Health & Fitness Category
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Coaching + Faith + Inspiration + Wrestling + Business + Mindset all rolled into one podcast here to serve You! If I could sum it up, Perspective w/Coach P is a podcast where all things Coaching, Inspiration, and Faith collide. If you need a pick me up, kick in the pants, or a coach in your corner, Perspective w/Coach P will help. Your host, Coach Chad Parks, is a Nationally acclaimed coach, author, and speaker. Coach Parks (aka Coach P) was a college All-American wrestler, 3 x Academic All-American, and the son of a National Hall of Fame Wrestling Coach. This background has allowed Coach P to learn and utilize principles of success that apply to numerous areas of life, such as coaching, faith, business, parenting, and self-improvement. He is also the author of the best-selling book "Game Changing Moves" and was a top 1% network marketer. Coach P has a way of helping people discover their superpowers and then use those powers for good. In this podcast, he will help you identify principles you can apply in the journey to personal growth and success. The bottom line is Perspective w/Coach P will provide you with a dose of strength to help you take on life's most significant challenges and succeed!
Taking control of your health can be a tough battle. Adjust your mind weekly with Dr. Billy DeMoss, an influential chiropractor and innate health specialist. Billy D will discuss pertinent health questions as well as his lifestyle that has led to health, happiness, and success. If you are looking to take the first steps to wellness or if you are already well on the path, this podcast will provide vital information every step of the way.
Leadership Coaching mit Maren Lehky begleitet Sie durch Ihre Herausforderungen als Führungskraft mit konkreten Strategien und pragmatischen Werkzeugen als Coaching to go. Lebendig, praxisnah und für Ihren Erfolg, Ihre Karriere und Ihre eigene Energie, so dass Sie neben dem Business auch noch Kraft haben, Ihr Leben zu leben. Auf Basis ihrer breiten Erfahrung als erfolgreiche, langjährige Top Managerin, Buchautorin, Dozentin, Kolumnistin, Unternehmerin und Key Note Speaker ist Maren Lehky seit 2002 erfolgreich in Hamburg als Business Coach tätig. Führung, Kommunikation, Change Management, aber auch die Work-Life-Balance und Selbstreflexion von Führungskräften sind dabei die Themen. Die Klienten kommen aus allen Branchen und Unternehmensgrößen: vom Start up bis zum DAX Konzern, vom Abteilungsleiter bis zum Vorstandsmitglied, vom Chefarzt bis zum Ressortleiter ist alles dabei. So profitieren Sie von Einblicken in jahrzehntelange best practice. Involvierte Kreative: Cover: Stephan Licht, Foto: Burgis Wehry, Musik: Denys Rybkin.
Violet Harvey from Walk This Way Foundation Inc. shares the pathway to Jesus Christ and provides encouragement with God's spoken Word. Discover how to follow and seek God as a believer and learn how to receive healing, increase, direction, freedom, peace, joy, and so much more from our Heavenly Father. Explorer the possibilities of receiving a new life and becoming a new creation in Christ. Don't wait! God is waiting on you and provides everything you need. Follow this podcast as I will also be sharing my personal testimonies.
On "How to Live A Fantastic Life," we help you discover the golden pearls of wisdom within to help you live a fantastic life! Get out of your comfort zone and explore the awesome world around you, break through your barriers and take inspired action. We will encourage you to use the difficulties in your life to achieve the best version of you. Each week we bring you amazing people that have discovered their own unique pearls of wisdom they will share with you - often by living through life altering experiences.
Talking Tennis Southern Style covers tennis in nine Southern states and is hosted by longtime tennis TV & radio personality Sam Crenshaw. The weekly podcast is the official show of USTA Southern, the largest section of the United State Tennis Association and represents 26% of the national members.
Actionable and evidence-based running rehab and performance advice from doctors of physical therapy and running-specialists, AJ Cohen and Adam Schwerdt. This podcast offers answers to the most misinterpreted questions in the running rehab and performance world. Whether injured or looking for ways to maximize your performance, this podcast will prove invaluable to all runners looking to enjoy and maximize their running experience for decades to come.
Marketing Strategies with Roland Osborne is a martial arts podcast that interviews thought leaders and top school owners from the martial arts industry. Roland and his guests explore the strategies, mindsets, and processes they use to achieve their goals and maximize their success through marketing. Are you ready to take your business' marketing to the next level?