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Health & Fitness Category

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The Mindful Gainz Podcast with Lindsey Mutchler

Hi! My name is Lindsey Mutchler I am an athlete, online personal trainer, writer and entrepreneur. This podcast will help me bring you awareness and insight into key areas of your life of personal development, mindset, health, fitness and relationships. It is my goal to give you not only insight but action steps in order for you to take charge, build strength and move forward in your life through my personal journey and the journey of my guests. Instagram: @lindsey_mutchler Facebook: Lindsey Mutchler Fitness

Espiritualidad Aterrizada

Desmitificamos y deconstruimos las más populares enseñanzas espirituales para encontrar su sentido más práctico, buscando aprovechar al máximo lo que esas enseñanzas nos quieren dejar, pues vale más el camino que el sólo llegar.


Presently… is a holistic health and wellness podcast dedicated to serving all those living with chronic illness. This podcast will explore ways of maintaining wholeness while navigating the flow of life with chronic illness. Through practices rooted in presence, self-care, compassion, and connection, we will lay the foundation for meaning and purpose to emerge, allowing us to establish lives where we feel truly healthy and well. I’m your host, Dr. Ryan Butler DNP, RN, AHN-BC, HWNC-BC, and I will accompany you as we dive into this work. I’m a doctorally prepared nurse with a degree in Advanced Public Health Nursing, a board-certified Advanced Holistic Nurse, a board-certified Health and Wellness Nurse Coach, and a nurse educator. My extensive training and my first-hand experience navigating the world with chronic illness, coupled with my commitment to lifelong learning, personal growth, and the contemplative path, have inspired me to restore the balance of art and science in healthcare. Join me each week as we explore what it means to live well. We’ll learn and grow through deep dives, expert interviews, and shared stories from ordinary people, living extraordinary lives. Subscribe to the show to get inspired, take action, and step into the flow of your life.

Zsazsa Sana Podcast

¡Hola! y Bienvenidos a este espacio donde te empezaras a cuestionar de una manera diferente todo lo que tiene que ver con de Nutrición, Alimentación, mejorar tus hábitos y salud. Mi nombre es Zsazsa, soy Licenciada en Nutrición y Health Coach y mi objetivo es que cambies tu perception de todos estos temas a algo mas real.

1% Daily - The how and why you need to find 1% daily

With all that's going on in the world, its important to find time for the important stuff. Take 1% of your day to work on yourself. Let me share with you my stories and experiences through working with some of the smartest and forward-thinking individuals in the world. My time as a Royal Marine, racing endurance events around the world and speaking at TedX have shaped and guided me to be in a position to help you Maximise Your Potential. Find more at rosscooney.com

Channeling with Laurie Wheeler

This is a highly intuitive session, otherwise known as channeling with Laurie Wheeler, as she is guided to share information from the collection of entities, whom call themselves The Emissaries of Light. This individual part in this particular stream of consciousness is called by name Megalythicon. They bring important information for humanity to learn and to be filled with light and love – helping humanity to move into the 4th and 5th dimensions. This consciousness communicates through telepathy and sacred geometric symbols known as Codes of Light – the universal language of the cosmos, which are high frequency messages. These are vibrations and each is a complete language (so to speak as we would understand) and foundational to the Universe. These symbols provide understanding and help us to remember who we are and where we’re from – as a unified One. This is a Council of Light watching over the Universe and offering guidance in our galaxy, emanating from the upper quadrant of our galactic grid. It is white light and all of these entities are one but with many tasks, covering many places, while remaining a whole. They are without form and can assume whatever form is needed in order to help – Megalythicon comes in crystalline form of the Earth, it can release and absorb energy, and expand and contract according to what is needed. When it first revealed itself, it was in the form of a megalythic stone structure. It is here to elevate the Earths energy, to help explore emotions of humanity – while providing healing to all that desire it.


Philipp und Fred heißen euch herzlich willkommen beim Staff-Talk! Im sogenannten Staff eines jeden Profiteams arbeiten Physiotherapeuten, Athletiktrainer, Teambetreuuer und Ärzte Hand in Hand, um möglich effizient Probleme zu lösen und Herausforderungen zu bewältigen. In ihrem Podcast versuchen euch, der selbständige Physiotherapeut Phil ( ehemals Eintracht Braunschweig, Basketball Löwen Braunschweig) und der Athletiktrainer Fred ( aktuell Basketball Löwen ) mit hinter die Kulissen zu nehmen! Mit ihrem Fachwissen und einer gewissen Ladung Selbstironie möchten euch die beiden ihre Meinung über Training, Therapie und das Leben eines gesunden Menschen aus ihrem Blickwinkel teilen! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=51078735

The Next Chapter

Welcome to the Next Chapter, with Emmy Award Winning Journalist CAREY PENA. In this show, we dive deep into what it looks like when you turn the page and write the next chapter of your life - the best one yet. Carey is the Co-Founder of the Center For Positive Media and believes that we all have the ability to turn our lives around and make tomorrow better than yesterday. Every individual awakening journey is deep and beautiful.

Run with Love

Long format interviews with people who have gone beyond their limits. Our passion is ultra running, but the purpose of Run with Love Podcast extends far beyond that. Our wish to inspire you to run (or move in any way) with love and encourage you to find your own adventure. Run with Love Podcast is a commercial-free project created by the Run With Love Foundation. We are truly grateful for any donation that allows us to inspire and support projects that challenge existing norms of what is physically and/or mentally possible.

Think Outside

Think Outside is a monthly podcast from RMB | Rocky Mountain Books that will dive deeper into the stories behind the stories and inspire adventure through conversation with authors, explorers and experts in their fields.

Take Good Care

To serve as a source of vital information and discussion for women of all ages, races and walks in life. Take Good Care.

The Kind Health Group

The Kind Health Group podcast is a health & wellness show that makes you laugh while discussing hot topics in today’s chaotic world. Hosted by Dr. Georgine Nanos, board-certified medical doctor (AKA a real doctor) with expertise in epidemiology and public health. She has over 18 years’ experience in primary care and women’s health. Dr. Nanos is a medical contributor to many media outlets such as The Washington Post and Forbes. Annie Clark, Certified Health Coach and Kind’s Director of Health and Wellness. She also holds her Master’s in Education. Together, they share their knowledge, wit and humor while interviewing national and community experts. Topics include medicine, stress, nutrition, wellness, fitness, beauty, mental health, volunteerism and much more.