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England International angler and Tackle Guru's Marketing & Media Co-Ordinator, Matt Godfrey brings you The Fishing Gurus Podcast. In this podcast, we will be speaking to a variety of anglers from across the match fishing industry, discussing everything from tips and tricks to revealing the most gripping and exciting angling anecdotes from their fishing lives.
Welcome to The Lock Shop a weekly sports betting podcast with Dustin Nielson and Andrew “Hustler” Paterson. Join the guys for plenty of laughs and discussion of the latest betting trends, game odds and futures from the world of sports as well as weekly picks. Before you place your wager, stop in at The Lock Shop! “Subscribe and follow on twitter at @LockShopBets”
SADDLE UP ist der Pferde-Podcast für motivierte Reiter, die faires, gesunderhaltendes Reiten zum obersten Credo machen & sich Leichtigkeit und Harmonie im Sattel wünschen. Frustration und Sackgassen beim Reiten waren gestern. Host Silja Schießwohl teilt ihre Sitztipps, Hilfen-Hacks, Gymnastizierungsübungen und inspirierende #propferd Storys, die dir dabei helfen, mit deinem Pferd in den Flow zu kommen, endlich fein und pferdegerecht zu reiten. Lass die Reitweisen- Verwirrung hinter dir - denn gutes, faires Reiten ist erlernbar! Werde der beste Reiter für dein Pferd! Reiten kann und soll sich leicht anfühlen - sowohl für dein Pferd, als auch für dich. @siljaschiesswohl.rideucation
Josh Miller has been training gundogs for over 16 years. As the owner of River Stone Kennels, Josh has competed in both field trials and hunt tests, but at the end of the day he’s a duck hunter. Josh has a passion for British Labs and wants to share his knowledge to help you progress with training your gundog.
This is the sports show you wish you could listen to. We're just regular guys who know enough about sports to have this show. With co-hosts Clint Webb and Domenic Battistella, we explore the topics from angles you don't get to hear about and have conversations that aren't being had. If you turned the conversation you have with your friends over a few drinks at the bar into a podcast, this would be it. Our guests include current and former athletes, coaches, executives, and even front office sales people. We'll even drag in some of our obnoxious friends for a good old fashioned pointless debate. We are the people!
Hi guys, My name is Stijn Huijskens and this is the getting back on the board podcast. In this podcast I will be talking about my journey of getting back on the board and people who inspire me to do so. In four years time, I tore my ACL twice. This resulted in me losing my passion for skateboarding and my happiness. When I realised this, I started my journey of getting back on the board. With this show I want to create a platform to help & inspire people to get back on their boards.
Suntem Radu Paraschivescu și Cătălin Striblea și vă invităm la o discuție săptămânală despre societatea noastră. E un podcast cu gândurile și pasiunile noastre care nu pot fi exprimate în altă parte. Și care te pun pe gânduri. Vorbim despre bun-simț, cărți, muzee, fotbal și cafele. Și spunem povești. Cu echilibru și cumpătare
De första stegen och resan mot ett hälsosammare, mer energiskt och friskare liv är inte alltid lätt. Det är många viktiga bitar vi glömmer på vägen. Följ med PT:n, kostrådgivaren och coachen Robert back i jakten på optimal hälsa och prestation hos hans klienter, tävlande atleter och kanske också just dig. Tillsammans fixar vi det!