Business Category
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Scott Gillum, Founder & CEO of Carbon Design, interviews experts on topics like connecting with buyers, motivating audiences, and navigating the constantly changing context for sales and marketing. Combining his experience as an agency head, CMO, and strategic consultant with his incorrigible curiosity, Scott asks questions his guests haven't considered to unlock fresh insights for sales and marketing leaders.
Podcast sobre educação do investidor e Planejamento Financeiro, o Investimento em Pauta, trará as analises e opiniões do Professor Humberto Rocha, com experiência de mais de 19 anos no mercado financeiro, atualmente atua como docente no Insper, é Doutor em Administração com ênfase em finanças pela FEA-USP, e Mestre em administração pela PUC-SP. Semanalmente, levarei até você conhecimento de qualidade, deixando-o sempre bem informado. Um abraço Ricardo Humberto Rocha [email protected]
B-Schooled: Get Your MBA Admit, a podcast from top MBA admissions consulting firm Stacy Blackman Consulting, covers all aspects of the MBA application and admissions process. We offer insight and advice on how to pull together your personal-best business school materials — and make the most of your time once you get on campus. We’ll occasionally hold interviews with current business school students and recent graduates, as well as other important players along a typical candidate’s MBA admissions journey.
Im DEAL Podcast erfährst du als Vertriebler und Verkäufer alles was du brauchst, um erfolgreich im IT und Software Sales zu sein. In Interviews verraten dir Top Verkäufer und Experten aus dem SaaS Vertrieb ihre Best Practices, mit denen du noch mehr Kunden gewinnen wirst. Das Ziel ist einfach mehr zu verkaufen. Du bekommst praktische Sales Tipps entlang des gesamten SaaS, Software und IT Sales Prozesses, um einfach mehr zu verkaufen: Lerne wie du mehr Termine mit Neukunden bekommst, mehr qualifizierte Sales Opportunities aufbaust, mit Einwänden umgehst und deine Conversion Rate erhöhst, um alle deine Ziele im Vertrieb zu erreichen. Erfahre welches Mindset und Skillset notwendig ist, um im Vertrieb nicht nur zu bestehen, sondern ihn zu meistern. Jiri Siklar ist selber seit ca. 2010 im IT und Software Vertrieb tätig und verrät dir, was funktioniert und was nicht. Website: Kontakt: [email protected]
Welcome To Take Action with Nicole Simmons. This podcast is to help you take action so you can be your best self. I believe that most peoples full potential goes undiscovered simply because of their inability to find the courage to take massive action. You have a choice daily to live a life full of creating undeniable impact and purpose or a life that leaves you full of regret and wondering what if? Each of us are destined for big things, it's not that just some of us can make a difference. It’s that in order to live a life operating in your full potential you have to be bold, courageous, and more than willing to take massive action.
Un espacio donde la salud, el bienestar y las historias de vida se encuentran. Conduce el Dr. Gabriel, médico, humanitario y líder en proyectos sociales, quien comparte conversaciones sinceras con expertos, colegas y amigos. Desde experiencias académicas hasta lecciones de vida, cada episodio te inspira a cuidar de tu cuerpo, mente y comunidad. ¡Sintoniza y descubre un nuevo enfoque para vivir plenamente!
Hosted by David Iglesias, Director of the Wheaton Center for Faith, Politics and Economics at Wheaton College (IL), Three Things explores modern issues surrounding faith, politics, and economics -- or three things our parents taught us not to talk to strangers about. Join us for conversations that explore topics in a measured, civil and winsome way.
Fear factor, what is it? This is a habit successful people, who have the growth mindset adopt to overcome their fear. Using fear as a factor to leap into their next level of success. What would you do if you weren’t afraid? Is fear stopping you from achieving your goals? Are you afraid of rejection, failure, judgment, or being successful? Does fear stop you from leaving your 9-to-5, or starting your entrepreneur’s journey? How can you take action in spite of fear? How can you break through this mindset barrier so you can turn your passion into profits? Welcome to the Fear Factor podcast where we answer all of these questions, and so much more about the habits of successful people. Every week we will be providing you mindset tools and strategies, with inspirational stories from successful women so that you can overcome fear to achieve your goals. Together, we can help you stop living ‘IN’ fear to design your dream life and business where fear is, ultimately, a catalyst to your success.