Proceedings of the Sisyphian Society
A gavel is donated, the Society begins a new fundraising endeavor, listeners launch a “fan” group with transcription efforts. In the main discussion, this first of two parts lays the foundation for the Society’s main project of finding the best products, services, and methods—introducing and depicting the problem to be solved. N.B.: If you are using an inferior podcatcher, like Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, or Spotify, the following “show notes” will be truncated, missing links, missing formatting, or otherwise mangled. Please switch to a decent podcatcher or see this issue’s...
info_outlineProceedings of the Sisyphian Society
First Official Loyal Fan David joins to discuss talk radio and podcasts. Kyle rants about inferior podcatchers, show notes, and Spotify’s attempt to destroy podcasting, and calls upon listeners to boycott Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and especially Spotify. N.B.: If you are using an inferior podcatcher, like Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, or Spotify, the following “show notes” will be truncated, missing links, missing formatting, or otherwise mangled. Please switch to a decent podcatcher or see this issue’s notes at . N.B.: For disclaimers, rules, and prefaces, see . N.B.: The...
info_outlineProceedings of the Sisyphian Society
Matt and Kyle respond to correspondence, answer a listener question about Scooby-Doo, and address the place of humor in these meetings. N.B.: If you are using an inferior podcatcher, like Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, or Spotify, the following “show notes” will be truncated, missing links, missing formatting, or otherwise mangled. Please switch to a decent podcatcher or see this issue’s notes at . N.B.: For disclaimers, rules, and prefaces, see . N.B.: The Society might earn a commission for purchases using “buy on...” links below. . Minutes of the Meeting. For corrections to...
info_outlineProceedings of the Sisyphian Society
Matt and Kyle provide disclaimers, rules, prefaces, rationales, and background information concerning the Society and this podcast. N.B.: If you are using an inferior podcatcher, like Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, or Spotify, the following “show notes” will be truncated, missing links, missing formatting, or otherwise mangled. Please switch to a decent podcatcher or see this issue’s notes at . N.B.: The Society might earn a commission for purchases using “buy on...” links below. . Friends of the Society have begun transcribing this issue . Minutes of the Meeting. For corrections...
info_outlineMatt and Kyle provide disclaimers, rules, prefaces, rationales, and background information concerning the Society and this podcast.
N.B.: If you are using an inferior podcatcher, like Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, or Spotify, the following “show notes” will be truncated, missing links, missing formatting, or otherwise mangled. Please switch to a decent podcatcher or see this issue’s notes at
N.B.: The Society might earn a commission for purchases using “buy on...” links below. Learn more.
Friends of the Society have begun transcribing this issue in their Facebook group.
Minutes of the Meeting.
For corrections to this issue, see errata of Vol. I, Nos. 2 and 3.
The meeting of the Society was held on Tuesday, 16 June 2020, remotely, the co-chairs pro tempore being in the chairs and the secretary being present.
0:00:46 Meeting called to order.
0:01:40 Disclaimer: This meeting has been held several times.
0:02:44 Apologized for jocularity. ["Conflicted and interesting thoughts on humor" were indeed discussed in Vol. I, No. 2.]
0:03:09 Apologized for poor audio. Solicited advice from audio editors. Mentioned NPR (National Public Radio), PRI (Public Radio International), This American Life, All Things Considered, The Rush Limbaugh Show, The Ben Shapiro Show, Wait Wait... Don’t Tell Me!, Serial, How Did This Get Made?, 99% Invisible, A Prairie Home Companion.
0:10:01 Pleaded for money to hire an audio editor, voice actors, and the like. Pleaded for musicians to re-record theme music.
0:11:53 (Global) pandemic has required meetings be convened online. Society decided to begin publishing proceedings. Cited definition of pandemic from Lexico by Oxford Dictionary.
0:14:26 Rule of discussion: Only topics not in members’ areas of competency.
0:15:36 Rule of discussion: Only one hour may be spent in preparation.
0:16:12 Why the Society is publishing these proceedings: to facilitate the “workshopping” of ideas, to facilitate others developing ideas discussed here, to “crowdsource”; and cooperate for mutual benefit.
0:23:17 Disclaimer: Proceedings might be unpublished in the future. Mentioned broadcast restrictions of NFL (National Football League).
0:24:56 Disclaimer: Anything said in these meetings deemed problematic intended as ironic.
0:25:03 Disclaimer: Members do not necessarily endorse each other’s views.
0:25:24 Rule of discussion: Only first names.
0:26:11 Matt and Kyle introduced themselves and their interest in systematic improvements.
0:27:56 Pleaded to not listen to this. Pleaded to not listen to this. Mentioned Homer, Augustine, Bach, Bible, Quran, Vedas, Plato, Kant, Nietzsche, Marx.
0:33:19 Only reason to listen to this.
0:33:38 First category of discussion topics: “the boring topics”. Discussed “lifehacking”, what lifehacking has become, xkcd comic “The General Problem” and “master artisans of great foresight”. These topics focus on finding “the best x”, optimizing, and improving the day-to-day components of life via useful knowledge. Examples of possible topics in this category mentioned were Esperanto; fixes to the United States postal system; parliamentary procedure; linguistic style guides, vocabularies, grammar, and how to fix language; productivity methodologies, including the Getting Things Done system [buy on Amazon]; “quantified self”; the ideal diet and Soylent; time tracking; documenting things for oneself; the best men’s clothing, possibly the best women’s clothing, and possibly Amish clothing; book summaries; indexes; documentaries; making music; reading and marking a book; organizing and cataloging books; genealogy; 24-hour time, daylight-saving time, and time zones; the great books; language scripts; journaling; “everyday carry”; the best wristwatch; indoor plants; an application for finding parking; food tracking; sleep tracking; cursive and the best way to write; how to set and maintain and monitor the temperature of a refrigerator; the best car; the best car emergency kit; the best sunglasses, the best glasses, and computer glasses; the best sizes of paper; the best pens; gardening; personality tests; heraldry; interior decorating and architecture; modes of personal transport; reading and writing poetry; the best backpack; why everyone should go by full names; the best wallet; and a technology subcategory covering all things technology-related, hardware and software.
0:46:27 Second category of discussion topics: “the ‘fun’ topics”. Examples of possible topics in this category mentioned were podcasts, The Beatles, Looney Tunes, geocaching, xkcd, ASMR, CouchSurfing, Megabus, YouTube, video games, TV shows watched as children and the differences between networks, and stand-up comedy.
0:48:45 Discussed length of meetings.
0:49:57 Discussed frequency of meetings. Pleaded again for money.
0:50:16 Discussed target audience.
0:51:03 Called for co-host and guests. Mentioned the Borg.
0:52:58 Explained meeting minutes (comparable to “show notes”). Mentioned all-avocado diet.
0:53:53 Disclaimer: Nothing said to be construed as medical, legal, or financial advice.
0:54:38 Meeting minutes, cont. Discussed Subscribing to the Proceedings as a “podcast” or viewing issues on the Society’s website. Mentioned Kyle’s grandma having a fax machine.
0:56:07 Peer review: Encouraged listeners to correspond with Society by calling its telephone number, +1 805 538 2382, and leaving a voicemail message. (This number routes directly to voicemail.) Success of Society’s endeavors depends upon cooperation and peer-review of listeners. Please correct errors, contribute expertise, or provide general feedback of any kind. Note that Society will not return any calls but might play your message at a future meeting (and so also include it in Proceedings). If you do not wish your message to be included in Proceedings, please note so in message. For updates to these instructions or other methods of correspondence, see Correspondence.
0:58:10 Matt and Kyle shared hope that this project fails.
0:58:58 Refreshments.
1:00:08 Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Kyle, secretary
* * *
“Well, the second elephant chronologically but the first elephant logically.”