CRUELLA DEVILLE COATSWe talk to Kate Small an Idaho resident who teaches others how to trap and hunt wolves. Her and her husband host a YouTube channel where they show their hunts and help others learn how to hunt and trap wolves. /episode/index/show/publiclychallenged/id/35248960
GO WILD GET HEALTHYMark “Merriwether” Vorderbruggen is a foraging teacher, professional caveman and PHD chemist that has a very interesting story of how he came to the world of plants and plant medicines. Join us for a very interesting and informative conversation. /episode/index/show/publiclychallenged/id/34935085
INVASION OF THE INVASIVESBen Falk is probably one of the most unique and trusted voices in the world of permaculture. Ben’s distrust of dogma has led him to some amazing feats on his farm. Listen to this amazingly informative episode on all things invasion biology. /episode/index/show/publiclychallenged/id/34935050
BOXCAR BISON HUNTERS AND DEER DRIVESIn this episode Clay talks about his recent participation in a deer drive and how he might have just found the best way to deer hunt. Luke covers his recent bison hunt and the dissatisfaction that came from it even though the freezer was filled. /episode/index/show/publiclychallenged/id/34731050
EPISODE#208-TREE SHRINKAGE AND BEAR DENSIn this episode we talk to Linden Loren of KuduPoint Broadheads about personal experiences and the affordability, durability, and quality of their product as well as have a few good laughs./episode/index/show/publiclychallenged/id/34639325
EPISODE#207-PEACH SCHNAPPS AND THAT TOULOU TWISTIn this episode we talk to Trevor Anderson and Jake Anderson from Toulou Broadheads about their design and why it works, why it costs what it does, and what sets their broached apart from the rest. We talk about family, tradition, keeping the passion alive for the next generation. /episode/index/show/publiclychallenged/id/34639330
EPISODE#206-FOREST GUMP AND HUMAN TACOSIn this episode we talk to Jenna Rozelle. Jenna is a writer, homesteader, forager, hunter, angler, wild foods educator and outdoors person. She enjoys a teaching and writing about getting people comfortable and familiar on their landscapes. You can find what she shares on her website
EPISODE#205-WEB WORMS AND HUFFING ETHERIn this episode we talk to friend of the podcast and Illinois native Jed Arkels. This one is full of laughs and wisdom and covers topics like nuts, nut oils, persimmons and rice porridge./episode/index/show/publiclychallenged/id/34639340
EPISODE#204-MALLORN ARCHERYWe talk to Rick Spicer of Mallorn Archery and Packrat Bushcraft. Rick has a background in primitive skills and bushcraft and a love of archery. We talk about his new company and his desire to create a high quality quiver for all of your hunting adventures./episode/index/show/publiclychallenged/id/34639345
EPISODE#203-PLAYING TAG FIVE MILES DEEPIn this episode we talk to Joe Elliston of Initial Ascent packs. In the past we have talked about the packs and how great they are (No Joke) so this time around we talk a little about the packs and share some laughs and hunting stories. Anything from hunting squirrels and ducks in flooded timber to the great salt lake and deer, elk, and bears this episode has it all./episode/index/show/publiclychallenged/id/34639350
EPISODE#202-OTTERS OVER COOTSIn this episode Clay and Luke talk about bowsmithing and learning from your mistakes. The mental frame work for morality that a father provides for his children and how coots taste terrible and what they would rather eat./episode/index/show/publiclychallenged/id/34639355
EPISODE#201-MOUTH TABS AND PLAIN STEAKSIn this episode we talk to public land hunter Greg Litzinger. Greg has found some serious success on public and shares some of his knowledge as well as some fun stories./episode/index/show/publiclychallenged/id/34639360
EPISODE#200-FROM AZTECS TO EATING PEOPLEWelcome to the 200th episode of the show! we chat with David Ian Howe of Ethnocynology. We chat it up about all sorts of things with some truly amazing nuggets of knowledge buried in there like a hidden Aztec treasure!/episode/index/show/publiclychallenged/id/34639365
EPISODE#199-THAT QUERCUS BOOTYIn this episode we talk to friend of the podcast Chef Lorenzo Tavani of @lorenzo_cooks on instagram. We talk about fat bottomed oaks and paw paw mania, paw paw related dementia and many other quirky foraging related topics. /episode/index/show/publiclychallenged/id/34639375
EPISODE#198-SUMERIAN LITTLE CESARSClay and Luke talk to Tim Clemens of Ironwood Foraging about a multitude of things from vomitus mushrooms and making the Sumerians angry by changing their wheat and using it to make fast food pizza. /episode/index/show/publiclychallenged/id/34639380
EPISODE#197-A SHOW ABOUT NOTHINGIn this episode Clay and Luke talk about eating bugs, why geese aren't on his radar, how pastrami is made, and that's just the tip of the iceberg!/episode/index/show/publiclychallenged/id/34639385
EPISODE#196-EATING MUSKRATSWe talk to friend of the podcast Chris Gavin. We talk about eating muskrats and plants. How testosterone affects our decisions and so much more. From fishing to hunting and methods of take this episode has it all./episode/index/show/publiclychallenged/id/34639395
EPISODE#195-THE SAUCE KEEPS THEM FROM CRAWLING OUT OF THE PANIn this episode we talk to Junayd Juman and Fjolla Sheholli of Honey Badger a wild to table restaurant in Brooklyn, New York. A truly unique boutique dining experience where all of the ingredients are fresh and sustainably harvested and brought to life in an amazing dish right before your eyes. From glacial water or tree sap in your glass to mushrooms or weevils that were in the forest that morning it is truly an experience you won't ever forget. listen to us go into great detail about the experience and th/episode/index/show/publiclychallenged/id/34639400
EPISODE#194-BANANA PEELED BARRELSIn this episode Clay and Luke talk to Nate and Canyon of The Ridge Hunter Outdoors Podcast. Hearing conservation is discussed along with when not to fire your shotgun. Lots of talk about catfishing and bank poles. There is a ton of laughs and hidden gems throughout this episode./episode/index/show/publiclychallenged/id/34639405
EPISODE#193-EDUCATION IS A PRISONIn this episode Clay talks to George Hedgepeth about dogs, education, and thinking outside the norms./episode/index/show/publiclychallenged/id/34639410
EPISODE#192-A CHRISTMAS DINNER FISH???Clay talks about his recent trip to a foragers gathering and Luke talks about his recent catfishing adventures. They also debate the palatability of carp and why people fish for it in Europe./episode/index/show/publiclychallenged/id/34639415
EPISODE#191-FORAGING THE MOUNTAINS AND PRISON FOODClay talks to Orion Aon of Foage Colorado. In this episode they talk about Clay's cooking and the wonderful and creative things Orion makes and how one video blew up his social media feed. Various foraging species are covered as well as Colorados most deadly mushroom species./episode/index/show/publiclychallenged/id/34639420
EPISODE#190-GRIZZLY BEAR GARDENERS AND HOMESTEAD ADJACENTWe are joined by friend Poldi Wieland of The Year of Plenty Podcast to talk about recent plant obsessions and hunting adventures. Poldi is alway in the pursuit of reconnecting to the lost ways of food culture and preservation. As always there is a wide range of topics with plenty of nuggets of wisdom./episode/index/show/publiclychallenged/id/34639425
EPISODE#189-MSG, FISH, AND THEE AMISHWe talk to Frank Giglio a professional chef, forager, trapper, hunter, angler, and all around Maine outdoorsman. Frank is an amazing person who ties everything he does to food and the thrill of finding cooking and sharing it with others. /episode/index/show/publiclychallenged/id/34639435
EPISODE#188-OUR GUEST APPEARANCEClay and Luke were recently guests on Ridge Hunter Outdoors Podcast and had a blast with Canyon Clark and his cohosts. We told stories and laughed till our faces hurt. Amongst all the fun there was some great fishing and foraging knowledge dropped./episode/index/show/publiclychallenged/id/34639440
EPISODE#187-BLACK-FOOTED FERRETS AND INTERNET TROLLSWe talk to Pierson Willhite a person on social media who had a reel that blew up and went viral. In that reel he goes on a run trying to spread seeds and love and grow food for people throughout his town. Everything was great and the reel was trending until the foraging community decided to turn on him and turn him into a martyr. So naturally Clay and Luke wanted to have him on the show and hear his side of the story and get to know him as a person rather than jump on the bandwagon to trash and humiliate hi/episode/index/show/publiclychallenged/id/34639445
EPISODE#186-KNOTWEED AND NOT LETTING HATERS STOP USIn this episode we talk to Bryan Bramlett of Healing Ecosystems. Bryan is a hunter forager and is extensively studying knotweed and utilizing it to slow the spread rather than spraying poison on it. From chasing groundhogs with a recurve and chasing turkeys to talking about the useful ways to use knotweed and slow the spread this episode has it all./episode/index/show/publiclychallenged/id/34639450
EPISODE#185-HEDGEROWS AND SQUIRREL POT PIESClay and Luke talk to Matthew Normansell of Wisconsin and England. He joins us and talks the similarities and differences of foraging and hunting in England vs. in Wisconsin. Matthew is also the creator of the Facebook group Wild Food Wisconsin which is the largest and most active foraging group around./episode/index/show/publiclychallenged/id/34639460
EPISODE#184-TWO OLD FUDDIESClay and Luke talk about social media and its impact on peoples behavior towards others online. There is also discussion of how people are changing and we want to cling to the old ways and still pick up a phone and stop by someones house for a visit. Why do allium have phallus like names and what we are doing with our ramps right now. Lactic fermentation is amazing and ramps make it taste so good./episode/index/show/publiclychallenged/id/34639465
EPISODE#183-NEW ENGLAND NATURALSIn this episode we talk to Jake DeBow of New England Naturals. Jake is one extremely passionate trapper and hunter set out to educate others and elevate the awareness around this dying art form. Jake is a wildlife biologist with a passion for the outdoors and keeping a healthy and sustainable population of animals. When he isn't trapping or working his day job he is trying to educate others and eliminate the negative connotations associated with trapping. He and his wife utilize every part of the animal inc/episode/index/show/publiclychallenged/id/34639470