Universities. See W-A-F-S-U dot Org. Dozens of past seminars are in the LMS already. Parting question. What other podcasts do you listen too? In our family, we’re sad to hear of the termination of the ABC / Disney pod, 538. Personally, I was also sad to miss the big high school swim meet in my backyard – the WPIAL Swimming Championship – District 7 of the PIAA. I had been lucky to serve as the color broadcaster in past seasons. How did Westmorland Sports Network do? The NFHS Network has been gobbling up the rights to high school meets. So, next question. How is the NFHS doing with the promotion of high school swimming and diving (as well as other sports) in your neck of the woods? Chime in.