Health & Fitness Category
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Flipping the Table: Honest Conversations About Food, Farming and the Future The production of food does more to damage the planet’s health than any other human activity. Global warming, degradation of species, soil, water, air and rural economies and epidemics of diet-related disease reveal the challenges. And yet there is real hope. Visionaries and revolutionaries are innovating to replace the harmful. They are creating or supporting agriculture and food enterprises that solve our many challenges. Hosted by the good food movement pioneer, Michael Reid Dimock, this podcast features dynamic and enlightening conversations with the people who are flipping the table to create new ways to feed the world. Listeners are energized and inspired in our challenging times.
Spjall um allt það sem viðkemur krabbameini á mannamáli, bæði frá sjónarhorni þeirra sem greinst hafa með krabbamein, aðstandenda og annarra. Við tölum um hlutina eins og þeir eru. Þáttastjórnandi er Sigríður Þóra Ásgeirsdóttir en þættirnir eru framleiddir af Krafti í samstarfi við Vísi. Höfundur stefs Björn Þorleifsson.
Welcome to Plant Your Seed where we believe saving the planet starts with having compassion for yourself. We share raw and authentic stories from ordinary people who transformed their lives by transitioning to a plant-based diet. We hope this inspires you to Plant Your Seed and help save our planet!
This podcast is a combination of news and stories from maternal health leaders, birthworkers, and midwives. Listen to inspiring people discuss the world of birth in their communities and the surprising ways people are working to make maternal and newborn health safer and more accessible for families, babies and the people who love them.
Real talk on how to stop binge and emotional eating, make peace with food and thrive in a body you love with Mind Body Eating Coach, Jessi Jean. Join Jessi each week in this powerful, down-to-earth and entertaining show focused on helping you evolve your mind and regain control around food.
Traume- og psykoterapeut, Linda Clod Præstholm, har selv været hårdt ramt af stress, og har siden da været committet til at formidle alle de perspektiver på stress, som hun opdagede på sin rejse til at blive funktionsdygtig igen. Linda arbejder i dag med som privatpraktiserende psykoterapeut med speciale i rehabilitering af stress, traumer og belastningstilstande. Stress er en kompleks størrelse, og stress kan gøre os meget syge. Ja, endda invalidere os på livstid. Derfor fortjener stress at blive belyst i hele sit komplekse og alvorlige billede. Hvilke forhold i samfundet og arbejdet giver os stress? Hvorfor kan stress invalidere os? Hvordan føles stress? Hvordan oplever mennesker der er blevet invalideret af stress livet? Hvordan kan vi rehabiliteres igen? Samtaler om Stress gør op med en lang række myter om stress, og fortæller hvordan stress opstår i krop og nervesystem, hvordan det bør håndteres og hvilke faldgruber der er i rehabiliteringen af stress. Faglige eksperter giver deres forsknings syn på stress, og stressramte deler sårbare oplevelser og følelser.
The ENA Podcast provides monthly updates to all things emergency nursing. Featuring member interviews, news, and updates directly from the Emergency Nurses Association. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed on the show are that of the individual and may not be representative of the Emergency Nurses Association.
We all know the “shoulds” of personal growth. But what happens when you do them…and they don’t work? What if you feel worse than before you ever discovered personal growth? What if you feel tired, worn down, and like you were sold a lie? Work harder, they said. Morning routines and earlier wake times, they said. But what if there’s another way? What if we can reimagine and redefine personal growth and make it, well, personal? What if there’s a way to be better tomorrow…and still love ourselves today? Without the overwhelm and exhaustion. Well friend, there is. Welcome to Growth Reframed, hosted by Brandon and Meghan Giegling. We’re so glad you’re here!
Learn from global disability-focused leaders about high profile topics and how they are truly making a difference. Mai Ling and James give you front row access to intimate conversations that are shaping the way the world is supporting people with disabilities. They share their intimate experiences— so you can start, grow, and expand your impact.
3rd February 2019 marked 10 years since former Royal Marine Andy Grant was blown up in Afghanistan consequently facing life as an amputee. Since that date, he's achieved incredible success - becoming the worlds fastest single leg amputee over 10km, climbed various mountains both literally and mentally. The Leg it Podcast showcases some of the people Andy has met during these 10 years - both in the public eye and not. The Leg It Podcast includes a weekly sport roundup in The SPORTCAST, topic-focused LIFECAST episodes, as well guest episodes sprinkled throughout the year! Please hit the subscribe button so you are notified when a new episode is released. Contact the show: [email protected]