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Ärikäik | Geenius.ee

Saates räägime inimestega, kes on Ärigeeniusele oma algatuste ja ettevõtmistega silma jäänud. Samuti tuleb juttu teemadest, mis ettevõtjatele laiemalt huvi võiksid pakkuda. Saatejuhid on Martha-Beryl Grauberg, Rauno Uusleer ja Kaire-Külli Vaatmann.

Hard But Worth It: Leadership Stories for Entrepreneurs and Executives

Ikon Coaching's signature podcast where Executive Coaches Kirk and Mitch host past and present clients to explore their journey of becoming great leaders. These leaders have done their work and have a story to tell. They've learned there is no easy button that magically transports you to great leadership. Instead, they found the path to meaningful work, work that is worth it even though at times it's hard.

Anycast - HD Video Edition

The Anycast - HD Video Edition - powered by CacheFly About The Anycast https://www.theanycast.com/about/ The Anycast – powered by CacheFly celebrates the tech disruptors, digital pioneers, innovators, code warriors, and unconventional thinkers who refuse to conform to corporate norms. From the entrepreneurial rule-breakers, rule-makers, and rule-benders, reshaping the future with their boundless creativity to entertain and educate the world, to those charting a new course in the world of technology innovation. Our guests have one thing in common, they perceive and reimagine the world through a unique lens, breaking boundaries and pushing the limits of what’s possible. About CacheFly For over two decades, since developing the world’s first TCP-anycast based Content Delivery Network, CacheFly has been the only network built for throughput. From the first byte to the last byte, CacheFly delivers your files faster. While CacheFly is verifiably the fastest CDN on the planet, they are also a true partner to their customers, aligning strategies to deliver high-demand content everywhere end-users are. CacheFly has built out unique, superior architecture in emerging markets delivering the highest QoE for digital platforms everywhere on the globe. Learn why many of the world’s most trusted brands trust CacheFly to deliver their content. Visit us at cachefly.com.


Willkommen zur Rollladenschmiede mit Dominik Heckner – dem inspirierenden Podcast, der die faszinierendsten Persönlichkeiten der Unternehmenswelt und Führungskräfte auf Ihrem Weg zu Erfolg und Weiterentwicklung begleitet. In jeder Episode entführe ich dich auf eine spannende Reise durch die Erfahrungen meiner Gäste, die ihren Weg an die Spitze gemeistert haben. Von ihren herausragenden Erfolgen bis zu den Stolpersteinen – hier erhältst du wertvolle Einblicke, um Fehler zu vermeiden und deine Ziele schneller zu erreichen. Bei der Rollladenschmiede verschmelzen Unterhaltung, Emotionen und Expertise, um dir die perfekte Mischung aus professionellem Wissen und lebendigen Geschichten zu bieten. Schärfe dein Verstand und erweitere deinen Horizont mit der Rollladenschmiede – wo Großes geschmiedet wird! Und wenn dir gefällt, was ich hier tue, dann folge meinem Podcast und lass einen netten Kommentar da. Hier kannst du mich natürlich auch finden: Youtube: @dominikheckner Instagram: @hecknerrollladenbau LinkedIn: @Dominik Heckner Website: https://www.hecknerrollladenbau.de Mail: [email protected] Aufnahme - Schnitt - Veröffentlichung Portraitnoir / Thomas Stähler https://www.portraitnoir.de [email protected]

No Days Off with Brian Gubernick

Welcome to the No Days Off podcast with Brian Gubernick - where we believe that each day brings a new opportunity to get better - better at business, better at our relationships, better in health,…better at life! Brian Gubernick is a visionary leader with over 20 years of diverse business and life experience. Currently the Chief Real Estate Officer for PLACE Inc and Co-Founder of Metrix Masterminds, Brian has held numerous other significant roles in the real estate industry including property investor, Realtor, sales team owner, brokerage operating partner, title/escrow company investor, property management partner, and start-up executive. Brian has also trained and/or personally coached thousands of sales professionals on the tenants of business success, leadership, and personal development. Brian’s passion for excellence is matched only by his love for family. He resides in Scottsdale, Arizona, with his wife and two daughters. When he’s not creating exceptional real estate experiences or nurturing his entrepreneurial ventures, Brian can be found enjoying quality time with his loved ones.

The Founder Mindset

Season one of this podcast will explore why would you do this?! How does one become an entrepreneur, why do they take the risk, how do they cope with negativity, how do they remain resilient, what motivates them and what kind of impact do they want to create in the world. The Founder Mindset is hosted by Leah Sarich, a former broadcaster now trying to understand technology and innovation

Introvert Ally

Welcome to the Introvert Ally Podcast! My name is Jennifer Kahnweiler. Most people size me up as an extrovert. I’m pretty enthusiastic, I talk out what’s in my brain and the more people I connect with the better! But, I am also a strong champion for introverts who are often misunderstood and overlooked at work. When we let their quiet strengths surface we unleash more ideas, creativity and new perspectives. I believe that to change cultures we need to have conversations. In this podcast, You will hear me talk with a wide variety of intriguing guests who each have their unique take on introversion. These torchbearers shed light on their experiences and offer concrete tips on what we can do to unleash introvert talent. Thank you for joining the Introvert Ally Revolution!

Soft Life Mastery for High Achievers

Welcome to the Soft Life Mastery for High Achievers podcast, where we dive deep into mastering your emotions, leveling up your life, and achieving peak performance with ease! Hosted by Army Veteran and certified Life Coach [Your Name], this podcast combines actionable insights with a splash of humor, bringing you the ultimate roadmap to emotional intelligence and personal development. **This show is for you if:** 1️⃣ You're an ambitious professional or entrepreneur seeking a harmonious balance between success and emotional well-being. 2️⃣ You've got the hustle but want to replace the grind with grace, leading from a place of emotional mastery. 3️⃣ You're passionate about self-improvement and want actionable tips that fit seamlessly into your fast-paced life. From mastering stress management to unlocking the keys to effective communication, we've got you covered! Each episode features expert interviews, real-life case studies, and your questions answered, all aimed at helping you live a Soft Life while crushing your goals. Hit that subscribe button and let's embark on this journey together!

Pirates of Finance

Unearth nuggets of buried treasure discovered throughout the week in the world of finance, business, and markets with Corey Hoffstein and Jason Buck. Pirates of Finance looks at the open sea of our financial world and discusses new finds, new ideas, and new trends. Pirates of Finance is livestreamed once a week on Fridays.

Imagine Belonging at Work

If you have ever felt disconnected, excluded, or that you just didn’t matter at work, then this podcast is for you. Your host, Rhodes Perry, bestselling author of Imagine Belonging, connects you with inclusive leaders, visionaries, and change makers. This show was created for people like you – inclusive leaders, DEI professionals, visionaries, and change makers. In this podcast, we dare to imagine workplace cultures that have yet to exist…until now. It recognizes that leading this kind of transformative work can be both thrilling and intimidating. You’ll hear inspiring stories from inclusive leaders who have boldly imagined a new way to lead, build teams, and structure the future of work. You’ll learn how they moved beyond their limiting beliefs, giving themselves permission to envision and then build an enduring culture of belonging at work. This kind of proven visioning work results in powerful individual and organizational transformation. During your daily commute, workout, or leisure time, allow Rhodes Perry to share actionable advice, and introduce you to some of the today’s most inspiring DEI thought leaders, all while modeling ways to lead with vulnerability as they bring their full selves to these conversations. Each episode explores the journey of the successful inclusive leader who reflects on the ups and downs of building belonging at work, all in an effort to inspire you to take action, and unapologetically bring as much of your authentic self to work, as you desire.

The Scaling To Business Success Podcast

How do I get started online as a business coach? How can I start my own business while still working my 9 to 5 job? How can I grow on social media? How can I scale to business success? How can I turn my skills into a profitable online business? And the biggest question of all, can I really turn my passion into profits online? It doesn't matter if you're brand new business coach or you've had your business for a while and you're ready to get back into the game, if you have a skill that you're passionate about and you're ready to create your own business around it, this is the show for you. The Scaling To Business Success Podcast is a workshop style business and marketing podcast that is packed with actionable step-by-step tips that are helping thousands of first-time entrepreneurs and business coaches increase their income, authority and influence online and of course, helping them redefine success in their own way. Host Symone Redmond is an award-nominated online business coach who brings you social media strategies, mindset tips, business hacks and inspirational stories that can help you create your dream business and life. Symone shares tangible and actionable steps that she used to create an online business that was able to generate enough income that helped her have her first five-figure year in her business. She's sharing everything that has helped her navigate over five years of entrepreneurship. Now it's YOUR TURN to get inspired, and learn how to tackle your biggest entrepreneur goals along the way. Be sure to subscribe and listen to the podcast!

Sounds Like Marketing

The audio content marketing podcast that’s here to dial businesses and brands into the importance of sound. Every other week on Sounds Like Marketing, you will learn what works and what doesn’t from audio content creators, sonic logo designers, audiologists, music producers, sample experts, studio musicians, voice over professionals and anyone else we can think of who might be able to give us the insights we need to use audio and sound to create more compelling marketing strategies and be better marketers. To hear how you can use sound, music, and audio content to be a better marketer, subscribe to “Sounds Like Marketing” in your favorite podcast player, and if you’re a fan of the show, then tap the share button and send this podcast to someone interested in marketing and branding you know, who’ll appreciate “Sounds Like Marketing”