The Marketing 24-7 Podcast
Is your business being marketed 24/7, 365 days of the year? Sounds daunting I know, but if you seek to double, triple or quadruple your profits in your business you will need to become very specific at targeting the right market niche. This podcast will outline how I am doing this for my business and my clients businesses and how I utilise Luxe Marketing strategies to substantially grow profits and market share.
Of the 13 social media strategies I can share - here are just 3!
Of the 13 social media strategies I can share - here are just 3!
I’ve noticed something about consultants. Most of them have the same frustrations when it comes to social media. I work with a lot of consultants and hear the same issues over and over again. Do any of these sound familiar? “I’m putting a lot of time and effort into social media, but not getting any meaningful results.” “I feel stuck, my business is stuck, and I don’t know what to do to get unstuck.” “I don’t really have any plan for how to use social media so I’m just randomly posting stuff.” If any of these resonate with you (and I bet several do), then you’ve come to the right place. There are 13 social media strategies I can share - here are just 3! I know these work because I’ve seen them work over and over again for all different types of consultant clients. Use fewer social media platforms. You don’t need to use every social media platform. In fact, you shouldn’t. Just because Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest, YouTube, TikTok, podcasts, and a thousand other platforms exist doesn’t mean you have to use them. Any one of those platforms has more than enough people on it for you to achieve success beyond your wildest dreams, so break from the feeling that you need to be everywhere. Follow fewer people. Don’t follow everybody who follows you. Don’t follow random people in the hope they’ll follow you back. Don’t follow anybody you’re not genuinely interested in. And don’t be afraid to unfollow people – often. The fewer people you follow on any social platform, the better your feed will become as the algorithm will learn to better serve you. You don't need more followers, simply the RIGHT followers. The first question I ask a consultant-client is always, “What are your social media goals?” Their answer always includes some version of “I want to get more followers.” That’s an understandable answer, but it reveals a crucial strategic flaw. Because you don’t need more followers, you need the right followers to help you accomplish your goals. If these 3 strategies made sense - read on! If you’d like more hands-on helpwith these strategies, plus another ten more, visit my website and download my latest resource. It's FREE!
How to guarantee Success
How to guarantee Success
People who grew up with Andy Warhol's art, music, and films will remember him for his famous line: In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes. Those who knew him personally recall a different message from the artist. "In order to survive," he reportedly said, "everybody will have their 15 minutes of fame." Nevertheless, I feel that those who are still well-known at the 16-minute mark are most worth paying attention to. The people who fit this bill best are those who have had their moment in the sun, their lucky break or a taste of success and have been able to return from the brink of rejection or disgrace with a fresh new take. These folks, those who can bounce back from adversity, are my kind of heroes. There's also another group of 16-minute notables whose fame comes from something no less heroic—surviving an extraordinarily difficult challenge. As somebody who has been working shoulder to shoulder with entrepreneurs in business, I'm always inspired by people who turn what is considered misfortune into an opportunity. And they seem to do it time after time with grit and tenacity (and the help of their peers). I've compiled a list of 16-minute character traits that if acquired, will help you make an indelible mark on your marketplace: 1.Do what others won't do 2.Tackle your fears head-on 3.Bounce back from rejection or disgrace with a fresh new take on life 4.Find value in the values of others 5.Make it count when you're not in the top 6.Have a way of inspiring others who are down and out 7.Obsess the details—they matter most when you're in the top 8.Put yourself in check for fear of losing sight of what's real or being consumed by self-centeredness 9.Know when to tap out of the game to preserve your true values 10.Remain humble through your climb—you can be down without being defeated 11.Give back in large doses because there's always someone in need 12.Surround yourself with people who are smarter than you—they will push your limits 13.Create opportunities for others to make a name for themselves (and their company) 14.Unleash the gifts and talents of those around you 15.Don't cheat or cut corners in the pursuit of your goals 16.Never stop growing—it's what makes you better today than yesterday So, there you have it; my list of 16-minute character traits will take you from the top to near rock bottom, then back up—if you can handle it.
First Impressions Can Be Lasting
First Impressions Can Be Lasting
When your marketing arrives in front of a prospect – email into an inbox, direct mail in the post, at somebody’s door or waiting room, a pattern interrupt on social media or as an advertisement; it can be perceived as either being an annoying pest or a welcome guest. You are working from home Imagine you are sitting, working from home. It’s around midday – and you hear knocking on your front door. Chances are it’s someone like an Avon lady or the Jehovah Witness. Because you have not invited anybody to come over, you think this is an annoying pest, and you are busy, so you ignore it, confident that if you ignore a pest, it will go away. It will tire of trying to get your attention and move on to the next house. The knocking goes on for a while, but you are stubborn and are good at this “ignore” game. Next thing you know, this person has climbed over the back wall of your property, and they are now banging on the sliding glass door, which they can see you through… So now you're kind of under an obligation to answer the door. The message is, that all your shrubs in your front yard are on fire, and the flames are starting to lick at the front of your home. His message was he’s called the fire brigade, but can you come out and help him fight the fire until they arrive? A new impression Now, at that second in time, he (the intruder) went from being a most annoying pest to a most welcome guest. And the only thing that changed was… Right message, right time! In our world, the world of marketing, for a decade or so, our marketing has been losing its impact. In our strategies to overcome this impact loss, have been clunky, ineffective, and annoying. When stats like email open rates are down. The marketer who was sending one email a day will now start sending two a day. As open rates go down further. Send four. Open rates go down even further. Send eight until opens rates are zero. The bottom line is, you can't really amp up being an annoying pest and get results. It's hard work. Therefore, we must work in strategising with our marketing to do everything in our power to show up as a welcome guest! This is why I like to use mail and in particular FedEx a lot, instead of simply email, because interest level automatically goes up because it's an interesting piece of mail or a FedEx package. But if you do have to use email, at least make sure it is easy to read, skimmable, and of course, fit for purpose to help the recipient rather than pester and annoy. Pause, strategise and spend as much time as you like ensuring that you appear as a welcome guest and your marketing will cut through be welcomed and succeed.
Beware Circles of Belief Reinforcement
Beware Circles of Belief Reinforcement
Most business owners and marketers do NOT know their enemy. Recently I have been looking to do some work for a financial advisor and I came across a comprehensive survey of 600 financial advisors, where they ranked their biggest obstacles to acquiring clients: (1) Competition from other advisors 64% (2) Financial misinformation, free advice, competing services, reviews, etc. online 16% (3) Interference by family and friends 13% (4) Client’s own fears, past disappointments with advisors, and distrust of them 7% In another comprehensive survey of over 3,000 unconverted client prospects who responded to advertising, attended workshops or otherwise interacted with advisors and did not do business with them, here’s how those consumers ranked the same four obstacles: (2) Competition from other advisors 32% (4) Financial misinformation, free advice, competing services, reviews, etc. online 9% (3) Interference by family and friends 15% (1) Client’s own fears, past disappointments with advisors, and distrust of them 44% Look at the advisors misperceptions: (1) Competition from other advisors – OVER-ESTIMATED BY DOUBLE (32 POINTS) (2) Financial misinformation, free advice, competing services, reviews, etc. online – OVER-ESTIMATED BY NEARLY DOUBLE (7 POINTS) (3) Interference by family and friends – UNDER-ESTIMATED BY 2 POINTS (4) Client’s own fears, past disappointments with advisors, and distrust of them – UNDER-ESTIMATED BY MORE THAN DOUBLE (37 POINTS) Simply put, the advisors are WRONG ABOUT EVERYTHING. This is a caution for Marketers: NEVER believe your clients’ opinions about their own customers. Consider them, but do NOT accept them without question and, if possible, verification. Do all you can to distinguish between Fact v. Opinion or Belief. Beware the most zealous beliefs. Recognize that most “kings” create circles of belief reinforcement around them, and have little tolerance for “heretics” who dare challenge their orthodoxy. In fact a client of mine said he was paying a lot of money to be asked annoying questions. Over time, he stopped paying for this service. The Three Most Common Mistakes of Opinion #1: MOST now believe that what’s going on, on the internet, with “ratings” on Google or Amazon, etc., in social media is far more important and influential (with their customers and potential customers) than it actually is. #2: MOST obsess over their believed, external Competition. #3: MOST grossly underestimate their own “ugliness” and “scariness” and/or how dull and uninteresting they are. In most cases, your most formidable competition is yourself and the negative emotional state of your prospect towards you and what you do. Not the business across the street with the bigger sign and cheaper prices or more 5 -star reviews.
It is a Mistake to Try and Be All things to All People
It is a Mistake to Try and Be All things to All People
It might seem strange, but you're better off appealing to a small group of loyal customers than trying to attract everyone. There's a fundamental rule in marketing that takes some discipline and some getting used to, but it's undeniably true: You can't be everything for everybody. It is a mistake to try and be all things to all people. In fact, it is a mistake to simply swell the numbers (for number's sake) – in many cases, growth is not automatically profitable, and in most cases, growth is achieved with new customers who will require cultural, product, service, and often price shifts – can serve to drive away your existence, your best, your longest serving and most certain customers can actually be a deal with the devil. It is a mistake to favour short-term expediency over strategy. I found this out the hard way during COVID. In response to one of my clients putting their program with me on hold until they saw how COVID panned out – I reacted and started touting for business. Because I am pretty skilled at Client Acquisition, and I had a functioning CGS – I opened the channels full throttle… It didn’t take long to realise I had taken on too much, and a lot of it not really what and whom I like to work with. It is a grievous mistake for a business to act or present itself absent a philosophy, a set of fundamental beliefs. We become so vague that no one knows what we are offering, and our potential customers turn to other, more specific options. Worse still, we end up accomplishing far less than we had hoped, which is exhausting. As entrepreneurs, we end up running ragged trying to get it all done with limited resources. It makes us feel busy and productive, but again it's actually quite the opposite. We are doing busy work that isn't generating the kind of results we were ultimately aiming for. In business, temptations abound. There is, for example, fear of losing even one customer, this creates pressure to be vanilla, to take no risks and play it safe, to avoid all criticism, and to be for all. This fails in two ways. First, the only way to be free of criticism and disapproval is to climb into a pine box and have it buried 6’ deep. The idea of managing a pristine reputation with all is hopelessly naïve. Futile in fact. Two, it castrates (I love that word for impact ���) a business’ ability to resonate with any core constituency of rabid fans. In business, there is enormous temptation to choose tactical expediency rather than strategic effectiveness. To see the dollar to be had today, but not the high cost of taking it over time. Resisting, even recognising these temptations, is not easy. They sneak up on you. They mask themselves. When we fail to recognize a temptation immediately, we often find it too late to resist it. It takes a lot, to remain ever vigilant of and hyper-sensitive to temptations. This is one of many prices that success demands, that many do not understand. As an example, take fast food giant McDonald's. In response to diners who are increasingly seeking food that is fresh and healthy, and the explosion of fast-casual restaurants catering to this desire and giving them alternatives that are nearly as speedy as a Macas but are perceived as much healthier. The company tried to take on these new competitors while also hanging onto its traditional business, and in doing so its menu grew bloated, and its pricing strategy became confusing. Sadly, for McDonald’s, they found that wait times were getting longer at its drive-through windows as its menu grew increasingly long and complicated. Worse still, some restaurants didn’t have enough space in the kitchen to prepare such a wide array of dishes. Consequently, the company had no alternative than to unveil a sweeping turnaround strategy promising to streamline its menu to fix the bottleneck. The new revised strategy was that despite trying to respond to the desire for fresh food with items such as salads and wraps, these items didn’t sell particularly well. It found its real Macas consumers wanted to come to McDonald’s for burgers and chicken nuggets just as they always have, but instead Macas are now preparing those dishes more healthily. Most of my business and financial mistakes, past, recent, and I am sure next, are not actually or simply misjudgements or errors; they are likely to be victories by temptations. It may even be that the percentage of temptations succumbed to vs. those recognised and resisted is the secret math to that of success and failure. If only somebody will invent an app for this, with an alarm bell or, better still, an electric shock triggered by every temptation, and a tracking of one’s percentages of surrender and resistance. It is a fact - It's impossible to build a business and market a brand in a way that serves everyone. First of all, you can't possibly please everyone all the time and, secondly, you can't possibly offer everything that everyone would want all the time either. It's simply impossible.
Why You Need A Point of Difference?
Why You Need A Point of Difference?
If you Google the term marketing consultant, you will get 748,000 results pop up. Each describing themselves as a marketing consultant and each attempting to describe themselves slightly better in one way or another than the other 747,999 of them. What a tough gig – what a failing proposition. So if you are a marketing consultant you have no choice but to put some energy into differentiation. You do not want to be what all the others are. So my first problem if I was touting for business through Google is I would have to confront how I describe myself. Same goes for a client of mine who is an accountant (385,000 search results in Perth WA alone), sure his practice is Xero certified but so are 70% of the other 385k. Here too a point of difference is desperately required. In fact, describing yourself as Xero certified is the wrong way to present yourself for two reasons. One, nobody really wants that. They want outcomes. They want benefits, they want assets. They want things that work. They want information. They want the ability to manage their business effectively. Those are the things they want. In my world, everybody says, I can do your marketing, I can do your this, I can do your that as well. But that, simply tells us what not to say. What I do for clients is i make a list of the 10 things everybody in the category is saying, and then I know what to rule out in the messaging. You have to position yourself as something other than what everybody else is saying. Being just a marketing consultant or being a Xero certified accountant, or whatever it is, is simply a tool in the toolbox rather than what you are. In my case, I am there to help my clients exploit an opportunity or to drive growth, expansion, revenue improvements, or profit improvements. Nobody really wants just marketing. And if they do, they're buying it as a commodity from the cheapest provider that they can get it from. So I'm never starting from the position of, well – “I do marketing for food”. One of my biggest clients – started as wanting a brochure. 5 solid years later and they have expanded into international markets and diversified from B2B and now into wholesale direct, I have become an integral part of their business. And guess what – that didn’t happen with just a brochure. Back to my Accounting client. The second thing is it only matters that there's 385,000 other accountants of which 70% are Xero certified in Perth WA, if you are being seen, if you are showing yourself to, or presenting yourself to the same people as they are, at the same time as they are. If you play that game, it is somewhat like a Tinder profile. That puts all the power on the other side. 50 guys all in a line. Where there's eight women looking, is not a good scenario, unless of course, you are Brad Pitt. So it's not the situation you want to put yourself in, and that's why you need what I call a client generation system, a means of extracting a prospect out of the market so that they aren't paying any attention to the other 385,000 and are only paying attention to you. In this fashion, it doesn't matter if there are 385 or 3,850, and it doesn't matter if they're all saying the same things. It doesn't even matter if you are saying the same things, as long as you're the only one saying it to them at the particular moment. So, this is about, picking target markets, getting people in them to raise their hands, step forward and, step into your web. Typically, I like to do this by having them request information to solve a vexing problem or to exploit an opportunity, and then I will slam the door behind their back, and I am the only one communicating with them, again and again and again over some period of time until they take action. When you have that type of system in place, it greatly diminishes the importance of needing a differentiated message. So in my feeder system that brings me a client, there's actually what I like to call nine points of entry or doors into it. Prospects come into my world knowing about me, or at the very least heard of me and how I do things. Preferably it is via a referral, or maybe it was through my newsletter, maybe through one of my books, maybe by hearing me at a seminar, or perhaps even by listening to this podcast. Generally, they have met me, encountered me, or at least read my stuff or heard my stuff or better yet heard from people who are my clients, Thus! I don't really need a big, differentiated message about me. I really don’t need to spend too much energy in explaining my background, my education, my credentials, or why I'm better than any other marketer. The importance of all that diminishes enormously because by the time they are talking to me about marketing for them. I'm the only one they are talking to, and they are not even thinking about shopping me and my price around. So there's two pieces to this puzzle. There's the message piece of what you say about yourself. How you position yourself in terms of beneficial outcomes, not tools in your toolkit. The second piece of this puzzle is how you feed potential clients into a closed room where you are the only one talking to them in your category. And when you combine those two things, you really have a lot of power in the marketplace.
Why is scarcity powerful?
Why is scarcity powerful?
Why is scarcity powerful? The girls all get prettier at closing time. At least according to American country music artist Mickey Gilley in his 1976 hit. As opportunities, and the items they present, become scarcer, they are perceived as more valuable. This principle accounts for studies showing that: Tasters rated cookies as more desirable when they were scarce rather than abundant; Consumers rated phosphate detergents as better once their use was prohibited by government decree; College students rated their cafeteria food higher when they learned that it would not be available to them for two weeks; And young lovers rated themselves as more in love with their sweethearts as long as their parents tried to keep them apart. Scarcity marketing is the idea of limiting the supply of a product, whether it be through restricting availability to a certain timeframe or decreasing production—oftentimes both. The principle is sound—we all want what we can’t have and love to flaunt when we have something others don’t. Scarcity marketing takes advantage of this desire, creating demand through mystique and enticement. It’s an excellent way to ensure that a product is swept off the shelves with the hype that every brand wants to create. We tend to associate limited availability with exclusivity. If things are difficult to get, we know it’s because they’re better than the things we already have. As such, consumers use an item’s availability to decide on the quality of the product. People don’t think about the fact that it’s a psychological reaction that’s causing us to want something. We know we want it. And because we need to make sense of this feeling, we assign the item positive qualities to justify our desire. In his book, Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, Robert Cialdini argues that the idea of potential loss plays a role in how we make decisions. How often have you been more motivated by the prospect of losing something than gaining something of equal value? More than a few times, right? Take Black Friday as an example. People wake up at inhuman hours. They get in line for hours in the freezing cold. Why? So they can get their hands on the new LEGO Star Wars set that’s on sale for $49.99 before it’s sold out. (I actually have no idea what Star Wars LEGOs cost so don’t take me up on this). We know this phenomenon as the fear of missing out (FOMO). 68% of millennial consumers say they would buy something after experiencing FOMO, most often within 24 hours. No one wants to feel left out, especially if a good deal is up for grabs. But there’s more to scarcity and FOMO than great deals. Now that you know why you should use scarcity, let’s take a look at... 6 Scarcity Marketing to Try Today 1.The Few-Items-Left Tactic 2.The Limited-Introductory-Price Tactic 3.The Limited-Bonuses Tactic 4.The Order-Before-XX-Today Tactic 5.The Limited-Products Tactic 6.The Device-Limited-Sale Tactic Use some of these strategies and focus on the exclusivity of your product. Get people to buy now instead of later (read: never) and watch your sales soar.
Are You an Arms or Legs person?
Are You an Arms or Legs person?
Sales are like legs day. Hard and brutal. Punishment! Yet, when you work out legs, you're also activating muscle fibres in the rest of your body, arms, shoulders and even back. Just the same fashion, when you work in sales, you're activating muscle fibres in your marketing skillset as well. So, the best advice you could ever give a business owner is to start doing some sales. The tension between marketing and sales In most struggling organisations, there is tension between the sales team and the marketers. Sales team complain that leads are lousy and insufficient. Marketing complain that sales want everything handed on a plate. Enter the entrepreneur to adjudicate. Time to get back into the gym. Before making a call, to side with marketing and or sales, at least "sharpen your saw". Do a small amount of selling, take a half day "ride along" with one of your sales team. It will fire up your other skills, like marketing. Learning to better understand your customers and knowing how to cut through with messaging will be forever helpful. With time, this will make you a better business person. The bizarre habit Why is it that so many people brag about legs day on social media? Very amusing! Yet, there is a million-dollar sales and marketing lesson embedded in the legs versus arms debate. A lot of people build their upper body and neglect their legs. Fact. Unfortunately, doing this sets them up to fail. Same for entrepreneurs who focus only on marketing and place no effort in sales!
Time to get your hands dirty
Time to get your hands dirty
Look at business like a play or a music concert. You create the show, hire the actors and the producer and the director, build the set, and perform three or four times in your hometown city. You’ve spent all this time and energy putting on an awesome performance. What happens next? You take the show on the road. Podcast TranscriptLook at business like a play or a music concert. You create the show, hire the actors and the producer and the director, build the set, and perform three or four times in your hometown city. You’ve spent all this time and energy putting on an awesome performance. What happens next? You take the show on the road. Taking the show to different locations, you make more money because you keep tapping into new audiences. Online we call that “changing the channel.” The problem is that a lot of business owners get bored selling the same thing over and over. We want to create something new and sell that instead. It’s our entrepreneurial desire for creativity and variety. And we lose out on all this extra revenue because instead of spending energy on more selling, we turn our attention to new inventions. How can you change the channel and take your show on the road? If you’re heavily on Facebook and killing it, don’t start a new product. Move onto Instagram or Twitter or Pinterest or YouTube, or try direct mail or podcasts. Go to each new channel, bring your offer there, and continue to make money.
How to KILL your productivity
How to KILL your productivity
If you wonder why everything made is defective, why everybody makes so many mistakes, why nobody can concentrate, why people seem stupid, and why productivity sucks, here is the very simple answer: according to recent research reported in Business Insider, the typical person checks their smart-phone at least 2,617 times a day. Also, 72% of people grab their phones immediately after waking up. In a 16-hour day; hours awake, there are 960 minutes. That’s all. If the stop, check something on smart-phone, re-start other activity requires an average of only 10 seconds (which I doubt), then 436 of the 960 minutes are now consumed by the smart-phone. 46% of a person’s day. Nearly half. The attention span of ferrets is falsely maligned. To ferret (verb) means to tenaciously search something out, named after the ferret, used in Europe to hunt rabbits, because of their ability to concentrate and pursue. The single-mindedness of the Willy Wagtails in my front yard is equally as fascinating. The ones readying for spring work diligently, systematically covering the entire area, unearthing nuts or twigs, etc., taking them to their under-construction nests. If there is a strange noise, they can freeze in place for many minutes, listening. If Willy Wagtails checked their smart-phones 2,617 times a day, they’d never breed, be extinct or be eaten. American entrepreneur and author Jim Rohn said you can erase the mystery of the highly successful person by following them around all day, every day for a week. You’ll say: wow, look at EVERYTHING they do. My bet is you won’t catch many disrupting their days checking their smart-phones 2,617 times. Not part of everything they do. You really have to decide whose behaviour to adopt. If the goal is exceptional success, adopting behaviours of the typical person or typical company, is likely a bad idea. Let’s be blunt: the typical person in general, in your industry, in your circle of family, friends, neighbours is likely not a super achiever or winner. On the flip side of Rohn’s observation is discernment. There’s a difference between “everything they do” and trying to do everything there is to do. Let this message be a call to more discernment. Who you listen to, read, associate with. What you try to do. Where and how you invest your resources all need to be carefully guarded. One of my best clients came to a meeting with four pages on which to take notes, each with a heading denoting the nature of information he was looking for, relevant to the projects he was working on. He told me when he heard something that fit one of those four, he captured the ideas, contacts, etc. – anything he heard that didn’t fit one of the four, he ignored. This is the same kind of discipline (few have ) that is required to actually make money.
Don’t always be available.
Don’t always be available.
Everybody thinks that in their business they have to be immediately and constantly accessible. I say they are wrong. Listen to this podcast to find out why!
You are the company you keep!
You are the company you keep!
Taylor Swift puts Travis Kelce on the map After months of rumours, speculation, and internet detectives using circumstantial evidence and the tiniest of bread crumbs to determine the validity of Kansas City Chiefs' tight end Travis Kelce's romance with pop star Taylor Swift, the 33-year-old megastar finally showed up to a game. Though this does not confirm the rumours, Swift's presence right next to Travis's mom, Donna Kelce, and enthusiasm as Kelce pointed to her in the stands as he ran out of the tunnel and after he scored a touchdown definitely give the rumours more ground to stand on. According to a report from TMZ Sports, Kelce jerseys are "selling like hotcakes" after Sunday's game. Fanatics told TMZ that Kelce was one of the five highest-selling NFL jerseys over the last 24 hours and saw a 400 percent increase in sales in that span. Travis Kelce already knew stardom all too well. Not only is Kelce an eight-time Pro Bowler, four-time First Team All-Pro, and two-time Super Bowl champion, but his podcast New Heights with his brother, Jason Kelce, a center for the Philadelphia Eagles, has been one of the most popular sports podcasts in America for several months now. Landing Taylor Swift just sends Kelce from a 9 out of 10 on the celebrity scale to a 20. Boardroom also noted that Kelce saw his Instagram following increase by 250,000 this past week, with 80,000 followers jumping on board Sunday.
Using Tripwires in your marketing
Using Tripwires in your marketing
A tripwire offer is something that’s so amazing, so good, and so super cheap that people feel compelled to buy it. A lot of amateur marketers spend so much time on their big profitable offer, they leave the crumbs for the low-end offer. That’s a mistake. Podcast Transcript A tripwire offer is something that’s so amazing, so good, and so super cheap that people feel compelled to buy it. A lot of amateur marketers spend so much time on their big profitable offer, they leave the crumbs for the low-end offer. That’s a mistake. Tripwires are so amazing when they are done right because the HARDEST sale is always the first one. Once you get someone in the buying mood, they will start buying upsells and other products. Because of this, your tripwire has to be insane. So irresistible it would be idiocy to say no. Once I bought a How to Make Money as a Consultant Book from the marketing legend Frank Kerns. It was a free + shipping offer. For $3, who would ever say no to such a thing? As soon as I purchased it, I was hit with three upsells—and I bought them all: an audible version to listen to whilst I was driving, a workbook with templates of the strategies, and…you know, I don’t even remember what else (I think it was 5 or 6 videos). I was in a buying mood because the tripwire had set me up. Your tripwire can be set up one of two ways. You can give a person something free (like a course or a PDF download or a newsletter) and on the thank-you page, offer your tripwire. Or you can make your tripwire part of a free + shipping offer. This is so powerful because you’re using the word “free” so even though the client has to pay for shipping, there’s this sense of getting something for nothing. Now this may not be what you are offering or have to offer so think how you can use it for your business. Remember tripwires are different to 100% FREE bribes or giveaways – tripwires are designed to get you to buy – even though it’s a little buy it is still about having you commit to a purchase. Tripwires are not designed to make you money. They are used to help you break even and acquire a lead or prospect who buys for free. If you spend $5 a day on Facebook ads and it gets you one customer, they might spend $7.95 on a tripwire. That $8 goes toward the cost of the tripwire ($3) and the Facebook ad ($5). You’ve now just acquired a customer for free and everything they buy from here on in is all profit. And remember the critical point, now they are in a buying mood!
Stop Putting Up with the Unreasonable
Stop Putting Up with the Unreasonable
Each year, in Lahore, Pakistan, the Punjab Youth Festival features a variety of extreme and odd competitions. In one, martial arts practitioner Mohammad Rashid set a new speed record for breaking walnuts by smashing his forehead on them, the walnuts lined up on a table, he smashing his head down from a leaning position: 155 walnuts shattered in 60 seconds. I hold the slow record for banging one’s head against things. It’s a fair description of much of my business life. But it is also an exercise I strive to avoid and have gotten better and better and better at doing so, as years have passed. Just for example, I recently declined a potentially high value, ‘whale’ referral from a friend – gently explaining that I was not interested in big, dumb companies run by committees, where I would have to start convincing skeptics. Reaching way, way back in time, I was, even then, fairly decisive and quick about exiting bang-head-against-wall situations. After the successful guy I was working for sold his company to a publicly listed Australian corporate I pretty quickly exited and I switched to a business using many of the same skills and strategies, but where my pay relied only on others’ consumption. As a consultant, the first time I fired a client was in 2007, when I could ill afford it financially. The last time I fired a non-compliant client was about 10 weeks ago. No matter how cautious, tough-minded, avoidance-minded and swift sword swinging, overall, in a broad sense, my time has still been about banging my head against walls. The business of getting other people to think better yields something between a 1% and 5% success rate. It’s 95% exercise in futility. And that leaves lumps. They never completely recede either. A lot of businesspeople unnecessarily bang their heads against walls, in many different ways. You have to be ever-vigilant, stop yourself or catch yourself, and act decisively when you do find yourself engaged in such self-punishment. Many stay on un-fertile land as if rooted there. They suffer fools, corporate political animals in their employ, procrastinating endlessly over the inevitable. And so on. Ultimately, only you can call you on your head banging. Only you can decide what of it is inescapable and worth living with. But no one else will step in and make you see what of it you can put an end to, either. Most attempts to liberate others fail; most hopes of being liberated by others disappoint. Liberty is personal.
A USP in the flesh
A USP in the flesh
Having a USP is one thing, using it effectively is another. In this episode I take you through some of the genius of radio creative Garry Dean from NOVA 93.7 in his use of the USP for the WA's Big Butcher launch ads. Podcast Transcript Big Butcher (Grand Opening) *MV has a big, deep voice Sfx: Large butcher’s knife being sharpened MV: Big Butcher here … No prizes for guessing how I got my nickname. Yes I’m big. Yes, I’m a butcher! For me, it’s all about the CUT. Premium cuts of meat … at cut prices … because I cut out the middle man … … and bring ‘Margaret River Fresh’ meat direct from the paddock to your plate. Sfx: Butchers knife slams down on heavy duty chopping board MV: Come to my GRAND OPENING on October 10th! 39 King Edward Road Osborne Park. BIG BUTCHER For more information on how you can develop a unique and razor sharp USP for your business please visit
USP's the best of
USP's the best of
A strong USP provides a solid foundation for differentiating your product and giving you a leg up on the competition. These famous USPs have worked well to promote products and services successfully. Podcast Transcript A Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is a unique selling point or slogan that differentiates a product or service from its competitors. A USP may include words such as the "lowest cost," "the highest quality," or "the first-ever," which indicates to customers what your product or service has that your competitors do not. Using a USP is a great marketing tool to help position and sell your product. Some marketing experts go even further and believe that unless you can pinpoint what makes your business unique in a world of homogeneous competitors, you can't target your sales efforts effectively. A strong USP provides a solid foundation for differentiating your product and giving you a leg up on the competition. These famous USPs have worked well to promote products and services successfully. Avis We're number two. We try harder. This USP does a fantastic job of turning a drawback into a benefit. For a long time, Avis was the second-largest car rental company, after Hertz. In fact, Avis was struggling just to stay afloat. As part of a total image makeover, Avis hired the famous ad agency Doyle Dane Bernbach to come up with a new ad campaign. The campaign was so successful, Avis' market share went from 11% to 35% in just four years. Fed Ex When it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight. FedEx no longer uses this slogan, but while it was in effect, it was a perfect example of a compelling slogan. In very few words, FedEx was able to convey the message that it guarantees that it will deliver your package on time. FedEx replaced it with the slogan “The World on Time,” which is vague and doesn't contain a USP. Mars The milk chocolate melts in your mouth, not in your hand. The slogan for M&M's is an example of how even a rather off-beat USP can be catchy and compelling. Who would think of making a selling point out of the fact that a product doesn't melt if you hold it? Mars did, and it worked very well for them. For more information on how you can develop a unique and razor sharp USP for your business please visit
The 5 Minute USP
The 5 Minute USP
A razor sharp USP sets you apart from your competitors. It is your point of difference. It is what do you have to do to have your clients easily talk about you and recommend you to others. And how can you best describe your business, service, or your offering so that it resonates best with potential clients. Podcast Details This podcast is audio extracted from a video I have created on the topic. To watch the video please visit my website If you would like more training on developing your Razor Sharp USP please
Discrimination it’s everywhere
Discrimination it’s everywhere
All people are not created equal. That’s a philosophical or religious belief ie. opinion, but any doctor can disprove it in minutes. There’s this thing called genetics. LeBron James and I was not created equal. But it’s not an important argument, if it can be won. Genetics and innate talent impose certain real limitations, but most people stop way short of those limits in their own ambition, initiative and attempted achievement. People make themselves unequal in all sorts of ways. Financial inequality is very visible. Most of it is made by individuals’ choices and behaviours, and is subject to their own direct influence. For entrepreneurs it is your job to find and attract people who have the financial ability to buy what you sell at the prices you wish to command, and who have high interest in it and a willingness to buy it. In a recent, lengthy article, a professor criticised QANTAS for raising its ticket prices after COVID and the world became safe to travel again. Of course! Airlines adjust their prices based on the principle of supply and demand, just like any other business should do. When travel demand is high, prices go up. The more people are looking to travel, and airlines needing to manage their limited seats and resources will raise prices. Just like when they have an empty seat and offer bargains, grab them now at low prices. Change in customer demand and in offerings and prices to match the changes in demand are essential, not a matter of evil-minded elitism. The people atop QANTAS are doing their job, as defined above. ARE YOU? If you aren’t, and you stay too long not noticing the queue for your services outside your door, your doing so won’t benefit anybody. It’ll just kill you. Hence the old axiom: the first, best thing you can do to help poor people is not be one of them. Lately, in various places, I’ve been talking a lot about differential customer value. In short, different customers turn out to be profoundly unequal in value, often depending on source, marketing used to attract them; on who they are – intellectually, emotionally, philosophically and, of course, financially; how appropriate they are to the business getting them and vice versa, and so on. I have been working on a project where new customers from Instagram at a 7% response rate to Facebook at a 22% response rate, same campaign. Over 3 months, the ones brought in at the 7% response rate, thus acquired at much higher cost proved 270% more profitable to own than those acquired cheaply with the 22% response rate. If you aren’t analysing your own differential customer value and then using it for backwards engineering, for lists, media, messages, you’re derelict in duty; you just aren’t doing your job.
The Power of Focus in Business: Count, Count Constantly, Count Cash
The Power of Focus in Business: Count, Count Constantly, Count Cash
Welcome to another episode of "Marketing 24-7," where we explore the world of marketing, business and entrepreneurship. I'm your host Peter Gianoli, and today we'll be discussing an important aspect of running a successful business: the power of focus. In a world filled with shiny new ideas and trends, it's crucial for entrepreneurs to refuse distractions and stay focused on what truly matters. Today, I present to you three essential mandates to live by: count, count constantly, and count cash. Imagine yourself as a business owner. You have dreams of growth, innovation, and success. Along this journey, you come across countless distractions that divert your attention from what truly matters. It's easy to fall into the trap of chasing after every new idea or trend particularly in marketing, but successful entrepreneurs know how to block out the noise and keep their focus laser-sharp. Let's delve into the three mandates that can help you achieve just that. Mandate number one: count. In business, it's not enough to rely on intuition or guesswork. Numbers tell a story, and it is through analysing those numbers that we gain actionable insights into the health and progress of our businesses. By counting key metrics such as revenue, expenses, customer acquisition costs, and conversion rates, we gain a clear understanding of what is working and what needs improvement. Counting allows us to make data-driven decisions, identify trends, and adjust our strategies accordingly. For example, an e-commerce entrepreneur might analyse their conversion rates to identify areas for improvement. By counting and understanding these numbers, they may discover that a specific product page has a low conversion rate. Armed with this insight, they can make data-driven changes, such as optimising the page layout or improving the product description, to increase conversions and drive revenue. Mandate number two: count constantly. Counting once is not enough. Successful entrepreneurs understand the importance of constant monitoring and measurement. By regularly reviewing and analysing our metrics, we can detect potential issues or opportunities early on. It's not about being obsessed with the numbers, but rather using them as a compass to guide our decision-making process. Counting constantly allows us to stay proactive, adapt to changes, and stay ahead of the competition. For instance, imagine a software-as-a-service (SaaS) startup that offers a productivity tool. By constantly counting metrics like user engagement, customer churn, and feature usage, the startup can gain valuable insights into customer behaviour and preferences. If they notice a decline in engagement or a high churn rate, they can dig deeper to understand the underlying reasons. This continuous counting allows them to adapt their product, marketing, or customer service strategies proactively to retain existing customers and attract new ones. Mandate number three: count cash. In the end, cash is the lifeblood of any business. While revenue and profits may seem impressive, if we fail to manage our cash flow effectively, we can find ourselves in a tight spot. Cash flow management involves forecasting, monitoring, and controlling the movement of cash in and out of our business. By counting cash, we can make informed financial decisions, ensure sustainability, and seize opportunities that align with our long-term goals. For example, a restaurant owner needs to count their cash not just in terms of daily sales but also by closely managing expenses such as inventory, wages, and utilities. By counting their cash and tracking their cash flow regularly, the owner can ensure they have enough funds to cover expenses, pay suppliers on time, and invest in business growth. Remember, it's not just about making money; it's about managing it wisely. So, there you have it—three powerful mandates to live by in order to refuse distraction and stay focused in business. Count, count constantly, and count cash. By adopting these mandates, we can navigate the ever-changing business landscape with clarity and confidence. Remember, it's not about being swayed by every shiny new idea or trend; it's about staying true to our vision and leveraging data-driven insights to drive success.
The Eight Greatest Words to Become a Marketing Success
The Eight Greatest Words to Become a Marketing Success
Hello, fellow marketers and entrepreneurs. Welcome to another episode of "Marketing 24-7" Today, we have a very special topic to discuss – the eight greatest words to become a marketing success. So grab a pen and paper because we're about to dive into the world of infotainment and its power to revolutionize your marketing strategy. Now, we all know that capturing and maintaining the attention of your audience is crucial in marketing. Whether you're a copywriter, a marketer, or an entrepreneur, there are eight powerful words that can transform your game and propel you towards success. These words hold the key to engaging your audience, creating impact, and achieving marketing greatness. "You've got to keep them from falling asleep." These eight words are perhaps the most profitable ones any marketer can ever hear. Think about it – from writing compelling copy to engaging with customers, from crafting social media posts to delivering captivating presentations, the goal is to prevent your audience from losing interest or becoming bored. You must strive to infuse your content with passion, emotion, and infotainment – a combination of information and entertainment that leaves your audience hungry for more. Now, let's take a moment to explore the learning curve of infotainment in the context of luxury fashion marketing. Mastering the art of infotainment is a journey. It's a progression through four stages of competence: unconscious incompetence, conscious incompetence, conscious competence, and finally, unconscious competence. In the beginning, we may not even be aware of the importance of keeping the audience engaged and entertained. But as we practice and apply the principles of infotainment to every aspect of our marketing, it becomes second nature. To truly grasp the power of infotainment, let's delve into the world of luxury fashion marketing. Imagine a luxury fashion brand that has mastered the art of infotainment. One of their strategies is to create immersive and interactive fashion shows. They incorporate the latest technology, stunning visuals, and engaging storytelling to captivate the audience. Even if the audience may not fully comprehend the intricate details of fashion design, this immersive experience leaves them spellbound and thirsty for more. Authenticity plays a vital role in infotainment. It's not about being fake or putting on an act. Instead, it's about amplifying your unique personality traits, injecting enthusiasm into your content, and becoming a dramatized version of yourself. In the world of luxury fashion, we've seen renowned designers like Karl Lagerfeld and Donatella Versace embrace their distinctive personas to connect with their audience. It's about staying true to yourself and highlighting your standout features, injecting passion into your presentations, and creating a captivating persona that resonates with your audience. Luxury fashion marketers, need to constantly ask themselves, "Does this have even a modicum of a chance of letting them fall asleep?" If the answer is yes, it's time to infuse more emotion, rhetoric, imagery, passion, and storytelling into their content. Same goes for our endeavours - every sentence, word, and visual element should be infused with the power to captivate our audience. By infusing every aspect of our marketing with infotainment, we can create an experience that is akin to a symphony, a blockbuster movie, or a vibrant cartoon. Our goal is to leave our audience spellbound, eager to engage with our brand, and ready to take action. As we master the art of infotainment, we will witness a transformation in our marketing results. Our target audience will be captivated, our message will resonate, and our business will thrive. So, let's embrace the power of infotainment and take our marketing to new heights. Whether we're writing captivating product descriptions, creating visually stunning campaigns, or delivering influential brand presentations, let's captivate our audience, leave them spellbound, and unleash our marketing potential. As we conclude this episode of the "Marketing 24-7 " Podcast - I want to leave you again with the powerful 8 words. They are in fact a quote from the renowned Academy Award winning American movie and scriptwriter Philip Yordan – "You've got to keep them from falling asleep." Embrace the power of infotainment, let your passion for luxury fashion shine through, and watch as your marketing efforts soar. I hope you found these eight words and the concept of infotainment valuable for your marketing endeavors. Remember, infuse your content with passion and captivate your audience at every turn. Join me next time as we delve deeper into the strategies and techniques that unlock marketing success. Until then, keep your audience engaged and unleash your marketing potential.
Is ‘It” Good Or Evil?
Is ‘It” Good Or Evil?
In the 1800’s, 95% of the Australia population worked on farms. Today, 5%. The industrialisation of the nation. Today, farming itself has been industrialized, and we eat more industrial chemicals than we do food. Yet our life expectancy has lengthened, due to the industrialisation of medicine. My early years were in an area dominated by market gardens – lettuce, tomatoes, other produce, grown in the rich loamy soil. People mainly migrants Italians and Croatians worked, hard, during work time; played games only evenings and part of weekends. If there was an emergency at any one place, a whistle summoned – not a tweet, and the entire community came running. There was a real community. That’s all over now: that produce comes from elsewhere at lower costs. Corporate conglomerates replaced the independent, small farm owner and the family business. Robots and automation are replacing humans. The farmer, a dying breed. Now, we live during the technology-isation and internet-isation era. It was supposed to make us ALL rich and raise us ALL to a life of easy work, leisure, milk and honey. But it is doing the opposite. It is sucking wealth out of many hands and putting it into fewer and fewer. Corporate conglomerates are replacing independent, small businesses. Amazon is what Kmart and Target was, but on steroids. Entire new fiefdoms born, like Google. A new cyber-road to serfdom. In the past 2 decades, the average white collar worker has added 10 to 20 hours to his workweek, not subtracted it –by the constant connectivity they work everywhere, all the time. For blue collars, wages have stagnated and, more importantly, jobs are being erased at a 6-to-1 ratio vs. new jobs created. For most business owners, complexity and work-week hours increased; incomes have not. And the sacrifices paid for all this – in privacy, personal safety and security, homeland security, mental health, etc. – are extreme. Of course, it’s been and is an amazing wealth generator for some of us, me included. But on par, in balance, the most destructive force ever unleashed on society yet to reveal the full extent of its ruination. As with all things, you can’t really control “it.” You can only control you. Evil in any form can’t exist where it is refused welcome. Our life is the mirror reflection of all the decisions we make – sure, some random chance and “circumstances beyond our control” tossed in, but mostly, personal. A cyclone may come, but you choose where you live, how weak or strong a structure you live in, with or without a basement, attention paid to weather alerts, and you can greatly affect your odds. I am not a gambler but I can appreciate odds. You should think hard about how to lessen the odds of bad things happening to you and increasing the odds of good things happening, with everything you do. Remember: a hammer can be a very useful tool or a very dangerous weapon. It’s NOT up to the hammer.
The friends you keep can set your value.
The friends you keep can set your value.
One of the most profound concepts I came across recently was attributed to a Ty Cobb quote (arguably one of the best baseballers ever) that is easily applied to marketing and business: "Speed is a great asset; but it's greater when it's combined with quickness and there's a big difference." He was talking about positioning yourself in a game, so you don't have to be necessarily fast, but you are already "there waiting" before the pitch because you are gifted enough to read the cues. But in business this concept can be as simple as leveraging others with bigger, more prestigious, and more celebrity-like brands. Are certain Nike shoes any more intrinsically valuable because Michael Jordan's name is on them? No. But with that name, they ooze value, prestige, and talent. Thus, people line up at night to pay through the nose for them. Same with a brand Kim Kardashian promotes on Twitter or Instagram. She has created entire million-dollar brands for brand new Startups just because she advertised it, and not because the brand is any better or even is any good (aka her recent crypto promotions). This is how you cut in line (or speed things up) on your way to success in marketing. You can spend years and decades slugging it out or you can find ways to get there faster. One way to do it faster is to only associate, do business with, and joint venture with high quality, prestigious, & expensive offers, businesses, or brands. Don't sell cheap, appeal to cheap, or be anything but hostile and antagonising towards all-things cheap. That alone can elevate your business by default, and you are actually expected to charge more. It would be a weird disconnect if Michael Jordan's name was slapped on a pair of $10 sneakers or if Kim Kardashian promotes a $17 bag you can find at Kmart. That's how you want your own brand to stand out: as high quality, high prestige, and, yes, high priced. This is why the front of magazines always has the glitzy brands in the first 6 or so pages. They all need to be seen with each other. So here is the question - who are you or your business seen with? Think about the answer it matters a lot.
KA-Boomers and their spending
KA-Boomers and their spending
The Baby Boomers are once again proving they are ready to spend. Despite central governments and banking institutions making a concerted effort to slow the economy and rein in inflation by raising interest rates. Baby Boomers are still proving to be a major source of consumption in the current economy. Baby Boomers – generally referring to those aged 55 and over – are a demographic targeted by many businesses as they possess the financial resources to purchase goods and services. Research has shown that Baby Boomers have a propensity to shop more and often carry larger amounts of disposable income compared to other age groups. Given the power of Baby Boomers to stimulate the economy, businesses large and small need to be focussing on this niche in an effort to continue to thrive in a slowing economy. Despite traditional consumer forecasts predicting slowdowns in the real estate and housing markets, Baby Boomers continue to spend. What’s driving Baby Boomers’ spending? There’s no single answer, but some suggested motivators include a focus on buying quality over quantity, a desire to travel more, and an increased emphasis on health and wellness. For entrepreneurs, this is an opportunity to capture a larger share of the Baby Boomer market. By understanding their preferences and tailoring their products and services accordingly, entrepreneurs can make an impact in the sector – and get a slice of the Baby Boomer spending pie. Businesses may also want to consider including other elements to their customer offerings to attract Baby Boomers. This could include tailoring packages to suit the Baby Boomer lifestyle, offering flexible payment options to fit their budget, and providing helpful resources or advice that Baby Boomers could find valuable. The Baby Boomer market is a valuable and powerful one, and entrepreneurs should consider investing their time and resources into actively engaging Baby Boomers in their products and services. Don’t overlook the Baby Boomer market—there’s a lot of money still being plus waiting to be spent.
Rebranding Deep Dive
Rebranding Deep Dive
Welcome today we are doing a deep dive into the world of rebranding and explore why it’s necessary, the benefits it brings, and what you need to take care of during the process. So, let’s get started! If you take a look at this podcast album cover you will see that we have undergone our own rebrand. It is in 3 parts : 1) my new look 2) the highlighting of Luxe Marketing and 3) a more modern look and feel. Rebranding is a process that many businesses go through at some point in their journey. Generally it involves changing the way a company presents itself to the world, including its name, logo, messaging, and overall visual identity. But why do businesses choose to rebrand? Well, there are several reasons. First and foremost, one of the most common reasons for rebranding is to stay relevant in a rapidly changing market. As industries evolve, consumer preferences shift, and new technologies emerge, businesses must adapt. Rebranding allows companies to update their image and align themselves with the latest trends and customer needs. Another reason for rebranding is when a company wants to change its reputation or perception. Sometimes, negative publicity, a scandal, or a shift in public opinion can tarnish a brand's image. Rebranding provides an opportunity to leave the past behind and create a fresh start, rebuilding trust and showcasing a new direction. Additionally, rebranding can be crucial when a company undergoes significant changes, such as mergers, acquisitions, or expansions into new markets. By rebranding, businesses can ensure consistency across their various entities and create a unified identity that reflects their new vision and goals. Airbnb for example were originally known for offering air mattresses in people's homes, Airbnb underwent a comprehensive rebranding to become a global hospitality brand. They introduced a new logo, website, and brand messaging that focused on the idea of belonging and unique experiences. This rebranding helped Airbnb expand beyond its initial niche and become a trusted platform for travellers worldwide. While rebranding holds great potential, it's essential to approach it with caution. There are a few things to keep in mind to ensure a successful rebranding process. Firstly, thoroughly research and plan your rebranding strategy. Understand your market, competitors, and most importantly, your customers. A well-informed strategy lays the foundation for a strong rebranding effort. Secondly, maintain consistency throughout the rebranding process. Ensure that your new visual identity, messaging, and values are coherent and aligned across all touchpoints, from your website and social media to packaging and customer service. Rebranding can have widespread impact – handled properly it can rejuvenate employee morale and company culture. A fresh brand identity injects excitement, energy, and a sense of purpose into organisations. It unifies teams around a common vision, boosts employee pride, and even attracts top talent who align with your new brand values. Better yet, rebranding allows for better alignment with your target audience. As consumer preferences change, it's crucial to ensure your brand remains relevant to your ideal customer. By conducting market research and understanding your audience's needs, desires, and values, you can tailor your rebranding efforts to resonate with them on a deeper level. By refreshing your visual identity and messaging, you can attract new customers, regain the attention of existing ones, and stand out from your competitors.
To sell is human
To sell is human
Are you an awesome entrepreneur, consultant, accountant, or career coach? Whatever your business, how do you expect people to find out about you and your talent? Promoting your work opens up unlimited opportunities because your valuable product or service sees the light of day. Being modest, introverted or humble and not self-promoting, is holding you back. Your less competent competitor is about to get the business. True, we are all afraid of sales. The perception. The idea of being pushy. Many people equate sales with making people buy things they don’t want, don’t need, and can’t afford. Daniel Pink, in his bestseller, states that 1 in 9 roles has a formal sales title. But 9 out of 9 roles involve selling to other people. Teachers sell to kids. Doctors sell to patients. Authors sell to readers. If your work involves other humans, you are selling. Finding ways to help others. Want clients? Start talking to your network. Find out how they are doing, how business is going, back and forth with ideas without any expectation of anything materialising. None of this costs anything but time. But it is not a cost, it's an investment that can pay your business in spades, short term and long. Some home truths Truth #1: If you operate on the assumption that people will benefit from using your products and services, then sales is entirely about helping others. Truth #2: How you sell is with the value you create for the customer. Truth #3: Everyone is selling in some capacity — even if they don’t think they are — so we might as well get good at it. Don’t run from sales. Embrace sales as the engine powering all business.
Marketing for New Entrepreneurs: The Essential Techniques to Attract Clients
Marketing for New Entrepreneurs: The Essential Techniques to Attract Clients
I was taken aback when I received a desperate phone call from a potential client who had gone through the process of starting a business. The client had set up the business but their attempts at gaining new customers were fruitless. I offered support to the client, giving them many ideas to attract clients. It was in this moment that the client confided in me; he had spent 8 years of his life studying and working in the commercial field, however, he had never been given guidance on how to target customers until now. This struck me as concerning, as a lack of marketing knowledge is a common issue amongst new entrepreneurs. In response, I have created this podcast, outlining the key techniques that successful businesses use to get more clients.
4 key Marketing imperatives
4 key Marketing imperatives
In this week’s podcast I go through the 4 key things I do when I take on a new marketing client. I believe you too, should do these 4 things in your business. Especially if you are looking for more clients, quick wins and some instant cash flow. These are the same 4 things that I implement with my fee-paying clients which is on average $50,000 each and you are getting the advice for nothing thanks to this podcast. All you have to do is listen and implement – go on I dare you!! Here is the link to the blog post
Doing things differently
Doing things differently
This episode is about doing things differently. I was talking about podcasts with my wife over breakfast and she said something that struck a chord. She said that she gets annoyed by the jingles played upfront in most of the podcasts she listens to. Whoops! That's exactly what I have in my Marketing 24-7 Podcast. Should I continue them? I recently wrote an E-book called . Specifically, trigger number 2 is called defy industry norms. Ironically this is a perfect example of where I hadn’t challenged an industry norm. Take a listen to the latest podcast episode to find out more.
Do you Ready, fire, aim!
Do you Ready, fire, aim!
Most entrepreneurs like to...Ready, fire, aim! That’s good. It’s what makes us wake up in the morning, get our products out there, and change the world. So, a word like foundations is boring. Definitely not sexy. BUT so essential!! When you stop to learn something like marketing foundations, you may feel like you’re slowing down or taking a step back, but it’s crucial to lay a good foundation so you can build a big house. After all, the foundation you need for a $100 million-dollar business is going to be a beast compared to a foundation that will support a $1 million-dollar business. A solid foundation multiplies and maximizes your efforts. It means that when you’re ready to go out there and sell, everything you do will be stronger, faster, and more profitable…even if you don’t exert more effort. Good foundations build and sustain businesses during all the ups and downs, so don’t skip the chance to learn and shore up your business foundation.
Lambos too quick for cost of living woes
Lambos too quick for cost of living woes
It appears that despite the doom and gloom in the news, there is a "Spending Class" that is currently thriving and growing. The West Australian newspaper reported that all Lamborghini V8 and V10 series cars for circa $400k have been sold out for the next 18 months - and these are only just one example of the luxury spending happening in the world. Phyllis Narula, who purchased her third Lamborghini, remarked that the cars were a treat to herself and a status symbol of all the hard work she has achieved over the years. At the same time, the emergence of wealthy shoppers and demographic changes have combined to produce an even larger "Spending Class", making now the ideal time for entrepreneurs to be prepared to tap into this market and understand its potential and uses. It's not just about the money that can be made, though - it is also about understanding who these consumers are, what they need, and how to position your business for success. Bearing this in mind, it is important to get to know and target the ideal customer if you want your business to be profitable and grow. The ideal customer is not one who is put off by high prices but is willing to pay the premium for quality products and services. To do that, you need to figure out who these customers are, where they're located, and how to reach them. Once you understand all of that, you can create unique and effective marketing campaigns designed to bring in these customers as well as enjoy greater profits. So, if you are looking to make the most of all the wealth and luxury spending happening in the world at the moment, taking the time to strategically target and understand the "Spending Class" is key. Focus on this and put in the hard work now and you can ensure success and long-term sustainability for your business.