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ZalthoLIVE - Claude AnShin Thomas

We all desire happiness - what is good, pleasant right, permanent, joyful, satisfying, and easy. But life often brings frustration, dissatisfaction, incompleteness, and sorrow. This podcast channel offers talks and question-response-sessions from Zen Buddhist Monk, Vietnam Veteran, Author, and Peace Activist Claude AnShin Thomas. This is for everyone who yearns for understanding and for embodying the difference we want to see in the world. Let's embark together on a path of ending all wars and truly living peace. https://www.zaltho.org, [email protected]

info_outline 2. On Our Inner Voice, The World Is Telling Us, Trauma Can Become An Asset, Freedom Through Practice (#58) 02/06/2025
info_outline 1. Questions on Sitting and Breath, Leadership, Listening to One’s Inner Small Voice, and Teaching Children(#57) 01/21/2025
info_outline 14. On Fear, Friendliness in Zen, Puffed Up Ego, Becoming, and Silence(#56) 11/09/2024
info_outline 13. Not Squandering One's Life, Subtle Manifestations of Violence, and the Meaning of Peace and Healing (#55) 10/05/2024
info_outline 12. On Staying Focused, Zen Study, Belonging, Healthy Relationships, and Feeling Safe (#54) 08/29/2024
info_outline 11.On Dealing with Defiance, Emotional and Physical Pain, and Having Courage 08/14/2024
info_outline 10. On Assisted Suicide, Praise&Blame, Self-Compassion, Failure, and Attachment (#52) 07/24/2024
info_outline 9: About Selfish Desires, Seeking Stability, No Soul, Sitting Meditation (#51) 07/15/2024
info_outline 8.Bringing Meditation to Life (#50) 05/24/2024
info_outline 7. Addressing Feeling Hurt, Value of Commitment, Dealing with Craving, Consciousness of Plants and Inanimate Objects 05/13/2024
info_outline 6: Spiritual Discipline Versus Control, Emotional Challenges, Upside of Anger (#48) 04/27/2024
info_outline 5. Living at Peace with Traumatic Experiences 04/05/2024
info_outline 4: On Practice, Regret, Violence in Athletics, Dealing with News Reports, Fun and Relaxation (#46) 03/20/2024
info_outline 3. Grieving Loss, Roots of Antisemitism, Understanding War and Moral Injury (#45) 03/03/2024
info_outline 2. Lightness in Challenging Times, Healthy Fame and Gain, Revenge, Forgiveness, Letting Go (#44) 02/07/2024
info_outline 1. On Zen and Psychotherapy, Zen and Drugs, Zen and Conflict 01/17/2024
info_outline 16. On Unconditional Giving, Near-Death-Experience, Can Westerners be ’True’ Buddhists? (#42) 12/01/2023
info_outline 15. On Making Your Bed and How to Explain Witnessing the Killing of a Chicken to a 1-Year-Old (#41) 11/14/2023
info_outline 14. Understanding More About How We Engage in War 10/31/2023
info_outline 13. On Regrets, Adjusting to Different Cultures, Not-Killing Insects, Failure, Holding Others’ Suffering 10/04/2023
info_outline 12. On Attachment and Loving, Is Suicide a Solution?, Our Life is a Reflexion of Our Conditioning, Suffering and Comforting 09/13/2023
info_outline 11.From a Public Talk in Switzerland in Spring 2023: Karma, the Illusion of Autonomy, Four Noble Truths in Daily Life 08/25/2023
info_outline 10: On Freshly Presenting, German Book Tour, About Aging, Tangible Evidence of Practice in Daily Life 07/28/2023
info_outline 9. On Spiritual Discipline, Success with Meditation, Countering Rigidity 07/11/2023
info_outline 8. On Sitting, Showing Interest in Veterans, Concept of Evil, What About the Ego, Sense of Self, Weight of Karmic Doom 06/27/2023
info_outline 7. On Seeking Approval, Feeling Lonely, Wearing Monk's Robes, Soul Pain, Touching the Absolute, Waking Up 06/08/2023
info_outline 6. On Hope, Dealing with Getting Hurt, Being Not-Broken, Connection 05/14/2023
info_outline 5. On Life and Various Questions: Awakening, Suffering, Death, Boundaries 04/29/2023
info_outline 4. Online Visit With College Students from the School of Visual Arts, NYC, Asian Philosophy Class 04/08/2023
info_outline 3. Relationship with Time, Letting go of Fear, Moral Injury, Making Mistakes, Taking Care of Oneself 03/10/2023