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The Transaction Abstract Podcast

The Transaction Abstract by Redpath and Company is hosted by Joe Hellman, Partner, CPA, and M&A Advisory Practice Lead and covers all things M&A—providing you with a comprehensive acumen and insightful conversations. Special guests include experts from the world of investment banking, private equity, family offices, search funds, angel investors, attorneys, corporate development officers, and other M&A advisors. Learn from the experts on all aspects of M&A—because buying or selling a business shouldn’t be trial by fire. From Redpath and Company, an accounting and advisory CPA firm based in Saint Paul, Minnesota.

Praxis Optimiert by Nicole Gaus

"Willkommen bei 'Praxis optimiert', dem Podcast für Ärzte und Zahnärzte, die ihre Praxis effizienter gestalten wollen. Erfahren Sie in jeder Episode praxisnahe Tipps und bewährte Strategien für ein optimiertes Praxismanagement. Abonnieren Sie jetzt und steigern Sie Ihren Praxiserfolg!"

Talking People

Talking People is a podcast from Gateley, driven by our people platform. A wide variety of our experts from across our Group's band together to provide you with key information that could impact your team. From workplace investigations, to employment law updates, subscribe to our weekly newsletter, or to our show on the platform of your choice. Ensure you never miss out on our expert advice.

Mitarbeiterbindungsmärchen bei Alex Tkatschenko

Hey und herzlich willkommen bei "Mitarbeiterbindungsmärchen" – dem Podcast, der die Staubwolken der Mitarbeiterkommunikation wegbläst und dir zeigt, wie's wirklich läuft! Ich bin Alex Tkatschenko, deine Gastgeberin mit einer knackigen Portion Kommunikations-Know-how und einer Prise Humor, die dir die Geheimnisse einer bindenden Kommunikation verrät. Mit einer prallen Tasche voller Erfahrungen aus fast einem Jahrzehnt in den Tiefen internationaler Konzerne – mal als duale Studentin, mal als Chefin von einem 80-köpfigen Team, mal als Steuerfrau von Vorstandsprojekten – packe ich für dich die Geschichten aus, die sonst keiner erzählt. In jeder Folge stürzen wir uns kopfüber in die Tiefen der Kommunikation, wo ich dir handfeste Tipps und Tricks serviere, um den Büroalltag zu rocken. Wir sprechen über die Klippen und Gipfel, die du als Führungskraft, Projektleiter oder in jedem kommunikationsintensiven Job erlebst. Ich teile mit dir die emotionalen Achterbahnen hinter den Kulissen der Professionalität und zeige dir, wie du mit klarer Kommunikation dein Team zu Höchstleistungen anspornst. Erwarte provokante Diskussionen, schmunzelnde Anekdoten und den einen oder anderen Augenöffner – "Mitarbeiterbindungsmärchen" ist dein wöchentlicher Treffpunkt, der dich inspiriert, aufklärt und manchmal auch ein bisschen auf die Palme bringt. Hier geht's nicht um graue Theorie, sondern um echte Menschen, echte Gespräche und echte Lösungen. Schnapp dir deinen Kopfhörer und abonniere den Podcast, um Teil einer Community zu werden, die bereit ist, die Kommunikation in ihrem Unternehmen neu zu erfinden. Denn eins ist klar: Gute Kommunikation ist kein Märchen – sie ist das Zauberpulver, das Teams zusammenhält und Unternehmen nach vorne katapultiert.

The Dov Baron Show (previously known as Leadership and Loyalty)

“Come for the stories, and you stay for the learning.” More than another podcast—it's your passport to unparalleled insights. Step into the world's heartbeat with: "The Dov Baron Show." Every episode offers a tantalizing taste of the delicious thoughts and wisdom of global leaders, Deep Thinkers, entertainers, and a spectrum of the most captivating minds—from astronauts soaring the cosmos to philosophers plumbing the soul's depths. What podcast do the top Fortune 500 executives listen to? This one! Every Sunday and Wednesday Dov Baron and his world-class guests including Guy Kawasaki, Tom Bilyeau, Keith Ferrazzi, Major General Ambassador Scott Gration, Presidential Candidate Carly Fiorina, Commander Mark Divine, Jesse Itzler, Marisa Peer, John Oates, John (The Economic Hitman) Perkins, The Mother of Mindfulness Dr. Ellen Langer, Jordan Harbinger, and Kevin Harrington to name but a few who share the raw truth of their heroic journeys from devastation to purpose.

What's Up In Waste

Your weekly dose of waste innovation news & stories in 3 mins.

Business On Purpose Podcast

Welcome to the 'Business On Purpose' podcast, where inspiration meets practicality in the entrepreneurial world. Join us in exploring the diverse journeys of entrepreneurs, business leaders, owners, and sales experts. Each episode, we're honored to interview these trailblazers, uncovering their initial steps, the hurdles they've overcome, and the mentors who've guided them. Our conversations aren't just stories; they're lessons in what it takes to succeed, the mindset needed to push through challenges, and the strategies that have led these professionals to where they are today. Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur or a seasoned business person, 'Business On Purpose' is your gateway to learning directly from those who've walked the path. Tune in and discover something new with every story – because here, we learn by engaging with those who've turned their visions into reality. Let's embark on this journey of growth and discovery together, with 'Business On Purpose.'

Be Neuroinclusive

If you're a CEO, director, diversity or HR Lead, how is your company supporting the one in five colleagues who think, learn, and respond in different ways due to neurodivergence? Because when workplaces are set up for the neurotypical, bias and exclusions can creep in. And without a neuroinclusive approach, team members can become frustrated and disengage, impacting productivity, retention, and profitability. I’m Victoria Tretis, and I’m a certified coach, trainer and speaker who specialises in neuroinclusivity. Companies work with me to raise awareness of the benefits of neurodiversity at work through training, coaching and consultancy. Are you a leader who’s interested in exploring neuroinclusion at your company? To discuss your ideas and gain insights into successful practices in the world of work, feel free to schedule an insights call with me. Let's have a conversation and explore how we can foster neuroinclusion together. Click the link to go directly to my online calendar: https://bookme.name/victoriatretis/lite/discovery-30  

Long Term Care Radio

Long-Term Care Specialist, Brian Ott hosts a weekly show covering all aspects of long-term care.

Confidence Is Cash

Welcome to the Confidence is Cash Podcast, a podcast for professionals seeking fulfillment and purpose in their careers. Each week, we sit down with experts and trailblazers to discuss the ups and downs of finding and following your passions, whether it's through climbing the corporate ladder, starting a business, or launching a side hustle. Our guests share their experiences, lessons learned, and the advice they wish they had known sooner. Join us as we explore the cheat codes to career success and amplify our financial situations.

Smooth Operator Podcast

Ready to operationalize your business? This is a show for operators, business managers, operations directors, and integrators to help you manage the nitty gritty of running a thriving online business.

Inside the Director's Circle

We’ve all heard the adage “It’s lonely at the top” and it will resonate with most people in positions of leadership. Each week coaching psychologist Jason Langford-Brown invites members of the Director’s Circle business community to support each other to solve challenges they are having in their businesses. Experts from our Knowledge Circles, Jo Keeler (Belbin), Brian Glibkowski (Answer Intelligence) and Alex Bishop (Shoosmiths) to name a few, join Jason and our business leaders to offer further support and learnings.