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Higher Love Deine Seelenentwicklung. Deine Seelenberufung. Dein Seelenaufstieg. Dein Podcast. Schön, dass Du den Weg zu mir gefunden hast. Ich bin Britta Trachsel, Diplom-Psychologin, Seelen-Berufungscoach, mediale Begleiterin und Magnet für Menschen mit Visionen. Mit dem Podcast möchte ich dich und deine Seele berühren! Lass uns gemeinsam Deine Spiritualität und Deine Berufung entdecken. Sei Teil der Transformationsreise, die unsere Welt wieder zu mher Einheit bringt. Die „alte Welt“ der Dualität (3D) wird verwandelt und wir befinden uns in diesem Übergang hin zur „neuen Welt“ (5D), in der bedingungslose Liebe, Friede, Freiheit und Wahrheit herrschen. Mit Deiner Seele kannst Du Dich jetzt schon auf „Higher Love“ einschwingen und ich helfe Dir dabei. Abonniere meinen Podcast und erhalte jede Woche berührende und inspirierende Inhalte, transformative Meditationen und kraftvolle Energie- Momente. Lerne von anderen spirituellen Lehrern in inspirierenden Interviews mit Tiefenwirkung. Erfahre, wie andere ihren Sinn, ihr Warum und ihre Berufung gefunden haben. Erlebe wie sich Deine Seele entfaltet, Du Dich mit Deinem höheren Selbst verbindest, sich Deine Intuition stärkt und Du immer befreiter Deinen Weg gehst. Möchtest Du noch mehr Higher Love? Dann abonniere meinen Newsletter und folge mir auf Instagram und LinkedIn Hast Du einen speziellen Themenwunsch, den ich in Higher Love besprechen soll? Dann schreibe mir gern auf Instagram. Möchtest Du noch mehr Higher Love? Dann abonniere meinen Newsletter und folge mir auf Instagram und LinkedIn. Wir hören uns Deine Britta
The TS12 Show is brought to you by two friends and fitness professionals, Vicky & Maricarmen who live by the sea in North East England. Each week we explore hot topics and talk about all things exercise, eating, and living well. Vicky runs 2 Pilates and Yoga Studios in Saltburn-by-the-Sea and Yarm you can find her here-, or on Facebook & Instagram @studio21pilatesyoga Maricarmen runs a private PT studio and an online Pre & Postnatal Exercise Hub, check her out here-, or on Facebook & Instagram @thephbplan
Welcome to my The Heart of Yoga Podcast. Darshini Shah is a yoga educator, practitioner, and a student of Yoga for over 25 years, and divides her time between India and America. She began her journey of Yoga in India at age 5, which was passed down generationally, from her paternal grandfather, Dadaji, and her mother. She learned in the same yogic ashrams as them, through paramparas or lineages in India. She holds Gratitude towards the teachers, lineages, and years of study. Her intention is to change the way we view Yoga, and with this Podcast, she wants to start new conversations about Yoga in our contemporary lives, one that connects the timeless teachings to our everyday lives that is authentic. Her hope is that you are living Yoga through Purnatvam, which is our wholeness and fullness. It is the highest and truest expression of your Spirit. You will be inspired, you will be moved, and you will gain insight and knowledge personally and for us to be together as a community. I am grateful for you being here and thank you for your presence. All you need to do to get started is to subscribe to the podcast, and also my newsletter, which is a companion piece and can be found on my Instagram page: @yogawithdarshinishah Many Blessings.
This is a highly intuitive session, otherwise known as channeling with Laurie Wheeler, as she is guided to share information from the collection of entities, whom call themselves The Emissaries of Light. This individual part in this particular stream of consciousness is called by name Megalythicon. They bring important information for humanity to learn and to be filled with light and love – helping humanity to move into the 4th and 5th dimensions. This consciousness communicates through telepathy and sacred geometric symbols known as Codes of Light – the universal language of the cosmos, which are high frequency messages. These are vibrations and each is a complete language (so to speak as we would understand) and foundational to the Universe. These symbols provide understanding and help us to remember who we are and where we’re from – as a unified One. This is a Council of Light watching over the Universe and offering guidance in our galaxy, emanating from the upper quadrant of our galactic grid. It is white light and all of these entities are one but with many tasks, covering many places, while remaining a whole. They are without form and can assume whatever form is needed in order to help – Megalythicon comes in crystalline form of the Earth, it can release and absorb energy, and expand and contract according to what is needed. When it first revealed itself, it was in the form of a megalythic stone structure. It is here to elevate the Earths energy, to help explore emotions of humanity – while providing healing to all that desire it.
Philipp und Fred heißen euch herzlich willkommen beim Staff-Talk! Im sogenannten Staff eines jeden Profiteams arbeiten Physiotherapeuten, Athletiktrainer, Teambetreuuer und Ärzte Hand in Hand, um möglich effizient Probleme zu lösen und Herausforderungen zu bewältigen. In ihrem Podcast versuchen euch, der selbständige Physiotherapeut Phil ( ehemals Eintracht Braunschweig, Basketball Löwen Braunschweig) und der Athletiktrainer Fred ( aktuell Basketball Löwen ) mit hinter die Kulissen zu nehmen! Mit ihrem Fachwissen und einer gewissen Ladung Selbstironie möchten euch die beiden ihre Meinung über Training, Therapie und das Leben eines gesunden Menschen aus ihrem Blickwinkel teilen! Patreon:
Is “smart” tech the new stupid? Tech addiction, sleep-disturbing blue-light, electromagnetic radiation, and goldfish-level attention span… how can we do better? On the Smarter Tech podcast, safe tech advocate Nick Pineault and his guests will inspire you to use technology in a way that’s safe, mindful and health-promoting. Episodes release monthly. Topics will include the risks of excessive exposure to electromagnetic radiation, artificial light and health, tech addiction, children and screen time, and a deep exploration of the good, the bad and the ugly sides of technology.
A podcast for people living with MS (Multiple Sclerosis) ... MS stories, MS news, and coming to know you’re not the only one. Whether you're newly diagnosed with MS, a fully-fledged person with disabilities or want to find out more about this chronic, neurological illness, this show's for you. Hear from experts, influencers and patients (mainly UK-based).