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Kids & Family Category

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Abundantly More Podcast

Abundantly More Podcast with Samara Ashley is here to encourage the broken and help you break free of your past and learn to live a life more freely in Christ.

The Mind Full Mommies's Podcast

Welcome to the Mind Full Mommies Podcast! We're two moms who are sisters in law and we live under the same roof. We both have a background in education and have been working with children for over twenty years. The inspiration for our podcast came from our daily conversations about parenting , being moms and teaching. We realize how overwhelming and lonely it can be so we wanted to create a safe place for parents to listen. Our hope is to share some of our wisdom from parenting and education that we have learned over the years.

Birth Story Podcast

Hi! I'm Heidi, experienced Birth Doula and host of the Birth Story podcast brought to you by Birth Story Media™. I support moms through their fertility and pregnancy journeys and help have trauma free birth stories and labor stories. When moms embrace their pregnant bellies and their pregnancy and await the arrival of their baby or babies they are going to feel many emotions and have many visions about what will happen during child birth. "Is this normal?" "What does a contraction feel like?" "What does the day of labor look like?" "What is a Doula?" I want every mom's birth story to be peaceful, happy and a memory that they will love to share. Birth Story podcast is my way to provide childbirth education through story telling in the comfort of your home and to prepare a mom for motherhood with any birth story that unfolds for their pregnancy, labor and delivery. If a pregnant mom uses an OBGYN, a midwife, a doula, a birth doula, or has a home birth, water birth, natural birth, C-section, cesarean birth, hospital birth, medicated birth, epidural birth, pitocin birth, an induction or induced labor, are having multiple babies or a single baby, a birth plan or no birth plan; I started this podcast to help moms learn and prepare for their labor and delivery and birth though birth story telling. BIRTH STORY PODCAST INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/birthstorypodcast BIRTH STORY PODCAST FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/birthstorypodcast LOOKING FOR A DOULA IN CHARLOTTE, NC? HIRE MyDoulaHeidi: https://www.mydoulaheidi.com BIRTH STORY PODCAST SHOWNOTES: https://www.birthstory.com

Unicorn Square Stories

Join me Bridget ~Human Sparkle and Liaison to Fairies & Unicorns; as I share stories, messages, and observations from Unicorn Square. This is an incredibly exciting time at Unicorn Square the fairies, unicorns, and animals have a LOT to say and it has never been easier to communicate with them than now. Each episode includes artwork by The Magical Creature Sketch Artist aka My Dad- he draws what I see! Each story inspires a larger story and where this story goes nobody knows.....but it sure is an awesome adventure!

Yo Soy un Papi Podcast

Un papá experto te brinda herramientas ,consejos y experiencias para hacer la crianza de tus hijos más fácil y divertida. Nuestra filosofía está basada en 3 pilares fundamentales; familia ,valores y armonía. Contamos con un grupo de expertos en diferentes áreas de la paternidad y la crianza para fortalecer las relaciones, comunicación y el bienestar familiar.

Black Mama, White Mama

Jennifer (black mama) and Monika (white mama) tackle some tough conversations about race and parenting.

You Are Enough Podcast

In a world that often tells us we need to be more, do more, and have more to be considered successful or happy, "You Are Enough" is a sanctuary of inspiration and empowerment. Each week, we'll dive deep into conversations with a diverse array of guests, that are friends of mine from all walks of life; all of whom have one thing in common: they've embraced their true selves and found a profound sense of self-worth. My goal is simple: to celebrate the journey of self-discovery and self-love, and to provide you with the tools, stories, and insights that will help you recognize your own worthiness. I believe that when you recognize your inherent value, you unlock your limitless potential. So, whether you're seeking inspiration, guidance, or simply a reminder that you are enough just as you are, you've come to the right place. Join us on this transformative journey as we explore the power of self-acceptance, resilience, and authenticity. Remember, "You Are Enough."

The Power Of Your Voice

The Power Of Your Voice is about empowerment and personal development. You can make the impossible, possible. Episodes will focus on my own personal experiences and those of everyday individuals who will discuss their own stories and how they have overcame fears and challenges and transformed them into incredible opportunities.

messy imperfect life with leigh

Hi friend! Welcome to the messy imperfect life with leigh podcast. Life can be fun, adventurous, ridiculous, miraculous, and messy as hell. The mess is something we all have in common. That comforts me. So often when we are in the mess of our life we isolate, feel ashamed, or withdraw. I think the mess is the best place to connect. When we connect in the mess, not only do we feel better and start to heal, but we are reminded that we are not alone. It's where the gold is, where we find our greatest strength, and our deepest learnings. Let’s get vulnerable, roll up our sleeves, and get our hands dirty. Let’s extract the gems we have inside, polish them, and share them with the world. Embrace exactly where you are, own your worth, and unleash your Star Power (and I’m not talking about the Hollywood kind)! For workshop dates, locations, and more, please visit my website www.leigh.la. Don’t forget to hit subscribe for weekly episodes! I love you. ❤

TerrorKids - der Erziehungsratgeber

In deinem Erziehungs - Podcast dreht sich alles um das Kind, sein Unterbewusstsein, die Erziehung, Mütter und Väter und all die Probleme, die dabei auf dich zukommen können. Vielleicht kennst auch du die Situation, in der du dich in deiner Erziehungsmethode sicher und angekommen fühlst und in einem Moment ist alles ganz anders. Dein Kind terrorisiert dich, fordert dich heraus, sprengt alle Regeln und nix läuft mehr. Es schläft die Nacht nicht durch, mag dein Essen nicht, weint sehr viel oder ist einfach nur mit sich selbst überfordert. Ich, Janine Walder, habe mich genau mit dieser Thematik befasst. Ich bin Mutter von einem Mädchen und einem Jungen und ich liebe meine Rolle als Mutter. Doch ich mag es gar nicht, wenn ich streng sein und mit meinen Kindern schimpfen muss. Die ewige Frage, ob ich eine gute und liebe Mutter bin, quält und verunsichert. Dank meinen Erfahrungen in der Hypnose und Quantenphysik und den Lehren von Vera F. Birkenbihl, Steve Biddulph und weiteren Psychologen und Pädagogen, konnte ich die Funktionsweise des kindlichen Unterbewusstseins erforschen und bin auf Erklärungen und Lösungen gestossen. In deinem Podcast bekommst du nicht nur die Erklärung, warum dein Kind gewisse Verhaltensmuster aufzeigt, welche dir ähnlich sehen oder dir komplett fremd sind, in der Schule eine Lernschwäche zeigen kann, ein Problemkind mit einem Aufmerksamkeitsdefizitsyndrom, kurz ADHS oder ADS ist oder einfach nur Erziehungsresistent scheint. Nein, du hörst auch einfach im Alltag umsetzbare Techniken, wie du positiv auf dein Kind einwirken kannst. Mit dem Ziel, dass dein Kind mit einem gestärkten Selbstbewusstsein, Vertrauen in seine Fähigkeiten und Talente und voller Zuversicht und Selbstliebe zu einem erfolgreichen Erwachsenen heranreifen kann. Dabei handelt es sich um Techniken aus dem NLP, der Quantenphysik, Hypnose und Meditation. Es sind Übungen zur Stärkung vom Selbstvertrauen und dem Entdecken der inneren Fähigkeiten. Kurze und kleine Veränderungen von Tagesstrukturen und der eigenen Routine, in der man oft gefangen ist, welche zu einem leichteren und erfüllten Alltag führen. Natürlich dürfen auch die Übungen für die Mutter und den Vater, Lehrer, Oma und Opa nicht fehlen, welche helfen, in schwierigen Situationen ruhig zu bleiben. Den Alltag mit Kind mit mehr Gelassenheit und Leichtigkeit zu geniessen und das ohne dass du deine Komfortzone verlassen musst und dein innerer Schweinehund Alarm schlägt. Lass dich inspirieren von der Funktionsweise des kindlichen Unterbewusstseins und der Leichtigkeit, die uns die Kinder lehren.

Know Your History

Know Your History is a history podcast for kids about notable people and events from the past. We want to help kids build their background knowledge so that they can make more connections and engage in their world.

Life off the deep end podcast

Listen to our stories from the sea as our family sails and lives aboard Litha, our home afloat. We also interview other adventurous free spirits living "life off the deep end" too! Embracing crazy and an unconventional way of life, whether it's a sailboat, RV, tiny home, or similar. Our Podcast is inspiration for living smaller to live larger.