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Vol. I, No. 2. Correspondence, Scooby-Doo, and Humor.

Proceedings of the Sisyphian Society

Release Date: 06/25/2020

Vol. I, No. 4. Best Ways to Find the Best, Part 1. show art Vol. I, No. 4. Best Ways to Find the Best, Part 1.

Proceedings of the Sisyphian Society

A gavel is donated, the Society begins a new fundraising endeavor, listeners launch a “fan” group with transcription efforts. In the main discussion, this first of two parts lays the foundation for the Society’s main project of finding the best products, services, and methods—introducing and depicting the problem to be solved. N.B.: If you are using an inferior podcatcher, like Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, or Spotify, the following “show notes” will be truncated, missing links, missing formatting, or otherwise mangled. Please switch to a decent podcatcher or see this issue’s...

Vol. I, No. 3. Talk Radio and Podcasts. show art Vol. I, No. 3. Talk Radio and Podcasts.

Proceedings of the Sisyphian Society

First Official Loyal Fan David joins to discuss talk radio and podcasts. Kyle rants about inferior podcatchers, show notes, and Spotify’s attempt to destroy podcasting, and calls upon listeners to boycott Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and especially Spotify. N.B.: If you are using an inferior podcatcher, like Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, or Spotify, the following “show notes” will be truncated, missing links, missing formatting, or otherwise mangled. Please switch to a decent podcatcher or see this issue’s notes at . N.B.: For disclaimers, rules, and prefaces, see . N.B.: The...

Vol. I, No. 2. Correspondence, Scooby-Doo, and Humor. show art Vol. I, No. 2. Correspondence, Scooby-Doo, and Humor.

Proceedings of the Sisyphian Society

Matt and Kyle respond to correspondence, answer a listener question about Scooby-Doo, and address the place of humor in these meetings. N.B.: If you are using an inferior podcatcher, like Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, or Spotify, the following “show notes” will be truncated, missing links, missing formatting, or otherwise mangled. Please switch to a decent podcatcher or see this issue’s notes at . N.B.: For disclaimers, rules, and prefaces, see . N.B.: The Society might earn a commission for purchases using “buy on...” links below. . Minutes of the Meeting. For corrections to...

Vol. I, No. 1. Introduction. show art Vol. I, No. 1. Introduction.

Proceedings of the Sisyphian Society

Matt and Kyle provide disclaimers, rules, prefaces, rationales, and background information concerning the Society and this podcast. N.B.: If you are using an inferior podcatcher, like Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, or Spotify, the following “show notes” will be truncated, missing links, missing formatting, or otherwise mangled. Please switch to a decent podcatcher or see this issue’s notes at . N.B.: The Society might earn a commission for purchases using “buy on...” links below. . Friends of the Society have begun transcribing this issue . Minutes of the Meeting. For corrections...

More Episodes

Matt and Kyle respond to correspondence, answer a listener question about Scooby-Doo, and address the place of humor in these meetings.

N.B.: If you are using an inferior podcatcher, like Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, or Spotify, the following “show notes” will be truncated, missing links, missing formatting, or otherwise mangled. Please switch to a decent podcatcher or see this issue’s notes at http://www.sisyphiansociety.org/proceedings/v01n002.

N.B.: For disclaimers, rules, and prefaces, see Vol. I, No. 1.

N.B.: The Society might earn a commission for purchases using “buy on...” links below. Learn more.

Minutes of the Meeting.

For corrections to this issue, see errata of Vol. I, No. 3.

The meeting of the Sisyphian Society was held on Tuesday, 23 June 2020, remotely, the co-chairs pro tempore being in the chairs and the secretary being present.

0:00:51 Meeting (naturally) came to order.

0:01:09 Apologized for poor audio.

0:02:17 Refreshments.

0:05:14 Announced that podcasts will be topic of next meeting rather than of this one.

0:06:00 Errata for Vol. I, No. 1. Introduction.

  • Audio and editing quality was poor. Kyle cannot edit that heavily from now on. Apologized for plosives, lip smacking, and overuse of brilliant. Discussed Kyle’s additional recording rules for himself, to prevent some such errors in future.
  • When Kyle said “golden coins”, he should have said “gold coins”.
  • When Kyle said “I was a group of ... it was like, two or three people”, he should have said “I was in a group of . . .” Public credit to listener David for reporting error.
  • When Matt said lifehacking had become about “how inefficient you can do something”, he should have said “how inefficiently you can do something”.
  • When Kyle said “you can hover your mouse over the comic and . . . title text pops up”, he should have said “you can hover your cursor or your pointer over the comic and . . . title text pops up”.
  • When Kyle said, “I’ll list you some of these things”, he (probably) should have said, “I’ll list for you some of these things”.
  • At this point in the errata, Matt requested someone donate The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language [buy on Amazon] to Society.
  • When Kyle said, “the second category are fun topics”, he should have said “the second category is fun topics”.
  • When Kyle gave Society’s telephone number, he forgot to give first (international) digit. Full number is +1 805 538 2382.
  • When Matt said, “we might as well motion to adjourn”, he should have said “we might as well move to adjourn”.

0:20:49 Minutes of the last meeting were approved. Cited Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised (11th edition) [buy on Amazon] (p. 354, l. 23 – p. 355, l. 6).

0:21:36 Announcements

  • Vol. I, No. 1, which was published just earlier today, already enjoys 43 unique downloads.

0:23:02 Treasurer’s report: Treasurer reported coffers remain steady. Kyle informed treasurer of not-yet-reported expenditures. Society is actually in poor financial health. Society should set up online donation system posthaste.

0:23:56 General Correspondence.

0:59:58 Discussed impropriety of humor. Cited The Rule of St. Benedict (other formats). Discussed strategy with reference thereto: proselytizing gradual move to sobriety.

1:03:35 Next meeting’s topic will be podcasts. Called for collaboration and peer review, especially regarding the topic of podcasts or any previously published issues. See Correspondence for instructions.

1:05:17 Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Kyle, secretary


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“I’m a well-known bad MIDI keyboardist.”