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Proceedings of the Sisyphian Society

The Sisyphian Society for the Systematic Study of Useful Knowledge meets to discuss two kinds of topics, alternating between (1) those related to the optimization of everyday life and its tasks and, in order to entice the listening public, (2) those considered "fun" topics. For disclaimers, rules of discussion, and background information, please see the first issue, Vol. I, No. 1.

info_outline Vol. I, No. 4. Best Ways to Find the Best, Part 1. 07/24/2020
info_outline Vol. I, No. 3. Talk Radio and Podcasts. 07/06/2020
info_outline Vol. I, No. 2. Correspondence, Scooby-Doo, and Humor. 06/25/2020
info_outline Vol. I, No. 1. Introduction. 06/23/2020