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Spontaneous Brilliance Podcast

Spontaneous Brilliance is more than just a podcast - it is a journey that we are all taking together. We are building a community where we can all learn to recognize the unique creative genius inherent to each person. Our host Sandra Cavanaugh, will guide you through our journey together in this 24/7 improvisation of life. This podcast is for you - some episodes will be Sandra sharing wisdom and others will be with you, yes, YOU. We want you to reach out to us at [email protected] to share ideas and concepts you would like to explore, AND to join us on the podcast to chat with Sandra! This is your offer - all you have to do is accept it! You can also visit our website at www.Spontaneousbrilliance.com to learn more.

info_outline YES, THANK YOU, AND... 05/17/2024
info_outline Our Journey Starts Here 05/10/2024