The Student Fitness Experts Podcast
Join the Co-Founders of Student Fitness Experts and fitness veterans, Karen Gilbert & Farrah Zweig, as they bring you years of wisdom and experience about everything you need to understand today's students to help them become successful, strong and empowered young adults. Along with expert guests, the goal of the Student Fitness Expert podcast is to empower & educate anyone that works with kids in a way that benefits the whole child.
Episode 33: Fundamental Movement Skills Part 3
Episode 33: Fundamental Movement Skills Part 3
“If you really try to give too much instruction at this age, you can really cause a child to struggle later on. So, just being supportive and motivating them to do the best of their abilities is really what we're going for.” The Student Fitness Experts podcast is a very intentional venture that aims to create a playful movement to help students grow up with inner confidence and self-awareness and a healthy body and mind. Fundamental movement skills are important through the ages of two to five. Children grow and learn through their own developmental experiences, which creates unique challenges to their balance skills. In Part Three of the Fundamental Movement Skills Series, Karen and Farah discuss how we give children just the right amount of and right kind of instructions. Sometimes it can be tricky to balance the child’s mental development with their physical progress. In this age range, they should develop skills for purposeful play where they can explore life independently! Tune in to understand how to help children find balance and set them up for ultimate success! TimeStamps: [00:30] Understanding physical literacy [03:53] Having balance across different ages [05:08] Is there a long term advantage of future sports? [08:43] About a child’s way of finding balance [13:36] Why should you limit the instructions you give children? [19:13] Communicating with your kids in the right way [21:38] What kind of instructions should you give your children? Quotes: “It [Physical Literacy] describes the ability of a person to instruct their body to confidently perform any action accurately. And it's the motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge and understanding to value and take responsibility for maintaining purposeful physical pursuits and activities throughout the course of life.” “I'm a huge proponent of just supporting the skills supporting the skills [...], while every child is unique, preschool students thrive with activities that focus on the means, rather than the ends. ” “By understanding these range of capabilities of your students, you can ensure that they can all participate, find success, you know, and feel included in the class.” “You're teaching them body awareness, they're also learning spatial awareness, they're learning how to start and stop their body, they're getting core work in there. So there's a lot of different things that are included in these games that might seem really simple, and there's lots of different ways to play this game and challenge them.” “We want to teach them to hone in on that skill, so that they learn that there's always ways that they can challenge themselves in different ways.” “If you really try to give too much instruction at this age, you can really cause a child to struggle later on. So, just being supportive and motivating them to do the best of their abilities is really what we're going for.”
Episode 32: Fundamental Movement Skills Part 2
Episode 32: Fundamental Movement Skills Part 2
“If I can feel them pushing down on my hands, if they're able to do it, when they're holding my hands, then we can kind of progress from there to kind of get an understanding of why they are struggling with doing it.” The Student Fitness Experts podcast is a very intentional venture that aims to create a playful movement to help students grow up with inner confidence and self-awareness and a healthy body and mind. In Part Two of the Fundamental Movement Skills Series, Karen and Farah discuss how to support children in their developmental stages based on the way they learn. Every child develops a unique personality that dictates how they approach learning and what works for them. Some are visual learners while others are hands-on learners. The goal is to understand them through their movement, speech, social interactions, and style of learning - you'll be able to better support them with their journey. Tune in to understand learning styles and set your children up for ultimate success! TimeStamps: [02:12] Explore early childhood [05:46] Offering your child a helping hand [09:09] Understanding your children better to identify their problems [13:12] On changes and growth [16:18] Balance and coordination struggles in children [21:45] Helping your kids build resilience and confidence [27:00] The challenges of growing up Quotes: “If a child is really struggling, just maintaining their balance, while not moving, it's going to be really hard to maintain balance while trying to walk or run or climb.” “If I can feel them pushing down on my hands, if they're able to do it, when they're holding my hands, then we can kind of progress from there to kind of get an understanding of why they are struggling with doing it.” “You want to start to take away the thing that you think might be the problem and then if the issue improves, then you know that's where you need to work on it.” “If they are struggling to do this motor planning, that kind of thing, that's an indication that they may have an issue with balance or coordination.” “What we just want to instill in them is that self confidence and motivation and resilience, so that they're willing to just again, show up and do their best and be positive.” “Body control and body awareness are so important that if we can focus on that for our students, then they can start to be more attentive, especially as we're talking about older students.”
Episode 31: Fundamental Movement Skills Part 1
Episode 31: Fundamental Movement Skills Part 1
“As they [children] continue to grow, they keep building these little blocks on top of each one. And that's what enables them to be able to do these more complicated skills as they get older.” The Student Fitness Experts podcast is a very intentional venture that aims to create a playful movement to help students grow up with inner confidence and self-awareness and a healthy body and mind. In Part One of the Fundamental Movement Skills Series, Karen and Farah explain fundamental movement skills and their importance in a child’s growth. They explore how sibling relationships, exposure, and environment could play a role in shaping a child’s movement skills and why, as parents and coaches, we need to familiarize ourselves with the three blocks of FMS in children. We also dig into understanding muscle memory building and how to help your kids in the process even if they’re having a hard time fitting in! Tune in to integrate fundamental movement skills in your child’s play curriculum and set them up for ultimate success! TimeStamps: [01:34] What are some fundamental movement skills? [02:43] Why is it important to build fundamental movement skills at certain stages of life? [04:06] How do sibling relationships positively impact a child’s growth? [05:37] What are the three blocks of fundamental movement skills? [10:12] Familiarizing yourself with the fundamental movement skills [11:35] Why is it important to build movement skills in children? [15:53] The age when muscle memory starts to get hardwired Quotes: “As they [children] continue to grow, they keep building these little blocks on top of each one. And that's what enables them to be able to do these more complicated skills as they get older.” “If we could teach kids how to move in all different directions, and then teach coaches the importance of why we should be doing this, then, maybe we wouldn't have so many injuries down the road.” “If you're familiar with these building blocks of these skills, and you're looking at rotation and coordination and balance, then you can take a step back, and you can say, does this child have those skills? Are they lacking in an even simpler way of moving? That's why they're struggling.” “If they're [fundamental movement skills] not properly developed, or mastered, there is a likelihood that they will have more trouble academically and behaviorally.” “Understanding these environmental factors, our vision or hearing or something like that can also be one of the issues. It is really helpful to be able to understand your students and what they need and be able to support them.” “They can learn how they're moving, understanding their body, how they're moving it through space, and then have that confidence to take on all these different skills. So that when you want to go into teaching them more specialized, be more specific, go into the complex skills.”
Episode 30: What Does Fearless Mean To You?
Episode 30: What Does Fearless Mean To You?
“No matter how successful you are or whatever success means to you, you can always benefit from a mentor- learning and growing, there's always so much more to do.” The Student Fitness Experts podcast is an intentional venture that aims to create a playful movement to help students grow up with inner confidence and self-awareness and a healthy body and mind. Fearless is a term we use in this podcast a lot - it’s one of our favorite things to ask our guests! From being fearless in the face of failures to being fearless in the face of great obstacles, there is nothing like that feeling. But what does being fearless mean to us? In this episode, Farah and Karen share their ideas on being fearless. They discuss ways by which they train themselves and their kids to face any obstacle that comes their way. We also learn to develop self-love and use it as a powerful means to overcome fear that surrounds new opportunities or situations in life. Tune in to the episode today to learn how to help your kids face challenges fearlessly and set them up for ultimate success! TimeStamps: [01:42] Farah’s thoughts on fearlessness [05:29] How does self-love help us face the most challenging situations? [06:40] Changing your mindset to always look for opportunities [07:38] What you get from being fearless [08:13] Focussing on what you want [08:55] Understanding fearlessness [12:48] Building tough skin and what fearlessness means to Karen [18:17] Why to make a decision, move forward and feel good about it Quotes: “It's not about fear or being scared, angry, fearless, brave, strong, it's about the feeling of self-love that keeps us moving forward on the perspective that you can always find a way to do so” “If we want to constantly see the world as a place of struggle with no alternative, then that's what we're going to see. But if we want to look at the same world as a constant place of opportunity, that may involve struggle, then we're always looking for solutions.” “And oftentimes, I think we even surprise ourselves with the capacity we discover; we have to grow and to continue to become our best selves.” “Every time that you do it, it's going to be just a little bit easier because you're going to remember that oh, I did this before and whether or not it went well you're gonna remember the feeling that you experience or that feeling of perseverance and grit. And that is going to carry you on, moving you forward.” “My theory on regrets is that you do the best with the information you have at the time.” Resources Mentioned:
Episode 29: Understanding Different Types of Learning
Episode 29: Understanding Different Types of Learning
“If they're struggling to gain a skill, and you directly focus in a way that they learn really well, it might be a much easier way for them to at least understand what you want them to do, and then have a greater willingness to want to keep trying.” The Student Fitness Experts podcast is an intentional venture that aims to create a playful movement to help students grow up with inner confidence and self-awareness and a healthy body and mind. In an entertaining and informative episode, Karen and Farah talk about the different types of learners. One could determine the styles in the early stages of their kids' childhood. Quite surprisingly, almost 65% of our population consists of visual learners! We also have multi-modality learners who resort to more than one way of learning. Today, we discuss why it is essential for coaches to understand different learning styles and know their students individually. Karen and Farah also reveal their ways of learning and how they shaped their career ahead. With the pandemic still lingering large, it is crucial to help children realize that they can be adaptable and persevere in different learning situations. Tune in to find out how you can help your kids excel in their learning and set them up for ultimate success! TimeStamps: [01:18] Karen and Farah talks about her learning styles [08:10] Karen’s experience taking online classes [09:11] Farah shares her experience taking online classes [10:45] Why should coaches be prepared when engaging a new group of students? [12:40] Farah talks about verbal learners [13:25] Learn about kinesthetic learners [18:09] What do you mean by social learners? [18:52] Farah talks about solitary learners [19:30] Homeschooling and virtual learning due to the pandemic and how it’s affected coaches and children Quotes: “It's so helpful to understand how you learn because if you think back to when you were in school and just how the classroom is set up and how we kind of expected kids to learn, it can be really challenging.” “It’s okay to challenge kids outside of their learning.” “Understanding your students and yourself and being able to be flexible makes for the best situation of successful learning.” “You're more than one thing.” “If they're struggling to gain a skill, and you directly focus in a way that they learn really well, it might be a much easier way for them to at least understand what you want them to do, and then have a greater willingness to want to keep trying.” “Sometimes we have to be challenged and we’re put into a position where we have to figure out a way to make this work out best for us.”
Episode 28: Why is Mentorship SO Important
Episode 28: Why is Mentorship SO Important
“No matter how successful you are or whatever success means to you, you can always benefit from a mentor- learning and growing, there's always so much more to do.” The Student Fitness Experts podcast is an intentional venture that aims to create a playful movement to help students grow up with inner confidence and self-awareness and a healthy body and mind. Having a mentor in the early stages of your child’s adolescence could phenomenally help their overall development. That is why in today’s episode, Farah and Karen speak about the importance of a mentor or guide for children. Considering every child is unique and has different social, behavioral, and cognitive abilities, they require unique mentors to support them in their various stages. We also see through the advancements that have happened in the fitness world since the early 2000s. Women trainers of the past weren’t as approachable as they are today. Attitudes and ways of connecting have significantly changed for the better, and there are plenty of genuine mentors available in the field of fitness now! Tune in to the episode today to learn the role of mentors in your child’s life and set them up for ultimate success! TimeStamps: [01:07] Farah talks about the importance of having a mentor in middle school [05:54] Farah shares the story of how her PE teacher and tennis coach instilled in her values like sportsmanship and team spirit [09:15] Key elements of being a mentor [10:42] How the world of fitness training evolved from the early 2000 [13:02] Why do we say that the mentor needs and expectations of each child are different? Quotes: “There's research to show that middle school is when kids really need to have an adult in their life, who they can talk to, and they can feel safe with, who's not a parent.” “My favorite thing to say is how my eighth grade PE teacher said in my yearbook, 80% of life is going to be about being on time and being dressed appropriately.” “No matter how successful you are, whatever success means to you, you can always benefit from a mentor- learning and growing, there's always so much more to do.” “It's cool to see how mentorship can go in so many different ways... how we can as peers provide mentorship to our friends even just on a daily basis.” “I love that we also provide our coaches with all that support to understand the different social, emotional, cognitive and behavioral differences that can take place between the ages.” “It's just a constant reminder to us as well to believe in myself, and remember why we're doing this. Because I wish I had that as a kid and knowing how much fitness and strength from the inside out, impacted me at different junctures in life.”
Episode 27: Stress Vs Stressor & What they do to us
Episode 27: Stress Vs Stressor & What they do to us
“No matter what struggle or challenge that we're going through, we will come out stronger on the other side.” The Student Fitness Experts podcast is a very intentional venture that aims to create a playful movement to help students grow up with inner confidence and self-awareness and a healthy body and mind. In today’s episode, Karen and Farah talk about stress and break down the various coping strategies for stress. While we as adults struggle to deal with everyday anxiety and express our concerns circling the same, we fail to notice that kids could experience the same. The environment they are brought up around, the adults surrounding them, and other external and internal factors affect how children deal with stress. We learn today how to build resilience and self-regulation to battle our way out in difficult times and guide our children through the same. Tune in to learn to stay present at the moment and help set your child for ultimate success! TimeStamps: [00:42] Learn the four types of stress- situational, encounter, time, and anticipatory. [03:47] Karen talks about her experience unknowingly internalizing stress [07:23] How can you give your kids the space to try out new things? [09:42] Getting your kids to feel comfortable around you [10:55] How do you make your kids understand that all of their feelings are important? [13:07] The importance of self-regulation and how to develop that Quotes: “If you're talking about anticipatory stress, they're being concerned about things that may or may not happen in the future. They[kids] are worried about tests, they're worried about social issues.” “Even with older kids, sometimes it's just a nice way to get it out of you, the stomping the kinesthetic motion of stomping, and trying to get that negative energy out of you.” “We're training coaches to help kids understand [stress] so they have these tools to pull from as they become more and more self aware.” “No matter what struggle or challenge that we're going through, we will come out stronger on the other side.”
Episode 26: Cosmic Wisdom Coaching | Teen Specialist , Robin Wald
Episode 26: Cosmic Wisdom Coaching | Teen Specialist , Robin Wald
“It’s okay to fail, you're learning. It's not about perfectionism, it's about bringing joyfulness to it.” The Student Fitness Experts podcast is an intentional venture that aims to create a playful movement to help students grow up with inner confidence and self-awareness and a healthy body and mind. In an enlightening conversation today, meet Robin Wald, an expert coach, teacher, and educator. Robin walks us through her fulfilling life journey into becoming a certified wellness coach for children and explaining her lessons. We learn new ways to impart courage in children to express and accept their vulnerabilities in life. Have you known how children internalize the different messages they receive from their parents and society? Do you want to see how you can help them out of unwanted pressure and self-imposed stress? Then this episode is for you! Tune in to find out how to better connect with preteens and teens to become the trusted adults in their life. About the Guest: Robin Wald is an associate certified coach through the international coaching federation. Also a professional astrologer, certified yoga and meditation teacher, Robin is passionate about mysticism and spiritual wisdom, and is an adult and teen Jewish educator and intuitive tarot reader. Robin has created a niche for herself today in connecting with teens and preteens around their wellness. Time Stamps: [00:04] About Robin Wald [02:58] Robin talks about motherhood and her experience learning about children [06:30] Robin explains the mixed messages children receive from their parents, school, society and culture [07:17] Robin explains how children often compare and despair about their self worth [09:55] Robin talks about her Jewish wisdom program, Rosh Chodesh [12:09] Robin’s advice to new coaches [20:19] Robin emphasizes the importance of Love in enriching relationships [22:30] Learning to be playful with children [28:01] How you should deal with children of different age groups [31:29] Robin shares the traits she learned from her mentors [39:36] Robin shares her experience working with different students [41:43] What does being fearless mean to Robin? [43:55] Connect with Robin Quotes: “Parenting is the most challenging work we can do, but also the most rewarding.” “Anybody who works with kids, it's not about power, it's not about I'm going to show you or tell you. It's really because you love and enjoy what children bring in, who they are and what they have to teach you.” “It's never just about physical fitness, it's never just about leading meditation, it's about bringing kids closer to values, you know, that are healthy, that are going to serve them in their growth through high school and into adulthood.” “My first advice to any coach is to really meet the individual, as he or she or they are, it's not about molding them into anything you think they should be, it's just like, let teens authentically show up as themselves and reveal themselves to you without any judgment.” “We have this overlay of everything's got to be building towards something else and you have to be mastering something, everything doesn't have to be competitive, things can be fun, just for the sake of fun.” “It’s okay to fail, you're learning, it's not about perfectionism, it's about bringing joyfulness to it.” Connect with Robin: LinkedIn: Facebook: Instagram: Website:
Episode 25 What Fitness For the whole Child Actually Mean?
Episode 25 What Fitness For the whole Child Actually Mean?
“Leaving in the space and the opportunity to try everything so that they can learn what works for them is definitely what they're going to need.” The Student Fitness Experts podcast is an intentional venture that aims to create a playful movement to help students grow up with inner confidence and self-awareness and a healthy body and mind. In today’s episode, Karen and Farah break down the concept of the whole child and talk about the importance of social-emotional learning in children. Karen and Farah discuss why they believe that every feeling is a good feeling and how it always teaches us something new. We also discuss connecting with your children at their different ages and helping them validate and control their emotions. By giving your children the space to dig into newer emotions and opportunities, you can help discover for themselves what they want to make out of their lives. Tune in to how you can nourish your relationship with your children at all ages and set them up for ultimate success! TimeStamps: [01:44] Farah talks about validating your feelings [02:46] How to give your children the permission to feel what they are feeling at any point of time [04:59] How do we offer the rhythms, strategies, skills and techniques to move children from the lower part of their brain to have rational conversations with them? [07:22] How do we talk to children at their different ages? [09:37] Toddlers getting stuck in an emotional loop [15:21] Making your child feel they have control over their emotions [17:20] Teaching your kids how to adjust and be understanding [18:50] Talking empowerment [22:23] Processing the number of thoughts that go through your brain every day [26:23] Giving your child the space to learn new things Quotes: “If we can change our perspective, if we can think about what that child might be going through, then we can offer them strategies that they can come down with and then, we can come up with the solution. And that's really what the goal is, of whole child.” “And sometimes I don't know what I'm feeling. So if I don't know what I'm feeling or I’m trying to, like, break it down, how do we expect kids who don't have as much self awareness to do that.” “It's not necessarily ever going to be the same exact thing that's going to work.” “Because as soon as they know that they are in control of their body of their thoughts of their emotions, and they can start to be a little bit more logical and thoughtful and say, Okay, what do I need to do right now, okay, I just need to breathe, okay, I can handle that.” “We get to feel empowered as the adults in their lives to teach and educate and support and mentor these children to get an understanding of how they feel.” “Leaving in the space and the opportunity to try everything so that they can learn what works for them is definitely what they're going to need.” Relevant Links: Instagram Page- Book- Workshop at
Episode 24 : Why Play is So Important?
Episode 24 : Why Play is So Important?
K & F_Play_Show Notes “Encouraging children to go outside in all weather builds resilience, but more importantly, it saves them from spending their life, merely tolerating the bad days in favor of a handful of good ones.” The Student Fitness Experts podcast is a very intentional venture that aims to create a playful movement to help students grow up with inner confidence and self-awareness and a healthy body and mind. How can you make your children more adaptable to the different challenges that come their way? Sometimes, bad weather could be your child’s best teacher. It could help them build resilience and experience change in the early stages of their life. In this episode, Karen and Farah talk about play and play-based activities and throw light on their role in our everyday lives. They also discuss the importance of helping your child experiment with new things and enjoy their daily activities through play. Tune in to learn how to make play more fun for your children and use the means to set your child for ultimate success! TimeStamps: [00:19] The inspiration for today’s episode [01:07] Making kids adaptable to situations [04:55] How to give kids the space to try new things [08:59] Integrating play into your kids’ everyday activities Quotes: “Encouraging children to go outside in all weather builds resilience, but more importantly, it saves them from spending their life, merely tolerating the bad days in favor of a handful of good ones.” “I firmly believe that I am the person I am today based on all of the challenges and struggles that I've been through my life, and I'm thankful for them. I'm grateful that they all happened. And because I really liked who I am today. ” “It is important to introduce them to different ways to move different ways to experience things. And it's to help them at all ages to be able to connect the dots. ” “No matter what struggle or challenge that we're going through, we will come out stronger on the other side.”
Episode 23: K & F Our Values
Episode 23: K & F Our Values
“If there was an opportunity for connection and understanding, there would have been an opportunity for inclusivity.” The Student Fitness Experts podcast is a very intentional venture that aims to create a playful movement to help students grow up with inner confidence and self-awareness and a healthy body and mind. Today, Karen and Farah discuss the primary goals of their program- community and inclusivity, and also their shadow value of connection. They discuss today why connection happens when you believe in yourself and your dreams. This thought-provoking conversation draws parallels from Jim Collins’ book BE 2.0, where he explains that the shadow value is paramount to our well-being. How do you weave these values together and create an environment for yourself and your children to live the best lives possible? This episode will help you find your answers. Tune in to learn the keys to building and nourishing a healthy relationship teaching and learning! TimeStamps: [01:12] Farah talks about their shadow values [03:59] Talking about inclusivity and its importance [05:28] How to bring about inclusivity in your business? [13:12] Instilling confidence and self efficacy and resilience and perseverance [17:49] Creating an authentic and fulfilling community online Quotes: “We all show up with the ability to kind of pay attention and listen and learn differently on any given day.” “If there was an opportunity for connection and understanding, there would have been an opportunity for inclusivity.” “It's great to be connected with yourself, because again, then you can be authentic to who you are in every aspect of your life.” “When you're personally connected to your own values, then you get to be authentic, and you let your light shine. And then everybody wants some piece of that and so then we're all are interconnected.” Relevant Links: Book-
Episode 22: K & F Why
Episode 22: K & F Why
“Your strengths have ultimately come from all the challenges that you've learned.” The Student Fitness Experts podcast is a very intentional venture that aims to create a playful movement to help students grow up with inner confidence and self-awareness and a healthy body and mind. In this episode, Karen and Farah open up about their “why” to start their podcast and certification program. We imbibe a lot of wisdom from Simon Sinek’s theory about building an infinite mindset and learn why it is inexplicably important to let your students and children know your struggles in life. Karen and Farah break down the different pointers from their carefully curated certification program to help coaches, teachers, and parents understand the power of finding their own strengths and expanding them to succeed in different areas of life. Tune in to the episode today to connect with your purpose and set your children for ultimate success! TimeStamps: [01:12] Farah talks about their certification program [06:34] Talking about [09:50] Identifying your character strengths [13:13] Learn about the whole-child approach of their certification program [13:34] What do you mean by having an infinite mindset? Quotes: “When you work with students, telling them what your challenges are and where your struggles have been, it's so helpful for them, because a lot of the times and especially as a coach, and as a personal trainer, people just kind of look at you for who you are, right now, they don't see all of the things that you've been through.” “If you're focusing on the process, how you're going through it, rather than the end game, then that's where you're going to have this willingness to be vulnerable and say, Okay, I learned from this mistake.” “The incident mindset talks about the known and unknown rules, but they can be changed that the objective is to stay in the game as long as we can.” “Your strengths have ultimately come from all the challenges that you've learned.” Relevant Links: Podcast-
Episode 21: The Founder of Move, Live, Learn, Dr. Amanda Stanek
Episode 21: The Founder of Move, Live, Learn, Dr. Amanda Stanek
Amanda Stanek Show Notes “It is also critical that kids learn certain skills within that grade three to five window or else it becomes a lot more challenging.” The purpose of the Student Fitness Experts Podcast series is to empower and educate anyone that works with kids, in a way that benefits the whole child to become successful, strong, and empowered young adults. Today, we are joined by Dr. Amanda Stanek, who talks to us about the huge role of PE and fitness in a child's life. If you have wondered how one could differentiate fitness from sport, you are sure to find insightful answers from the conversation we had with Amanda. Empowerment is our keyword today. As she shares her backstory with us, Amanda makes us understand why children need to feel the positivity, joy, and fulfillment that they need from physical activities. Children need to fall in love with and enjoy movement. Tune in to learn how you can empower kids to lives their best lives and set them up for ultimate success! About the Guest: Dr. Amanda Stanek is the founder of Move, Live, Learn, an organization that is committed to helping people live healthier lives, created by accident, as she says while taking time off from teaching and professing to raise her three daughters. Move Live Learn's unique insights are from the same hallways as their clients, not the glass towers of consultants. Amanda has an amazing portfolio of credentials and awards, and experience. She says she was older when starting her family. And so she had already been a professor and been thinking about these things before she became a mom. Having the girls really influenced her to start Move, Live, Learn. TimeStamps: [00:51] Amanda shares her life story with us [08:11] How do you differentiate fitness from sport? [18:09] How are we going to set our kids up for success in the best way that we can? [23:35] Rene Brown’s work [36:27] Amanda talks about her knee surgery three years post college [41:56] Talking books and research [50:29] How did fitness start becoming important to Amanda? [54:21] What does fearless means to her? [57:03] Some of the attributes or characteristics that are really memorable to some of the coaches or teachers that she has had over the years [01:04:55] Connect with Amanda Quotes: “In an ideal world, ideal situation, we are exposing kids to all types of physical activity, so they find the one or ones that bring them joy.” “They do want to move, they just want opportunities to find ways to do so that's joyful.” “It is also critical that kids learn certain skills within that grade three to five window or else it becomes a lot more challenging.” “I want these children to fall in love and feel joy with movement because we all know that we feel happier. We feel more positive, we have more patience, and we are way more empowered.” “You want every kid to just look at everything through that movement lens. And in order for that to happen, they know they don't just have to because we know physical activity is good.” “We have to experience the joy and the empowerment, to make decisions.” Connect with Amanda : Website: LinkedIn:
Episode 20: Educator, Coach & An Advocate, Akaylah Jaeke
Episode 20: Educator, Coach & An Advocate, Akaylah Jaeke
“One of the goals that we really wanted to do with this certification is to be able to give people the skills so that they can go and be successful.” The purpose of the Student Fitness Experts Podcast series is to empower and educate anyone that works with kids in a way that benefits the whole child to become successful, strong, and empowered young adults. This is a special episode of the SFE podcast. For a pleasant twist, we have our guest interviewing us today! In this episode, we are joined by Akaylah Jaeke, who helps us put forward a really impactful conversation, dissecting our brains to make our mission as Student Fitness Experts clearer. We talk about our upcoming certification program, what it is about, who it is for, and how you can benefit from it. Many children haven't been exposed to the right activity or person to really connect with for their fitness and physical wellness. A big part of what has gone into our coach training program is helping coaches get to know themselves and their mission statement better and hone in on their skills. Tune in and learn all about our mission and vision and see how it can help us connect with you better! About the Guest: Akaylah Jaeke is an educator, coach, and an advocate. She is a faculty member at Madison College with over a decade of experience in the Fitness, Recreation, and Wellness industry. She is an ACE Subject Matter Expert and holds all four ACE certifications including: Medical Exercise Specialist, Personal Training, Health Coaching, and Group Fitness. She holds a BS in Exercise Physiology and a MA in Health and Human Performance. She also serves as the College and University Ambassador for The Women in Fitness Association. With more than a decade of experience in fitness, recreation and wellness Akaylah openly converses about educating future leaders in the industry, and helping others reach their full potential. TimeStamps: [03:42] Karen talks about their journey as Student Fitness Experts [06:16] Farah talks about her journey as a Student Fitness Expert [16:12] Key elements of the certification [22:02] Talking body positivity [25:46] Who the certification is for [28:57] The benefits of the certification [31:34] Talking about the Black Lives Matter Movement [33:08] Where you can find the program and free resources [35:49] A childhood memory that Akaylah remembers that played a big part in her adult fitness life [38:55] What fearlessness means to Akaylah Quotes: “Many kids are, like, they're looking for mentors for role models, and, you know, this is even, like, pre-pandemic right years ago, but now with the pandemic, even more so like, kids are looking for a connection.” “Compassionate communication offers you the opportunity to notice your needs, they're not being that.” “I am in the fitness and wellness field is because I want to play for life and I want my children to be able to play for life and not only physically but I want them to have those transferable skills for emotional, social, all the things.” “One of the goals that we really wanted to do with this certification is to be able to give people the skills so that they can go and be successful.” “I had a great coach in high school that taught me that being strong as a woman was awesome. ” “Aligning with my values has always been something that I focused on. Because I just think as I said, it makes decisions easier. And you feel confident about making those decisions. And I like to think I'm a better human being for it.” Connect with Akaylah : LinkedIn: YouTube: Instagram:
Episode 19: Director of Physical Literacy for the Sport for Life Society, Drew Mitchell
Episode 19: Director of Physical Literacy for the Sport for Life Society, Drew Mitchell
“If we close our minds to stuff we don't innovate, we don't grow.” The purpose of the Student Fitness Experts Podcast is to empower and educate anyone that works with kids, in a way that benefits the whole child to become successful, strong, and empowered young adults. Sports and fitness does not have to be forced upon kids. Do you struggle with getting your kids enjoy their sports and physical education hours? Lucky for you our guest today knows very well how to bring fitness into their happy curriculum and provide their mentors appropriate training and guidance! Join Karen and Farah on this episode of the SFE Podcast as they interview Drew Mitchell, who is the Director of Physical Literacy for the Sport for Life Society. Drew shares his ideas on why physical literacy is important to any educational institution for children and why and how it could be integrated in their curriculum. Tune in to learn all about physical literacy and integrate it in your child's learning methods to set your child up for ultimate success! About the Guest: Drew Mitchell is the Director of Physical Literacy for the Sport for Life Society and works as a consultant focused on the development of physical literacy at the community level. He also promotes the Canadian Sport for Life Movement. Drew is a graduate of Simon Fraser University with a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology and has worked extensively in the sport system as an educator and developer of programs for the past 19 years. Drew has been involved in sport and fitness for over 40 years as an athlete, coach, administrator, volunteer, developer and manager. Offering his invaluable take on educating kids on physical fitness, Drew makes this episode unparalleled and inspiring. TimeStamps: [00:41] About Drew Mitchell, a snippet of her Journey [02:15] What is physical literacy? Learn Drew’s take on the same. [07:20] About the Community Movement created by his team [17:02] Talking about mentorship and how it influences [17:32] Learn about the Blended Learning Approach followed by Drew and his team [18:53] How Drew practises knowledge exchange with the community [20:53] Physical literacy and how it translates into many different arenas [24:21] Drew talks about the importance of physical literacy and fitness [27:12] How to find the type of movement that really resonates with a child’s personality type? [28:28] Mental health project with ninth graders in Vancouver [34:53] Changing pre-conceived notions and perceptions around fitness [44:44] Role of fitness in his life now [49:23] Connect with Drew Quotes: “Physical literacy is about building that ability, that competence, to be able to do a variety of skills.” “If I teach you physical literacy, then I've taught you the whole alphabet a little bit, you can read any book, so to speak.” “I think if you're gonna have a proper learning pathway, a one and done approach to education never really works that well.” “One of the most important things that we do is knowledge exchange, is knowledge sharing.” “It's a collective impact approach, pretty classic, but with our own modifications to it.” “But physical literacy has been very strategic for us to open some doors that may not have been open to a sports context. ” “If we close our minds to stuff we don't innovate, we don't grow.”
Episode 18: Founder of Playocracy, Lynn Campanella
Episode 18: Founder of Playocracy, Lynn Campanella
“If recess is your break from work, that's when you should also be given a choice and allow yourself to pick what you would like to do.” The purpose of the Student Fitness Experts Podcast series is to empower and educate anyone that works with kids, in a way that benefits the whole child to become successful, strong, and empowered young adults. For today’s episode, we are excited to introduce to you Lynn Campanella, who’s the CEO and the Chief Play Officer at Playocracy, an organization that collaborates with schools to create a quality recess experience that stretches beyond the confines of the actual playground. Listen in as Lynn shares her personal experiences which taught her the importance of fitness and how she continues to work on helping grow children mentally, socially and physically strong. If you’ve never thought about the huge benefits of providing a good recess time for your children, this episode has ideas for you to think on! Know how Lynn brought about the perfect curriculum essential by introducing ways in which recess time could help shape children. Tune in and learn the importance of mental and social fitness in children to set them up for ultimate success! About the Guest: Lynn Campanella is the CEO and the Chief Play Officer at Playocracy. She believes that not only developing, but also allowing children to practice a social skills curriculum during play is an excellent way to develop peer- and self- regulation. For over a dozen years, Lynn has led workshops on play recess and physical literacy in Canada and the US as an advocate of child development and creativity. She has mapped out an educational platform that utilizes play as the conduit to help increase the physical, mental, and social well being of children, and has developed a comprehensive recess leadership program called lead recess that focuses on developing social and emotional learning through play. Lynn says one can bring in a sense of belongingness and comfort by integrating mindful play activities in school. Her words are sure to do wonders in your child’s life! TimeStamps: [02:22] Lynn shares how she came up with the interesting bio she has on her website [07:34] Lynn talks about the social-emotional part of recess [09:11] About Lynn’s ideas on recess [13:25] Why children should have a choice to decide what to do during recess time [16:57] Lynn shares why she finds perfection to be overrated [23:15] Understanding what recess means to Lynn [29:15] Know how schools are considering recess to be like [34:57] Lynn shares her childhood experience that influenced the role of fitness in her life [39:31] What does ‘fearless’ mean to Lynn? [41:48] The role of fitness in Lynn’s life [44:05] Lynn’s advice for you [43:10] Connect with Lynn Quotes: “I'm a competitive person, but I don't like competition in front of others.” “The social-emotional part is actually one of the more critical pieces of recess than the physical part.” “So instead of looking at recess as first of all a negative by saying no all the time, and by not planning, and not looking at recess, as an intentional time of the school day, which it is, so why not take advantage of that?” “But giving them the opportunity to lead in a certain area where their interests are, doesn't have to be okay.” “If recess is your break from work, that's when you should also be given a choice and allow yourself to pick what you would like to do.” “Perfection is overrated.” “Kids know how to play, they know what's going on.” Connect with Lynn : Website: LinkedIn: Instagram:
Episode 17: Founder of KidTribe and Executive Director of Kiducational, Kellee McQuinn
Episode 17: Founder of KidTribe and Executive Director of Kiducational, Kellee McQuinn
Kellee McQuinn Show Notes “I'm a vessel. And I'm a translator, and I'm the best part of myself with kids.” The purpose of the Student Fitness Experts Podcast series is to empower and educate anyone that works with kids, in a way that benefits the whole child to become successful, strong, and empowered young adults. Have you ever thought about adapting yourself to suit your kids’ nature, or bringing them to learn in a language that fits them the best? If yes, then you’re in for a treat today! Join Karen Gilbert and Farah Zweig today as they interview Kellee McQuinn (the Pied Piper with a Boom Box!), Children's Entertainment Content Creator: Producer, Director, Writer, Lyricist, Choreographer, Curriculum Author and influencer. Listen in, as Kellee discusses her heartful journey impacting and shaping kids to create things for them that she wished she’d received when she was their age, also throwing light on the need to include and translate yourself to mould to their levels of understanding. Also in store is Kellee’s anecdotes on the remarkable stage shows at the White House Easter Egg Roll throughout the entire Obama administration. The episode is a worthy listening for anybody requiring to transform their goals to making it a lifestyle! Tune in to revolutionize your kids’ learning methods and know how you can learn from them while also setting them up for ultimate success! About the Guest: Kellee McQuinn is the Founder, Executive Producer and Master Trainer at KidTribe- an organization that aims at creating positive programming for children to educate, empower and entertain, and also and the executive director at Kiducational. Kellee recalls being a bullied, misunderstood weirdo kid in a dysfunctional family, and thus strives hard to connect with kids who’re different or hard-to-manage. In 2010, she received the Community Leadership Award from President Obama’s Council. She also won a Broken Glass Ceiling Award from Palm Springs Women in Film for her contributions in children's television. She’s hip-hop-hooped with millions of kids around the world, including the White House Easter Egg Roll throughout the entire Obama administration and the Nickelodeon Worldwide Day of Play. Also an inspiring keynote speaker, Kellee shares her uplifting stories about her dedication to the youth. Carrying a powerful aura of positivity and hopefulness, her words leave a trail of sunshine in our complicated everyday lives with children. TimeStamps: [00:09] About Kellee McQuinn, a snippet of her Journey [02:01] Kellee talks about her journey [12:18] About creating room for every different kid [14:27] Kellee talks about inclusion and inclusivity [19:54] Kellee talks about removing the awkwardness factor out of kids [25:35] Kellee shares certain special memories with kids [39:30] Get to know Kellee’s career highlights! [44:00] How Kellee sees “goal-setting” [45:31] On her present projects and work [51:35] Kellee talks about what “fearless” means to her [54:39] Kellee talks about her favourite teachers and mentors [1:01:52] Closing thoughts from Kellee Quotes: “It's not about moving like me, it's not about moving like the person next to you. But for me, it's about the freedom within movement and how that's where you can find yourself and lose yourself all at the same time..” “I think that finding that tool for inclusivity and invitation is really important. I've learned so much from the children.” “I'm a vessel. And I'm a translator, and I'm the best part of myself with kids.” “Every moment is a make it or break it moment.” “It's not about my agenda. It's about the purpose. It's about the inclusion. It's about the seeing myself in another.” “For me, I've gauged in my life and my career on what I call mile markers of fear. A mile marker of fear is when you're about to do something that is so far outside of your comfort zone. ” Connect with Kellee : Website: LinkedIn: Facebook: Instagram:
Episode 16: Creator of Award Winning Kids in Motion show: Dance Movement and Yoga Expert, Julie Markovitz
Episode 16: Creator of Award Winning Kids in Motion show: Dance Movement and Yoga Expert, Julie Markovitz
Julie Markovitz Show Notes “I believe that through movement children grow and you, you can really honor the whole child through dance and movement.” The purpose of the Student Fitness Experts Podcast series is to empower and educate anyone that works with kids, in a way that benefits the whole child to become successful, strong, and empowered young adults. In today’s remarkable episode, we have with us the very gentle Julie Markovitz, who is an experienced preschool teacher, Children's Programming Creator and Certified Yoga/ Qigong/ Meditation/ Reiki Practitioner. Julie shares with us the best advice to inculcate movement in children’s curriculum and tells us why most schools lack the finances to hire a professional for the same. Children, she says, grow via movement, and creative movements like yoga help bring down the stress levels of both children and adults alike. This episode is a promising note for educators, teachers and coaches who wish to find the best for their children, by understanding them, giving space and honoring their feelings, while also helping keep them physically fit and relaxed at all times. Tune in and learn to integrate movement and expression in your children’s shaping, and set them up for ultimate success! About the Guest: Julie Markovitz is an experienced preschool teacher, Children's Programming Creator and Certified Yoga/ Qigong/ Meditation/ Reiki Practitioner. She started dancing and practicing yoga as a young girl and also loves walking, biking, cooking, reading, and spending time with people she loves. Julie earned her BA degree in child development with an emphasis in dance from California State University, Northridge and has certifications in yoga, meditation, Qigong, and Reiki. At the beginning of her career, Julie created, co-wrote, co-produced and performed, the multi-award winning Kids in Motion, a creative movement and music program financed and distributed by CBS Fox video. It was on Nickelodeon and recognized by parents’ choice in good housekeeping and continues to be loved by children and parents everywhere. Julie still teaches yoga, Qigong, meditation, and creative movement at yoga studios, schools, health clubs, synagogues, churches, law firms, offices, corporations, and private homes throughout Los Angeles and has been doing this for over 30 years, reflecting totally her grounded love for the same. Julie is by all means an inspiring person who’s given us loads to take-away from today’s hearty conversation! TimeStamps: [00:24] About Julie Markovitz, a snippet of her Journey [04:56] Julie talks about her classes [07:03] About Julie’s learnings about kids and parents over the years [10:15] Julie offers tips to parents, teachers and coaches [13:27] Julie talks about handling difficult kids [16:39] Understanding yoga better [20:27] Understanding what “fearless” means to Julie [24:40] How Julie got into doing what she does today [29:40] On her parents’ role in helping her be where she is today [34:08] Julie concluding advice to educators, parents and teachers [43:10] Connect with Julie Quotes: “I believe that through movement children grow and you, you can really honor the whole child through dance and movement.” “I have felt my best when physical since I was a child.” “Fearless means taking my fear with me.” “I have to move every day.” “What I’m really appreciating now is being outside and walking.” “They loved us, they believed in us and they listened to us.” “It’s hard being vulnerable because we feel like we have to be on top of everything all the time and we’re not.” Connect with Julie : YouTube: Kids in Motion E-mail: [email protected] Instagram:
Episode 15: National Facilitator for Welcoming Schools, Associate Editor at WeAreTeachers & Bullying Prevention Educator, Kimmie Fink
Episode 15: National Facilitator for Welcoming Schools, Associate Editor at WeAreTeachers & Bullying Prevention Educator, Kimmie Fink
Kimmie Fink Show Notes “I think it’s very important for coaches and all caring adults to know who is safe to talk about the child’s identity with.” The purpose of the Student Fitness Experts Podcast series is to empower and educate anyone that works with kids, in a way that benefits the whole child to become successful, strong, and empowered young adults. In this episode of the SFE Podcast, Karen Gilbert, alongside her co-host, Farah Zweig, interviewed veteran educator and Associate Editor of Branded Content at WeAreTeachers, Kimmie Fink. With Kimmie as our special guest for the day, this episode has thrown light on a lot of factors that go unnoticed throughout our teaching-learning journeys. Kimmie discusses the need to make classrooms and schools inclusive of LGBTQ families and says that it would not only strengthen the bond with the kids’ families but would also help bring a feeling of connectedness in school and make the child find an environment of emotional safety. She talks about preventing bias-based bullying in schools and the growing need to support Transgender and non-binary students. Kimmie, with such simplicity and honesty, tells us how to help kids understand and adapt to the diversities around them and grow in the changing world of today. Tune in to learn how you can plant the idea of diversity in your kids and set them up for ultimate success. About the Guest: Kimmie Fink is a veteran educator with 13 years of classroom experience. Issues of diversity, equity, and justice have always been central to Kimmie’s work with children and families. Kimmie is currently a Certified National Facilitator for Welcoming Schools, a project of the Human Rights Campaign. Kimmie also works as an associate editor at WeAreTeachers and teaches courses in for the Bullying Prevention Certificate as part of Hamline University’s Graduate Continuing Studies Program. Her writing has been featured on Romper, Scary Mommy, Mabel + Moxie, POPSUGAR, CafeMom, BLUNTmoms, NextGen MilSpouse, and Sammiches and Psych Meds. Kimmie is also a Middle Childhood Generalist, certified by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. Kimmie says that while on her high school days, she had decided that she wanted to be an elementary school teacher. She completed her degree in just 3 years because she was sure of what she wanted to become. Kimmie is a very determined and influential individual who gives us a lot of reasons to implement her words of advice in our day-to-day lives. TimeStamps: [00:47] About Kimmie Fink, a snippet of her Journey [02:08] Kimmie Fink talks about her personal journey [03:05] Kimmie on what the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards certification is [04:08] Kimmie’s life-changing experience [07:15] On deciding to make writing a source of revenue [09:51] About “Welcoming Schools” [12:00] Kimmie’s advice to educators or coaches on communicating the right way [15:37] Kimmie talks on how to help coaches get familiar with LGBTQ families [16:39] Kimmie’s take on elementary school education and how it has evolved over time [20:50] About parents who aren’t very supportive [22:51] Kimmie talks about depression among the minority kids [24:21] To kids who are unaware of gender differences and changes [27:40] How to ask about the family structure of kids [29:51] Kimmie, to her 13 year-old self [31:58] What “fearless” means to Kimmie [36:18] On people who influenced Kimmie [42:39] Kimmie talks about the role of fitness in her life [49:43] Kimmie’s final message to coaches or educators working amid the pandemic [56:32] Connect with Kimmie Fink Quotes: “Whatever my kids’ identities are, I want them to know that they are accepted and welcomed and valued.” “People are afraid of saying the wrong thing and so, sometimes they don’t say anything at all.” “I think it’s very important for coaches and all caring adults to know who is safe to talk about the child’s identity with.” “I think what’s really important is giving kids the language to talk about it.” “Taking calculated risks is a good thing.” “Hey! I’m weird. Take me or leave me. This is the entire package!!” “It taught me that these limits that I’m putting on myself are pretty arbitrary.” “This is an unprecedented opportunity for them to just be kids.” Connect with Kimmie : Twitter : Website :
Episode 14: Certified Trainer in Conscious Discipline. Ida Bauer
Episode 14: Certified Trainer in Conscious Discipline. Ida Bauer
Ida Bauer Show Notes “When you bring your best to a situation, the outcome is always better and conscious discipline teaches us how to do that.” The purpose of the Student Fitness Experts Podcast series is to empower and educate anyone that works with kids, in a way that benefits the whole child to become successful, strong, and empowered young adults. In this episode of the SFE Podcast, Karen Gilbert, alongside her co-host, Farah Zweig, interviewed a Certified Conscious Discipline Instructor, Ida Bauer. Ida Bauer, in today’s podcast, talks about “Conscious Discipline” and how it can help us handle child behavior fruitfully. Ida tells us that by controlling our emotional responses, we can positively bring a change in the child’s behavior by working through the feelings the child is having, together. She talks about how conscious discipline helps us be on the same side as the parent and gets the best for the child. She makes us understand that conscious discipline is all about safety, connection and problem-solving and that nothing is right for everybody. Tune in to learn how you can use conscious discipline with your kids and set them up for ultimate success. About the Guest: Ida Bauer has over 30 years of experience in early childhood education, including her work as director of a campus- based early learning center and as a certified trainer in conscious discipline. She ran into this discipline accidentally and got totally into it after getting to know more about it. She had teachers who were very frustrated with children and brought them to her room so she could do something for them. She said she could perhaps do something to mitigate their behavior but not change it then. After her retirement, she went to Orlando, Florida to attend a workshop but couldn’t attend it. As that had failed, she attended another workshop and that happened to strike a resonant chord with her soul. So, she went on to attend the follow-up workshop of that session and learned that both the sessions were on conscious discipline. Ida believes that you can never have enough personal growth and continues her learning journey despite having given up her certification. TimeStamps: [00:47] About Ida Bauer, a snippet of her Journey [02:11] Ida, on her personal journey [02:47] Her retirement from the university she had been working with [06:12] The “I Love You” rituals [08:33] An example of what the “I Love You” ritual is [10:22] How Conscious Discipline helps adults [10:52] The three brain states [13:56] How Ida advices parents [16:40] Step One to implementing conscious discipline [17:14] The three types of relationships [17:59] What “power equal” means [22:59] Special advice to coaches amid the pandemic [27:54] Dealing with middle/ high school students [32:49] Handling difficult situations [37:30] What fearlessness is to Ida [38:59] Traits or characteristics in coaches that made a difference [39:55] People who had an impact on Ida’s life [40:44] Role of fitness in Ida’s life [43:57] Final advice to coaches, parents and instructors amid the pandemic [45:29] Contact Ida Quotes: “Conscious discipline is based on personal connection.” “What I found was that conscious discipline was as much or more about adults than about the children.” “It teaches us first to recognise what state we are in, because the only skill we have in each state is the skill of the state we are in.” “When the need is met, the behavior disappears.” “Power equal says we both have wants and desires. Sometimes they’re met, sometimes they’re not and we have to help each other work out the difference.” “The real misconception is that learning has to be painful.” “When you bring your best to a situation, the outcome is always better and conscious discipline teaches us how to do that.” Resources mentioned: Books: “There's Gotta Be a Better Way: Discipline That Works!” by Dr. Becky Bailey “Conscious Discipline- Building Resilient Classrooms” by Dr. Becky Bailey YouTube Channel: “Conscious Discipline” by Dr. Becky Bailey Connect with Ida: E-mail : [email protected]
Episode 13: Co Founders: viral anti-racist allyship resource, Justice in June
Episode 13: Co Founders: viral anti-racist allyship resource, Justice in June
Justice in June Show Notes “Inclusion is where you take this to the next level and you’re listening, and you’re learning and you’re uplifting those who don’t tend to always get the opportunity and that space.” The purpose of the Student Fitness Experts Podcast series is to empower and educate anyone that works with kids, in a way that benefits the whole child to become successful, strong, and empowered young adults. In this episode of the SFE Podcast, Karen Gilbert, alongside her co-host, Farah Zweig, interviewed Bryanna Wallace and Autumn Gupta, who are the founders of Justice in June, a digital compilation of resources making allyship a lifestyle habit. The dynamic duo, in today’s special podcast, talk about inclusion and diversity and making people aware of the importance of voicing the needs of those who cannot or do not speak up. They make us realize that if it were for somebody close to us, we would not stay mum listening to the wrongs happening against the minorities. The duo are just the best voices to listen to, considering the immense strength and determination they carry and radiate throughout this episode. We also get to know how to train our kids from their early childhood days, to understand and accept diversity and the need to give and have equal opportunities for every individual. Tune in to learn how you can bring understanding in your kids and set them up for ultimate success. About the Guest: Bryanna Wallace and Autumn Gupta are the dynamic duo behind the viral anti- racist allyship resource, Justice in June. This resource was designed for the purpose of providing a starting place for those who wanted to become better and more active allies to the black community. Bryanna and Autumn met as freshmen at the University of Southern California in 2015. Bryanna presently works full time as the brand manager for a professional hair-products company, overseeing innovation, product development, and portfolio optimization. Autumn graduated this May and will be starting as an eighth grade Science teacher in the fall. She is the co-founder of an educational start-up called Key Learning, an app-based program aimed to enable and empower refugees with skill based learning to better their chances and employment in desired asylum countries. Bryanna says she grew up surrounded by a lot of opportunities and that her parents were the support system that helped her find her path and succeed in the choices she made. Bryanna’s dad was also Jamaican and so she could empathize with and understand people coming from a different or unique background. Autumn’s father was also an immigrant, he was from India. Autumn says she grew up in a small town and did a lot of manual labor growing up, which made her understand the importance of hard work right from childhood. The duo are two highly motivated and firm individuals who are working on their cause with a lot of sincerity, trying to spread their word across the globe. TimeStamps: [00:45] About Bryanna and Autumn, a snippet of their Journey [03:28] Autumn on what teaching looks like, to her [04:57] How the duo decided to start “Justice in June” [09:23] Their backgrounds and coming together for “Justice in June” [19:39] The duo on what influenced them to get on the path they have taken [31:02] Autumn and Bryanna’s suggestions to coaches [31:38] Inclusion and inclusivity [32:02] Bringing kids to understand diversity [36:01] The duo on how they would advise their 13-year old selves [42:29] What “fearless” means to Bryanna and Autumn [45:17] The duo talk about the role of fitness in their lives [46:27] How singing and dancing made Bryanna feel like! [48:59] Autumn getting away from using negative coping mechanisms to manage her emotions [52:17] The duo’s special advice to educators and coaches [54:39] Connect with the duo [55:21] “Justice in July”? Quotes: “It was incredibly rewarding to have a friend who could see all aspects of me and reciprocate or respect my views.” “If I was the one who was killed, what would you be doing now that you’re not doing, perhaps because you didn’t personally know George Floyd or because you’ve not been a part of this conversation before?” “We want to normalize the changing of the perspectives when presented with their information.” “The people who love you and care about you don’t challenge you because they don’t think that you can do it.” “In all of my mentors, the biggest thing has been that they’ve been constant.” “The most important piece is making sure to continually amplify the voices of those who fall and more marginalized or oppressed groups. It’s super crucial to hold in on the specificity that is required for each individual.” “Inclusion and inclusivity is the room that’s beyond the locked door diversity.” “Inclusion is where you take this to the next level and you’re listening, and you’re learning and you’re uplifting those who don’t tend to always get the opportunity and that space.” “If it’s not fitting into what your goals or missions are, you don’t have to do it just because you have this idea of how things look or because people expect this of you.” “I see fearlessness as more of how you triumph through something, as opposed to the emotions you focus on when you are in that space of feeling scared, afraid, timid.” “Fear is not that end thing, it’s just something in the middle and there is a beyond after you get through the fear. I think of fearlessness as being truly vulnerable and embracing that vulnerability.” Connect with Bryanna and Autumn: E-mail : Twitter : Instagram : Bryanna - Autumn - Google Play Store App : SnapHabit - Accountability and Habit Share Website :
Episode 12: Word artist/ storyteller/ published author/ musician founder/ Director of Creative Learning Place Inc. Karan Golden
Episode 12: Word artist/ storyteller/ published author/ musician founder/ Director of Creative Learning Place Inc. Karan Golden
Karen Golden Show Notes “Don’t worry so much about the race because it’s not important. What really is important is living in the moment and finding the positivity in life right now.” The purpose of the Student Fitness Experts Podcast series is to empower and educate anyone that works with kids, in a way that benefits the whole child to become successful, strong, and empowered young adults. In this episode of the SFE Podcast, Karen Gilbert, alongside her co-host, Farah Zweig, interviewed Karen Golden, a professional storyteller, arts educator and community activist. With Karen as our special guest for the day, the episode stands out for its conversations on connecting people and ideas and Karen’s special take on home-schooling. She so powerfully radiates her positivity into everything the hosts ask about, that our minds seamlessly receive all the good that she brings out of it. With Karen also sharing her unblemished views on parenting, teaching, and learning amid the pandemic, there’s a lot to take away from today’s episode. Tune in to learn how you can get the best for your kids and set them up for ultimate success. About the Guest: Karen Golden is a spoken-word artist, storyteller, published author, and musician and performs in through her teaching artist residencies in schools, universities and other educational institutions. She is also the founder-director of Creative Learning Place, a unique learning center for home-schooled students. Karen says life, faith, and her personal experiences have been her biggest teacher. She also finds her mother to be her biggest and greatest influence in life. Karen is an extremely positive and benevolent individual and gives us a lot of reasons to learn from her life and thoughts. TimeStamps: [00:44] About Karen Golden, a snippet of her Journey [01:45] Karen Golden talks about her personal journey [02:00] How Karen decided to start Creative Learning Place [03:39] About carrying out her program amid the pandemic [04:31] How Karen chooses the kind of classes she takes [07:02] About teaching children with different needs [09:11] Karen’s advice to parents resorting to home-schooling because of Covid [12:12] Karen talks about the advantages of Zoom [13:13] Karen on the involvement of parents with the teachers holding Zoom classes [14:14] About Karen’s fitness experiences over time [15:37] The turning point in Karen’s fitness life [22:36] On the need to find the right physical exercise for each kid [26:25] Karen talks about being an avid gardener [27:30] Karen on what being fearless means to her [27:52] Karen’s role-models for fearlessness [29:13] On people who influenced Karen [30:29] The teacher who introduced her to the story-telling world [32:06] Karen’s advice to the people working with kids [37:35] “Expand your humanity” [40:35] Connect with Karen Quotes: “Don’t worry about the epidemics and getting behind. Getting behind is unfortunately a race that many parents are involved in when it comes to education.” “Everybody should be going at their own pace.” “When you find a person who’s not competitive, it’s a different strategy.” “Fearless means just going for it and doing it anyway.” “My mother was so fearless that she ice-skated or roller-skated everyday till she was 90 years old.” “Don’t worry so much about the race because it’s not important. What really is important is living in the moment and finding the positivity in life right now.” “Expand your humanity. Because now is the opportunity to be a good kind person.” Connect with Karen : Websites :
Episode 11: Host & Editor of, Jamie Gaddy
Episode 11: Host & Editor of, Jamie Gaddy
Show Notes: “The point of learning preferences is to be able to customise and make for your child a unique learning situation that really fits them and their needs and motivates them.” In this episode of the Student Fitness Experts Podcast, Karen Gilbert, alongside her co-host, Farah Zweig, interviewed a Licensed Professional Counselor and editor of the website “”, Jamie Gaddy. Our guest Jamie throws light on the huge positives that home-schooling offers and how children can enjoy learning whatever they love to, relaxed and unrestricted. She shares her personal experience home-schooling children and points towards the need to adapt to kids’ styles of learning. Considering the huge amount of freedom it offers, Jamie says home-schooling could be made a wonderful experience. Sharing with us her experiences teaching and learning, Jamie gets us answers to a lot of debated questions on home-schooling. She tells us about how we can stay in tune with our kids’ physical responses and make them learn in an environment that fits them the best. Tune in to learn how you can bring out the best in your kids and set them up for ultimate success. About the Guest: Jamie is the host and editor of and has had the privilege to be an influential member of the educational community through the development of college-level distance learning programs as well as teacher training, but her shining moments revolve around the six children she has homeschooled for over 15 years. Her decision to homeschool her kids happened after her daughter was bullied at school and did not want to go there at all. She says although her first few years into homeschooling was difficult, she found a lot of happiness and success in the profession over time TimeStamps: [00:45] About Jamie, a snippet of her Journey [01:37] Her decision to homeschool her children [04:50] Integrating fitness with learning [08:25] Transformation into website [10:50] How she has seen homeschool evolve [12:44] Why keep out stress [13:53] Advice to parents, teachers and coaches [17:38] Adapting to kids’ individual styles [24:35] Childhood experience that influenced the role fitness plays in Jamie’s life [25:54] What fearlessness means to Jamie [27:50] Special advice to parents amid the unprecedented situation today [28:46] Jamie on homeschooling for parents who work full-time [31:11] Where to contact Jamie Quotes: “If you embrace that, if you just take that freedom, that liberty that homeschooling actually provides, it really makes it such a wonderful experience.” “My goal is to not have stress involved in it because it has an impact on children.” “If we can be intentional as their parents and stay in tune with what they’re going through and how they’re feeling, and watch them and their physical responses, that is one of the biggest ways we can tell if our child is dealing with some anxiety, worry or stress.” “Our children need to feel free to open their hearts to us.” “The point of learning preferences is to be able to customise and make for your child a unique learning situation that really fits them and their needs and motivates them.” “Being fearless is facing the tough things in life and trying to face them with grace.” “Seize the day, understand that you can do this.” Connect with Jamie: Website: E-mail:
Episode 10: Child Development Specialist & Therapist, Dr. Siggie Cohen.
Episode 10: Child Development Specialist & Therapist, Dr. Siggie Cohen.
Show Notes “The idea that we want to present to children is not necessarily that everybody is going to get it the same way, the same time, that it is a personal kind of learning, it is learning so we can open our mind, that we are learning so we can feel good about ourselves.” The purpose of the Student Fitness Experts Podcast series is to empower and educate anyone that works with kids, in a way that benefits the whole child to become successful, strong, and empowered young adults. In this episode of the SFE Podcast, Karen Gilbert, alongside her co-host, Farah Zweig, interviews child psychologist and teacher, Dr. Siggie Cohen. With Dr. Siggie Cohen, today’s podcast has highlighted the importance of understanding and listening to children, and empowering them to take ownership of their actions. She says a child can learn best when he/ she feels mentally and physically safe and is open to experience. She makes the listeners understand that it is important to collaborate with the child and figure out where he/ she needs support. She makes us understand the need to drop the style of passing judgements, when dealing with children. Tune in to learn how you can instill motivation in your kids and set them up for ultimate success. About the Guest: Dr. Siggie Cohen has been a teacher and child development specialist for over 35 years. She is known as the “child whisperer” for her unparalleled depth of insight in working with children. She has written over 50 articles on parenting and has been featured in a wide variety of publications. Dr. Siggie says she has been a natural caretaker and was always happy being around looking after her elders, children, and pet dogs. She was always told that she was going to be a teacher. Resenting this, she joined an art school very early in her life. She became a photojournalist and learnt photography, though she wasn’t very good at it. She wanted to get as far away from what they thought she was supposed to be. Later on in her life, she realised what she actually wanted to become, and pursued her career to become an inspiring teacher and a reputed child development specialist. Timestamps: [01:48] About Dr. Siggie, a snippet of her Journey [06:30] Understanding cognitive, physical, and emotional differences in children [11:42] What coaches, parents and teachers can do to empower children [15:42] Bringing the ‘What are you good at?’ realisation in children [17:13] How to make the child understand what you actually want them to do [22:10] Inviting the child to get to the solution [25:20] Anxiety in children amid the pandemic [26:23] Why hesitate before you respond to a child’s query [29:32] Being anxious = being clueless [30:12] The importance of finding information [33:00] Why the best feeling is when someone gets us [37:05] Dr. Siggie to her 13-year old self [42:49] What fearlessness is to Dr. Siggie [46:26] Fearlessness in children [50:43] Traits and qualities in people who influenced Dr. Siggie [55:40] Dr. Siggie’s special advice to teachers, coaches and parents [56:16] How being patient helps [58:00] Connecting with Dr. Siggie Quotes: “We learn anything when we’re open and safe.” “A fearless child is one who does not shy away from conflict.” “One of the greatest feelings we can have is when someone gets us.” “Being patient allows us to not just listen to others, but listen to ourselves.” “The idea that we want to present to children is not necessarily that everybody is going to get it the same way, the same time, that it is a personal kind of learning, it is learning so we can open our mind, that we are learning so we can feel good about ourselves.” “I have another definition for fearlessness where I look at what works” Connect with Dr. Siggie: Website: Instagram: Facebook:
Episode 9: Licensed Professional Counselor & Registered Play Therapy Supervisor, Lisa Dion.
Episode 9: Licensed Professional Counselor & Registered Play Therapy Supervisor, Lisa Dion.
“All play is an expression of something going on in the inside of a child.” The purpose of the Student Fitness Experts Podcast series is to empower and educate anyone that works with kids, in a way that benefits the whole child to become successful, strong, and empowered young adults. In this episode of the SFE Podcast, Karen Gilbert, alongside her co-host, Farah Zweig, interviewed a Licensed Professional Counselor and a Registered Play Therapy Supervisor, Lisa Dion. With Lisa Dion, today’s podcast has highlighted the importance of regulation in children and the role of play in helping tune a child in his most natural form of communication. She says that play is the fastest way of communicating with a child and that the child learns to develop a relationship with the experiences that are happening with his body when he is engaged in play activities. Furthermore, hers are valuable words of advice to coaches, teachers and parents who struggle with managing child behavior. Tune in to learn how you can bring regulation in your kids and set them up for ultimate success. About the Guest: Lisa Dion is a Licensed Professional Counselor and a Registered Play Therapy Supervisor. She is an international teacher and also the founder and director of the “Synergetic Play Therapy Institute”. She is the host of the “Lessons from the Playroom” podcast and is also the author of the book, “Aggression and Play Therapy”. She was the 2015 recipient of the Association for Play Therapy’s Professional Education and Training Award of excellence. She says her defining moment happened at the age of 10, when her parents divorced and she was taken to a professional counselor. The best piece of advice she says she has for teachers, coaches and parents alike is to drop the agendas and be themselves. TimeStamps: [00:44] About Lisa Dion, a snippet of her Journey [01:45] Understanding play therapy [04:05] How play leads to self-regulation [06:31] What is aggressive play [10:11] How external regulation works [12:12] One of the greatest gifts you can offer your children [13:10] Does being calm equal regulation? [15:35] Window of Tolerance [16:17] Emotional Flooding [20:20] Managing Emotional Flooding in middle and high school kids [27:26] Going with the resistance [31:56] Role of play in helping kids amid the pandemic [40:12] Lisa on fearlessness [41:49] Lisa on what play is to her [44:14] Lisa on her personal journey and defining moment [51:25] Lisa’s special advice to coaches, teachers and parents Quotes: “Play is children’s natural way of communicating.” “If I don’t find a way to connect to myself in the midst of all the activation, then the kids that I’m working with, have nothing to borrow.” “You have to be congruent to be a good external regulator.” “Sometimes, we have to go with the resistance until safety is created.” “All dysregulation is part of communication.” “Being fearless doesn’t look like an end result. It looks or feels like I am staying with me right now in this moment even though a part of me wants to run away from this moment.” Connect with Lisa: Website: Twitter: Facebook:
Episode 8: Lead for Special Projects and Campaigns with Physical & Health Education Canada, Ryan Fahey
Episode 8: Lead for Special Projects and Campaigns with Physical & Health Education Canada, Ryan Fahey
Show Notes: In this episode of the Student Fitness Expert Podcast, Karen Gilbert, alongside her co-host, Farah Zweig, interviewed an Expert & Leader in School Wellness and Physical Education, Ryan Fahey. Ryan enlightens the listeners by giving a useful insight into what the notions of Physical Literacy and Comprehensive School Health pertain to and how they can be incorporated in Physical Education in Schools. With the help of his diverse working experience in education, sports, and health sectors in different parts of the world, Ryan explains how to implement Physical Literacy in Physical Education, especially during the pandemic when schools resume this fall. About the Guest: By profession, Ryan Fahey is an Expert & Leader in School Wellness and Physical Education. He’s currently employed at the Physical & Health Education (PHE) Canada, where he serves as the Lead, Special Projects & Campaigns. At the PHE, his role is to bring together a team to incubate and mobilize special projects. It’s been two years since he joined the PHE. Apart from this, Ryan has also authored two books. As a child, Ryan struggled with frequent episodes of migraine. After becoming a part of a study concerning what caused migraine, sponsored by the Dalhousie University Canada, he unraveled that staying physically active kept his pain at bay. And since then, he has led a different life. TimeStamps: [04:21] Who’s Ryan Fahey, and what’s his story? [13:49] With respect to Ryan’s experience, how does Physical Education vary in different parts of the world? [16:57] How did Ryan end up in the Middle East from a small part of Canada? [20:43] What is Physical Literacy and Comprehensive School Health, and how do they get incorporated in Physical Education? [35:01] Advice on how to implement Physical Literacy in Physical Education [38:49] What does being fearless mean to Ryan? [44:05] Find Ryan on the internet Quotes: “Physical Literacy is a by-product of good Physical Education.” “Physical Literacy is preparing our bodies to move with confidence and competence in a wide variety of settings.” “Comprehensive School Health is an evidence-based model and a holistic approach to the school environment.” “Innovation can happen, and creativity can happen if people are fearless.” “Sometimes, we need to be challenged to put into the position of discomfort in order to really find our strengths.” Resources Mentioned: Thought Leadership Book: Your Best Decade Book: Connect with Ryan: Website: Email: Twitter: Instagram: LinkedIn:
Episode 7: Parenting Coach & Licensed Marriage Therapist, Bette Alkazain.
Episode 7: Parenting Coach & Licensed Marriage Therapist, Bette Alkazain.
“The greatest gift we can give our children is the ability to cope with the inevitable difficulties of life.” On this episode of the Student Fitness Expert Podcast, Karen Gilbert, alongside her co-host, Farah Zweig, interviewed a licensed marriage therapist and family coach, Bette Alkazain. Bette shares a unique perspective on parenting and how parents can create safe environments where the child can reflect and grow into the best version of their unique self. Bette believes if the parent is lost in making the child happy, then the core job of parenting doesn’t happen. To put it in perspective, she underscores how raw practices like teaching your kids to be honest and tolerating discomfort can contribute to their success. Tune in to learn how you can build resilience in your kids and set them up for ultimate success. About the Guest: Bette has been a parenting coach, licensed marriage therapist, and educator for over 25 years. By the time she was 12 years old, her family was going through a second divorce. She struggled in a relationship with her dad and cried many nights while in highschool. Now, Bette helps other families go through difficult times with a little more ease and direction than she had. Through her coaching practice, Bette provides solutions and proven methods to help families restore and maintain peace at home. As a parent and family coach, Bette also works with parents to set firm, loving limits with their children to raise them into resilient, self-reliant, empathetic adults. She is the author of two best-selling books Parenting Backwards and Potty Training 101. (Links below) TimeStamps: [00:41] About Bette, a snippet of her Journey [2:29] What inspired Bette to become a therapist [4:44] Best piece of advice for coaches on how to connect with kids [8:01] How to support children with their emotions in the light of the current situation [15:20] How can parents help kids to build resilience [23:57] Bette shares the inspiration behind her Book: Parenting Backward [28:40] What it takes to set your kids up for success [33:57] Bette’s definition of being fearless [37:38] Childhood experience that influenced the role fitness plays in Bette’s life [45:54] Where to learn more from Bette Quotes: “Communicating is building a relationship of trust that helps kids to blossom and grow.” “The greatest gift we can give our children is the ability to cope with the inevitable difficulties of life.” “I accidentally got asked to teach a mommy and me class when a friend of mine was ill, and she asked me to step in that led to being a 14-year career of teaching mommy and me.” “As parents, we don’t have to help our kids to get through the easy days. Our job is to help the kids cope with the hard feeling of getting through the hard days.” “Where people tend to fall short in relationships, the most tends to be in communication.” “Parents’ ultimate job is to prepare their kids for us to die. To deal with the ultimate loss.” Resources Mentioned: Highly Recommended Books: Parenting Backwards: Potty Training 101: Connect with Bette: Website: Twitter: Instagram: Facebook:
Episode 6: UCLA-Trained Pediatrician and Working Mom, Tanya Altmann.
Episode 6: UCLA-Trained Pediatrician and Working Mom, Tanya Altmann.
In this episode of the Student Fitness Expert Podcast, Karen Gilbert, alongside her co-host, Farah Zweig, interviewed a UCLA-trained pediatrician and working mom, Tanya Altmann. Dr.Tanya shares her best practices to restructure the school life of children and what role parents can play to empower their kids. Dr. Tanya also discusses the challenges schools have to face to prevent a sudden spike in cases. Tune in to learn more insights on the role of fitness for kids and the array of benefits that healthy eating offers. About the Guest: A UCLA-trained pediatrician and mom of three, Dr. Tanya Altmann is a nationally recognized child health expert, spokesperson for the American Academy of Pediatrics, Assistant Clinical Professor at UCLA Mattel Children’s Hospital, and Adjunct Clinical Professor at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. She is the author of several best-selling parenting books, including Baby and Toddler Basics, What to Feed Your Baby. She is Editor-in-Chief of the American Academy of Pediatrics’, Caring for Your Newborn, and Young Child: Birth to Age 5. TimeStamps: [00:43] About Tanya, a snippet of her journey [2:16] What inspired to get into Pediatrics [3:13] What role fitness plays in children life [7:30] Why is building social and emotional skills in childhood matters [9:21] Must-have nutrition for kids | Healthy eating tips [18:28] The impact of COVID-19 on kids [21:54] Best piece of advice for parents [26:57] Any particular moment that influenced the role fitness plays in Tanya’s life [34:23] Where to learn more from Dr. Tanya Quotes: “Every day you get older, your taste buds change, even the things you don’t like right now; you may like them soon.” “You can either sit home and be sad about it or think about how I can make today a better day.” “There are so many issues we can prevent if we just focus on them when they are young.” Resources Mentioned: Highly Recommended Books: “Baby and Toddler Basics” “What To Feed Your Baby” “Mommy Calls” “The Wonder Years” Connect with Tanya: Website: Youtube Channel: Instagram: Twitter: Facebook:
Episode 5 : Elite Parenting Coach & Early Childhood Consultant, Joshua Castillo
Episode 5 : Elite Parenting Coach & Early Childhood Consultant, Joshua Castillo
Show Notes: In this episode of the Student Fitness Expert Podcast, Karen Gilbert, alongside her co-host, Farah Zweig, interviewed an Elite Parenting Coach & Early Childhood Consultant, Joshua Castillo. Joshua offers a unique perspective on how she helps parents traverse challenges with kids. Her diverse experience speaks volumes about her mastery in creating a deeper connection between you and your child. Today, Joshua shares her philosophies and work style she honed over the years to put parents at ease. Tune in to learn more. About the Guest: Joshua Castillo is a Parenting Coach and Early Childhood Consultant. She guides children, families, and educators through early childhood experiences and challenges, whether big or small. Her client base is diverse, from typical parenting challenges, navigating difficult developmental phases, or managing a diagnosis. Joshua's unique style allows a parent to laugh while learning to trust themselves. All sessions are focused on creating a better understanding of the child's perspective in order to create a strong foundation for meaningful communication now and in the future. TimeStamps: [00:43] About Joshua, a snippet of her Journey [14:30] What influenced some of her philosophies and work style [18:06] How Joshua helps parents [26:35] As a parenting expert, what are some of the things you have learned amid all craziness of 2020 [32:34] Joshua gives a sneak peek of what influenced her Journey [42:39] What does being fearless means to you [52:10] Best piece of advice for parents and educators [56:48] Where to learn more from Joshua Quotes: "When someone is perceived differently, everyone stops speaking to that person." "Every single philosophy has its treasure and trash can." "I want parents to know; you can't have the big talks if you don't know how to communicate about the little life." "I had so many life experiences that I can draw information quickly and that just help my clients." Resources Mentioned: Highly Recommended: Creating Learning PODS: Connect with Joshua: Website: Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn:
Episode 4 - The Genius of Play with Jeff Harry
Episode 4 - The Genius of Play with Jeff Harry
In this episode Karen & Farrah interview Jeff Harry where they get a front row seat on learning more about the importance of play. Jeff shares some serious "aha" moments about what he wishes he knew when he was younger. For anyone working with kids, this is a must listen!