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Join the personalities of the Rocket City Trash Pandas as they tell the stories from Baseball's most meteoric franchise. Play-by-Play Broadcaster Josh Caray presents conversations with prospects and personnel from the organization. In-Stadium Emcee Ricky Fernandez chats about the latest news and promotions.
SADDLE UP ist der Pferde-Podcast für motivierte Reiter, die faires, gesunderhaltendes Reiten zum obersten Credo machen & sich Leichtigkeit und Harmonie im Sattel wünschen. Frustration und Sackgassen beim Reiten waren gestern. Host Silja Schießwohl teilt ihre Sitztipps, Hilfen-Hacks, Gymnastizierungsübungen und inspirierende #propferd Storys, die dir dabei helfen, mit deinem Pferd in den Flow zu kommen, endlich fein und pferdegerecht zu reiten. Lass die Reitweisen- Verwirrung hinter dir - denn gutes, faires Reiten ist erlernbar! Werde der beste Reiter für dein Pferd! Reiten kann und soll sich leicht anfühlen - sowohl für dein Pferd, als auch für dich. @siljaschiesswohl.rideucation
England International angler and Tackle Guru's Marketing & Media Co-Ordinator, Matt Godfrey brings you The Fishing Gurus Podcast. In this podcast, we will be speaking to a variety of anglers from across the match fishing industry, discussing everything from tips and tricks to revealing the most gripping and exciting angling anecdotes from their fishing lives.
Welcome to the Sport Experience show, where we are speaking with the world’s leading experts in sport and live experience design, finding the new ways of winning for sport and active experience providers. We all have a lot of things to achieve, but ultimately the EXPERIENCE matters the most. As we all know that the experiences we provide will decide if we are successful or not in our work, or not! So this show is all about finding meaningful information for you to take away and use, helping you create more valuable, meaningful and manageable experiences. and let's never forget… your people will never forget how you make them feel!
Gain exclusive insight into the professional and personal worlds of high-level executives in sports and entertainment as we host top decision-makers in the industry to discuss emerging topics, their business, careers, and personal life stories. From collegiate conference commissioners to professional sports team executives and owners, to CMOs and leading marketers at global brands, Navigating Sports Business takes listeners inside the lives of key people making a major impact on the sports and entertainment industry.
Pat Dooley has been a sportswriter for 45 years, the last 33 at the Gainesville Sun where his “Dooley Noted” podcast was the most popular in the entire Gannett Newspaper chain. Dooley brings his talent and expertise to a new venture that will include guests, commentary, humor, and mostly all things Gators sports. You can watch and/or listen on Facebook Live and YouTube on Mondays and Fridays at 2:00 PM ET and on-demand on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever podcasts are available.
Helping goalkeepers maximise their performance through mastering their mind - Goalkeeper is the most psychologically demanding position on the pitch. That is why it is important to train both the body and the mind. This podcast will give you insight and advice directly from the Pro’s; teaching you how to manage your mindset and deal with the challenges and adversity goalkeeper’s face in the modern game.